UNC-Chapel Hill Computing History



The Univac 1105 was installed in Phillips Hall in August 1959, and the Computation Center was dedicated March 30, 1960. This site contains several photos of the 1105, the Computation Center dedication program (which describes the speed and capacity the $2,450,000 machine), a Timelinehistory, and much more.

The main source of content was four boxes of materials in the University Archives from the Computation Center, now Information Technology Services.

About this website


Photo/Image Collections

·         Computation Center, ACS, ATN, OIT

o   Univac 1105  38 images

o   Machine room  20 images

o   Replacing IBM Model 75   19 images

o   Microcomputing: facilities and lab locations  2 images

o   Data entry, terminals, OCR  17 images

o   Newsletters and Newsbriefs  189 images

o   Documentation/Manuals/Reports  18 images

·         Data Communications21 images

·         People41 images

·         Psychometric Laboratory10 images

·         Triangle Universities Computation Center (TUCC)6 images
Formed Summer 1965, closed June 1990.
Inventory of the Triangle Universities Computation Center (TUCC) records, 1954-1990 and undated


·         Timeline

·         Summary of the first 25 years, 25th anniversary

·         Brochures

·         Computation Center materials in the University archives

·         Department of Computer Science

·         Presentations and Videos


Personal Bios
Individuals contributed personal bios in 2008.