ASFFelix & World War 2ASF
After October, 1942 and no later than October, 1943
Three GIs
Felix is on the right with two unidentified GIs. Felix is wearing his T/5 (Technician 5th class) stripes . That means this is at least sometime after Felix's promotion to T/5 in October, 1942 and before his demotion to Private no later than October, 1943. Felix and the GI on the left are wearing weapons qualification badges. Felix's discharge states he was qualified as a marksman with a rifle. He appears to have an Expert Badge with two Qualification Bars and a Marksman Badge with one Qualification Bar. The screen in back suggests a photo studio.
Felix with Army Service Forces patch, Signal Corps collar insignia, two Weapons Qualification badges each with one Qualification bar, Technician 5th class stripes.
Studio photos of Felix.

Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson
Family History Ibiblio Index

© 2007 Leonard H. Cizewski
Last Modified on January 3, 2007
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