


Dr. Gautam Chatterjee  




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 Dr. Gautam Chatterjee


The whole universe was created with divine wish. This eternal contemplation is the DIVINE LILA or eternal sports running on three wheels of creation, sustenance and destruction for recreation. Yet, this divine lila is mystique and enigmatic puzzle hardly comprehensible by ordinary mortals. A mortal vision of this divine lila is generally seen through the colour prism of ordinary knowledge system human kind has been gathering for several millennia. This eternal lila when works as bliss we are overjoyed, and again it works against our wish then we term it "curse" and pain infliction follows that at times leads to negative responses to the so called "Divine" Lila! Many lives were spent to understand, re-understand appreciate the context of "Eternal Lila" and "Mortal Krida". These few pages are just another try of my "self talk" to understand its dynamics!
Our lives, our action, our thought, our expressions and finally our endeavour are nothing but part of bigger karma theory. Our creation, procreation, pain, pleasure, happiness, sorrow or even mundane-ness or hallucination of spiritual insight are part of mortal Krida or game called life and living. What we do or contemplate are generally out of some logics emit out of our wishful thinking. Yet sometimes we do not know the logic but we play on as a fallen leaf floats with the current of a river. 
Now the questions comes are our Mortal Krida are part of "Divine Lila" or both exist at different levels with some "chance" of meeting points? Or the "Eternal sports" at the divine level create a "game called mortal Karma" which works on ground level yet seen at other level of "Divine Lila". Does it mean that eternal lila is a play of "wish" of celestial kind and percolates at our Karma level within the spectrum of our mortal perception?
There are always doubts and counter doubts, there are billions of unanswerable questions and yet at our mortal level we broadly term them Karma and absorb the pain and celebrate the pleasure of our doings and even non-doings. 
As we further delve our "mortal Krida" is perceived, contemplated and expressed with a stream of thought in our mind called logic. Yet, there are contra-flow of logic which tosses off the perception and we try to conclude it as mystique and enigmatic. So we do understand there are some sorts of conscious logic system that patterns our Karma, which is nothing but mortal Krida. Again we do face the "unknown" designs in our life that fails our logic system and questions our understandings about the bigger truth.
However, tooling the gathered wisdom we get some indication that there are many cosmic whirlpool from where the different un-comprehensible logic emits which are very different from the stand point of our mental constitution. These can be loosely termed as divine super logics that pattern the "Lila" and empatterns our "Krida". 
Again, one questions are our "Krida" or Karmic field are just a concept of our life and living yet the strings are pulled from somewhere in the cosmos? Broadly yes as per the "given situation" where we land up but perhaps no as "we tool ourselves" on the given platform to perform our Karma. Or may be both which co-exist at macro and micro levels.
Its surely, a given fact that there is something "beyond" our conception and perception. Yet that dominates our mortal endeavour, which we call it "Destiny". Here comes the question whether our destiny is destined and what we do is some eternal wish fulfillment and not really our own?
To understand this "Destiny", we must look at our past to realize how we have reached in "Today" and how this today would govern our tomorrow called destiny. Now, we when deeply contemplate then we realize that these destinites are nothing but small "termination" if not absolute target to meet. There are several destinites in our life, which go towards the "Destiny" of life. Then there is a destiny beyond our lives. To realize this destiny, we end up living most part of our life and when we look back its just "enigma" in intangible form with some tangible materialistic results. Then the question comes does our "mortal Krida" is just a waste and not really sanguine with "Eternal Lila". Perhaps not because super eternal logic of "Celestial Lila" is above our conceptions and our "Krida" or Karma field is just the result of that "Cosmic" optional wish. Yet it gives us time and avenue to correct our Karma for the eternal inter-play of lila.  
 Every mortal is created and given a situation or field to play upon. This can be luxury, misery, pain or incapacitate lives. Then the eternal destiny roots our selves to pass through the process of thought wherein the options of Karmas are given be it abundance of knowledge, wisdom, wealth, connection and socio-economic status or otherwise of everything said above. 
The Karma or "Krida" we do are optional for sure but sometime very imposing and we have to follow the tight ropewalk. Then with passage of time one realizes that its our consciousness that helps us to root through Karma pattern. This karma pattern are motivated by our ego, wish, jealousy, lure, lust, greed and self-gratifying tendencies. At the end of experimenting with these we realize or atleast term it as our "Destiny". Perhaps we should call it "Fate". Now the question comes we reached upto this "Destiny as a stage" out of our conscious contemplation or we just picked up our self-centric 'lures' to reach this. But again our mind asks whether all these are part of "Divine Lila" experienced as and at "Mortal Krida". 
Sages, for centuries have been telling us that life, pain, misery, lust, greed and ego are to be won over in the play called "mortal Krida". The "Eternal Lila" of divine is unattached phenomenon of sports but our "Mortal Krida" dominantly remains a phenomenon of attachment and attainment of pleasure or our wishful thinking. Here comes unharmonious aspect of our play and celestial Lila.
"Maya" is to be handled by detaching from over indulgence of life and that is possible with deep attachment with Shree Ram. Does it mean we need to renounce the world of "Maya"? Definitely not. One has to do duty and play his/her complete role to the society and be dutiful to all his creation and procreation. Then one questions how one can be detached with Maya while catering to the Maya.  Well the answer is putting a limit to Maya and not supplying enough oil of greed to the wish lamp and slowly our attachment loyalty are to be shifted to the divine so that our Krida can become an unattached Lila of divine kind.   
Now, we realize that attachment and detachment are two major components of life, which coexists. The "Krida" called life is all about handling "attachment" which pulls our Karma to south. Attachments of life are so passionate factor that centers around our sense organs. The pleasure derived from it are so dominating that one tends to scoop through aberrations, yet desire never ceases and ego never gets diffused. The anger, violence, pain infliction sadism, then pop up to create our pattern of Karma which becomes unsynchronized with the "Celestial Lila" and suffering derived out of pleasure befall and we conclude a "fatal fate" be it designed by the self or circumstances. Then comes blaming the eternity and concluding it as divine design of biased deliberation of divinity and misguided justice. In this context if we re-review our endeavour, our doings and deliberations, then we surely would conclude its our mortal attachment of "Maya" 
that actually ordains all these. And being a "Krida" sport the loosing out to Maya is a given slope of life and detaching from it and walking against the current is possible when we transfer the loyalty of attachment to the Lord in a selfless manner by constant remembrance and marching for complete surrender so that Maya of life must cease and one attaints Mukti from life and death. 
To douse the file of mayaful desire two major components works. One is born with pure innocence that has a sure shot divine links. That connects one to the divinity. The connectivity of innocence actually bridges - "Divine Lila and Mortal Krida". An innocent heart hears the inner voice which constantly guides us through the life pattern. Paying heed to this means that we can correct our Karma pattern and negotiate our turn for the celestial attachment and creating detachment to the lower truth. Now, this level of human relationships that pervades our Karma pattern.
Every being is born innocent and purity of heart is the part of eternal elements that governs the "Divine Lila". Yet, this innocence when processed through ego, jealousy, lure and lust gives birth to the shrewd cunningness, that complicates our Karma pattern at the "mortal Krida" level and results are obvious, no matter finally we blame the celestial design. 
Its true, this world inflicts pains on innocent souls yet as ultimate truth wins the innocence would win and cater to the Divine Lila for our journey beyond our body. 
Apart from innocence, another factor dominates and design our Karma pattern. That is Santushti – and this is roughly translated means being contented with the given. It, though works on limitations and pass through the ordeal of suffering but it pops out the value system at play and aberration are never given a lift. Through the process of tediousness if Santushti resides in heart then a pattern thinking befulls and we cruise through successfully the time and space called "Mortal Krida". 
"Mortal Krida" is a unique game. It allows a play of sport with spirit of winning but defeating none. This uniqueness, if understood then we don't get into Tamasik and Rajwasik tattwa or element that facilitates conflicts and chaos. But if we realize the Sattwik element of "Krida" then conflict resolution is achieved and all play a harmonious role in the life with a pronounced "truce" in the mind. However, it's not only through food intake one gets these elements. Its purity of mind, thought, deliberation, expression and attitude that allows the flowering of Sattwik element and facilitate the fair play of "Mortal Krida" with harmonious semblance of "Divine" Lila. 
Within these parameters if we see ourselves then we would realize that all creations are individual and unique. We do create relations, which are just making the team called "Mortal Krida" that patterns our karmic endeavour.  Yet scoring and winning comes only at the individualistic level and that "equates" the purpose of divine Lila where every soul is on its individual journey elevating through its own Karmic pattern yet at the form level they live with many unequal, and here is the play of "Divine Lila" who inflicts pain to the noble soul to get purify faster and quickens merging with Parmatman is possible. Again, one who is given plenty is forced to indulge that hinders the process of Mukti as well.
In the mortal Krida the rule of the game is playing with innocence and shedding off cunning marks and nefarious activities. To facilitate a fair play one has to remember that we are all part of single creative principle; uniquely and collectively we are one with the divine lila. And to facilitate the eternal lila we only need to culture love of selfless kind and provide space for others to flower. The nurturing the other self, praying for others and loving all selflessly matter for the emancipation of individual and salvation for all. 
Summing up the theme of Divine Lila and Mortal Krida one needs to understand the theme in perspective. Divine Lila is the cosmic play where there is one destiny of "merging back to the core" or retreat to Parmatman after many a role given an enacted to all the animate and inanimate. Mortal play or "Krida" is one micro faction of divine design. We all are subjected to such a play individually then it widens with interplay of our micro world i.e. family which furthers as we keep on building relationships and beyond. 
We look at our mortal endeavour as big and most important and that is propelled with ego, which defocusses our vision of divine lila. Yet, we have a spiritual thread called "Divine" name and constant remembrance facilitates a connectivity, which in turn control our Karma pattern. However, we who are children of plenty keep our materialism as goal or destiny and we loose sight of the divine play and we live an enslaved life with unending cravings and ever fueling lure and lust. On the other hand who are born in misery are distanced from divine lila as well; they only survive to eke out a living and sustain their lives. At both the extreme none is to be blamed as these are the destined paths to course through but not necessarily a "divine wish" always and perhaps not the result of Karma alone. 
Being in touch with our inner conscience soaked with eternal innocence (not necessarily the concept of worldly piousness) is the matter of much needed contemplation. To unearth the secrets and relish the Amrit called divine lila is the play of life and can be relished even after our mortal existence ceases. The purity of love for divine (not for seeking help) comes with Simran or constant remembrance. And this process allows revelations and realization. But keeping it secret, even from your mentor, is the secret of life and matter of context for the realized soul. 
Also remember no soul has lost its soul track and there is no concept of " Bhatakana" (lost vision or misdirected) because divinity is extremely mystic comprehension. But one thing one should remember that we remain truthful to ourselves our endeavour without the context of reward and punishment. " Mortal Krida" is driven by mortal rules logics to discipline our endeavour! Those value systems are hemming of the road to allow you a safe passage through life. But there exists a set of super logic, which is of divine kind and at times our mind cannot comprehend those secrets with our logic systems. Perhaps in the divine eye there is no sinner who is to be destined to hell because with name one gets elevated to the highest and with pseudo spiritualism one can be degraded to the minute entity of a neglected atom. Thus to understand the divine revelation one should just get connected with the innermost self and do one's work whatever be good or bad but with pure innocence. To start the journeys just remember, "A saint has a past and a sinner has a future!" So regret nothing, never renounce, never give up your duties and callings and try to introspect and understand our "Mortal Krida" is harmonious to "Divine lila". This is a play beyond our pleasure and pain, beyond giving and taking, but just loving the Lord Shree Ram and equally unharmfuly treating all HIS creation as HIS and HE HIMSELF. Because, we at mortal levels, do see, and behave and treat others as unequals but at the celestial level all are equals and part of HIM only. 

To understand this "Destiny", we must look at our past to realize how we have reached in "Today" and how this today would govern our tomorrow called destiny. Now, we when deeply contemplate then we realize that these destinites are nothing but small "termination" if not absolute target to meet. There are several destinites in our life, which go towards the "Destiny" of life. Then there is a destiny beyond our lives. To realize this destiny, we end up living most part of our life and when we look back its just "enigma" in intangible form with some tangible materialistic results. Then the question comes does our "mortal Krida" is just a waste and not really sanguine with "Eternal Lila". Perhaps not because super eternal logic of "Celestial Lila" is above our conceptions and our "Krida" or Karma field is just the result of that "Cosmic" optional wish. Yet it gives us time and avenue to correct our Karma for the eternal inter-play of lila.   


Copyright © Dr Gautam Chatterjee