This is dance #6575 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Rattlesnake Trio

by Heiner Fischle

Permission: full

FormationBase: Three Facing Three
Progression: Single



(16) Ones line weave around twos (left-end partner in lead) (behind right-hand two; in front of middle two; behind left-hand two; return to place)


(16) Twos line weave around ones (left-end partner in lead) (behind right-hand one; in front of middle one; behind left-hand one; return to place)


(8) [All six] Circle left

(8) [All six] Circle right


(8) In lines of three, go forward and back

(8) Pass through along (NR)

Calling Notes:

Ones face counterclockwise
Appearances: website Fischle
OtherNames: Klapperschlangen-Trio