title: Jeff Kaufman's collection editor: Jeff Kaufman home_url: http://www.jefftk.com/contras/dances/ base_url: http://www.jefftk.com/contras/dances/ events: - 2008-05-03 ADDED (38 dances) at "http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/08/cbr/contras/dances/" - 2012-07-29 CHANGE url to "http://www.jefftk.com/contras/dances/" # dances: # Written by friends, family, and me - lo: ihop.html ti: Trip to IHOP au: Danner Claflin & the IHOP crew fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: fatbear.html ti: Fat Bear's Reel au: Jeff Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: mrsanders.html ti: Good Morning Mr. Sanders au: Jeff Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: buttah.html ti: Smooth like Buttah au: Rose Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: bouzouki.html ti: Stoned Bouzouki au: Kevin Aderer & Mike Venman & Alice Kaufman & others fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: xmas.html ti: Christmas Dance 2005 au: Rick Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: pleasanthill.html ti: Pleasant Hill, TN au: Rick Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: ginger.html ti: Ginger Tea au: Rose Kaufman & Alice Kaufman & Claire Thomforde-Garner & Stephen Thomforde fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: gingerbeer.html ti: Ginger Beer au: Jeff Kaufman & Alice Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: labubblesort.html ti: La BubbleSort au: Jeff Kaufman & Ben Newman fo: Sm 1x2 mixer ev: - 2010-07-01 ADDED - lo: junket.html ti: Junket Square au: Jeff Kaufman fo: C 4x2 mixer ev: - 2011-02-03 ADDED - lo: fart.html ti: FARTing Around au: Jeff Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2011-02-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: tummas.html ti: Contra Good Tummas au: Jeff Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2017-06-02 ADDED - lo: nine-years.html ti: Nine Years au: Jeff Kaufman fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2018-04-05 ADDED # Other dances I've called - lo: boxthegnat.html ti: Box the Gnat Contra au: Becky Hill fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: nicecombo.html ti: The Nice Combination au: Gene Hubert fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: marycays.html ti: Mary Cay's Reel au: David Kaynor fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: chased.html ti: - Over the Hill and Still Chased - Newly Friendly Thieves au: Roger Diggle fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2011-05-01 CHANGED lo: "thieves.html" to "chased.html" - 2011-05-01 CHANGED ti: added "Over the Hill and Still Chased" - 2011-05-01 CHANGED au: "unknown" to "Roger Diggle". - lo: patriots.html ti: Patriot's Jig au: Ted Sanella fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - 2014-09-09 REMOVED - lo: poetryinmotion.html ti: Poetry in Motion au: Lisa Greenleaf fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: produce.html ti: Al's Safeway Produce au: Robert Cromartie fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: centrifugal.html ti: Centrifugal Hey au: Gene Hubert fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: goodfriday.html ti: Good Friday au: Kirston Koths fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: hayinthebarn.html ti: Hay in the Barn au: Chart Guthrie fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: zombies.html ti: The Zombies of Sugar Hill au: Gene Hubert fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: zerosum.html ti: Zero Sum Game au: Davis Smukler fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: thursday.html ti: Thursday Night Special #1 au: Larry Jennings fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: jackson.html ti: Levi Jackson Rag au: Pat Shaw fo: C 5x2 mixer ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: rockinrobin.html ti: Rockin' Robin au: Rick Mohr fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: labastringue.html ti: La Bastringue au: trad fo: Cm 1x2 mixer ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: bacon.html ti: Burning the Bacon au: Steve Zakon-Anderson fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: withthanks.html ti: With Thanks to the Dean au: Steve Zakon-Anderson fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: mmusk.html ti: Money Musk au: trad fo: Lm 3x2 ppp ev: - 2009-09-02 ADDED - lo: alligator.html ti: Alligator Reel au: Leda Shapiro fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: brose.html ti: The Baby Rose au: unstated fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: delphiniums.html ti: Delphiniums and Daisies au: Tanya Rotenberg fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: heartbeat.html ti: Heartbeat Contra au: Don Flaherty fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: ladiesstar.html ti: Ladies Star au: Tony Parkes fo: C 4x2 mixer ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: melaniestriplet.html ti: Melanie's Triplet au: Melanie Axel-Lute fo: L 3x2 ppp ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: mmmmotion.html ti: Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion au: Cary Ravitz fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: mwfolklore.html ti: Midwest Folklore au: Orace Johnson fo: Lm 2x2 becket ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: ppushers.html ti: Pedal Pushers au: Bob Dalsemer fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: second.html ti: The Second Time Around au: Jim Kitch fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: sshadrack.html ti: Shades of Shadrack au: Gene Hubert -> Scott Higgs fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: ttthree.html ti: 3-33-33 au: Steve Zakon-Anderson fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: httwedding.html ti: Haste To The Wedding au: unstated fo: - Cm 2x2 ip - Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - 2011-02-03 MOVED from "intend to call" to "called" - 2011-02-03 CHANGE fo: add Lm 2x2 ip - lo: willow.html ti: Strip The Willow au: trad? fo: L Nx2 p ev: - 2011-02-03 ADDED - lo: ceilidh.html ti: Virginia Reel (Scottish Version) au: trad fo: L Nx2 p ev: - 2011-02-03 ADDED - 2011-07-02 CHANGE ti from "Unknown Ceilidh Dance" - lo: budgie.html ti: Chuck the Budgie au: Rick Mohr fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2011-07-02 ADDED - lo: cranky.html ti: Cranky Ingenuity au: Bill Olson fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2011-07-02 ADDED # Dances I've liked and intend to call at some point - lo: loveandkisses.html ti: Love and Kisses au: Ted Sannella fo: Cm 1x2 mixer ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: turninginturn.html ti: Turning in Turn au: Bob Isaacs fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: silver.html ti: Silver Anniversary Reel au: Jim Kitch fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2008-05-03 ADDED - lo: basket.html ti: Basket Dance au: unstated fo: - Cm 2x2 ip - Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: sixpence.html ti: Broken Sixpence au: unstated fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: carousel.html ti: The Carousel au: unstated fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: jennylind.html ti: Jenny Lind Polka au: unstated fo: Lm 3x2 ppp ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: kerry.html ti: Kerry Set au: trad fo: C 4x2 ev: - 2010-10-01 ADDED - lo: cumberland.html ti: Cumberland Square Eight au: trad fo: C 4x2 ev: - 2011-09-08 ADDED - lo: spring.html ti: Spring Fever au: Tony Parkes fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2011-09-08 ADDED - lo: justbecause.html ti: Just Because au: unstated fo: C 4x2 mixer ev: - 2012-03-31 ADDED - lo: lambertville.html ti: Trip To Lambertville au: Steve Zakon-Anderson fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2012-03-31 ADDED - lo: rangtang.html ti: Rang Tang Contra au: unknown fo: Lm 2x2 ip ev: - 2012-12-01 ADDED