Generic color and palette management

libggigcp is a libggi extension for advanced color and palette handling.

It adds features for conversion between different color spaces such as RGBA, YUV, HSV and CMYK and some manipulation functions like brightness and color-blending.

Branch 0.9

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The branch tag for 0.9.x is branch-0-9. See the CVS documentation on how to getting it.

We have stopped maintaining this branch with the release of libggigcp 0.9.2 in favour to branch 1.0. However, this branch can be reopened, once a volunteer takes over the maintainership of this branch.

Branch 1.0

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The branch tag for 1.0.x is branch-1-0. See the CVS documentation on how to getting it.

Significant changes since libggigcp 1.0.2:

If you encounter any problems or have any questions or fixes, please contact us.

Have a look into the patch tracker. There may be bugfixes that are waiting for feedback to get into this tree.

Development tree

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Significant changes since libggigcp 1.0.x: