<> Mix 750 mL, 30 mL paraffin wax with enough mineral spirits or turpentine to make 4 litres. Dip the wood into the mixture for a few minutes or apply with a brush. Let dry a few days before painting. This is a US Dept of Agriculture recipe - supposed to protect for 20 years. <> Pine tar, linseed oil, and turpentine. Or just linseed oil and turp. All highly flammable, but at least they smell good. <> 3 c Exterior Varnish 1 oz paraffin wax (by weight) 3 1/4 qts. Mineral Spirits, Turpentine, or Paint Thinner (to make 1 gallon total) <> Half and half turpentine/linseed oil with 1-2 pints of pine tar/5 gallon mix <>