Energy and Environment: New Technologies for Growth

In his February 22, 1993, statement on Technology for America's Economic Growth, President Clinton's foremost goal is "long-term economic growth that creates jobs and protects the environment." In establishing this goal, the President rejected the conventional view that economic growth and environmental quality are inversely related that is, that gains in one produce setbacks in the other.

Today's high fuel and waste-disposal costs, stiff business competition, and high levels of national and international environmental awareness have fundamentally changed the economic growth/environment equation. Inefficient industrial practices that were economically and environmentally practical just 10 years ago are no longer viable. Today, such waste is too costly to business competitiveness and to our environment, especially with growing concern over urban air quality and global warming.

The Clinton Administration is working with the U.S. business and research communities to promote the development and deployment of new technologies that simultaneously prevent pollution, increase energy efficiency, and promote economic growth. Clean technologies such as energy-efficient light bulbs and motors, alternative fuel cars, and advanced steel making reduce air pollutants and other pollutants. Such technologies also reduce the energy needs of U.S. companies, trimming costs, improving international competitiveness, freeing up money for capital investments, and reducing the Nation's energy trade deficit. The result is improved environmental quality and long-term economic growth.

Adding to these positive effects are the tremendous opportunities for increasing U.S. exports of environmental technologies. Over the next decade, developing nations will be expanding their economies fivefold, while the global population doubles. Limited capital and rising world demands for environmentally responsible production will make traditional resource-inefficient development impractical. Sustainable development, based on energy efficient, environmentally benign processes, is the necessity of the future.

The United States is the world's leading producer of environmental technologies with 35 percent of the current market. The Clinton Administration is working to ensure that America maintains and improves its leadership position in this growing global market.

Since release of the February policy statement, the Administration has launched new initiatives and strengthened existing programs to accomplish its national energy and environmental objectives. Together, these programs represent a coordinated, government-wide effort to:

Actions Taken to Date Clinton Administration Initiatives

Transportation and the Economy