The North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) is a network of individuals throughout the United States and Canada devoted to the discovery, cultivation and appreciation of superior varieties of fruits and nuts. The group's web site can be viewed at - Welcome to the mailing list! - This is the NAFEX Mailing List Usage FAQ. - It is located at: and: With supplementary information here: and: - CHANGES to your personal options are made at: where XXXX@XXXX is YOUR email address. This is the easiest way to make changes. GENERAL INFORMATION about the mailing list is at: A list of EMAIL BASED COMMANDS can be obtained by sending the word "help" (without the quotes) as the sole message body to The ARCHIVE can be accessed at: See below for instructions on accessing the old Yahoo site archive. The NAFEX list co-owners are: Greg Miller and Lawrence London or Feel free to contact them with any questions or requests you may have. Administrative questions can also be made to Ibiblio sends a monthly reminder of your password and common commands. **POSTING MESSAGES** Post in plain text (ASCII) only. DO NOT POST WITH HTML!! Ibiblio currently can handle only text and MIME. To post to this list, send your email to: DO NOT SEND ADMINISTRATIVE REQUESTS (e.g., unsubscribe, digest mode) TO THIS ADDRESS! See later instructions for administrative requests. Please observe the following guidelines. 1. Please sign your posts. Include location and climate information if relevant. 2. If you want to ask (or answer) a question, by all means do it! That is the purpose of this list. Make posts and replies to the list, not privately, as many others may have similar questions. 3. Post attachments with extreme care. [To put it less subtlely, DON'T POST ANY ATTACHMENTS EXCEPT TO THE SPECIAL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD AREA!] If unavoidable attach ONLY plain text files (.txt), NOT word processor (.doc), NOT Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) NOR graphics files of ANY type. Non-text files may be uploaded and downloaded in the method described later. 4. Include only pertinent comments/questions when replying to a post--NOT THE ENTIRE MESSAGE. 5. Try to avoid posting messages that are "one-liners" - ones with short answers that really aren't of interest to the list. It is a good idea to keep the list as relevant to as many subscribers as possible. Limit "me too" replies to the list; many people see them as clutter that lowers the "signal-to-noise" ratio. 6. If you want to thank the person who answered - reply DIRECTLY to that person using their own email address, not the list address. We'll all assume you are grateful - you don't have to thank each of us in a post to the group. If you want to make a personal statement of some kind, please respond "off-line" to minimize "noise." 7. If you have an administrative question about list operation, contact the listowners at Remember that there ARE quiet periods from time to time. **ATTACHMENTS** Be aware that this list forwards ALL ATTACHMENTS. Besides the annoying (LONG) attachments, this *can* include malicious attachments like viruses, worms, and their ilk. Since many email programs can be configured to AUTOMATICALLY open attachments, you may wish to disable this option. Manually opening attachments takes your cooperation but achieves the same effect. Similar considerations can apply to MIME and HTML formatting. (The default on this list is NO MIME.) Check for security updates to your email program, and consider running a good anti-virus program with a CURRENT library of viral signatures. Most programs provide free updates of current viral data files. Even nice people get viruses, which hijack the owners email to forward themselves to the users' email address books. Receiving email puts you at risk for receiving viruses. Educate yourself and take appropriate steps to protect yourself. **RECEIVING OPTIONS** Default is to send individual messages. To change the way in which you recieve email, go to where XXXX@XXXX is YOUR email address. You can change all of your options their including VACATION HOLD (no mail, you will have to access the archive for mail you missed), DIGEST MODE, and other options. For direct email commands (more difficult) see below. **UPLOADING/DOWNLOADING SPECIAL FILES** A location will be made available soon where list members may upload files of any type via ftp (file transfer protocol) and by email with file attachments. This collection may be accessed for viewing or download in a new website created for the purpose. **PASSWORDS** Passwords on this system are absolutely necessary. They are part of the software that drives the system. We cannot get around them. I know they are a pain in the neck for some, but we have to deal with it. The reason being is that offers us a secure listserv that is not full of advertisements. More important, will NOT sell our email addresses to advertisers. And, is not blocked by ISP and a cable modem companies such as and This was happening with some of the free services like IF YOU FORGET YOUR PASSWORD, go to where XXXX@XXXX is the email address you use for receiving this list. You can have a password emailed to that address. **ARCHIVE** The IBIBLIO NAFEX MESSAGE ARCHIVE is accessed via the web page You can view the archive by thread, author, date. You can also view the raw archive, but it is stored in .mbox file format. If you browser cannot view .mbox files, there are many text editors or html editors capable of viewing these files. You can also download the archive in .txt format for later viewing on your computer. This file is compressed with g-zip (.gz format) and will require an appropriate decompression utility. The archive from the old YAHOO site (before May 1, 2002) can be accessed at: You have be a Yahoo member to view them. **EMAIL COMMANDS** You can make adjustments to your user account via email by sending a message to: with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will receive a message with instructions. ALL COMMANDS ARE SENT to with different text in the body of the message. Your password is ALWAYS required as part of the command. If you have forgotten your password you can get that by email only. Substitute the phrase with YOUR password. (Be forewarned that if your email program adds a signture to message, the server will try to execute those lines as though they are commands UNLESS you finish each command with the word "end".) Sample message bodies: CHANGE TO DIGEST MODE Set Digest On end CHANGE TO No Mail MODE Set NoMail end UNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribe end SUBSCRIBE Subscribe nafex end GET YOUR PASSWORD Password end - *Additional Information From Previous FAQ Versions* - General information about the mailing list is at: To subscribe to the NAFEX list through email send a message to: with the words: subscribe nafex in the subject line (or in the message text) To view your user options go to: (where XXXX@XXXX is YOUR email address) You MUST have your password to change your user options. Conveniently you can get a reminder of your password from this page. Just look over the page to take care of the change after you have your password. IF you want to make the change by email only, it is a little tougher. First, you have to have your password. If you have forgotten it, send an email to nafex- with the word "password" without the quotes as the entire message body. This will get you your password. Then to change to digest mode send an email to (the same address) with the body of the email being set digest on where is YOUR password Most questions can be answered by visiting: *News about this new NAFEX list:* **Please read this, even if you have already successfully transferred to the new list.** 1. The new list is up and functioning. Post all messages to beginning now. Those who filter their mail will want to make note of the new origin of NAFEX mail. 2. SAVE YOUR INTRODUCTORY MESSAGE!! It has your password and info on how to change your options. If for some reason you have lost this message, you can go to and get your password and access your user options page. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PASSWORD TO MAKE CHANGES ON THIS NEW LIST! Email commands are possible but a little more involved than the Yahoo site. You can send an email message with the word "help" without quotes in the body of the message to nafex- to get a list of the email commands. 3. Many people unsubscribing from Yahoo, which is OK. This is very understandable for those who want to get away from Yahoo. However, if your intent is to not get mail from the old site, you can achieve the same effect by sending an email message to I have decided to avoid unnecessary clutter by not subscribing the new IBIBLIO list to the Yahoo list, so there shouldn't be duplicate messages. I will manually forward any messages sent to the Yahoo site between now and Tuesday. I can't tell those unsubscribing for the usual reason from those unsubscribing as part of breaking with Yahoo. I will send an email to clarify your intentions. You can avoid this message by letting me know that you are unsubscribing. Greg Miller - *) Please sign your postings. Include climate and location information if relevant. *) Attached files will be included with your messages so be sure to attach _ONLY_ plain text files, _NOT_ word processor, .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) or graphics files of any type as these are invariably of large size and will wreak havoc with the list. Nothing but plain text can be displayed in the NAFEX list's message archives. *) A location will be made available soon where list members may upload files of any type via ftp (file transfer protocol) and by email with file attachments. This collection may be accessed for viewing or download in a new website created for the purpose. *) Include only pertinent comments/questions when replying to a posting and NOT the entire message (especially if the initial posting was large). You can make adjustments to your user account via email by sending a message to: with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will receive a message with instructions. 1) general help to get general help on email commands send email to: with the word: help in the subject line (the help file says it can also be entered in the message text) 2) to subscribe to the NAFEX list through email send email to: with the words: subscribe nafex in the subject line (or in the message text) Unsubscribing from the list or changing other user config options will require the user's password. Finding out what your password is: - If you forget your password, don't worry, you will receive a monthly reminder telling you what all your mailing list passwords are, and how to unsubscribe or change your options. There is also a button on your options page that will email your current password to you. You may also have your password mailed to you automatically from within the bottom paragraph entitled "nafex Subscribers" on this page: Fill in the form beneath this text: "To change your subscription (set options like digest and delivery modes, get a reminder of your password, or unsubscribe from nafex), enter your subscription email address:" Then click on the button that says: "Edit Options". The NAFEX homepage is: where you will find list information, change your user configuration options, post to the list and access the message archives. To see the collection of prior postings to the list, grouped and downloadable by month, visit the NAFEX message archives at: The message archives for the old NAFEX list on Yahoo are at: The NAFEX list co-owners are: Greg Miller or Lawrence London Feel free to contact them with any questions or requests you may have. MORE HELPFUL INFORMATION (borrowed from the GWL usage faq) - If you forgot, lost or didn't receive your password, you can go to the website at And there is a place where you can enter your e-mail address (the one you used to subscribe to NAFEX) and click on a button, and your password will be e-mailed to you. Once you have that, you can go back and make all the changes you want on your subscription. And there are a LOT of possibilities. If you are still having problems: Please read the following carefully. It will clear up the problems you are having with the NAFEX transition from to DIGEST-many of you have previously had your postings sent in Digest form, but the format was not transferred. If you want Digest format, please email me OFF LIST, and I will change you to Digest. PASSWORD-everyone on the NAFEX was sent an email from the Mailman List Server at with instructions on the new listserv. This also included a password, which is needed to change formats, unsubscribe, etc. Due to the huge volume of email during the changeover, you may have deleted this important information. Or, if your ISP server is small, the posting may have been delayed. Passwords on this system are absolutely necessary. They are part of the software that drives the system. We cannot get around them. I know they are a pain in the neck for some, but we have to deal with it. The reason being is that offers us a secure listserv that is not full of advertisements. More important, will NOT sell our email addresses to advertisers. And, is not blocked by ISP and a cable modem companies such as and PASSWORD AGAIN-If you have lost your password, never received it or it doesn 't work, I will take care of your changes and requests manually for the next 29 days. Every 30 days, will email your password to you with other pertinent data. With the lessening email volume, most of you will get this important email. MAKING PASSWORDS WORK-Some passwords can be tricky. Mine was. I had to keep typing in various combinations until I got the right one. 1 can be either the number ONE or it can be the letter L in lowercase. There are also other combinations that are tricky. So, approach the password as a puzzle to be solved. - Try to avoid posting messages that are "one-liners" - ones with short answers that really aren't of interest to the list. It is a good idea to keep the list as relevant to as many subscribers as possible. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when replying to a message: ** The poster's address is on the header that gets into your letter. At the top it should say TO: and under that From: XXXXX@ The xxxx's mark the spot - that's the address of the person sending the note. ** If you want to thank the person who answered - reply directly to that person using the xxxxx address. We'll all assume you are grateful - you don't have to thank each of us in a post to the group. If you want to make a personal statement of some kind - use the xxxx address - not the list. ** If you want to ask a question - do this. That's why we're all here - to ask, answer and find out what's happening with this great group of people. ** Don't fill our mailboxes with "me-too" statements. One person says "there's a problem here" and everybody else says "me too." Somebody says "too many mails" and a host of "me-toos echo from the electronic halls. If we eliminated all the "me-too's" we would not have problems. ** There are two parts to any list. Content and Noise. (these are technical e-list publication terms) Ask yourself before you post - "Is this post going to help somebody?" If the post is helpful to somebody it is content. Just like your magazine and newspaper articles. Newspapers and magazines don't print too many "me-too statements." :-) Thank you ALL for helping keep the ratio of information to noise as high as possible.