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8. Troubleshooting

8.1 "Oscput" appears in the terminal window

Mark Morgan Lloyd offers the following solution.

Oscput appears in the terminal window rather than scput, after which the upload is screwed. It's a known problem when connecting via telnet and presumably could occur on other types of link- the consensus is that it's caused by a slow connection but allowing for the increase in modem speed etc. over the last few years I think it's more likely to be caused by a jerky one, or to be a bug in the telnet code in Ameol.

I don't know why, but the debugging profile cures the message-upload problem. However, I've on one occasion seen an Oscput in a different context that wasn't caught by the same hack- I can't remember the details but it may have been when I was sending email with an attachment (i.e. as distinct from binmail).

8.2 Tabbed dialogs

I've yet to see a version of Wine in which tabbed dialogs work. This is inconvenient for Ameol users, as Ameol uses a number of such dialogs for configuration.

However, Steve Lockhart has a solution:

Settings, Customise,
then click on the font tab, then select
Settings, Customise

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