Patch810th Signal Service BattalionPatch


Detachment 1, Company C, 3110th Signal Service Company was attached to Company A, 810th  Signal Service Battalion

Kelda Ytterdal, niece of of 810th veteran Paul Ytterdal, describes was the work of those units in Cherbourg:

"Units of the 810th arrived in Cherbourg in September 1944 and took over the operation of the telephone and teleprinter sections and the repeater station of the Cherbourg Switching Center.

"An additional building to house equipment was erected under very difficult conditions.

"The machinery had to be set up under canvas, and the cement floor laid and the building constructed during a season of heavy rain.

"A recreation hall was also built here which contained a stage and a bar. Movies and dances were held in this hall.

"By the middle of September 7 Paris trunks had been installed and telephone booking service inaugurated.

"During the month of November 1944 an average of 700 messages per day with a peak of 950 were being handled in the message center.

From: Ytterdal, Kelda. HOLD FIRM: World War II - 810th Signal Service Corp Kindle Edition.

 << INDEX: 3110th Signal Service Battalion

All material not in the public domain © 2019 Leonard H. Cizewski and Kelda Ytterdal
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Last Reviewed:
Posted: March 24, 2019

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