LibGGIMisc 2.0.2


LibGGIMisc 2.0.2 was released on 2002-12-17.



Release Notes

New in 2.0.2:

  • Major buildsystem update
  • Fix to compile with libggi 2.0.2
  • New fbdev target
  • Disabled X-target (volunteers for updating it are wanted)

LibGGIMisc hath returneth, what me placeth with utmost delicacy unto thine "lowlevel" cretch.

Matrox [12]064 chipset owners may want to play with the new fbdev target. It actually implements GetRayPos (and is tested, and works this time, `magine that.)

It would be a whole lot more useful if more of the cookie cutter fbdev drivers in the linux kernel actually implemented splitline and FB_VBLANK IOCTLs. Interested to know, what BSD has along these lines.