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1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

The Pilot Logbook for Grok is a database designed for use with the xmbase-grok database manager, which is targeted at Unix based systems with X11 Windows and Motif (such as Linux). It is designed for pilots that want to maintain an electronic record of their flight time. Separate versions are available for glider and power pilots.

The decision to use the xmbase-grok database manager was a natural one since the logging of flight time can be conveniently thought of as a database problem. It provides support for many of the features one would want in an electronic logbook such as; customized data entry forms, the ability to sort, search and query the database, as well as flexible exporting of data to other formats. It includes an intuitive graphical Form Editor that makes it easy to modify the data entry forms to meet the specialized needs and preferences of each user. Furthermore, xmbase-grok is relatively mature and stable, so much of the development work has already been done for us.

It should be noted that despite the advantages of electronic logbooks, in most countries you still must maintain a written logbook to satisfy various regulatory requirements. In the United States for example, the logging of training time must include the instructor's signature (see part 61, section 61.51 of the FARs for details). In simple terms, if you don't also maintain a written logbook, you run the risk of not meeting the requirements of currency, a certificate, or a rating. You've been warned, so don't try to blame me if that happens to you!

1.2 Copyright

This software is Copyright (c) 1999 John C. Peterson, <>.

This software package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. A copy is included in this distribution in the file named LICENSE.

This software package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2 for more details.

1.3 Change History

Version 0.5

This is the first public release, there are no changes to report. Please ignore the other references in this document to the version for power pilots, it isn't ready quite yet. The design of the data entry form is a little more difficult than the glider version because there are more fields in the database that need to fit in the available screen real estate.

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