Irish Non-Fiction


9.2.1 - Irish Non-Fiction

Name: A Treasury of Irish Myth, Legend and Folklore

Name: Modern Ireland 1600-1972
Author: R.F.Foster
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0-14-013250-3

Name: In Search of a State - Catholics in Northen Ireland
Author: Fionnuala O'Connor
Publisher: The Blackstaff Press
ISBN: 0-85640-509-4

Name: Ten Men Dead - The Story of the 1981 Hunger Strike
Author: David Beresford
Publisher: Grafton
ISBN: 0-586-06533-4

Name: The Druids
Author: Norah Chadwick
Publisher: Penguin

Name: The Celts
Author: Norah Chadwick
Publisher: Penguin

Name: The Celts
Author: Frank Delany

Name: Down by the Claddagh
Author: Peadar O'Dowd
Publisher: Kennys of Galway
Price: #17.95

Name: Classic Irish Recipes
Author: Gerogina Campbell
Publisher: Grafton Books
ISBN: 0-8069-8444-9

Name: A guide to Irish roots.
Author: William and Mary Durning.
Publisher: Irish Family Names Society.
P.O. Box 2095.
La Mesa, California 92044-0600
ISBN: 0-9601868-1-6
Review: I got it in 1989 and I think it cost me about $15. I find the book fascinating in that it traces many historical and legendary kings all the way back to Adam (ie. through Mil and then some!), according to the medieval writers. The scholarship is generally sound as far as I have checked.
I have some problems with the book. First, the authors do not cite their sources within the genealogical charts. I have found different versions for some of their lineages, but they do not give convenient references. Their spellings of alot of the names are also weird, and again they give no handy justification. Second, the book has an amateurish look to it. It is apparently the pages from the authors' typewritten manuscript. In all, I'd still recommend giving it a look.

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