McNeil River Bear Caps

Many of our members have asked for a cap that shows their support for the McNeil River bears. We previously sold cats during our fund-raising efforts supporting the Paint River lawsuit. That effort taught us to have orders in-hand and pre-paid.

The new hats are poplin base ball style hats, with the 3" caption reading:

McNeil River

in a stylized writing (of course). Hats are $15 each which includes shipping.

Choice of hat colors, all with gold lettering are:


Red : ___________

Please mark the number of hats in each color that you desire, and send a check or mony order for the total amount to:

P.O. Box 231091
Anchorage, AK 99523-1091

Time to Renew Your FOMR Membership

Membership in Friends of McNeil River is based on the calendar year and all memberships expired December 31. Please renew your membership now for 1998. Benefits include the opportunity to volunteer for the spring work crew at the Sanctuary, regular newsletters to keep you up-to-date and timely announcements of any threats to the McNeil bears and viewing program, with action plans on how you can help. Join us now!

Non-profit Status Report

During a recent Board of Directors meeting, the members voted to hire attorney John Bernitz to assist with the logistics required for private non-profit 501(C)3 status. Our situation has been complicated by our early involvement in the Paint River fish ladder lawsuit and the creation of the McNeil River Refuge. Now that our emphasis has shifted to a more educational and watchdog stance, we should qualify for private non-profit status. We are hoping for final approval in a few months.