ASF Company C, 3110th Signal Service BattalionASF


In August and September, 1944, Company C,  3110th Signal Service Battalion served in Cherbourg, France.

While in the Cherbourg area Felix A. Cizewski, my late father, and unidentified GIs visited Bois du Mont du Roc, Sideville. Sideville is about 5 miles (7.8 kilometers) southwest of Cherbourg.

gueritte de surveillance
August or September, 1944 at a Nazi guard box at Bois du Mont du Roc, Sideville.

Felix is standing in the back row, first on the left.

At Bois du Mont du Roc,
Sideville the Nazis had built a pool and recreation facility. Perhaps after liberation the Americans used it.
Guard box today.

Along with the pool, this is one of the remainders of the Nazi recreation facility.

Photo © Claude Letellier
Bois du Mont du Roc
Today, this site is a park.

© Claude Lettelier

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Histoire et Patrimoine: (In French)
<< Northern France
INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

All material not in the public domain or with specified copyrights are
© 2014 Leonard H. Cizewski

Last Updated:
Posted: September 20, 2014
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