Fatdog Arm

FatdogArm Public Repository


Things you will not find here


build_fatdogarm.sh will make fd-arm.sfs for you assuming you have all the right tools.

You can run it like this:


to let it automatically download, create the rootfs and then squash it to fd-arm.sfs (you'd better have 2GB or more in your /tmp).

Or you can run it like this:

	./build_fatdogarm.sh download

to have it only download the needed packages but don't do more than that.

Or you can run it like this:

	./build_fatdogarm.sh install

to have it download and create the rootfs (=install the packages into the rootfs directory).

Environment variables you can set to modify build_fatdogarm.sh, with their default values. Their meanings should be self-evident.

You can persistently change this settings by creating $HOME/build.conf which will be sourced during build - the location of this file can also by set by passing the 2nd parameter to the script or by setting BUILD_CONFIG environment.

PKG_LIST variable contains the list of packages to be installed; by default it will use base-packages which comes with this repository. You can tweak this (or use your own custom package list) to define which packages to be installed in the rootfs.

GEN_EXCLUSION_LIST variable defines the program that will generate list of files (on std output) to exclude from the sfs when the sfs is created. By default it uses gen-exclusion-list which comes with this repository. You can tweak it to include or exclude files from the final squashfs build; for example the default excludes /usr/share/locale (cutting down about 60MB from the final sfs size), but it includes the full documentation in /usr/share/doc. If you exclude the documentation (/usr/share/doc) it will cut down another 60MB. There are other files which can be trimmed too.

prep-fossil is a script to prepare for checking-in to the fossil repository (it creates empty files on empty directories to make sure they are checked-in), so it is generally to be ignored unless you have commit access right.

The initramfs template is an uncompressed cpio archive. Just extract it and put kernel-modules.sfs as needed, and re-compressed. For more details, look here but please note that everything has been done - except the kernel-modules.sfs which has to come from a kernel that you build yourself.

Build environments tested: Fatdog64 and native (FatdogArm) build. Building in other environments are possible, but success is not guaranteed.