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Re: Re.: INFO (fwd)

Thomas, You can go to our website (http://metalab.unc.edu/pc-activist) to find contacts
for your region.Just click on Permaculture Global Resources.
Here's the two I have on my list:
      Economic Evolution, Projekt Laban Art Und Viefalt
      Georg Parlow
      Roemerstr. 1 KGC3, Zurndorf, A-2424, Austria
      Ph: int+ 43 (0)2147 23 93 55 Fax: int+ 43 (0)2147 23 93 40
      (Georg plans to move to Texas last I heard, so he may not be at this address any

      PermaKultur Austria
      Andreas Infuhr
      c/o Inst.F & Landschaftsflege- Uni fur Bodenkultur
      Peter Jordan- Str 82 Wein A 1190, Austria
      Ph: int+ 43 147654 3489/3480 Fax: int+ 0043 1 47654 3486

Keith Johnson

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 02:49:01 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Thomas Kreisel <thomaskreisel@yahoo.com>
> To: permaculture@metalab.unc.edu
> Subject: Re.: INFO
> My name is Thomas Kreisel And I am from Austria.
> I am seriously interressted in permaculture, and so is
> my question if you have any adresses from farms or
> networks where to get further information where I can
> learn practically the permaculture system.

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