7th ID PatchPhilip Lovetere & World War I7th ID Patch
Philip Lovetere, Paris, undated

Philip Lovetere served in Company C, 1st Battalion, 64th Infantry Regiment, 14th Infantry Brigade, 7th Infantry Division

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Some of the larger images adjusted and enhanced for clarity and legibility

June, 1918
Cover Page
June 1918 Roster Cover Sheet
June 1918 page
Philip Lovetere is 14th down from the top phonetically spelled "Lovetere"
June 1918 Roster

July 31, 1918, Midnight, Camp MacArthur, Texas
First Page
July 31 1918
                    Cover Page

July 31, 1918, Midnight,Camp MacArthur, Texas
Philip Lovetere #100 phonetically spelled "Luvetere".July 31 1918 Roster
September 30, 1918
Philip Lovetere (phonetically spelled "Luvetere" #24 second coRoster 30 September 1919lumn)
February 29, 1919
Rogerville, Seine-Maritime department, Normandy region, France.
#21 Philip Lovetere 2nd column, phonetically spelled "Luvetere"
On detached service (DS) With 7th Division football team since February 11.

February 29,
                    1919 Roster
March 31, 1919
#21 Philip Lovetere 2nd column, phonetically spelled"Luvetere"
March 31 1919
June 30, 1919
Philip Lovetere 2nd column, sixth from the bottom, phonetically spelled "Luvetere"
June 30, 1919
Probbly about June, 1919 with home addresses.

This was probably compiled with home addresses so members of the unit could stay in touch with each other after the war.

Philip's daughter, Leonard H. Cizewski's mother Anne says that after the war one of the veterans contacted Philip for a copy of this roster to use in documenting a claim for veterans benefits. The veteran was from rural Indiana and sent by truck to Philip and his family in Chicago a live turkey as a thank you.
Page 1: Officers, Sergeants, Corporals, Cooks, Mechanics, Buglers
Page 2: Privates First Class and Privates last names A through DeBartolo.

Philip Lovetere 1st column with added orange arrow phonetically spelled "Luvetere".
Page 3: Privates last names: Dluzevski through Youngblood.

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INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

All material not in the public domain © 2017-2020 Leonard H. Cizewski

Minor Revision: May 3, 2017
Last Major Update: July 21, 2020
Last Reviewed:
Posted: April 29, 2017

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Page Acknowledgement:

John Plunkett of the Meuse-Argonne Facebook Group researched the additional rosters that were not in the Lovetere family collection

Professor Alan Richard Nelson
, grandson of John Frederick Edvard Nelson, 
Company K, 64th Infantry Regiment, 14th Infantry Brigade, 7th Infantry Division assisted in researching Philip Lovetere and WWI.

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