Forwards the display over a network


display-tele : Forwards the display over a network


display-tele: <host>[:port]


The tele target forwards the display over a network via TCP to a remote host.

A ggiteleserver(1) must be running on the remote host where the final display resides. A normal GGI applications will then use the tele target to forward all graphic operations to the machine running the teleserver.


The argument to display-tele is the display to connect to, it has the format <type>:<specifier>. The available types are inet and unix. The specifier for type inet has the format hostname:port, and for type unix, it is a file. Some examples:

- GGI_DISPLAY=tele:inet:localhost:27780
- GGI_DISPLAY=tele:: (inet is the default)
- GGI_DISPLAY=tele:unix:/tmp/.tele0


  • DirectBuffer never supported.
  • Accelerated if the remote display is.

See Also