Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 20:14:02 +1100 Subject: New listserv for southern hemisphere From: Pacific Edge Permaculture + Media To: Permaculture Hello everyone... The permaculture-oceania listserev is now a reality. The listserv will replace this ad-hoc mailing list. Permaculture-oceania allows permaculture and like minded people to talk directly to one another. When you respond to a mailing or when you initiate a mailing it goes to everyone on the list. JOINING IS EASY Joining the listserv is easy - simply send an email to the following address: In the body of the message write: subscribe permaculture-oceania (followed by your email address). For example: subscribe permaculture-oceania ACCESS Anyone anywhere can join the permaculture-oceania listserv. It serves primarily the Oceania (Australia/ New Zealand/ South Pacific) + the South Asia region. PURPOSE The permaculture-oceania listserv has been set up: 1) to make possible easy communication and the sharing of information with permaculture and like-minded people 2) to strengthen the permaculture, community ESD and ecological design network in Australia/ New Zealand/ South Pacific/ South Asia 3) promote a sense of common purpose among participants in the region 3) to request assistance and information and to offer advice 4) to notify details of courses, workshops, events 5) to provide a forum for the discussion of issues 6) to distribute news of potential interest to the regional permaculture community. 7) to serve members of Permaculture International Limited, an organisation of people active in pemaculture design and permaculture community-based groups. USING PERMACULTURE-OCEANIA The Permaculure-oceania listserv is an unmoderated mailing group. There is no one vetting mailings before they are posted online. The principle of self-responsibility applies. Remember - we are all colleagues so it's best to treat each other as such. Discussion of difficult or controversial issues as well as disagreements should be handled with the normal courtesy we would extend to anyone in person. A FEW POINTS: 1) postings to permaculture-oceania go to the whole mailing group, so are not private; to send a private response, email to the respondent's private email address 2) avoid defaming people - defamation is a legal offence in Australia and may be so in other countries. 3) information on how to leave the group are placed automatically at the end of all emails by the server. THANKS TO: The listserv has been made possible through the UNSW by Cameron Little, coordinator of the UNSW EcoLiving Centre in Sydney. Welcome to the listserv. Please make use of it - it's yours, after all. ...Russ Grayson ................... PACIFIC EDGE Russ Grayson + Fiona Campbell Media, training and consultancy services for sustainable development. PO Box 446 Kogarah NSW 2217 Australia Phone/ fax: 02 9588 6931 Media: - publication and website design - online content production - print, online and radio journalism + photojournalism. Education: - organic gardening training - permaculture education Support services: - facilitation - overseas development aid services.