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Searched the Web for web accessibility
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,340,000.
Category: Computers > Software > ... > Clients > WWW > Browsers > Accessibility
Home page of W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative--resources for increasing accessibility of the Web for people with disabilities. ... Description: Guidelines and resources from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). - 11k - Apr 8, 2003
... click Submit. URL: Guidelines to use: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 US Section 508 Guidelines. Bobby Sponsor IBM Logo. If ... - 8k - Apr 8, 2003
Web Accessibility Information and Solutions. General Info introduction, laws, guidelines, articles, viewpoints. ... WAVE 3.0 Web Accessibility Tool now available. ... Description: Information, training, resources, guidelines and standards for Web accessibility and disability access... - 17k - Apr 8, 2003
Web Accessibility. Use this checklist for: Web sites; Web applications ... IBM Web Accessibility Checklist. Last updated September 27, 2002. ... - 21k - Apr 8, 2003
... Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible - A resource for learning and understanding Web Accessibility. Web Access Tools. User Tools. ... Description: Research and links from the Trace Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison. - 32k - Apr 8, 2003
... The tool's evaluation and repair checklist is based on accessibility guidelines created and maintained by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide ... - 7k
... Using this web site, Federal employees and the public can access resources for .. GSA is committed to Section 508 compliance and accessibility of websites. ... Description: Official website for Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act. - 16k
... Introducing Web Accessibility. ... The first part of this series introduces you to the world of Web accessibility involving people with disabilities. ... - 20k

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