            Signal Battalion Shoulder Patch93rd Signal BattalionXII Corps Shoulder Patch

Third Army, XII Corps

LEFT: 93rd Signal Battalion Distinctive Unit Insignia RIGHT; XII Corps Shoulder Patch

Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace (Battle of the Bulge), and Central Europe. Occupation of Germany.


Distinguished Unit Citation Distinguished Unit


Affiliated with the Indiana Bell Telephone Company


August to October: Second Army Signal Battalion during Tennessee Maneuvers.

After Tennessee, Maneuvers: Returned to Replacement Training Center, Camp Crowder, Missouri.

December 15: Cadre furnished for 69th Signal Battalion, Camp McCain, Mississippi.


May 23: Organization Day PDF

June 20: Last day at Camp Crowder

June: Desert Training Center in the Mojave Desert and Sonoran Desert in Southern California and Western Arizona i


April 6: 93rd boarded a train, possibly in Los Angeles, for the New York Port of Embarkation.

April 10 - 16: Most of the XII travels aboard the Queen Mary from the port of New  York to Gourock, Scotland.

April 16 to June 16: XIIth Corps at at Camp Bewdley, England. The 93rd was in the lower camp.

1944 Troopship Crossings

Second part of April: Second Platoon, Company C, 93rd Signal Battalion participated in maneuvers with the 2nd French Armored Division.

February 28 to May 6: February 28 to May 6, 1944
June 7: Camp No. 2, Bewdley, England June 7, 1944

June 16: Camp Bewdley assigned to a hospital unit. 93rd moves to Camp Coton. Members of the 93rd  Messeage Center Telephone and Teletype platoons were sent as an Operating Detachment with the XIIth Corps Headquarters that had relocated to Birmingham.

July 23: Advance Detachments land on Utah Beach.

July 25 - August 1: First Army launches an offensive that breaks through the Nazi defenses in Normandy.

July 26: The 93rd Signal Battalion is divided between the Liberty Ships James D. Haviland and John S.Campbell for the crossing the English Channel.

July 27, The 93rd with the main body of the XII Corps disembarks onto prefabricated wharves on Utah Beach.


Text PDF

August 1: Third Army becomes operational in Normandy to exploit the First Army's breakthrough. Units of the Third Army had been deployed to Normandy since July.

August 6 - 14: XII Corps becomes operational.
August 13: XII Corps assembled south of Le Mans, France.

August 18: 5 miles south of Cloyes-sur-le-Loir August 18, 1944

The 93rd was to assemble east of Le Mans 5 kilometers south of Cloys sur-le-Loir.

September 1: 4 kilometers north of Sompuis, France
September. Foug, and October 2, between Nancy, and Metz September and October
November 23 to December 8: Sarralbe, France Sarralbe, France


Approximately March 23: Line drawing of Signal Corps soldier working on wires on pole PDF

April 9 - 13: Meiningen, Germany April, 1945 Meiningen

Summary of service: PDF

Occupation Duty: PDF

The 93rd assisted in the rebuilding of Germany. The 93rd was among the last of the XII Corps units to leave Germany on October 31, 1945.

Additional information about the 93rd is in XII corps, Spearhead of Patton's Third Army by Lt. Col. George Dyer See Index page

<< Unofficial Informal Archive of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in WWII
Acknowledgement and Sources:
Page constructed:

- With selections from
XII Corps, Spearhead of Patton's Third Army by Lt. Col. George Dyer.

In consultation with Sherry Mutchler, daughter-in-law of the late 93rd veteran Norbert Mutchler

All material not in the public domain Copyright 2019 - 2023 Leonard H. Cizewski

Minor Revision or Correction: February 10, 2023
Last Major Update: February 9, 2023
Last Reviewed:
Posted: June 9, 2019

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