
Memorandum by the United States Military Attaché, Berlin, May 17, 1934


For sometime past evidence has been accumulating which tends to show the existence of unusually close and friendly relations between Germany and Japan even to the extent of a possible secret alliance. Japan has apparently taken the more active part in establishing these relations but she has met with a ready response from Germany, especially from the Nazi Government. The beginning of this relationship antedates the coming of the Nazi Government into power but owing to the friendship of the previous German Government for Russia and China its development was limited until the Nazis came in.

One factor in the situation stands out quite clearly and that is that these friendly relations have no personal basis whatever but are dependent entirely upon self interest. One can hardly conceive of the Japs developing any genuine brotherly feeling towards an occidental people and the Germans do not hesitate to speak freely to an American on their own attitude. They usually express themselves to the effect that "We are encouraging close and friendly relations


with Japan because it is to our advantage to do so but we must never forget that we are white people and they are not".

Capt., C. W. S.,
Assistant Military Attaché.

Lt. Colonel, A. C.,
Military Attaché.


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