45Felix & World War 245
A Gathering of GIs

While this photo is undated and the place is not named, several hints can be seen which suggest time and place.

Felix and all but one of the soldiers have 45th Infantry Division shoulder patches. The soldier to Felix's left (right edge of the photo) has a 7th Army shoulder path. The 45th Infantry Division was in the 7th Army. The last time the 45th Division was with the 7th Army was on occupation duty in Bavaria. The Seventh Army remained in Germany while on July 15, 1945, the 45th was transferred to France, the first stage of expected redeployment to the Pacific and the war with Japan.

Ribbons, campaign and service stripes are visible on some of the uniforms. Felix had ribbons like these on the uniform he wore while on leave in Switzerland in August, 1945.

This suggests the photo is from no later than July 14, 1945 somewhere in Bavaria, perhaps the Enlisted Men's Club in Munich.
Close up of Felix. Note his 45th Infantry Division shoulder patch and ribbons on the uniform of the soldier behind him.

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© 2006 Leonard H. Cizewski
Last Modified on December 2, 2006
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