1997 Sanctuary Report

by Larry Aumiller

It seems like every year I write some variation on the same theme: Last summer was a wonderful year at McNeil River. But 1997 was extra special. The weather was great. It was much dryer and sunnier than usual. Salmon runs at both Mikfik Creek and McNeil River were better than they have been in recent years. Several records were set regarding bear numbers and use levels. The staff at the Sanctuary could not have been better and lastly, there were no controversial or negative issues to deal with in 1997.

We identified 101 different individual brown bears last summer. This is an all time high since records have been kept (1973). In addition there were 43 different cubs (of all ages) that were identified. This included 19 first year cubs. Both the total cubs and first year cub numbers are records as well. We also broke the record for total bears seen at one time. The new milestone is 70 bears, including cubs, seen at one time from the pad at McNeil Falls.

Nineteen different female bears with cubs 43 cubs were observed, so there were lots of viewing and photo opportunities. One female, Fossey, had four first year cubs. This is an unusual number. Only three other females have been observed on the River with four cubs in the past 24 years. Fossey's case is even more unusual and interesting because she left McNeil River mid-season and 5 days later showed up on a stream 25 miles away and out of the Sanctuary. She was seen and photographed there by some folks who then showed me the photos. She was extremely tolerant of the people so they got a close look at her leaving no question it was Fossey. Other females with cubs were Teddy with one cub (cub of the year), Snobear with 2 cubs of the year and Helen with 2 cubs of the year.

Some other long-time favorite bears that we saw last summer included: Flashman, Earl, Woofie, Ted, Otto, Ivan, Sterling, Rolli, Spooky, Ms. Mouse and Ramone.

The fall of 97 and spring of 98 are both bear hunting seasons outside the Sanctuary and Refuge, so it's possible total bear numbers could dip after this record year.

There couldn't have been a better staff at the Sanctuary than we had last year. Derek Stonorov completed his seventh year in a row after being at the Sanctuary in the early 1970s for two years. Polly Hessing finished her third year as a student intern and coupled with her fours years in the mid 1980s has contributed seven year's experience. With my 22 years, that made a total of 38 years of experience at the end of last year.

Polly continued her research to try and determine (among other things) how many chum salmon are consumed by bears on the McNeil River. We actually saw bears catch more than 13,000 chums during our sample periods. It is possible they caught more than 25,000. As I mentioned, it was a good chum salmon year and that contributed in large part to the many bear records set this year. Polly hopes to complete her thesis late in 1998 which will allow her to come to McNeil one more season.

Derek continued his project of "fingerprinting" of hair samples that will allow us to identify individual bears and their genetic relationships. This can be used to track bears killed outside the Sanctuary and help us determine who's related to whom. Derek will continue this exciting and very helpful work next year.

As for me, I've recently returned to a six-month seasonal position so I can provide child care to a little girl that my wife, Colleen, and I are adopting from China. I will return to McNeil next year and who knows, in my new state of "semi-retirement" may make it another 22 years.

Personally, last summer was one of the very best I can recall. A part of that is the great folks I get to share this wonderful place with. I do enjoy that. Perhaps I'll get to see you next year.