Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine / Volume 2, Number 5 / May 1, 1995 / Page 2

Editor's Page

by John December (, Publisher/Editor

This issue

Trade shows are nearly all alike. Having attended two within a two-week period, I sometimes can't keep the events straight---did I see VRML demonstrated in San Jose or Atlanta? Despite their surface blandness, however, trade shows sometimes announce the leading edge of technologies that are soon to be in consumer hands. In the online world, technologies as well as many other aspects of human communication through networks, are changing rapidly. In this issue, we look in detail at the recent, Internet World conference. I also give a brief report on the Comdex trade show held in Atlanta recently.

This issue also continues other themes in which we are interested. Kevin Hunt critiques MCI's Gramercy Press web, a site that many presenters at Internet World and Comdex discussed in several ways--some praised its innovation; others critiqued its "hollowness."

A New Look

Thanks to CMC Magazine Graphics editor Jason Teague for our new look--some of which takes advantage of Netscape 1.1 browser features. Please let Jason ( know what you think.

Thanks for this issue

This issue could not have been created without the help of all the staff and authors who contribute to this magazine each month. Special thanks for this issue to: Lee Honeycutt, Chris Lapham, Amelia DeLoach, Kevin Hunt, Lisa Schmeiser, Jason Teague, Nick Weaver, and Kirsten Cooke.

Enjoy the issue!

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