ASF3110th Signal Service BattalionASF

Company C

Cable Repair Teams

Company C: All members of the Cable Repair Teams are listed on Company C's roster attached to the July 14, 1944 Company Morning Report (links below).

Based on that all probably were deployed to Normandy on July 25 and were among the members of the 3110th who served in Tamerville and Valognes.
Click on images for larger versions.
GL Team
February 8, 1944:
G.L. Teams *
Camp Wood, New Jersey.

Back row:

2nd from the right:
Wilbert H. Hansen.

3rd from the right:
Warren J. Martin.
Albert L. Lewis
Laurence M. Slack
John G. Artie
George R. Miller
Rich W. Wang
Samuel Goodman
Harold Powell
Bert Markowitz
Floyd C. Milhouse
Andrew W. Morvay
Harold E. Quinley
Wilbert. H. Hansen
Loring Pingley
John B. Rada, Jr.
Harold K. Sullivan
George H. Kiester
Photos shared by Warren J. Martin Jr., Esq., son of the late 3110th veteran Warren J. Martin.
Photos of Signal Corps soldiers from units other than the 3110th  Cable Repair Team working with cables.. Also includes a photo of the most commonly used cable in the European Theatre of Operations (ETO). Researcher: Chad Phillips.)
* G.L. Team: According to TO and E 11-500 GL is the early prefix for Cable Repair Team. GL was changed to GX on 1 July 1943.

Source: Table of Organization and Equipment (TO and E) 11-500 page 64 and GX.

Researcher: Chad Phillips of the WW2 US Signal Corps Reenactors, Researchers and Collectors Worldwide and 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Reenactors.
Cited Company Morning Reports:

Corrected July 14, 1944 Morning Report with roster page 3

Roster pages 1 and 2

All material not in the public domain © 2015 - 2016 Leonard H. Cizewski
and Warren J. Martin Jr., Esq.

Minor Revision:
Last Major Update: August 14, 2016
Last Reviewed:
Posted: December 2, 2015

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