Appendix B

Representative Publications of Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government

This appendix is included to show the types of published material available from Government establishments. It is not intended as an order list. Complete lists are available from most of the agencies upon request. (For addresses, see text.) Price lists on a variety of subjects are supplied free by the Superintendent of Documents. (See Government Printing Office, below.)

In addition to the representative publications here listed, most of the departments and agencies publish an annual report.

When prices are stated, publications are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., unless otherwise indicated; if no price is give, the publication is furnished free by the issuing agency.



Congressional Directory. Cloth, $1.25.

Congressional Record. A record of the proceedings of Congress, Daily while Congress is in session. $1.50 a month; single copies 3¢ if not more than 24 pages, and 1¢ more for each additional 8 pages.

Slip Laws. The first printed form in which the laws of the United States appear; printed as soon as possible after their approval by the President. $3.00 a year; single copies, usually 5¢.

United States Code. The general and permanent laws of the United States classified according to subject matter. Edited by the House Committee on Revision of the Laws. 1940 edition (4 volumes), $16.50. Cumulative supplements for each session of Congress, prices vary.


Enlarging of the Capitol Grounds. $1.75.


Price lists of Government publications, available from Superintendent of Documents upon request:

10 LAWS. Federal Statues and compilations of laws on various subjects.
11 FOODS AND COOKING. Home economics, household recipes, canning, cold storage.
15 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Covers geology and water supply.
18 ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. Leveling, tides, magnetism, triangulation, and earthquakes.
19 ARMY AND MILITIA. Aeronautics, national defense, veterans' affairs.
20 PUBLIC DOMAIN. Public lands, conservation. National Resources Planning Board.
24 INDIANS. Publications pertaining to Indians, anthropology, and archeology.
25 TRANSPORTATION AND PANAMA CANAL. Railroad an shipping problems, postal service, communications, Coast Guard, and Panama Canal.
28 FINANCE. Banking, securities, loans.
31 EDUCATION. Includes agricultural and vocational education and libraries.
32 INSULAR POSSESSIONS (Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands).
33 LABOR. Child labor, women workers, wages, workmen's insurance, and compensation.


35 GEOGRAPHY AND EXPLORATION. Guidebooks, and national parks.
36 GOVERNMENT PERIODICALS, for which subscriptions are taken.
37 TARIFF. Compilation of acts, decisions, and regulations relating to tariff and taxation.
38 ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Domestic animals, poultry, and dairy industries.
41 INSECTS. INcludes bees and honey, and insects harmful to man, animals, and plants.
42 IRRIGATION, DRAINAGE, WATER POWER. Federal Power Commission, water resources.
43 FORESTRY. National forests, ranges, lumber, and timber.
44 PLANTS. Culture of fruits, vegetables, cereals, grasses, grain.
45 ROADS. Construction, improvement, and maintenance
46 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND SOILS AND FERTILIZERS. Chemistry of foods, soil surveys, soil erosion, and conservation.
48 WEATHER, ASTRONOMY, AND METEOROLOGY. Climate, floods, aerological observations.
49 PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Bound volumes of Congressional Record, and Congressional Globe.
50 AMERICAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. The Revolution, Civil War, World War.
51 HEALTH. Disease, drugs, sanitation, water pollution.
53 MAPS. Government maps, and directions for obtaining them.
54 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Liquors, District of Columbia, Supreme Court, crime control un-American activities, Government.
55 NATIONAL MUSEUM. Contributions from national Herbarium, National Academy of Sciences, and Smithsonian Reports.
58 MINES. Explosives, fuel, gas, gasoline, petroleum, minerals.
59 INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Steam railways, motor carriers, carriers by water.
60 ALASKA AND HAWAII. Mineral and agricultural resources, coal lands, geology, water supply, seal fisheries.
62 COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. Foreign trade, patents, trusts, public utilities.
63 NAVY. Publications relating to Navy and Marine Corps
64 STANDARDS OF WEIGHT AND MEASURE. Electricity, photography, tests of metals, building materials.
65 FOREIGN RELATIONS. Executive agreements, treaties, neutrality, international conferences.
67 IMMIGRATION. Aliens, citizenship, naturalization, races.
68 FARM MANAGEMENT. Agricultural credit, farm products, marketing, and agricultural statistics.
69 PACIFIC STATES: CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON. All material relating to these States.
70 CENSUS. Statistics of population, manufactures, agriculture, and occupations.
71 CHILDREN'S BUREAU, and other publications relating to children.
75 FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS. Federal standard stock catalog.
77 WORLD WAR II. National defense, post-war planning.
United States Government Publications. Monthly catalog. $2.25 a year; 20¢ a copy.


Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1, Group 1, books proper; monthly, $3.00 a year. Part 1, Group 2, pamphlets, contributions to newspapers or periodicals, lectures, and maps; monthly, $3.00 a year. Part 1, Group 3, dramatic compositions and motion pictures; monthly, $2.00 a year. Part 2, periodicals; quarterly, $2.30 a year. Part 3, musical compositions; monthly $3.00 a year. Part 4, works of art, prints, pictorial illustrations, including prints and labels used for articles of merchandise; monthly, $2.00 a year. Entire catalog, $10.00 a year. Annual indexes, each for complete calendar year, $2.00. Single numbers, 50¢ each.

Digest of Public General Bills and Index. 1935 and following years. Published irregularly during the session of Congress. $2.00 a session.

Monthly Check List of State Publications. Contains list of public documents received currently from the States, Territories, and insular possessions of the United States. $1.50 a year; 15¢ a copy.


Decisions of the United States Courts Involving Copyright. 1909-39. Bulletin No. 17, covering 1909-14, 65¢ Bulletin No. 21, covering 1935-37, 75¢ Bulletin No. 22, covering 1938-39, 75¢ Bulleting No. 23, covering 1939-40, $1.00.

Altogether, publications of the library of Congress number about 400 titles. In addition to those already listed, representative publications are: the journals of the Continental Congress and the records of the Virginia Company of London; the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings; lists of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress; lists of maps of America in the Library of Congress; catalogs of books on music; bibliography of international law; check lists of the American eighteenth century and the foreign newspapers in the Library of Congress; calendars and lists of the correspondence or other papers of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Monroe, John Paul Jones, Franklin Pierce, Martin Van Buren, John Jordan Crittenden; history of the Library of Congress, 1800-1864; Handbook of Latin American studies (in association with the American Council of Learned Societies--published annually by the Harvard University Press); Eminent Chinese of the Ch-ing Period; The Declaration of Independence: the Evolution of the Text; 75 Years of Freedom.



Revised Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States. Distributed by the Clerk of the Supreme Court.

Official Reports of the Supreme Court. Includes Decisions and Opinions of the Court and Changes in its Rules. Bound volumes, generally three to the term, $2.00 to $3.00 per volume, depending upon their size. Also a Preliminary Print (advance parts, paper-covered), usually four to a volume, at @2.00 for the term regardless of their size or number. Single issues of these, 20¢.



Bureau of the Budget

Budget of the United States. Annually. Price varies; 1946, $2.25.

Office for Emergency Management

Office of Civilian Defense

The following publications are typical examples of material which may be secured through local defense councils or by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.

War Services Manuals: Civilian War Services; Training Volunteers for War Services; U.S. Junior Citizens Service Corp; Manual for Volunteer Offices; The Neighborhood in Action.

Committee Manuals: Health Service in Wartime; Recreation in Wartime; Services for Children of Working Mothers; Education in Wartime; Suggestions for Housing Committees; Organizing Emergency Welfare Service in Your Community.

Volunteer Handbooks for: Air Raid Wardens; Auxiliary Firemen; Auxiliary Police; Driver Corps Members; Messengers; Road Repair Crews; Fire Guards; Fire Guard Leaders.

Medical Manuals: First Aid in Prevention and Treatment of Chemical Casualties; Field Care and Transportation of the Injured; Technical Manual for Rescue Service.

Defense Coordinator in Industrial Plants: Industrial Protection, Coordinator's Responsibilities, Sabotage, Industrial Fire, Warden, Police, and Emergency medical Service, Emergency Control System, Organization and Administration.


Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs2

A Summary of the Activities of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs.

Office of War Information

United States Government Manual. A reference book on the Federal Government. Published periodically. $1.00 a copy.

The Government of the United States (Chart). Principal agencies of the Federal Government and their subdivisions, charted under that branch of the Government of which their functions are most representative. Supplementary to the United States Government Manual.

United States Government--Executive Branch (Chart). Supplementary to the United States Government Manual.

Digest of the Functions of Federal Agencies. Summary of functions of Federal departments and agencies listed in United States Government Manual. 10¢.

Note: Publications of the Overseas Branch are not distributed in this country.

War Manpower Commission

Manpower Review (formerly Employment Security Review). Monthly. $1.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Part I, Definitions of Titles, $2.00; Part II, Group Arrangement of Occupational Titles and Codes, $1.00; Supplement 3 to Parts I and II, 60¢ Part IV, Entry Occupational Classification. 35¢.

War Production Board

General Storage Specifications for Critical and Strategic Materials.

National Emergency Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Stress Grade Lumber and Its Fastenings for Buildings.

Plant Efficiency. Ideas and suggestions on increasing efficiency in smaller plants.

Special Report of the Office of Rubber Director on the Synthetic Rubber Program.

Controlled Materials Plan:


War Production Drive:



Office of the Administrator

Housing Needs. HA Bulletin 1. 10¢.

Housing Costs. HA Bulletin 2. 10¢. Technical Bulletins.

Housing for War and the Job Ahead.

Tools of the HA and How They Work. Analysis of statutes on housing.

Operations of the National Housing Agency. One-page bulletin.

Disposition of War Housing.

Federal Home Loan Bank Administration

Federal Home Loan Bank Review. Official monthly publication of the Federal Home Loan Bank Administration. $1.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

The Federal Home Loan Bank Administration. Revised as of December 31, 1943.

Federal Savings and Loan Associations--What They Are and How Charters Are Granted.

If You Plan To Build or Buy a Home--These Facts Will Guide You. 1941.

Federal Housing Administration

Insured Mortgage Portfolio. Quarterly. Free to institutions approved or eligible to insure their mortgages with FHA; to others, 75¢ a year; 20¢ a copy.

Administrative Rules and Regulations. Available to financial institutions only.

Circulars. Titles vary.

Technical Bulletins. Prepared primarily for use of lending institutions, subdivision developers, operative builders, and other operating under the FHA plan. Titles and prices vary.

Land Planning Bulletin 1. 10¢.

Architectural Planning and Procedure for Rental Housing. 10¢.


Maximum Price Regulations.

Rationing Regulations.

Rent Regulations.


Informational material--press releases, pamphlets, bulletins, "Facts You Should Know" series, and the like--issued by the Information Department for the Price, Rent, Rationing, and Enforcement Departments.

Research study series issued in processed form by the Research Division under the direction of the Economic Adviser, including:

Facing the Price Problem. June 1942.

Reports to Congress. Quarterly, beginning with period ended April 30, 1942.


Selective Service. Monthly bulletin. Published for Selective Service, with a limited number fo outside distribution.


Register of the Department of State. Detailed information regarding organization and personnel of Department. Annually. Price varies; 1944 biographic register in preparation.

Foreign Service List. Names, posts, and salaries of American ambassadors, ministers, Foreign Service officers, and vice consuls abroad. Issued in complete form once a year (January 1), with supplements dated April 1, July 1, and October 1. 50¢ a year; January edition, 20¢; supplements, 15¢ each.

Diplomatic List. A list of foreign diplomatic representatives at Washington. Monthly. $2.00 a year; 20¢ a copy.

Department of State Bulletin. Material on current developments in American foreign relations and the work of the Department of State and the Foreign Service, including press releases and information concerning treaties. Weekly. $3.50 a year; 10¢ a copy.

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. One or more volumes for each year. Prices vary. The latest volumes are the three for 1929; Volume I, $2.25; Volume II, $2.50; Volume III, $2.00.

Territorial Papers of the United States. Eleven volumes published thus far, covering the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, the Territory South of the River Ohio, and Territory of Mississippi, the Territory of Indiana, the Territory of Orleans, and the Territory of Michigan. Prices vary. Volume X, $2.00; Volume XI, $3.25.

Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America. Seven volumes published thus far, covering 1776-1858. Prices vary. Volume VI, $3.25; Volume VII, $4.00. (The Department also publishes pamphlet texts of recent treaties, conventions, and Executive agreements in the Treaty Series and the Executive Agreement Series.)

Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked Nationals. Revised form time to time, and supplements issued as occasion requires.

The Department of State also issues miscellaneous publications, such as international conference documents; Hackworth's Digest of International Law; Whiteman's Damages in International Law; Peace and War: United States Foreign Policy, 1931-1941; War Documents; and addresses by officers of the Department. For a complete list of recent publications, see the semiannual list of Publications of the Department of State: A List Cumulative From October 1, 1929.


Anglo-American Caribbean Commission

Obtainable from the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission, Washington 25, D.C.

Caribbean Cooperation.

Nutrition, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Meeting of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission. Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands of the United States, August 17-21, 1943.

The Caribbean Islands and the War, A Record of Progress in Facing Stern Realities.

Report of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission to the Governments of the United States and Great Britain for the Year 1942-1943.

Report of the West Indian Conference held in Barbados 21st-30th March, 1944 Under the Auspices of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission.

Committee for Reciprocity Information

Rules of Procedure. Includes among other things, general information on procedures and the Trade Agreements Act.

International Boundary Commission--United States, Alaska, and Canada

For sale by the International Boundary Commission, Commerce Building, Washington, D.C.:

Joint Report upon the Survey and Demarcation of the Boundary between the united States and Canada. Six reports have been published. $2.50 each.

Maps. The boundaries are covered by 255 maps. Prices vary.

International Boundary Commission--United States and Mexico

Water Bulletin--Flow of the Rio Grande and Tributary Contributions. Numbers 1 to 11, for years 1931-41. (Obtainable from the International Boundary Commission, United States Section, 627 First National Bank Building, El Paso, Tex.)

International Fisheries Commission--United States and Canada

Obtainable from International Fisheries Commission, Fisheries Hall No. 2, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.:

Pacific Halibut Fishery Regulations. Printed each year at the time the regulations are promulgated.


Reports of the International Fisheries Commission.

International Joint Commission--United States and Canada

Obtainable from the International Joint Commission--United States and Canada, Room 928, Washington Loan and Trust Building, Washington, D.C.

Rules of Procedure, Text of Treaty and Legislation.

Functions, Powers, and Duties of the International joint Commission and of the International Boards Operating under Its Jurisdiction.

Organization and Work of the International Joint Commission.


If no price is given, the publication is available from the Public Relations Office, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C.

Daily Statement of the United States Treasury. A financial statement of the condition of the Treasury at the close of each business day.


Bulletin of the Treasury Department. Contains statistics for the current year and certain comparative data for previous years on receipts and expenditures, internal revenue collections, public debt, capital movements between the United States and foreign countries, monetary data, and law enforcement. Monthly.

Statement of the Public Debt of the United States. Monthly.

Circulation Statement of United States Money. Contains statistics as to kind and amounts of currency in circulation. Monthly.

Statistics of Income. Part 1, compiled from individual income tax returns, estate tax returns, and gift tax returns; Part 2, compiled from corporation income and excess profits tax returns and personal holding company returns. Annually. Prices vary. The latest volumes are the two for 1940: Part 1, 30¢; Part 2, 45¢.

War Bond Booklets. Explain the War Bond issues; purchase prices, maturity values, etc.

Tax Savings Notes. Explains series C and includes table of purchase price and tax payment value. 1943.

Treasury Decisions. Customs, internal revenue, narcotic, and other laws, including decisions of Customs Court and Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. Weekly. $3.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

The Treasury Department. The origin, development, organization, and functions of the Department.

Know Your Money. Published by the Secret Service. &10¢.

Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, for the Year Ending December 31, 1943. A report of the Government of the United States for distribution through the Secretary of State to the nations signatory to the International Drug Conventions of 1912 and 1931. 15¢.

Administration of Wartime Financial and Property Controls. A description of functions of Foreign Funds Control.


Decisions on Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Register of the Department of Justice. March 1, 1942. 25¢.

Attorney General's Committee on Administrative Procedure. 14 volumes. 5¢, 10¢. or 15¢ each.

Attorney General's Survey of Release Procedures.: Volume 1, $1.50; Volume 2, 60¢; Volume 3, 45¢ Volume 4, 75 ¢.

Classification of Fingerprints. Restricted under Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Opinions of the Attorney General. Issued separately and later published in bound volumes. Subscribers may deposit $1.50 with the Superintendent of Documents and receive the contents of a volume of the separate opinions as they are published: single copies, usually 5¢. Volume 39, $2.75.

Report of Attorney General's Committee on Bankruptcy Administration. 1940. $1.00.

The following are distributed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Washington, D.C.:

The following are distributed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C.:



Official Postal Guide.
Part I (revised biennially in July in the odd years) contains postal information of interest to the public and instructions to postal employees concerning domestic mail matter and the international money-order business; lists of post offices arranged by States, alphabetically, and by counties; also, a list of post offices classified as to salaries of postmasters, and a list of post offices discontinued during the previous 4 years. The list of post offices arranged by States, serves as a parcel-post guide when used in connection with a zone key, which may be obtained from postmaster. The Guide contains instructions for ascertaining the zones and postage rates. Cloth-bound, $1.50.

Part II contains postal information of interest to the public and instructions to postal employees concerning the International postal Service. Paper-bound, 35¢ (1945 edition will not be published).

Supplements (for the 2-year period August 1943-June 1945, which include 11 monthly and 4 quarterly issues), $1.15.

Postal Bulletin. Contains current orders, instructions, and information relating to the Postal Service. Twice a week: Tuesday and Friday. $1.00 a year. Individual copies may also be purchased.

A Description of United States Postage Stamps Issued by the Post Office Department From July 1, 1847, to December 31, 1943. Paper-bound. 30¢.

Postage Rates, 1789-1930. Abstract of laws passed between 1789 and 1930 fixing rates of postage and according free mail privileges. 10¢.

Postage Rates, Part II, 1930-1944. Abstract of laws passed between June 14, 1930, and July 1, 1944, fixing rates of postage and according free mail privileges. 5¢.

Postal Laws and Regulations. Contains the acts of Congress and regulation of the Department for the government of the post Office Department and the postal Service. $1.50. Amendments: 1-56, 10¢; 57-84, 5¢; 85-118, 5¢; 119-175, 10¢; 176-215, 10¢; 216-244, 10¢.


Government Publications--Navy. See Price List 63--Navy, issued free by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.


Minerals Yearbook. Compiled by Bureau of Mines, but for sale by Superintendent of Documents. Annually. (First edition, 1932-33.) Prices vary. Review of 1941, $2.25. For duration of war, general distribution has been discontinued.

Indians at Work. Monthly new sheet, Office of Indian Affairs.

Indian Education. Fortnightly field letter, Office of Indian Affairs.

Bulletins and Technical Papers. Present results of scientific and technical investigations of Bureau of Mines. Prices and titles vary.

Conservation Bulletins. Published by three bureaus of Department of the Interior. Titles vary. Some are for sale; some are free.

Manual of First Aid Instruction. Compiled by Bureau of Mines, but for sale by Superintendent of Documents. 45¢.

Self-Contained Oxygen Breathing Apparatus. Compiled by Bureau of Mines, but for sale by Superintendent of Documents. 25¢.

Coal Miners' Safety Manual. Compiled by Bureau of Mines, but for sale by Superintendent of Documents. 25¢.

Miners' Circulars. Cover phases of mine safety of interest to miners. Prices and titles vary.


National Park Service Literature. Informational booklets, map folders, and leaflets relating to the various units of the national park system are distributed free of charge by the National Park Service. A number of technical and other special publications prepared by the National Park Service are available by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents.

North American Fauna. A series. Prices vary.

Fisher Bulletin. Wildlife and Fishery Research Reports, Circulars, and Regulatory Announcements. Titles and prices vary.

Information Circulars and Reports of Investigations. Present results of research by Bureau of Mines and general information on mining, mine safety, metallurgy and related subjects. Titles vary.

List of Motion Pictures. Gives brief summaries of approximately 70 subjects on deposit in the film library of the Bureau of Mines. These motion pictures, both silent and sound, dealing with various activities of the mineral industries, are loaned free to industrial plants, war training classes, schools, colleges, and other public and private organizations.


Agriculture in the Americas. Monthly, 75¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

Agriculture Decisions. Monthly. $2.00 a year; prices vary for single copy.

Agricultural Situation. Monthly. 50¢ a year; 5¢ a copy.

Agricultural Statistics. Issued annually. 1943 edition, 65¢.

Bibliography of Agriculture. Monthly. $4.50 a year; 40¢ a copy.

Consumer's Guide. Monthly. 50¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

Crops and Markets. Quarterly. 30¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

Experiment Station Record. Monthly. $2.50 a year; 20¢ a copy.

Extension Service Review. Monthly. 75¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

Foreign Agriculture. Monthly. $1.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

Journal of Agricultural Research. Semimonthly. $2.25 a year; 10¢ a single number; separate articles, 5¢ each.

Land Policy Review. Quarterly. 30¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

News for Farmer Cooperatives. Monthly. $1.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

Rural Electrification News. Monthly. 75¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

Soil Conservation. Monthly. $1.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

Agricultural War Information Pamphlets. a new war series of popular interest on food production, conservation, and use; the care of household and farm equipment; and helpful information on health and nutrition.

Bibliographical Bulletins. Contain references to the literature on special agricultural subjects and general information regarding the contents of each reference.

Circulars. Semitechnical in character, and contain practical information based on research.

Commodity Statistics. Carry specialized timely statistics on various agricultural commodities.

Discussion Series. A discussion of pertinent agricultural problems relating to the war and post-war conditions.

The Farmer and the War Series. Pamphlets dealing essentially with the economic status of farmers in wartime.

Farmers' Bulletins and Leaflets. Popular, illustrated publications covering subjects primarily of interest to farmers, gardeners, and homemakers.

Foreign Agriculture Reports and Bulletins. Two series. Cover information on the agriculture of foreign countries, thus far primarily Pan American.

Miscellaneous Publications. Cover a variety of subjects ranging from popular to scientific and specialized, and issued in various sizes, depending upon the material and its treatment and the audience to be served.

Nutrition and Food Conservation Series. Publications dealing with nutrition and proper use, distribution, and conservation of food.

Physical Land Conditions and Soil Surveys. Series intended eventually to cover all parts of the country, and give detailed information about the types of soils and their condition in relation to erosion.

Statistical Bulletins. A series carrying statistical information on various agricultural subjects.


Technical Bulletins. Carry results of research in agricultural sciences for the information of research workers, extension leaders, scientific farmers, educational scientists, and professional groups.

Monthly List of Publications and List of Available Publications.


Sixteenth Census, 1940.: Publications on population, housing, agriculture, and business. Titles and prices vary.

Biennial Census of Manufactures, 1939. State and special industries reports. Title and prices vary.

Facts for Industry. A series of monthly releases on factory production issued jointly with the War Production Board. Free on written request to the Bureau of the Census.

Foreign Trade Reports (FT Series). Statistics on exports and imports, monthly semiannually, and annually. Titles and prices vary.

Monthly Report on the Labor Force.

Labor Force Bulletin. Monthly.

Special Population Reports. Issued at irregular intervals.

Vital Statistics of the United States. Annual (in two parts). Prices vary.

Current Statistical Service. Monthly sales of independent retailers, wholesalers, etc.

Research papers, circulars, handbooks, simplified practice recommendations, commercial standards, building and housing, building materials and structures, and miscellaneous publications. Titles and prices vary.

Weather maps, miscellaneous publications regarding wind and weather and cloud forms. Titles and prices vary.

Export and Import Practice. Trade Promotion Series 175. 40¢.

Commercial Travelers' Guide to Latin America. Part I, West Coast of South America, Domestic Commerce Series 179, 35¢; Part II, East Coast of South America, Domestic Commerce Series 187, 35¢; Part III, Medico, Central American and Caribbean countries, Domestic Commerce Series 208, 40¢.

The United States in the World Economy. Economic Series 23. 35¢.

Trade and Professional Associations of the United States. Industrial Series 3. $1.00.

Structural Clay Products./ Trade Information Bulletin 842. 10¢.

Civil Aeronautics bulletins:

Aeronautical charts and maps, publications on astronomy, cartography, gravity, hydrography, leveling, seismology, tides and currents, topography, triangulation and traverse, and coast pilots. Titles and prices vary.

General information concerning patents and trade-marks.

Periodical publications:


Periodical publications--Continued:

Textile Foundation, Inc.

(Orders should be directed to the Textile Foundation, Inc.)

Inventory Policies of the Textile Industry. Set of 7 publications. $3.00 a set; 50¢ each.

Vertical Integration in the Textile Industry. $1.50.

The Textile Economic Series: Management of a Textile Business; Marketing of Textiles; Textile Costing; Textile Industries--An Economic Analysis. $6.00 a set; $2.00 each.

The Elastic and Creep Properties of Filamentous Materials and Other High Polymers. $2.00.


Labor Information Bulletin. Monthly.

Monthly Labor Review. Report on prices, wages, industrial disputes, building operations, employment conditions, and labor legislation. $3.50 a year; 30¢ a copy.

The Child. Monthly news summary. 50¢ a year; 5¢ a copy.

Effective Industrial Use of Women in the Defense Program. 10¢.


United States Office of Education9

Bulletins, Pamphlets, Leaflets. These publications pertain to practically all fields of education and a number of each group are issued during any year.

Biennial Survey of Education. Perhaps the best known series of Office of Education publications. The Survey comprises an extensive statistical and textual résumé of educational conditions in the United States, as well as information regarding conditions in some of the principal foreign countries. Prices and titles vary.

Annual Report of the U.S. Office of Education. The Commissioner of Education reports annually on the activities carried on by the U.S. Office of Education during the fiscal year, and includes recommendations for the coming year.

Post-War Planning. A series of educational planning leaflets, including the following titles of separate leaflets: Planning Schools for Tomorrow; Some Considerations in Educational Planning for Urban Communities; Our School in the Post-War World--What Shall We Make of Them; Pupil Personnel Services for All Children; The Schools and Recreation Services; and Needs of Exceptional Children.

Educational Directory. Published annually. Part I, Federal State, and County School Officers, 10¢; Part II, City School Officers, 10¢; Part III, Colleges and Universities, Including All Institutions of Higher Education, 20¢; Part IV, Educational Associations and Directories, 10¢.


Vocational Division Bulletins. These bulletins are divided into the following series: Agricultural Education, Business Education, Home Economics Education, Occupational Information and Guidance, Trade and industrial Education, Vocational-Technical Training, and Defense Training. The latest Vocational Division publication to come from the press, I.Vocational-Technical Training for Industrial Occupations, starts the Vocational-Technical Training Series.

A Digest of Annual Reports of State Boards for Vocational Education to the U.S. Office of Education, Vocational Division, is issued annually, as required by Act of Congress.

Education for Victory. Official biweekly journal replacing School Life for the duration of the war. Contains official announcements, regulations, and other information affecting education; current reports on emergency programs; lists of new publications of Government agencies that have educational interests; reports from States, local schools, and other educational groups. Issued on the 3rd and 20th of each month. $1.00 a year.

Radio Script and Transcription Exchange. Catalogs supply guides to more than 1,200 educational radio scripts and 275 331/3 r.p.m. transcriptions, mot of which may be borrowed without charge. Many scripts and transcriptions have been selected for special usefulness in relation to war problems. Write to Radio Service, U.S. Office of Education, Washington 25, D.C.

Public Health Service

Venereal Disease Information. Monthly. 75¢ a year; 10¢ a copy.

Public Health Reports. Weekly. $4.00 a year; 10¢ a copy.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Bimonthly. $2.00 a year; 40¢ a copy.

Social Security Board

Social Security Yearbook, 1943. 45¢.

Social Security Bulletin. Monthly. $2.00 a year in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; $3.75 in other countries; 20¢ a copy.

Unemployment Compensation Interpretation Service. Benefit Series. Monthly, with annual cumulative index and digest. Subscription price, $3,50 a year; single copies, 30¢.

Some Basic Readings in Social Security. Publication No. 28, 1942. 15¢.

Compilation of the Social Security Laws. 15¢.

Miscellaneous technical and non-technical circulars and reports.

Annual Report. 1944. 15¢.


Office of the Administrator

Second Annual Report of the Federal Works Agency. 65¢.

Third Annual Report of the Federal Works Agency. 25¢.

Post-War Public Works. 5¢.

Public Roads Administration

Public Roads. Quarterly magazine reporting the results of the highway research of the Public Roads Administration. 50¢ a year, or 15¢ a single copy.

Toll Roads and Free Roads. Presenting a master plan for future highway improvement. 75¢.

Principles of Highway Construction as Applied to Airports. Prepared to meet widespread demand for information on the construction of airport runways. $1.00.


Interregional Highways. Message from the President of the United States transmitting a report of the National Interregional Highway Committee outlining and recommending a national system of interregional highways. 75¢.


American Armies and Battlefields in Europe. $2.75.

Division Summary of Operations in the World War. 1st Division, $1.50; 2d, $1.50; 3d, $1.50; 4th, $1.50; 5th, $1.25; 7th, 75¢; 26, $1.25; 27th, $1.00; 28th, $1.50; 29th, 75¢; 30th, $1,00; 32d, $1.25; 33d, $1.25; 35th, 75¢; 36th, 75¢; 37th, 75¢; 42d, $1.50; 77th, $1.50; 78th, 75¢; 79th, 75¢; 80th, $1.25; 81st, 75¢; 82d, $1,00; 89th, $1,00; 90th, $1,00; 91st, $1,00; 92d, 75¢; 93d, $1.00.


The publications listed below may be obtained from the District of Columbia Government:

Director of Vehicles and Traffic: Traffic Regulations for the District of Columbia.

District Unemployment Board: Statistical Report. Released quarterly and annually.

Minimum Wage Board: Annual Report.

Office of Secretary to Board of Commissioners: Annual Report of Government of District of Columbia.

Public Library: Monthly List of Selected Books.

Recorder of Deeds: Annual Report.

Collector of Taxes:

Laws and Regulations Relating to Public Health. Latest edition, 1939. 50¢.
     (Available from Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C.)


An ABC of the FCC. Factual pamphlet in question-and-answer form.

Communications Act of 1934 with Amendments and Index Thereto. 15¢.

Federal Communications Commission Reports. Bound volumes of decisions, reports (exclusive of annual reports), and order, 1934-April 1943. Prices vary; Volume 9, $1.25.

Radio--A Public Primer.

Report on Chain Broadcasting. 30¢.

Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Titles vary; 5¢ to 15¢.

Statistics of the Communications Industry in the United States. 1942. 35¢.

Study Guide and Reference Material for Commercial Radio Operator Examinations. 15¢.


Assets and Liabilities of Operating Insured Banks. Semiannually.



The following publications are sold by the Commission only:

Electric Power Requirements of Industrial Establishments. 1939-=1943 (actual); 1944 (estimated). 50¢ (In process of publication.)

Electric Power Statistics. A loose-leaf statistical service comprising 48 monthly and 3 annual and occasional supplementary reports furnished with a binder. The service includes monthly reports on production and capacity; the consumption of fuel; revenues and income of the major privately owned electric utilities; and electric power requirements and supply, and the following annual and other publications: Consumption of Fuel for Production of Electric Energy, Production of Electric Energy and Capacity of Generating Plants, Electric Power Statistics, 1920-1940. Subscription $2.00 a year; service to continue for 12 months from date of order.

Statistics of Electric Utilities in the United States, Year Ended December 31, 1943. Classes A and B. $2.00.

Statistics of Natural Gas Companies, 1942. 50¢. (Later issue in process of publication.)

National Electric Rate Book. The National Electric Rate Book and individual Rate Books for the 48 States, covering the rates charged by publicly and privately owned utilities in communities,k of 1l,000 or more population, are issued in loose-leaf binders. Supplements showing rate changes and new rate schedules are issued to replace superseded data. Nation Electric Rate Book, $10.00, including binders and supplement service for 12 months from date or order; supplement service thereafter, $7,50 a year. State Rate Books, $1,00 each, including binder and supplement service fo 12 months from date of order; supplement service thereafter, $1.00 a hear.

Rate Reports. 1945 Rate Series. A report by States grouped within the nine standard geographic divisions of the country, showing typical electric bills for residential service in communities of 2,500 or more population, 25¢; report showing typical electric bills in cities of 50,000 or more, 10¢.

Directory of Electric Utilities in the United States. Contains data on all electric utilities serving communities of 250 or more population. 1941. $2.00.

Directory of Gas Utilities in the United States. Contains data on all natural, mixed, and manufactured gas utilities serving communities of 250 or more population, the largest producers, and interstate pipeline companies. 1941. $2.00.

Provisional Rules of Practice and Regulations under the Natural Gas Act, with Approved Forms. 10¢.

The Financial Record of the Electric Utility Industry 1937-1943. A summary compiled from annual reports of the Federal Power Commission.


Publications listed below are available only from the office of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington 25, D.C.:

Federal Reserve Bulletin. Monthly. $2.00 a year; 20¢ a copy.

Banking Studies. Comprising 17 papers on banking and monetary subjects, by members of the Board's staff. August 1941. 496 pages. $1.50 a copy; in quantities of 10 or more, 75¢ a copy.

A Digest of RUlings of the Board from 1914 to October 1, 1937. $1.25.

Chart Book I. Federal Reserver Charts on Bank Credit, Money Rates, and Business. 50¢.

Federal Reserve System--Its Purposes and Functions. A booklet of 128 pages, descriptive of the System. 50¢.

Banking and Monetary Statistics. November 1943. $1.50.


Monthly Summary of Work. Commission activities of the previous month.

Agricultural Implement and Machinery Industry. Investigation of the industry, $1.25.


Agricultural Income Inquiry. Part I, Principal Farm Products, $1.25; II, Fruits, Vegetables, and Grapes, $1.00; III Supplementary Report, 20¢.

Case Studies in Distribution Cost Accounting for Manufacturing and Wholesaling. June 1941.

Distribution Methods and Costs. Part I, Important Food Products; Part IV, Agricultural Implements; and Part V, Advertising as a Factor in Distribution. Part I, 30¢; Part IV, 25¢; Part V, 20¢.

Chain Store Inquiry. Investigation is covered in 34 pamphlets. Prices vary.

Consumer Protection. Excerpt from 1939 Annual Report.

Digest of Decisions of the Federal Trade Commission, from 1915 to June 1, 1938, 10¢.

Federal Trade Commission Decisions. Decisions for the various years are covered in 37 volumes. Prices vary.

Industrial Corporation Reports. 1939 and 1940 operations covering 76 and 86 principal manufacturing industries, respectively.

Motor Vehicle Industry. Full report, $1.25; Motor Vehicles, Summary and Conclusions, available from the Commission.

Protection of the Consumer by the Federal Trade Commission. October 14, 1939.

Rules, Policy, and Acts. July 1, 1944.

Sale and Distribution of Milk and Milk Products. The seven reports in the series cover the different areas. Prices vary.

Statutes and Decisions. Statutes administered by the Commission and court decisions construing them. 1930-1938, $1.50; 1939-1943, $1.75.

The Federal Trade Commission--Its Duties and Procedure. 1942.

Trade Practice Rules. September 1, 1935 to August 31, 1939, 30¢. Single copies of subsequently published rules of the different industries, in pamphlet form, may be obtained from the Commission.

Utility Corporations. Included are 84 volumes of testimony and exhibits taken at the hearings; 5 summary reports; 3 final reports; 3 index. Prices vary.

World War Activities of the Federal Trade Commission, 1917-1918.

NOTE.--The Commission's 1944 Annual report lists alphabetically, and briefly describes, approximately 135 general inquiries and investigations conducted by the Commission during the period from 1915 to 1944 and reports published in connection therewith.


Decisions of the Comptroller General. Distributed to Government agencies monthly in pamphlet form and annually in bound volumes.


Accident Bulletin. Annually. 1943 edition, 25¢.

Decision (Reports or Opinions). Volume 1-256. Prices vary; volume 256, $1.75; volumes 257-260 and Motor Carrier volumes 39 and 43, in press.

Valuation Opinions. Issued irregularly. Subscription for the unbound sheets of one volume, $1.50; single copies are usually 5 ¢.





Finding Mediums:

Records Administration Circulars:

Public Records Under Military Occupation.

Wartime Cataloging of Motion-Picture Film.

The National Archives--What It Is and What It Does.

Federal Register. Contains Presidential proclamations, Executive orders, and legal documents of executive agencies. Daily, except Sunday, Monday, and the day following a legal holiday. $15.00 a year; $1.50 a month, including indexes; a minimum of 15¢ a copy.

Code of Federal Regulations. As of June 1, 1938. Entire Code consists of 50 titles, bound in 17 books; $2.25 each. Supplements to the Code, 1938, $2.25; 1939, 2 books, $3.00 each; 1940, 4 books, $3.00 each; 1941, 4 books, $3.00 each. Cumulative supplement covering period of June 2, 1938, through June 1, 1943, published in 10 books, of which book 5 is in 2 parts and book 10 contains the general index; $3.00 per unit. 1943 Supplement (June 2 through Dec. 31), 2 books, $3.00 each.


The following publications are available from the National Gallery of Art:

General Information Booklet.

Book of Illustrations. Halftone reproductions of painting and sculpture in the National Gallery of Art. $1.50. Postage extra, 9¢.


Preliminary Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture. Descriptions and critical notes. 16 halftone illustrations. 50¢. Postage extra, 6¢.

Catalogue of French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection. 71 halftone illustrations with notes, and one color reproduction. 50¢ Postage extra, 3¢.

Check List of Works of Art from the Widener Collection. 10¢s. Postage extra, 3¢.

Famous Paintings, National Gallery of Art. A portfolio of twenty 11" x 14" color reproductions with a descriptive folder. $3.50. Postage extra.

Selections from the Rosenwald Collection. Book of 66 reproductions of engravings, etchings, woodcuts, and drawings with descriptive text. $1.50. Postage extra, 7¢.

Masterpieces of Painting from the National Gallery of Art. Edited by Huntington Cairns and John Walker. A book containing 85 color reproductions of masterpieces of painting from the National Gallery of Art, each with an interpretive passage from the world's literature. $6.50, plus postage and insurance 20¢.


Second Annual Report. For year ending June 30, 1937. 20¢.

Third Annual Report. For year ending June 30, 1938. 30¢.

Fifth Annual Report. For year ending June 30, 1940. 20¢.

Sixth Annual Report. For year ending June 30, 1941. 20¢.

Seventh Annual Report. For year ending June 30, 1942. 25¢.

Eighth Annual Report. For year ending June 30, 1943. 35¢.

Collective Bargaining in the Newspaper Industry. 30¢.

Decisions and Orders. In bound volume form, ranging from $1.25 to $2.50; with the exception of Volume I, which is $4.00. To day 57 volumes have been issued.

Effect of Labor Relations in the Bituminous Coal Industry Upon Interstate Commerce. 20¢.

Miscellaneous Information Material. General information on the act and on the work of the Board.

National Labor Relations Act. 5¢.

Table of Cases Decided. Volumes I to XLI, inclusive (December 7, 1935, to June 30, 1942). 30¢.

Written Trade Agreements in Collective Bargaining. 35¢.

Statutes and COngressional Reports Pertaining to the National Labor Relations Board. 20¢.

Rules and Regulations. 10¢.

Court Decisions Relating to the National Labor Relations Act. Volume I, $2.25; Volume II, $2.75.


Annual Report of the National Mediation Board, Including the Report of the National Railroad Adjustment Board, 1944. 20¢.


Monthly Review. Monthly reports of railroad retirement and railroad unemployment insurance operation, rules and regulations of the Board, legal opinions, and other subject matter relating to the administration of both acts.

Railroad Retirement Board Law BUlletin No. 1. Rulings and opinions on employer status of certain bus and trucking companies. 20¢.

Railroad Retirement Board Law Bulletin No. 2. Rulings and opinions on employer status of companies performing service in connection with railroad transportation. 55¢.


Decisions and Reports of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ten volumes, beginning with July 2, 1934. Prices vary.

Current Releases Announcing Rules, Registrations, Decisions, Reports, Surveys, and Statistical Studies, and Transactions of Officers, Directors, and Principal Stockholders.


Investigation in the Matter of Richard Whitney, et al. Volume I, Report of the Commission,I 20¢; II, Transcript of Hearing, $1.00; III, exhibits, 55¢.

Judicial Decisions. Volume I. Comprising all court decisions, reported and unreported, in civil and criminal cases involving statutes administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission to December 31, 1939. $2.00.

Report on the Study and Investigation of the Work, Activities, Personnel, and Functions of the Protective and Reorganization Committees. Eight volumes. Titles and prices vary.

Reports on the Study of Investment Trusts and investment Companies. Parts I-V, together with six supplemental reports. Titles and prices vary.


These publications, with the exception of the Miscellaneous Collections, Special Publications, and Volume VI of the Annals, are public documents, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, or available without charge from the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian Annual Reports. Covering the Institution and the bureaus under its direction. In addition to administrative data, contain about 30 papers on various scientific subjects. Prices vary.

Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. Technical observations. Prices vary.

Annual Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Administrative in character. Prices vary.

Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Titles and prices of the series vary.

Annual Reports of the U.S.; National Museum. Administrative in character. Prices vary.

Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum. Technical, Titles and prices of the papers in the series vary.

Bulletins of the U.S. National Museum. Titles and prices vary.

Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Available from the Institution only. Free to public libraries and other educational establishments. Titles and prices of the papers in the series vary.

Special Publications. Available from the Institution. Free to public libraries and other educational establishments. Titles and prices vary.


The following publications except The Norris Project, The Wheeler Project, and The Pickwick Landing Project, are available from the Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn.:

Manual for Soil Erosion Control in the Tennessee Valley (Engineering Phase). 85 ¢.

Soil, the Nation's Basic Heritage.

Studies in the Heating of Small Houses. 50¢.

The Guntersville Project. $1.00.

The Norris Project. $1.50.

The Pickwick Landing Project. $1.00.

The Scenic Resources of the Tennessee Valley. $1.00.

The Tennessee Valley Authority Act.

The Wheeler Project. $1.00.

TVA Program--In Text and Pictures. 10¢.

Unified Development at the Tennessee Valley. 25¢.

Widening of Economic Opportunity through TVA.

Wiring and Lighting the Farmstead. 50¢.


Reports of the Court. Opinions appear in individual pamphlets, in monthly consolidated pamphlets, and in bound volumes. Bound Volumes 1 and 2, $2.00 each. Individual pamphlets, or "advance sheets," issued irregularly, $2.25 a volume; 5¢ a copy. Monthly consolidated pamphlets, or "advance parts," prices vary; $1.25 volume. Price of bound volume varies.



Opportunities in Federal Service.13 Contains list of current Civil Service examinations open throughout the country. Gives examination titles, salaries, and announcement numbers.

Civil Service Act, Rules, and Regulations, annotated. $1.00.

Civil Service Retirement Act. 20¢.

Classification Statutes. Form 2910.

Federal Employment Under the Merit System. Form 2346.

Federal Jobs Outside the Continental U.S. Form 3954.

From Military Service to Civil Service: Answers to Questions of Returning Servicemen and Servicewomen about Federal Employment.

How to Learn About U.S. Civil Service Examinations. Form 3529.

Monthly Report of Employment--Executive Branch of the Federal Government..

Political Activity and Policitacl Assessments of Federal Officeholders and Employees. Form 1236.

Political Activity and Political Assessments of Persons Employed by State and Local Agencies in Connection with Activities Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants Made by the United States or by any Federal Agency. Form 1236-A.

Reinstatement and Reemployment. Form 126.

Synopsis of Retirement Benefits Under the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as Amended.

The Second Year: A Study of Women's Participation in War Activities of the Federal Government. Form 3788.

War Transfers of Federal Employees. Form 305.

Women in the Federal Service. Form 3321.

Your Retirement System: Questions and Answers Concerning the Federal Civil Service Retirement Law. 10¢.


Safety Bulletin. Monthly.


America Builds Ships. Booklet.

Economic Survey of Coastwise and Intercoastal Shipping, 1939.

Merchant Marine Act and Shipping Acts. Revised to January 1, 1940.

Report to Congress on Training Merchant Marine Personnel, 1939.

Merchant Marine Act, 1936. Revised to January 1, 1944.

Handbook of Merchant Marine Development and Regulations in the United States. 1940.

Annual Reports. 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1943.

The United States Merchant Marine Cadet Corps and Academy. Information booklet for young Americans interested in a career as an officer in the United States Merchant Marine. 1944.

The U.S. Merchant Marine. 1943.


Changes in Import Duties Since 1930. Miscellaneous Series. 1943. 25¢.

European Possessions in the Caribbean Area. Report 151, Second Series, 1943. 40¢.

The Foreign Trade of Latin America. Report 146, Second Series, 1942:

Part I--Trade of Latin American with the World and with the United States. English, 20¢ Spanish, 25¢.


The Foreign Trade of Latin America--Continued.
Part II--Commercial Policies and Trade Relations of Individual Latin American Countries; Volume 1--The South American Republics. English, 35¢; Spanish, 50¢. Volume 2--Mexico and the Republics of Central American and the West Indies. English, 40¢; Spanish, 50¢.

Part III--Selected Latin American Export Commodities. English, 35¢ Spanish, 35¢.

Foreign-Trade and Exchange Control in Germany. Report 150, Second Series, 1943. 35¢.

The Rayon Industry. 1944.

Report on Production, Consumption, and Stocks of Certain Synthetic Organic Chemicals. (Monthly release.)

Series of reports under the following titles, for certain of the American Republics:

Economic Controls and Commercial Policy.
Mining and Manufacturing Industries.
Agricultural, Pastoral, and Forest Industries.
Recent Developments in Foreign Trade.

Synthetic Organic Chemicals, United States Production and Sales, 1943. (Preliminary report.)

Trade Agreements:

Treaties Affecting Northeastern Fisheries. 1944. 25¢.

United States Consumption of Food in Terms of Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Calories, 1939-43. 1943.

War Changes in Industry Series:


Medical Bulletin of the Veterans Administration. Quarterly. 75¢ a year; 20¢ a copy.

Laws Relating to Veterans. 1944 edition, $1.00. Complete through February 3, 1944, including veterans' regulations promulgated by the President under Public Law No. 2, 73d Congress, March 20, 1933.

Handbook for Servicemen and Servicewomen of World War II and Their Dependents, Including Rights and Benefits of Veterans of World War I and Their Dependents. (H. Doc. 394, 78th Congress.) 10¢.

Servicemen's Rights and Benefits. (H. Doc. 682.) A handy guide for veterans of the armed forces and their dependents. 5¢.

Guaranty of Loans (for Homes). 5¢.

Guaranty of Loans (for Farms and Farm Equipment). 5¢.

Guaranty of Loans (for Purchases of Businesses, etc.). 5 ¢.




With the Exception of the Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, the following publications are available from the issuing agencies:

National Academy of Sciences

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Monthly. $5.00 a year; 50¢ a copy.

Biographical Memoirs.

Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Titles and prices vary.

National Research Council

Bulletin Series. Titles and prices vary.

Organization and Members of the National Research Council.

Reprint and Circular Series. Titles and prices vary.

Highway Research Abstracts. Monthly, except August and December. Ten issues, $1.50 a year; 15¢ a copy.


The following are for sale by the Pan American Union, Washington, D.C.:

Bulletin of the Pan American Union. Monthly magazine. English edition, $1.50 a year; Spanish edition, $1.00 a year; Portuguese edition, $1.00 a year. Single copies, any edition, 15¢. Additional charge of 75¢ a year, on each edition, for subscriptions in countries not members of the Pan American Union.

Commercial Pan America. Monthly review dealing with inter-American economic and financial subjects; English and Spanish editions. $1.00 a year for each edition; 10¢ a number. Additional charge of 75¢ a year for subscriptions in countries not members of the Pan American Union.

The American Capitals. Illustrated booklets. 5¢ a copy.

The American Nations. Illustrated booklets on the different republics. (Series on the American Capitals and the American Nations being rewritten, consequently not complete.) 5¢ a copy.

American Commodities. Separate booklets on latin American commodities. Additional booklets in preparation. 5¢ a copy.

Foreign Trade Series. Separate booklets on each Latin American country. 10¢ each. General Survey, annual, 25¢.

List of publications available on request to the Pan American Union.


The publications listed below may be obtained from The American Red Cross, Washington, D.C.:

Junior Red Cross Journal. Published September through May. $1.00.

Junior Red Cross News. Published September through May. 50¢.

The Red Cross Courier. Monthly. $1.00.

A Memory of Solferino. 95 p. 50¢.

Services to the Armed Forces. ARC 296. Revised November 1942. 48 p.

Canteen Corps. ARC 722. Volunteer Special Services. 20 p.

Staff Assistance Corps. ARC 416. Volunteer Special Services. 15 p.

Disaster Preparedness and Relief. ARC 209. Manual for Chapters. 111 p.

Suggestions on Feeding in a Disaster. ARC 994. 62 p.

Red Cross Home Nursing. A textbook for homemakers and enrolled members of Red Cross Home Nursing classes. Available from local Red Cross chapters. July 1942. 60¢. 430 p.


Table of Contents


1. See also text.

2. See also text.

3. See also text.

4. See also text.

5. See also text.

6. See also text.

7. See also text.

8. See also text.

9. See also text.

10. See also text.

11. See also text.

12. See also text.

13. Copies of this publication may be consulted in the office of the Board of United States Civil Service Examiners in any first- or second-class post office, or in any of the Commission's regional offices, or may be obtained by writing to the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D.C.

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation