45thFelix & World War 245th
Notification of Redeployment to the War with Japan
and Movement to France

The 45th Infantry Division is notified that it will be redeployed to the Pacific and the war with Japan.
(Information regarding the planned transfer of the 45th to the Pacific is from Flint Whitlock's The Rock of Anzio: From Sicily to Dachau: A history of the U.S. 45th Infantry Division.)

The 45th  Infantry Division was not listed in the August, 1945 Provisional Order of Battle for the Invasion of Japan. The invasion plans state that "If additional troops were needed, as expected, other Divisions redeployed from Europe and undergoing training in the United States would be shipped to Japan in what was hoped to be the final push." The 45th may have been one of the those divisions.

(From "An Invasion not found in the history books" by James Martin Davis, The Omaha World Herald, November, 1987.)
July, 1945 movement of the 45th Infantry Divison from Munich, Germany to Reims, FranceJuly, 1945 movement of the 45th Infantry Divison from Munich, Germany to Reims, France

Late July, 1945:  Transfer to Camp St. Louis, Mourmelon Sub Area, near Verzenay, approximately 15 kilometers south of Reims, France.

Imagine the distress Felix and the other members of the 45th Division felt as they made this journey. They started from the vicinity of Dachau and proceeded through areas of Germany and France they just fought over weeks earlier. They passed through Verdun in France, still scarred by a World War 1 battle that lasted over eleven month with over 700,000 causalties, one of the longest and costliest in history. Their final destination was only a temporary stop on their way to the Pacific and the war with Japan.

Map Page 2 Map Page 1

Felix could he have used these maps as one of the drivers in the movement of the 45th Infantry Division from Munich to Reims. Verdun in the center of this map.
Lower right corner: Starting point for "Div Arty, SP Troops I P #2," "Einsbach"  according to the note in the lower left corner. The 45th Signal Company, Felix's company, would be a Special Troop, referred to as "SP Troops" on the map. Dachau would be near the end of the road starts in Furstenfeldbruck through I P #1 (Geiselbullach) to about the end line on the above map just beyond ""Div Arty, SP Troops I P #2."

INDEX: Felix A. Cizewski (Signal Corps, Europe) & WWII
INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

© 2006 - 2010 Leonard H. Cizewski

Last Modified on July 14, 2010

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