Subdivision spline curves

There is one more point of view on generation of B-spline curves. The subdivision rules for a degree M + 1 uniform B-spline curve (the Lane-Riesenfeld algorithm) are well known [1] and related to the binomial coefficients.

Closed spline curves

Here the Lane-Riesenfeld algorithm is applied to a closed spline curve (i.e. PN+1 = P1 ). You can change control points of the curve and set new N, M values.


The second B-spline is generated by the basis functions.

Modified subdivision algorithm

It is usefull to combine two averaging steps and rewrite (*) in symmetric form
    Pik = (Pi-1k-1 + 2 Pik-1 + Pi+1k-1)/4,
with averaging mask (1/4, 1/2, 1/4). After one averaging (M = 1) we get the cubic B-spline. Now to get a curve with clamped endpoins we use this averaging mask for all points excluding endpoints. To get a curve with crease at a point we can just exclude the point from averagings.


The limit point position and the tangent vector

Consider the cubic B-spline subdivision operation for the ABC triangle (N = 1, M = 1 above). After one iteration we get similar abc triangle and can use the same operation ad infinitum to get the limit position of the B point.

One can write this operation in the matrix form, compute its eigenvalues and eigenvectors and find the limit point position and the tangent vector without infinite subdivisions. E.g. the evaluation mask for the cubic B-spline is (1, 4, 1)/6. So we can add two more final steps to the subdivision rules (we will use them for spline surfaces later)

[1] Jos Stam On Subdivision Schemes Generalizing Uniform B-spline Surfaces of Arbitrary Degree Computer Aided Geometric Design. March 2001, 18. pp. 383-396.

Contents   Previous: Cubic Bezier patch with adaptive subdivision   Next: Loop subdivision spline surface
updated   25 Mar 2013