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WWW2002 Security Tutorial Home Page

7 May 2002 - Honolulu

11th International World Wide Web Conference

The tutorial page on the Conference site

Gioacchino La Vecchia: W3C Italian Office and Accenture

Conference is over, if you attendend the tutorial ad are interested in the electronic version of the presentation please complete the evaluation form and put you name and email address in the text area. I'll send you the file in your mailbox. Please do not try to get the presentation if you were not subscribed to the tutorial, I'm not allowed to sent it.

Send comments and suggestions to the autors!

Tutorial program

Updated 5 Mar 2002
(Demos and breaks are not listed)

"The Web is becoming more and more complex. Complexity brings us a range of new services, making the Web easier to use and more powerful, but also means a lack of exaustive control. Distributed services, central repositories, cookies and signatures change the way information is produced and delivered, reducing the effectiveness of older techniques and tools. This tutorial will drive you between new technologies, helping you understand were dangers are and what kind of attack and countermeasures exist."

We'll be happy to get feedback from you before the conference days about the proposed list of topics in order to meet your expectations. Arguments we are planning to cover are:

Security basics:

  • Basic principles (trust, risk evaluation, design principles...)
  • Cryptography (Secret key cryptography, Public key cryptography, Hash functions, Random numbers, Signatures, Key distribution)
  • Network security (Firewalls, Intrusion detection systems, Virtual private networks)
System security:
  • Sistem security & hardening (OS selection & hardening, Integrity check)
  • System environment (Web server in a network, Denial of Service, web accelerators)
  • Web server hardening & config. (Authentication, Platform selection, installation & configuration, User ACL, administration procedures,. Common attacks & Countermeasures)
Applications security:
  • General concepts and authentication (Access control, source inspection)
  • Communications security (SSL, limits of SSL, SET)
  • Data security, secure programming (DBMS interaction, input validation, race conditions)
  • Web of trust (user interaction,RDF, CC/PP, Agents, Canonical XML, XML Signature, Cookies, Forms)
W3C activities:
  • XML and cryptography (the granularity issue, XML Signature, XML Encryption, Key Management, XML Security tools, S2ML, S2ML, XTS and other applications)
  • W3C security framework (W3C Security Activities, Digital Rights Management, P3P/APPEL, XML Protocol, XML In Mobile Environment)

Rate your interest in the current program!

Updated 11 May 2002
Rating is from 1 (not interesting) to 5 (very interesting)
1 2 3 4 5
basic principles
network security
system security & hardening
system environment
web server hardening & configuration
applications: general concepts and authentication
applications: communications security
data security, secure programming
Web of trust
XML and cryptography
W3C security framework