45Felix & World War 245

Hofoldinger Forst (Hofoldinger Forrest)

May, June, or July, 1945: Felix told of how the German planes seemed to appear out of nowhere. The Americans could not find their airfields.

Americans discovered the high quality autobahn was being used as an airstrip.
Public domain image from the National Archives and Records
Administration reproduced in
Hitlers geheime Flugzeugfabriken Düsenjäger im Dickicht
in EINESTAGES Spiegel online.
From: Report of Operations: The Seventh United
States Army in France and Germany 1944-1945, Volume II.
The 45th Division stopped its advance in Munich.

This is in the Hofoldinger Forst (Hofoldinger Forrest) south of Munich along the highway 8 to Salzburg.

Felix is not in this photo. The unit or date are not identified.

Sometime between May and July, 1945 while on occupation duty Felix traveled to the German-Austrian border to visit Kehlsteinhaus, Hitler's Eagle's.

The scenes illustrated in these photos may have been along Felix's route and he may have witnessed them.
Acknowledgement: Klaus Bohnen of Erkelenz, Germamy assisted with this page.

INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

© 2006 - 2012 Leonard H. Cizewski

Last Updated: March 7, 2012
Posted: March 7, 2012
Last Reviewed:
INDEX: Felix & WW2

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