1. Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2007-05-23T11:00-0400
  2. GRDDL Spec Errata
    • ACTION: jjc to look at namespace document closely.
  3. Test Cases
    • ACTION: chimezie to start an index of tests by normative assertion (proxy for feature)
    • ACTION: HarryH to start an index of tests by issue (not urgent; due 30 May)
    • ACTION: jjc to write an normative test case showing that if the transform is broken, you should not get a partial result, you should get no results.
    • ACTION: jjc to write text about base-uri, which may become normative.
    • Time to approve any more test-cases, or reject some.
    • ACTION: john-l to implement htmlbase1.
    • ACTION: john-l to turn "fails" into passes on and rebuild test-results, bonus points for Raptor.
    • Ready for PR?
  4. Comments on GRDDL Spec since CR Request
    • ACTION: jjc to ask David Booth to reply to current messages on comment list and possibly, if needed, clarify what he wants if he isn't happy
    • Editorial comment about variable by David Booth
    • Comments from XSL and XQuery WG: are they satisfied?
    • Comments from Ryan King re profile and non-XHTML valid HTML
    • Comments about neutrality of RDF extraction from Fonseca
    • Ready for PR?
  5. Primer
    • ACTION: HarryH to check any primer fixes in, Murray and Jeremy to review once finished.
    • JJC's observation about invalid RDF results from Suda's XSLT.
    • Publish Primer as a Note?
  6. Advocating
    • ACTION: Chime to contact SemWebCG (CC IvanH) about who might be at STC '07 - mention session
    • ACTION: SWEO to e-mail GRDDL Logo contest announcement - semantic web at
    • ACTION: Danja to pick LeeF over Spreadsheet to RDF examples, does he have XSLT?
    • ACTION: HarryH to look into putting the spreadsheet to RDF example in primer.
  7. Relationship with RDFa
    • ACTION: Fabien to take action on testcase for microformat+XHTML->RDFa (i.e. hGRDDL). See his update.
  8. Test Cases for Approval or Rejection


This document contains RDF data following the Zakim agenda schema; weekly-agenda.rdf is an RDF variant of this document. It has the same data as the RDF data you get via the GRDDL service. An XSLT transformation, agendaData, relates the HTML dialect used here (which uses some hCalendar and hCard markup) to RDF/XML.

see also:

Harry Halpin, GRDDL WG Chair
$Revision: 1.130 $ of $Date: 2007/05/15 16:40:40 $