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5. Logbook Software

This section provides pointers to a variety of software for logging of flight time. Despite the many advantages of electronic logbooks, in most countries you still must maintain a written logbook to satisfy various regulatory requirements. In the United States for example, the logging of training time must include the instructor's signature (see part 61, section 61.51 of the FARs for details). In simple terms, if you don't also maintain a written logbook, you run the risk of not meeting the requirements of currency, a certificate, or a rating!

5.1 Airlog

Airlog is a flight logging system designed to meet the unique needs of glider pilots and students. The Java based client allows multiple users to access a common database (interface drivers are provided for the Instant DB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle database systems). Referential integrity is used to insure valid data. When multi user functionality is enabled, user access to the common database is authenticated using a login, password form that is presented at startup.

Airlog also supports searches of the common database, as well as a report generation capability. The "Training Barometer" and "Speed Input" reports are designed to assist both instructors and students in the training process. A "Fit for Flight, Instruction" report is planned for a future release.

Airlog was developed in Denmark with an emphasis on Danish regulations, but was localized from the ground up. Other languages can be supported by simply providing a "message text catalog" for the desired language (catalogs are provided for both Danish and English).


Per Jensen <>, Ken Andersen <>, Frederik Hansen <>, Steve Brown <>

Latest Release:

0.52, 27 Aug 2000


GNU General Public License, version 2


Java 1.2.2 JVM

Home Page:

5.2 GNU Pilot LogBook Pro

The GNU Pilot LogBook Pro application is designed to assist pilots that want to maintain an electronic log of their flight information. The program has features that make it easy to produce statistics derived from the logged flights: total hours, number of landings and more. This is a beta release and works well (although many of the desired features are not yet implemented).


Matthew S. Wood <>

Latest Release:



GNU General Public License

Source Code Distribution:

5.3 LogbookXLS

LogbookXLS is a Microsoft Excel 5.0 spreadsheet designed to record flight time in powered aircraft. LogbookXLS looks almost exactly like any other commercially produced printed logbook. It has columns for date, aircraft type, registration number, flight number, airports, etc.


Jerome Gerald Schnedorf III <>

Latest Release:



Freely Distributable


Excel compatible spreadsheet application

Home Page:


From the editor: "I tried using this with the spreadsheet from the Applixware suite and couldn't seem to get it to work. I'm including this anyway because I have second hand reports that it works fine with the StarOffice spreadsheet (and others I'm sure)."

5.4 Pilot Logbook for Grok

The Pilot Logbook for Grok is a database template designed for use with the xmbase-grok database manager. It provides support for many of the features one would want in an electronic logbook such as; customized data entry forms, the ability to sort, search and query the database, as well as flexible exporting of data to other formats. The xmbase-grok graphical Form Editor makes it easy to modify the data entry forms to meet the specialized needs and preferences of each user. The current release includes a version for glider pilots, a version designed for power pilots will appear in a future release.


John C. Peterson <>

Latest Release:

0.5, 13 Sep 1999


GNU General Public License, version 2


xmbase-grok application

Home Page:

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