


Dr. Gautam Chatterjee  




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 Dr. Gautam Chatterjee

I, the writer, Gautam Chatterjee remain

at the feet of


Swamiji Satyananadji Marharaji

Pujaniya Premji Maharajji

Dr Viswamitraji Maharajji


O’ Sri Ram

I bow to thee million times!

You remain my inspiration

and aspiration

in all these life and death journey.

I feel I am fallen soul

Yet I play on your lap

So merciful you are!


In this life too

you tested,twisted and tempted

me for forty years

till I got the shelter

in Sri Ram Saranam.


O’ merciful Ram

Thou are provider

and shower of bliss

called ‘Ram Ram’!

You have allowed me

to collect some gems

and facilitated to swim

in Ram Durbar.


The kindness showered

By venerable

Swamiji Satyanandji Maharaj

Pujaniya Premji Maharaj

and Dr Viswamitraji Maharaj

who are guiding me to you---

the sonic omnipotent!

I bow to them

day and night

when I chant or not

thou name

O’ Sri Ram

O’Lord of all

creations and uncreations

You are Saraswati

for me.

Please allow me to write

my experiences

of my Pilgrimage

which are meant for my brethren

who are cruising with me

in the Ram Naam ocean.



O’my Guru

Please write

the pages henceforth.

I poor soul

have nothing to offer

but myself

my thought

my pen

my soul

to thee!


You created all

so you create again

I remain only a pulse

of unuttered sound

the adi nada!

I don’t recall since when ‘Sri Ram’ the celestial name besmeared my innerself! However, my spiritual quest began when as a child I saw my Grandfather, his tiger-skin mat and the rupa of Geru-Vastra Sanyasi of Paramartha Niketan School of thought and my grandmother --the Sanyasini of Radha Krishna order --the Bhakti Margi. My grandmother left certain notes which narrated the ‘Radha Shyam Lila’,that sparked my spiritual quest silently. Since my childhood I saw the most unorthodox devout in my mother who created her own world of devalaya away from the hustle bustle of ‘Temple and Mantra’ of prevailing world. Yet,she remains a devout of naam of Shakti kind in her own spiritual way.

In my early teens I used to frequent many sacred corridors but nothing satisfied me. When I wrote the book ‘Sacred Hindu Symbols’ I knocked at many doors asking for alms of knowledge. Yet, to my inner self I remained unfulfilled. Of late wrote a book ‘Cosmic Vishnu and his thousand names’ with my father and was perhaps the unconscious beginning of understanding the philosophy of sacred name in the context of cosmic dynamism! In this venture my father helped me throughout my writings.

My friend, Prem Singh, with whom I shared many spiritual discussions over a decade, finally took me to SriRam Saranam where I encountered the celestial bliss when I met Dr Viswamitraji Maharaj,who scanned me through and through and showered his blessings.

I started frequenting him in SriRam Saranam, New Delhi to steal a glimpse of him,though I was yet to get Diksha(initiation)! I chanted ‘Ram Ram’ for long involuntarily and even experienced celestial sight of seeing my would be Guru in broadday-light in the sky,when mortally I was at my lowest ebb!

Before long, I finally disclosed about on a Purnima day, to Maharajji Dr Viswamitraji that I had dreamt a dream that he was giving me something .... I wondered what can that be! Finally, I got an answer from within that the ‘gift’ is nothing but the eternal Diksha of ‘Ram Naam’. Maharajji blessed and readily gave me Diksha alone on the celestial Purnima day the 12th January 1998. I felt I was the luckiest one, though being the most wretched creature, and thus I was inducted into the most revered school of thought SriRam Saranam.

O’ Gurudev please allow me to quote hereunder the experiencing dynamics of my Diksha as this was not only my initiation but also the beginning of my pilgrimage.

In my early teens I used to frequent many sacred corridors but nothing satisfied me. When I wrote the book ‘Sacred Hindu Symbols’ I knocked at many doors asking for alms of knowledge. Yet, to my inner self I remained unfulfilled. Of late wrote a book ‘Cosmic Vishnu and his thousand names’ with my father and was perhaps the unconscious beginning of understanding the philosophy of sacred name in the context of cosmic dynamism! In this venture my father helped me throughout my writings.   


Copyright © Dr Gautam Chatterjee