Department of Justice

Constitution Avenue and Tenth Street NW.
REpublic 8200

Attorney General Francis Biddle
  Executive Assistant to the Attorney General (Vacancy)
Solicitor General Charles Fahy
The Assistant to the Attorney General James P. McGranery
  Special Assistant to the Attorney General A. Devitt Vanech
Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division Wendell Berge
Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division Samuel O. Clark, Jr.
Assistant Attorney General, Claims Division Francis M. Shea
  Director, Bureau of War Risk Litigation (Vacancy)
Assistant Attorney General, Lands Division (Vacancy)
Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division Tom C. Clark
Assistant Attorney General, War Division Herbert Wechsler
  Director, Alien Enemy Control Unit Edward J. Ennis
  Chief, Alien Property Unit (Vacancy)
Assistant Attorney General, Customs Division Paul P. Rao (New York City)
Assistant Solicitor General Hugh B. Cox
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover
  Assistant to the Director Clyde A. Tolson
  Assistant to the Director Edward A. Tamm
Director, Bureau of Prisons James V. Bennett
  Assistant Director William T. Hammack
Members, Board of Parole Arthur D. Wood
    Judge T. Webber Wilson
    Edward Philip Reidy
Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Ugo Carusi
  Deputy Commissioner Thomas B. Shoemaker
  Assistant Commissioner for Alien Control Willard F. Kelley
  Assistant Commissioner for Adjudications Joseph Savoretti
  Special Assistant to the Commissioner Edward J. Shaughnessy
Members, Board of Immigration Appeals Thomas G. Finucane, Chairman
    Robert M. Charles
    Leigh L. Nettleton
    Jack Wasserman
    Patricia H. Collins
Pardon Attorney Daniel M. Lyons
Director of Public Relations Charles T. Malcolmson
Administrative Assistant to the Attorney General John Q. Cannon
  Assistant Administrative Assistant Salvador A. Andretta
Chief, Budget and Planning Section E.R. Butts
Chief, Division of Accounts Eugene J. Matchett
Chief Clerk Harvey C. Donaldson
Chief, Personnel Office John W. Adler
Librarian Matthew A. McKavitt

Creation and Authority.--The Department of Justice was established by the act of June 22, 1870 (1 Stat. 92; 16 Stat. 162; 5 U.S.C. 291), with the Attorney General at its head. Prior to 1870 the Attorney General was a member of the President's Cabinet, but not the head of a department, the office having been created under authority of the act of September 24, 1789, as amended (1 Stat. 92; 16 Stat. 162; 5 U.S.C. 291). Not until May 31, 1918, however, were the


legal offices of the various Government agencies consolidated in the Department of Justice. This was done, largely as a wartime measure, by Executive Order 2877 of that date.

Purpose.--The chief purposes of the Department of Justice are to provide means for the enforcement of the Federal laws, to furnish legal counsel in Federal cases, and to construe the laws under which other departments act. It conducts all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States is concerned, supervises the Federal penal institutions, and investigates and detects violations against Federal laws. It represents the Government inn legal matters generally, rendering legal advice and opinions, upon request, to the President and to the heads of the executive departments. The Attorney General supervises and directs the activities of the United States district attorneys and marshals in the various judicial districts.

Organization.--The affairs and activities of the Department of Justice are generally directed by the Attorney General. In the office of the Attorney General are an Executive Assistant to the Attorney General and a Director of Public relations. The Department of Justice has the following offices, divisions, bureaus, and boards:

Office of the Attorney General
Office of the Solicitor General
Office of the Assistant to the Attorney General
Office of the Assistant Solicitor General
Office of the Pardon Attorney
Antitrust Division
Tax Division
Claims Division
Lands Division
Criminal Division
War Division
Customs Division
Administrative Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Bureau of Prisons
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Board of Immigration Appeals
Board of Parole


The Attorney General.--The Attorney General, as head of the Department of Justice and chief law officer of the Federal Government, represents the United States in legal matters generally and gives advice and opinions to the President and to the heads of the executive departments when so requested. The Attorney General himself represents the Government in the United States Supreme Court in cases of exceptional gravity or importance. The Executive Assistant to the Attorney General and the Director of Public Relations are attached to the Office of the Attorney General and report directly to him.

The Solicitor General.--Under the direction of the Attorney General, the Solicitor General has special charge of the business of, and appears for and represents, the Government in the Supreme Court. When requested by the Attorney General, the Solicitor General may conduct and argue any case in which the United States is interested, in any court of the United States, or may attend to the interests of the Government in any State court or elsewhere, conferring with and directing the activities of the Federal law officers throughout the country when the occasion so requires. No appeal is taken by the United States to any appellate court without the authorization of the Solicitor General.


The Assistant to the Attorney General.--The Assistant to the Attorney General, under the Attorney General, has supervision over all major units of organization of the Department, and over United States Attorneys and Marshals. He is chief liaison officer of the Department with Congress and with other governmental departments and agencies.

The office of the Assistant to the Attorney General has direction of all personnel administration for the Department, including all appointments, the administration of Federal employees compensation and retirement acts, classification, and personnel relations.

This office supervises the handling of all appeals referred from appeal boards to the Department of Justice for inquiry and hearing with respect to the character and good faith of those are conscientiously opposed to war. It also serves as liaison with the Director of Selective Service in all matters arising under the Selective Service Act and passes upon all requests for deferment on the part of any personnel of the Department which may be in the public interest. All matters relating to parole of those persons who have been convicted of any violation of the provisions of the Selective Service Act clear through the office of the Assistant to the Attorney General.

The Assistant Solicitor General.--The Assistant Solicitor General has the responsibility of preparing the formal opinions of the Attorney General and of rendering informal opinions and legal advice to the various governmental agencies. Bills incorporating legislative proposals which originate in the Department of Justice are drafted in his office. The office assists the Attorney General in answering requests from the Bureau of the Budget for recommendations with respect to legislation originating elsewhere in the Government, in answering requests from congressional committees for his views upon pending legislation, and in recommending to the President approval or veto of enrolled bills. Another function of the office is the reviewing of all proposed Executive orders and proclamations as to form and legality. The office also performs special assignments from the Attorney General and the Solicitor General.

United States Attorneys and Marshalls
Note.--Address same for both except where otherwise indicated by A (Attorney) and M (Marshall).
District U.S. Attorneys U.S. Marshals Address
Alabama, Northern Jim C. Smith Raymond E. Thomason Birmingham
Alabama, Middle E. Burns Parker Walter Bragg Smith Montgomery
Alabama, Southern Albert J. Tully Roulhac Gewin Mobile
Alaska, Division 1 Lynn J. Gemmill William T. Mahoney Juneau
Alaska, Division 2 Frank C. Bingham Benjamin B. Mozee (A) Nome and Anchorage
(M) Nome
Alaska, Division 3 Noel K. Wennblom James H. Patterson (A) Anchorage)
(M) Valdez
Alaska, Division 4 Harry O. Arend Joseph A. McDonald Fairbanks
Arizona Frank E. Flynn Benjamin J. McKinney (A) Phoenix
(M) Tucson
Arkansas, Eastern Sam Rorex Virgil Pettie Little Rock
Arkansas, Western Clinton R. Barry Henry C. Armstrong Fort Smith
California, Northern Frank J. Hennessy George Vice San Francisco
California, Southern Charles H. Carr Robert E. Clark Los Angeles
Canal Zone Daniel E. McGrath John E. Hushing Ancon


United States Attorneys and Marshalls--Continued
District U.S. Attorneys U.S. Marshals Address
District U.S. Attorneys U.S. Marshals Address
Colorado Thomas J. Morrissey Arthur D. Fairbanks Denver
Connecticut Robert P. Butler Bernard Fitch (A) Hartford
(M) New Haven
Delaware John J. Morris, Jr. Paul B. Messick Wilmington
District of Columbia Edward M. Curran C. Michael Kearney1 Washington
Florida, Northern George Earl Hoffman Jordan B. Royall Pensacola
Florida, Southern Herbert S. Phillips Chester S. Dishong (A) Tampa
(M) Jacksonville)
Georgia, Northern M. Neil Andrews Charles H. Cox Atlanta
Georgia, Middle T. Hoyt Davis Edward B. Doyle (A) Americus
(M) Macon
Georgia, Southern J. Saxton Daniel Joseph H. Young Savannah
Hawaii (term 6 years) (Vacancy) Otto F. Heine Honolulu
Idaho John A. Carver Edward M. Evans1 Boise
Illinois, Northern J. Albert Woll William H. McDonnell Chicago
Illinois, Eastern William W. Hart Carl J. Werner (A) Benton and E. St. Louis
(M) Danville
Illinois, Southern Howard L. Doyle Robert Grant Peoria and Springfield
Indiana, Northern Alexander M. Campbell Al W. Hosinski (A) Fort Wayne
(M) South Bend
Indiana, Southern B. Howard Caughran Julius J. Wichser Indianapolis
Iowa, Northern Tobias E. Diamond Frederick Elliot Biermann (A) Sioux City
(M) Dubuque
Iowa, Southern Maurice F. Donegan James Joseph Gillespie Des Moines
Kansas George H. West William M. Lindsay (A) Topeka and Kansas City
(M) Topeka
Kentucky, Eastern Claude P. Stephens John M. Moore Lexington
Kentucky, Western Eli Huston Brown, 3d Loomis E. Cranor Louisville
Louisiana, Eastern Herbert W. Christenberry H. Chess Richardson New Orleans
Louisiana, Western Malcolm E. LaFargue Louis E. LeBlanc Shreveport
Maine John D. Clifford, Jr. Thomas N. Curran (A) Portland
(M) Bangor2
Maryland Bernard J. Flynn August Klecka Baltimore
Massachusetts Edmund J. Brandon J. Henry Goguen Boston
Michigan, Eastern John C. Lehr John J. Bare Detroit
Michigan, Western Joseph F. Deeb Edwin D. Bolger Grand Rapids
Minnesota Victor E. Anderson John J. Farrell St. Paul
Mississippi, Northern Chester L. Summers Ira L. Morgan (A) Clarksdale
(M) Oxford
Mississippi, Southern Toxey Hall Wyatt T. Reese Jackson
Missouri, Eastern Harry C. Blanton William B. Fahy St. Louis
Missouri, Western Maurice M. Milligan Fred A. Canfil Kansas City
Montana John B. Tansil Geo. A. Wright Billings
Nebraska Joseph T. Votava George E. Proudfit Omaha
New Hampshire Dennis E. Sullivan1 John M. Guay Concord
New Jersey B. Thorn Lord Hubert J. Harrington (A) Newark
(M) Newark and Trenton
New Mexico Howard F. Houk1 Felipe Sanchez y Baca Santa Fe
New York, Northern Irving J. Higbee Jessie Jacobs (A) Syracuse
(M) Utica
New York, Southern John F.X. McGohey James E. Mulcahy New York City
New York, Eastern T. Vincent Quinn1 Spencer C. Young Brooklyn


United States Attorneys and Marshalls--Continued
District U.S. Attorneys U.S. Marshals Address
New York, Western George L. Grobe Frank C. Blackford (A) Buffalo
(M) Rochester
North Carolina, Eastern James O. Carr Ford S. Worthy (A) Wilmington
(M) Raleigh
North Carolina, Middle Carlisle W. Higgins Edney Ridge Greensboro
North Carolina, Western Theron Lamar Caudle Charles R. Price Asheville
North Dakota Powless W. Lanier Chester M. Foresman Fargo
Ohio, Northern Donald C. Miller John J. Wein1 Cleveland
Ohio, Southern Byron B. Harlan Harold K. Claypool (A) Dayton
(M) Columbus
Oklahoma, Northern Whitfield Y. Mauzy John P. Logan Tulsa
Oklahoma, Eastern Cleon A. Summers Granville T. Norris Muskogee
Oklahoma, Western Charles E. Dierker Dave E. Hilles Oklahoma City
Oregon Carl C. Donaugh Jack R. Caufield Portland
Pennsylvania, Eastern Gerald A. Gleeson Francis R. Smith1 Philadelphia
Pennsylvania, Middle Frederick V. Follmer Robert W. Rabb (A) Lewisburg
(M) Scranton
Pennsylvania, Western Chares F. Uhl John E. Sloan Pittsburg
Puerto Rico Philip F. Herrick Donald A. Draughon San Juan
Rhode Island George F. Troy Neale D. Murphy Providence
South Carolina, Eastern Claud N. Sapp Norris M. Thomas (A) Columbia
(M) Charleston
South Carolina, Western Oscar Henry Doyle Reuben Gosnell Greenville
South Dakota George Philip Charles W. Robertson (A) Rapid City
(M) Sioux Falls
Tennessee, Eastern James B. Frazier, Jr. Henry Robert Bell (A) Chattanooga
(M) Knoxville
Tennessee, Middle Horace Frierson Reed Sharp Nashville
Tennessee, Western William McClanahan Charles W. Miles Memphis
Texas, Northern Clyde O. Eastus James R. Wright Fort Worth
Texas, Southern Brian S. Odem M. Frank Hammond Houston
Texas, Eastern Steve M. King Stanford C. Stiles (A) Beaumont
(M) Texarkana
Texas, Western Wm. R. Smith, Jr. Guy McNamara San Antonio
Utah Daniel B. Shields Gilbert Mecham Salt Lake City
Vermont Joseph A. McNamara Edward L. Burke (A) Burlington
(M) Rutland
Virgin Islands James A. Bough Douglas S. Armstrong3 (A) St. Thomas
(M) St. Croix
Virginia, Eastern Harry H. Holt, Jr. Robert L. Ailworth Norfolk
Virginia, Western Frank S. Tavenner, Jr. John White Stuart Roanoke
Washington, Eastern Edward M. Connelly Wayne Bezona Spokane
Washington, Western J. Charles Dennis Donald F. Miller1 Seattle
West Virginia, Northern Joe V. Gibson Albert M. Rowe (A) Clarksburg
(M) Fairmont
West Virginia, Southern Leslie E. Given William H. McGinnis Charleston
Wisconsin, Eastern Timothy T. Cronin Anton J. Lukaszewicz Milwaukee
Wisconsin, Western Charles H. Cashin John M. Comeford Madison
Wyoming Carl L. Sackett Albert A. Sanders Cheyenne
1. Court appointment.
2. Mailing address Portland, Me.
3. Appointed by the Attorney General.

Administrative Division.--Under the direction of the Administrative Assistant to the Attorney General this office handles administrative and fiscal matters generally, budget matters, accounting and auditing, personnel transactions, supplies, mails and files, printing, building, and similar work, and the examination of offices of United States Attorney and United States Marshals.


Antitrust Division.--The Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division is charged with the enforcement of the antitrust and 30 kindred acts.

The Division receives complaints and, in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, conducts investigations which, where appropriate, lead to criminal prosecutions or suits in equity designed to break up monopolies, restraints of trade, cartels, agreements with foreign corporations, and restrictive patent arrangements.

The Small Business Section of the Division receives complaints and appeals for help from small business concerns throughout the country and, when justified, represents their interests before other Government agencies. If the investigation indicates a violation of the antitrust laws this Section recommends appropriate action by the Division.

Temporarily, the Antitrust Division has stationed representatives in the following locations:

City Building
Boston, Massachusetts 805 Shawmut Bank Building
Chicago, Illinois 208 South LaSalle Street
Dallas, Texas 1024 Allen Building
Denver, Colorado 427 First National Bank Building
Los Angeles, California 1602 U.S. Post Office Building
New York, New York 30 Broad Street
San Francisco, California 422 U.S. Post Office Building
Seattle, Washington 712 U.S. Courthouse

Tax Division.--The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Tax Division is charged with the prosecution and defense of all civil suits arising out of the internal revenue laws and of appellate proceedings in connection therewith, including briefing and argument in the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals of petitions to review decisions of The Tax Court of the United States. He likewise has charge of all criminal prosecutions arising out of the liquor tax laws, including cooperation with and direction of the United States attorneys in the conduct of such cases; and also the enforcement of tax liens and of mandamus injunctions and general matters relating to all taxes, including questions of intergovernmental tax immunity.

Claims Division.--The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Claims Division has general charge of all civil suits and claims for and against the Federal Government, its officers and agencies, not otherwise specially assigned, excluding antitrust, tax, land, or Indian matters, but including all other civil litigation, such as contracts, admiralty and shipping, injunctions, patents and copyrights, bankruptcy, requisitions (other than land), civil penalties and forfeitures, and claims under the Litvinoff Assignment. Functions of the Division include all phases of protection of the Governments' interest in inventions and patents, acquisitions of patent rights, all interference and infringement litigation, and investigation of the scope and validity of patents. During the war such matters include forfeiture of foreign vessels for sabotage, civil suits based on war frauds, requisitioning of merchant vessels and strategic materials, war contract matters, war patent problems, preservation of military


and naval secrets, War Savings Bonds litigation, civil enforcement of export control, war shipping litigation, and civil litigation involving Selective Service. The Division handles the collection of outstanding judgments obtained under pre-repeal liquor laws and the collection of liability under pre-repeal vehicle bonds. Included in this Division is the Bureau of War Risk Litigation, which under the Director of that Bureau handles war-risk insurance litigation and matters arising under World War Veterans Act, the National Service Life Insurance Act, and kindred statutes.

Lands Division.--The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Lands Division supervises all suits and matters of a civil nature in the Federal district courts, in the State courts, and in the Court of Claims relating to all lands and real property of the United States. This includes condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of property, actions to remove clouds and to quiet title, to recover possession, to recover damages, to determine boundaries, to cancel patents, to set aside Ad valorem taxes and tax sales, to establish rights under mineral leases, to establish and protect water rights, to defend actions for compensation for the claimed taking by the United States of land or any interest in land, whether by eminent domain or otherwise, and to defend actions seeking to establish an interest in real property adverse to the United States. The Lands Division also is charged with representing the interests of the United States in all civil litigation pertaining to Indians and Indian affairs, including the defense of Indian claims against the United States. It defends officers of the United States, handles injunction and mandamus proceedings and litigation arising from war contracts where those matters affect the rights of the United States in the use or title of its real property.

With certain exception specified by statute, the Lands Division passes upon the title to all lands acquired by the United States by direct purchase.

Criminal Division.--The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Criminal Division has supervision of Federal criminal cases generally, including matters relating to criminal practice and procedure, indictments, grand jury proceedings, search warrants, removal proceedings, extradition, etc., and generally directs District Attorneys with respect to the conduct of criminal prosecutions involving violations of Federal statutes such as counterfeiting and forgery; customs; firearms; food, drugs and cosmetics; gold hoarding; internal revenue liquor laws; larceny and theft; national banking and bankruptcy; immigration and naturalization; narcotics; passport; postal; and racketeering laws; the White Slave Traffic Act; the Securities Acts; Fair Labor Standards Act; price control and rationing; espionage, sabotage, sedition, neutrality, Selective Service violations, and kindred offenses directed against the internal security; crimes on the high seas and Government reservations; etc. This Assistant also handles all problems and supervises all prosecutions involving frauds upon the Government arising out of war contracts, infringements of civil rights, including interference with the ballot, peonage, the Hatch Act, the War Labor Disputes Act, and conspiracy to violate the National Labor


Relations Act; has charge of legal matters pertaining to prisons and parole; of briefs and arguments in the Supreme Court on assignment by the Solicitor General, and of matters specially assigned to him by the Attorney General.

War Division.--The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the War Division supervises some of the matters directly relating to war activities and policies. The Division is charged with the administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act to control foreign agents, and the Voorhis Act which relates to subversive organizations; the initiation of remedial security measures in the United States and South America; the program of the Federal Government for war legislation and administrative action in the various States; the representation of the Department of Justice in matters dealing with foreign cartels and the operations of the Proclaimed List.

The Alien Enemy Control Unit has charge of the supervision and control of alien enemies, including the issuance of warrants, and hearings afforded to persons apprehended. This Unit also performs certain functions in connection with foreign travel control and repatriation. In addition, it handles litigation arising out of its operations and out of the exclusion of Japanese and other persons from military areas.

The Alien Property Unit has charge of alien property litigation and such other legal matters as may be referred to the Department of Justice by the Alien Property Custodian.

Customs Division.--The Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Customs Division protects the interest of the Government in matters of reappraisement and classification of imported goods, and all litigation incident thereto.

Federal Bureau of Investigation.--The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has general charge of the investigation of all violations of Federal laws--with the exception of those matters such as counterfeiting, postal violations, customs violations, and internal revenue matters specifically assigned by legislative enactment or otherwise to some other Federal investigative body. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has as its function the investigation of all espionage, sabotage, and matters pertaining to the internal security and violations of Federal criminal laws, as well as all investigations under the Selective Training and Service Act, including the civil inquiries relating to those who claim exemption because of conscientious opposition to war.

Field Divisions--Federal Bureau of Investigation
Division Building Office Phone
Albany 7, N.Y. 707 National Savings Bank 5-7551
Anchorage, Alaska Federal  
Atlanta 3, Ga. 501 Healey Walnut 3005
Baltimore 2, Md. 800 Court Square Lexington 6700
Birmingham 3, Ala. 300 Martin 4-1877
Boston 9, Mass. 100 Milk Street Liberty 5533
Buffalo 2, N.Y. 400 U.S. Courthouse Madison 1200
Butte, Mont. 302 Federal 2-2304
Charlotte 2, N.C. 914 Johnston 3-4127


Field Divisions--Federal Bureau of Investigation--Continued
Division Building Office Phone
Chicago 3, Ill. 1900 Bankers' Randolph 2150
Cincinnati 2, Ohio 637 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Cherry 7127
Cleveland 13, Ohio 900 Standard Prospect 3550
Dallas, Tex. 1318 Mercantile Bank Riverside 6101
Denver 2, Colo. 518 Railway Exchange Main 4335
Des Moines 9, Iowa 739 Insurance Exchange 3-8618
Detroit 26, Mich. 906 Federal Randolph 2905
El Paso, Tex. 202 U.S. Courthouse Main 1711
Grand Rapids 2, Mich. 715 Grand Rapids National Bank 6-5337
Honolulu 16, Hawaii 206 Dillingham 4977
Houston 2, Tex. 1212 Esperson Charter 4-6061
Huntington, W. Va. 700 West Virginia 2-9366
Indianapolis 4, Ind. 327 Federal Market 6415
Jackson 1, Miss. 700 Mississippi Tower 3-5221
Kansas City 6, Mo. 707 U.S. Courthouse Victor 4686
Knoxville 62, Tenn. 407 Hamilton National Bank 4-2721
Little Rock, Ark. 445 Federal 2-3158
Los Angeles 13, Calif. 900 Security Madison 7241
Louisville 2, Ky. 633 Federal Wabash 8851
Memphis 3, Tenn. 2401 Sterick 5-7373
Miami 32, Fla. 1300 Biscayne 9-2421
Milwaukee 2, Wis. 735 U.S. Post Office, Customhouse and Courthouse Daly 4684
Newark 2, N.J. 1836 Raymond-Commerce Market 2-5613
New Haven 10, Conn. 510 The Trust Company 7-1217
New Orleans 12, La. 1308 Masonic Temple Canal 4671
New York 7, N.Y. 234 U.S. Courthouse, Foley Square Rector 2-3515
Norfolk 10, Va. 411 Flatiron 4-5441
Oklahoma City 2, Okla. 940 First National 2-8186
Omaha 2, Nebr. 629 First National Bank Jackson 8220
Philadelphia 7, Pa. 500 Widener Rittenhouse 5300
Phoenix, Ariz. 307 W.C. Ellis 4-7133
Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 620 New Federal Grant 2000
Portland 5, Oreg. 411 U.S. Courthouse Broadway 1167
Providence 3, R.I. 510 Industrial Trust Company Dexter 1991
Richmond 19, Va. 601 Richmond Trust 7-2631
St. Louis 1, Mo. 423 U.S. Courthouse and Customhouse Chestnut 5357
St. Paul 1, Minn. 404 New York Garfield 7509
Salt Lake City 1, Utah 301 Continental Bank 5-7521
San Antonio 6, Tex. 478 Federal Garfield 4216
San Diego 1, Calif. 728 San Diego Trust and Savings Bank Main 3044
San Francisco 4, Calif. Room 1729, 111 Sutter Street Yukon 2354
San Juan 21, P.R. 508 Banco Popular 1971
Savannah, Ga. 305 Realty 3-3026
Seattle 4, Wash. 407 U.S. Courthouse Main 0460
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 400 Northwest Security National Bank 2885
Springfield, Ill. 1107 Illinois 2-9675
Syracuse 2, N.Y. 708 Loew 2-0141
Washington 25, D.C. 1435-37 K Street, NW Republic 5226

Bureau of Prisons.--The Director of the Bureau of Prisons ahs general supervision over the operation of Federal penal institutions, the commitment and management of Federal prisoners, the contracting with local institutions for the confinement and support of prisoners, and administrative matters arising under the parole laws. Under his supervision, the Federal Prison Industries, Incorporated, has jurisdiction over all industrial enterprises and sponsors vocational


training programs in all Federal penal and correctional institutions. Its policies, however, are controlled by a board of five directors appointed by the President.

Federal Penal and Correctional Institutions
Penitentiaries Correctional Institutions
Alcatraz, California
Atlanta, Georgia
Leavenworth, Kansas
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
McNeil Island, Washington
Terre Haute, Indiana
Ashland, Kentucky
Danbury, Connecticut
Denver, Colorado
La Tuna, Texas
Milan, Michigan
Sandstone, Minnesota
Tallahassee, Florida
Texarkana, Texas
Reformatories Detention Headquarters
Alderson, West Virginia (women)
Chillicothe, Ohio
El Reno, Oklahoma
Petersburg, Virginia
427 West St., New York, N.Y.
  Mill Point, West Virginia
Montgomery, Alabama
Tucson, Arizona
Juvenile Institution Hospital
National Training School for Boys, Washington, D.C. Springfield, Missouri

Board of Parole.--The Parole Board, consisting of three members appointed by the Attorney General, has the duty of granting and revoking paroles of Federal prisoners.

Office of the Pardon Attorney.--The Pardon Attorney has charge of applications for pardon and other forms of Executive clemency.

Immigration and Naturalization Service.--Pursuant to Reorganization Plan V, approved June 4, 1940, and effective June 14, 1940, the Immigration and Naturalization Service was transferred from the Department of Labor to the Department of Justice.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service, created by the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. 1085), administers the immigration and naturalization laws relating to the admission, exclusion, and deportation of aliens, and the naturalization of aliens lawfully resident in the United States. It investigates alleged violations of those laws and make recommendations for prosecutions when deemed advisable.

It supervises naturalization work in the specific courts designated by section 301 of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1137; 8 U.S.C. 907), to have jurisdiction in such matters. This includes requirement of accountings from the clerks of such courts for naturalization fees collected, investigations--through field offices--of the qualifications of citizenship applicants, and representation of the Government at all such hearings.

Under the Alien Registration Act, approved June 28, 1940 (54 Stat. 670; 8 U.S.C. 137, 156a, 451-60; 18 U.S.C. 9-13), the Attorney General directs the registration and fingerprinting of all aliens within the United States, its Territories and possessions.


District Headquarters--Immigration and Naturalization Service
District Headquarters Station
No. 1 45 Kingman St., St. Albans, Vt.  
No. 2 73 Tremont Street, Boston 8, Mass. Portland 6, Maine, Federal Courthouse, 155 Federal St.
No. 3 70 Columbus Ave., New York 23, N.Y. Brooklyn 1, N.Y., Courthouse and Post Office Building, Washington and Johnson Sts.
No. 4 Market Street National Bank Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa. Philadelphia 6, Pa., New Customhouse, Second and Chestnut Sts.
Pittsburgh 19, Pa., New Federal Building, Grant St. and Seventh Ave.
No. 5 Hearst Tower Building, Baltimore 2, Md.  
No. 6 Marietta Building, Broad and Marietta Sts., Atlanta 3, Ga. Jacksonville 1, Fla., U.S. Post Office Building, Northeast First Ave.
Miami 30, Fla. Professional Building.
New Orleans 12, La., Pere Marquette Building.
San Juan, P.R., Post Office Building.
No. 7 Jackson Building, 220 Delaware St., Buffalo 2, N.Y. Cleveland 14, Ohio, Federal Building and Customhouse.
Niagara Falls, N.Y., Ninth St. and Depot Ave.
Syracuse 1, N.Y., New Post Office and Courthouse Building.
No. 8 3770 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit 7, Mich. Cincinnati 1, Ohio, 708 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Building, Fifth and Main Sts.
Toledo 2, Ohio, New U.S. Courthouse and Customhouse, Spellbush Ave.
No. 9 New Post Office Building, 433 West Van Buren St., Chicago 7, Ill. Milwaukee 2, Wis., U.S. Post Office, Courthouse and Customhouse, 517 E. Wisconsin Ave.
St. Paul 1, Minn., New Post Office Building, Kellogg Blvd., between Jackson and Sibley Sts.
No. 10 Corner Howard St. and Main Ave., Spokane 8, Wash.  
No. 11 U.S. Courthouse, 811 Grand Ave., Kansas City 6, Mo. Denver 2, Colo., U.S. Post Office Building.
Omaha 2, Nebr., 328 Keeline Building, 319 S. Seventeenth St.
St. Louis 1, Mo., 602 U.S. Courthouse and Customhouse, 1114 Market St.
No. 12 U.S. Immigrant Office and Assay Office, 815 Airport Way, Seattle 4, Wash. Ketchikan, Alaska, Federal Building.
No. 13 801 Silver Ave., San Francisco 12, Calif. Honolulu, T.H., Immigration Station, Ala Moana Rd.
Reno 9, Nev., 321 Byington Building.
Sacramento 9, Calif., U.S. Post Office, Eye St. between Eighth and Ninth Sts.
Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S. Post Office Building, 350 S. Maine St.
No. 14 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Building, Alamo Plaza and Houston St., San Antonio 6, Tex.  
No. 15 346 U.S. Courthouse, El Paso, Tex.  
No. 16 Rowan Building, 458 South Spring St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.  


The Board of Immigration Appeals.--The Board is a quasi-judicial body established in the Office of the Attorney General to review exclusion and deportation cases. It has jurisdiction over advance authorizations for admissions, and fines for violations of immigration laws by steamship companies and others.


Francis Biddle
Attorney General


Table of Contents

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