ASFFelix & World War IIASF
September 15, 1944 to January 16, 1945
Army Service Forces
Communications Zone, Paris


The Northern France Campaign ended on September 14.

Paris was the headquarters and center of the Army Service Forces.

The 3110th Signal Service Battalion was one of the Army Service Forces Signal Corps units. The 3110th built, maintained, and operated communications infrastructure of the Army Service Forces to supply and service the Army Ground and Air Forces.

Those forces were engaged in the Rhineland and Ardennes-Alsace (Battle of the Bulge) Campaigns.

The 3110th does not have campaign participation credit for either of those campaigns because Paris was outside the geographic area of those campaigns.

September 15, 1944: Part of Company C move from Cherbourg to Paris.

Two officers and 64 enlisted men of Company C were detached to Company A, 810th Signal Service Battalion.

Prior to December 10: Detachment of Company C joined the rest of the battalion in Paris. Exact date is being researched.

December 10: Felix was hospitalized with frostbite.

Felix said that the Army doctors told him that they might need to amputate part of all of his hands and feet.

However night after night after the American doctors had gone, a captured German doctor working in the American hospital massaged Felix's hands and feet with a special salve.

Eventually Felix healed.

A captured American soldier with "frozen feet" reported that from German medical supplies, the German guard gave him "something that looked like axle grease...which we rubbed on our feet." (From Alex Kershaw in The Longest Winter, Da Capo Press, 2004, page 168.) Could this be the special salve Felix described that the German POW doctor used?

For more information:

Signal Corps personnel and cold injuries

Felix A. Cizewski: An Unrecognized and Uncompensated Disabled Veteran?

January 1: Felix is promoted to Private First Class.

January 16: Felix reassigned to the 3rd Reinforcement Battalion, 16th Reinforcement Depot.

January 29: Felix is assigned to the 45th Signal Company, 45th Infantry Division.
Related links:
Paris Felix had a copy of the Pocket guide to Paris and the cities of northern France.

Complete copy on the Internet Archive
"Seine Section, Paris France, 1945"  :"Unit history published for the officers and men of the Seine Section, part of the Theater Service Forces, European Theater."
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INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

All material not in the public domain
 or with specified copyrights are
© 2006 - 2014
Leonard H. Cizewski

Last Updated: December 4, 2014
Posted: On or before
June 8, 2009
Last Reviewed:

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