Emulate truecolor modes


display-trueemu : Emulate truecolor modes


display-trueemu : [-parent=<mode>] [-dither=<dither>]
                  [-model=<model>] <target-spec>


Emulates truecolor modes (GT_TRUECOLOR) on another target which can only do palette modes or truecolor modes of different sizes/depths. Uses dithering and special palettes to get the highest possible quality.



Force the parent target to use a specific mode, specified as a standard LibGGI mode string (see libggi(7)).


Specifies the amount of dithering. Legal values are 0, 2 and 4, defaulting to 4. When the target is running, 'Ctrl-Alt-d' changes the dithering level.


Color model to use (only when the parent is palettized). Legal values are rgb, cube and pastel. Default depends on the parent mode. When the target is running, 'Ctrl-Alt-p' changes the current color model.


Specifies the target which to draw on (the parent target). This defaults to automatic selection (just like using 'ggiOpen(NULL)' when GGI_DISPLAY is not set).


  • DirectBuffer never supported.
  • Unaccelerated.