Bibliographic List

I. Classified Sources

  1. Postwar German Manuscripts Prepared for the Office of the Chief of Military History:

    MS #B-250, "Answers to Questions concerning Greece, Crete and Russia," by General Warlimont.

    MS #B-271, "Questions Asked General Guderian" and "Answers Given by General Guderian," by General Guderian.

    MS #B-334, "Balkan Campaign 1941," by General von Vietinghoff.

    MS #B-524, Supplements to the Study, "The Balkan Campaign" (The Invasion of Greece), by General von Greiffenberg.

    MS #B-525, Supplements to the Study, "The Balkan Campaign" (The Invasion of Yugoslavia), by General von Greiffenberg.

    MS #B438, Seizure of the Isthmus of Corinth on 26 April 1941.

    MS #B439, Commitment of Parachute Troops in Crete.

    MS #B-641, Crete, May 1941.

    MS #B-642, VIII Air Corps Operations During the Greek Campaign.

    MS #B-643, VIII Air Corps Signal Communications During the Greek Campaign.

    MS #B645, Supply Problems in Greece.

    MS #B646, The Conquest of Crete.

    MS #C-065e, "Italy, Winter 1940~1," by Helmuth Greiner.

    MS #C 065g, "Military Events in the Balkans, 1941," by Helmuth Greiner.

    MS #C - 65i, "Operation BARBAROSSA," by Helmuth Greiner.

    MS #C-100, "The German Campaign in Greece and Crete, 1941," by Gen. Hermann Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand.

    MS #C-101, "The Relationship between the German Campaign in the Balkans and the Invasion of Russia," by Gen. Mueller Hillebrand.

    MS #P-030, "The German Campaign in the Balkans, 1941--A Model of Crisis Planning," by Gen. Mueller-Hillebrand.

    MS #P-030, "The Improvisation of an Operation--German Preparations for Operations Against Yugoslavia in 1941," by Gen. Mueller-Hillebrand.

  2. German Documents.

    1. OKW:

      Uebernahme Kroatiens und des serbischen Gebietes durch Italiener u. Bulgaren, Abt. Landesverteidigung, OKW/ 122.

      Weisungen Nr. 25, Yugoslavien, OKW/137.

      Akte MARITA Griechenland, 18.12.40-4.4.41, OKW/1608.

      Weisung NI. 29, MERKUR, OKW/1813.

      Aegaeische Inseln, OKW/1815.

      Weisung 28, Transportation und Bereitstellung der Kraefte fuer Unternehmen MERKUR, OKW/1817.

      Weisung Nr. 22, Mithilfe deutscher Kraefte bei den Kaemp fen im Mittelmeerraum, OKW/1821.

      Weisung Nr. 18, Verhaeltnis zu Frankreich Spanien, Portugal, OKW/1828.

      "Die Operationen im Suedosten," by Oberstleutnant von Lossberg, OKW/Abt/L.

    2. OKH (Operations Division):

      Aufmarsch BARBAROSSA 1941, H-22/219.

      Aufmarschanweisungen BARBAROSSA, H-22/220.

      BARBAROSSA, Band 2, vom 29.4.41 bis 26.9.41, H-22/353.

      Schematische Kriegsgliederung, Op. Abt. III.

    3. Army Group South:

      Aufmarschanweisungen BARBAROSSA, H. Gr. Sued, Ia, Anlagen Nr. 1, 45 u. 76 z., Kriegstagebuch, Teil I, Gen. St. d.H. Op. Abt. 13-603,6.

      Heeresgruppe Sued Kriegstagebuch, I. Teil, 2.2.41-21.6.41, W-1784 A.

      Kriegstagebuch der Heeresgruppe Sued, Abt. Ia, WB-1784 B.

    4. Second Army:

      Armee-Oberkommando 2, Kriegstagebuch 28.3.41-24.4.41, E 246/1.

      Armee-Oberkommando 2, Ia. Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch Yugoslavien. Erfahrungsberichte, 12.5-3.6.1941, E 187/7.

      Armee-Oberkommando 2. Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch Yugoslavien, Armeebefehle, 5.4-2.6.1941, E 187/8.

      Armee-Oberkommando 2, Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen, 14.4.41-16.4.41, E 188/3.

      2 AOK Handakte, Ia, Oberstlt. i.Gi. Feyerabend, E 252/2.

      Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch Yugoslavien, Giefechtsberichte, 5.4.41-20.6.41, Armee-Oberkommando 2, Ia, 16690/285.

      Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch Yugoslavien, 5.4.41-20.6.1941. Armee-Oberkommando 2, Ia, 16690/286.

      Armee-Oberkommando 2, Ia, Nr. 1008/41 geh., 16690/287.

      Armeebefehle-Bespr. m.d. Kdr. Gen. Aufmarschanweisung Yugoslavien, Gliederung der 2. Armee, 4.4.41-11.5.41, Balkan.

    5. Twelfth Army:

      Der Balkanfeldzug der 12.Armee. Generalfeldmarschall List-Ein strategischer Ueberblick, written by Ernst Wisshaupt, E 60.3.

      Balkanfeldzug der 12.Armee 1941-Bilderbericht, 15078/1.

    6. Wartime Propaganda Books:

      Bathe, Dr. Rolf, Der Kampf um den Balkan, Gerhard Stalling Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oldenburg/Berlin, 1942. (Lib 2748) .

      Von Serbien bis Kreta, Prepared by a German Armed Forces Propaganda Company. (Lib 100).

      Vorstoss nach Bosnien, Prepared by LI Infantry Corps, 1941. (Lib 2746).

      Gebirgjaeger auf Kreta, Prepared by Major Flecker, Intelligence Officer of 5th Mountain Division, Wilhelm Limpert Verlag, Berlin, 1942. (Lib 2749).

      Panzer am Balkan, Prepared by the Panzer Propaganda Company of Panzer Group Kleist, Wilhelm Limpert Verlag, Berlin, 1941. (Lib 2747).

      Kreta, Sieg der Kuehnsten, Prepared by General Student, Steirische Verlagsanstalt, Graz, 1942. (Lib 2718).

      Ramcke, Bernhard, Vom Schiffsjungen zum Fallschirmjaegergeneral, Verlag "Die Wehrmacht," 1943.

  3. Various German Situation Maps.

  4. U. S. Military Documents:

    Ciano Papers (Rose Garden), 1940-43

    Mussolini's Private Papers (1939-42)

    Fuehrer Directives and other Top Level Directives of the German Armed Forces, 1939-41, ONI, Washington, D. C., 1948.

    The Private War Journal of Generaloberst Franz Halder, Chief of the General Staff of OKH, 14 Aug. 1939-24 Sep. 1942. Volumes V, VI, and VIII.

    Special Bulletin No. 35, MID, War Dept., Washington, D. C., Oct. 15, 1941. G-2/2657-231.

    Air-Borne Invasion of Crete, MID, War Dept. Gen. Staff File: 4402-100.

    Early Campaigns of World War II, Dept. of Military Art & Engineering, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1951.

    "Airborne Operations--German Appraisal," CMH Pub 10-13, October 1951.

  5. U. S. State Department Document:

    Blackstock, Paul W., Indications of Soviet Plans and Intentions in German-Soviet Relations, Western European Branch, State Department.

  6. British Military Documents:

    Gaul, W., The German Occupation of Crete (Operation MERKUR). (Restricted).

    "The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force for 1933-45," issued by the British Air Ministry, 1948 (ACAS [I] ).

II. Unclassified Sources

 * Appendix II ** Table of Contents **   *