

9.1.3 - Fortnight

'Fortnight' magazine: a monthly dealing with politics, arts and culture in Ireland and beyond, with an emphasis on Northern Ireland. Non-partisan. Editorial is slightly left-of-centre and emphasizes internal political solutions for Northern Ireland. There are 11 isues a year which begs the question, why is it called Fortnight?

Fortnight seems to be in all the newsagents in the Republic and is definitely worth a look. Political magazines are very thin on the ground since the demise of Magill.

Fortnight Magazine,
7 Lower Crescent,
Belfast BT7 1NR,
Northern Ireland.

Subscriptions are as follows:-
UK: UK#23 -- unwaged/students/prisoners UK#15 IR18
Ireland: Ir#25.50
Rest of Europe: UK#26.50
Far East: UK#39
Rest of World: UK#32.50