E-1309. When an officer has achieved qualification in submarines, an entry to that effect will be made by the Bureau on his next report of fitness, giving date of qualification. (See uniform regulations regarding wearing of submarine insignia by officers who are qualified in submarines.)

E-1310. QUALIFICATION FOR COMMAND OF SUBMARINES—An officer who has previously "qualified in submarines" may be recommended by his commanding officer as "qualified for command of submarines." Division and squadron commanders should forward these recommendations approved, only, if they are willing to receive the applicant for the command of a submarine in their own organization as soon as he attains the necessary seniority or rank. The Bureau of Naval Personnel, if finally approving, will record these recommendations and make necessary additions to the list of officers qualified for command of submarines.

E-1311. QUALIFICATION DURATION.—An officer once having qualified in submarines or for command of submarines will be considered to. retain such qualification indefinitely unless his performance of submarine duty is such as to demonstrate his unfitness, in which case the immediate superior concerned will report the circumstances to the Bureau of Naval Personnel and recommend that his submarine qualification be revoked. Officers previously qualified, who have been away from submarine duty for some time, may be permitted a brief period of instruction upon being reassigned to submarine duty prior to assuming submarine command.

E-1312. Where the exigencies of the service do not prevent, officers assigned to command submarine divisions will be qualified for submarine command and will have had duty in command of a submarine.

E-1313. If at any time doubt arises as to the physical condition of any officer serving in submarines or about to begin such service, the officer shall immediately be ordered for examination as to physical qualifications specified by Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. If found not qualified, the report of the examination will be forwarded to the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

E-1314. QUALIFICATIONS OF SUBMARINE MEDICAL OFFICER.—A candidate for classification as a submarine medical officer must qualify as follows:

(1) Served in this capacity for a period of twelve (12) months in a submarine squadron, or in a vessel whose mission is diving, or at a shore station where his primary duties have been with divers or the training of submarine personnel.

(2) Be a graduate of the Deep Sea Diving School, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C., or have served a three year tour of duty at the Experimental Diving Unit, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C.; or be a graduate of the course given for medical officers at the Submarine School, New London, Conn.

(3) Be recommended by his squadron medical officer and squadron commander after having satisfactorily demonstrated his knowledge of submarine and diving medicine by an examination.

(4) The examination, referred to in (3) above, to be given by a board of medical officers at least one of whom will be qualified in submarine medicine and consist of the following:

(a) Write a paper on a subject concerning submarines or deep sea diving which will be forwarded to the Experimental Diving Unit, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. (This is not to be required if the individual has published at least one article on submarine or diving problems).

(b) Physiology of respiration.

(c) Treatment of caisson disease.

(d) Selection of submarine personnel.


(e) Submarine escape—utilizing the rescue chamber or the lung.

(f) Emergency measures to be used in a disabled submarine on the bottom in deep -water, i. e., oxygen requirements, how much oxygen to be released per man per hour; what measures are to be taken against noxious gases, such as chlorine.

(g) Physiology of bubble formation.

(h) Gas laws.

(i) Helium diving.

(j) Oxygen poisoning.

(k) Effects of pressure on the body. (Ch. No. 1.)


E-1401. JAPANESE LANGUAGE.—The object of the course is to give student officers a good foundation in the written and spoken Japanese language. The course is conducted at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.

E-1402. SPANISH.

(1) Instruction in conversational Spanish for officers and men, as recommended by the Office of Naval Operations, is being conducted under the auspices of the Bureau of Naval Personnel. The conversational approach to this subject dominates. The length of the course is dependent upon time made available to the officers and men.

(2) Certain limited facilities have been made available at some stations within the continental limits of the United States for voluntary instruction in conversational Spanish. These courses are administered locally.


E-1501. TORPEDO SCHOOL, NEWPORT, R. I.—OBJECT OF COURSE.1—The object of the course is to train junior line officers in the details of torpedo construction, operation, overhaul, and maintenance and control.


(1) Officers are assigned from vessels on the east coast of the United States who have completed at least two years' duty subsequent to graduation from the Naval Academy. When assigned from ships which carry torpedoes, they should have sufficient time remaining on the ship, from which sent, in order that they may perform practical torpedo duties at sea following completion of the course. There are two classes per year, convening about July 1 and January 1. The July class is made up from destroyers in the Scouting Force, upon nominations furnished by the commander destroyer squadrons, Scouting Force. The class convening in January is made up from nominations from other vessels in the Scouting Force, principally cruisers and battleships.

(2) Officers ordered from ships which carry torpedoes are, as far as practicable, returned to the ships from whence they came. Thus, commanding officers should nominate officers who can later be used as torpedo officers. Battleships should normally nominate officers who have completed three or more years' duty on board and therefore are eligible for assignment elsewhere. Orders to officers attending the course are issued by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

E-1503. LENGTH OF COURSE.1—The course is for a period of six months and is divided into four terms.

1 Subject to modification as the exigencies of the service require.


E-1504. CHEMICAL WARFARE SCHOOL, EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGEWOOD, MD.—OBJECT OF COURSE.—The object of the course is to give officers an opportunity to study chemical warfare agents, weapons, tactics of, and protection against chemicals. Various allied subjects are also offered by this school.

E-1505. SELECTION OF OFFICERS.—Selection of officers for this course is made by the Bureau of Naval Personnel from a list of applicants. The assembly of a class depends upon the schedule at the school and availability of the applicant for this duty.

E-1506. LENGTH OF COURSE.—The period of instruction is approximately six weeks.

E-1507. OPTICAL SCHOOLS—LOCATION.—Optical schools are located at the Navy Yard, Washington, D. C., at the Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif., and at the Navy Yard, New York, N. Y.

E-1508. SELECTION OF OFFICERS.—Commanding officers of vessels on the east coast will submit the names of the officers recommended for the optical schools well in advance of availability in order that the Bureau of Naval Personnel may designate the class they are to attend. Selections of officers for the short course at the Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif., will be made by the commander, Battle Force, who will communicate the names of the officers selected to the Bureau of Naval Personnel for the issuance of necessary orders if travel is required. If travel is not required, the commander, Battle Force, will issue the necessary orders. Officers recommended for the long course will be ordered by the Bureau of Naval Personnel. No fixed numbers are assigned to attend the courses. No officer should be recommended for an optical course if his visual acuity is less than 20/20 in both eyes. Astigmatism and marked inequality of vision will disqualify an applicant. Instruction will be progressive and systematic, and all candidates will enter at the beginning of the course.

E-1509. SHORT COURSE.—The length of the course is about four weeks and is primarily a range-finder course. A new class will be started on the first day of each month. This course is intended to fit ensigns and lieutenants (junior grade) of the line to perform the duties of range-finder officers; to select, instruct, train, and direct range-finder and optical personnel of vessels; to give lectures to battery officers with the object of furthering general knowledge of optical and fire-control instruments.


(13) Thorough knowledge of different types of anchors, anchor gear, chain, including manufacture and repair and tests at sea and shore.

(14) A general knowledge of docking and a thorough knowledge of the steps to be taken on board ship in preparation for docking, inspections required and precautions necessary, and preparation of and painting of bottoms.

(15) Knowledge of elementary seamanship.

(b) Construction and repair of vessels.—

(1) Knowledge, including names, functions, and general idea of sizes of all parts of a vessel's structure and fittings.

(2) Knowledge of the functions, with some detail of work under taken in a mold loft.

(3) Be able to lift from a mold loft or a vessel, lay out, erect, and test, any structural member of a vessel.

(4) General knowledge of the construction of principal types of naval vessels, including such details as procedure of erection, regulation, testing, and installation of main construction and repair items.

(5) Thorough knowledge of required tests for compartments, construction and repair auxiliaries, and piping systems, methods of conducting these tests, and results obtained.

(6) Thorough knowledge of the requirements of the Bureau of Ships regarding cutting of holes in strength and ballistic members of a vessel; the attachment of fittings welding, or other work affecting these members.

(7) Be able to lay out, fabricate, and test any piping system under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ships (hull).

(8) Knowledge of the function and operation of such Bureau of Ships (hull) auxiliary machinery as steering gears, windlasses, winches, etc., with general knowledge of making repairs to this equipment.

(9) General knowledge of the various types of welds used in ship construction and methods of making same.

(10) Thorough knowledge of the construction and repair of small boats, including their equipment.

(11) Thorough knowledge of and be able to make repairs to any item of wood found aboard a vessel.

(12) General knowledge of materials used in ship construction, the advantages and disadvantages of each type or class, and general characteristics of each material.

(13) General knowledge of the theories on corrosion, with detail, knowledge of such items as galvanic action and dissimilar metals; methods of preventing corrosion of all types.

(14) Knowledge of the care and preservation of materials of all kinds, including such items as ship's structures and fittings, piping, special alloys, machinery, and spare parts, both for vessels in and out of commission.

(15) Thorough knowledge of all precautions necessary when painting, entering compartments, welding, cutting, handling of weights, working with tools or machinery, overhauling pipe lines, sea valves, etc., which may be necessary while a vessel is at sea or undergoing overhaul at a navy yard.




Section 1. GENERAL

E-5101. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENLISTED TRAINING.—The pamphlet, "Instruction for enlisted training," is a publication which gives detailed information on the training activities of the bureau in connection with the enlisted personnel of the Navy. It contains information on the training stations, service schools and their curricula, selection of men for trade schools, training courses available, slide films, educational motion pictures, reports required on training activities, etc. Suggested changes, corrections, and comments on this pamphlet should be forwarded in time to reach the Bureau by April 1 of each year.



(1) The mission of the training stations is to bridge the gap for the recruits from civilian to military life, introducing them to discipline, naval duties, and esprit de corps.

(2) The training stations are located at Hampton Roads, Va., San Diego, Calif., Newport, R. I., Great Lakes, Ill., Bainbridge, Md., Sampson, N. Y., and Farragut, Idaho.


(1) The length of the course of training for all newly enlisted men is 12 weeks. Upon completion of the course, apprentice seamen are transferred in that rating to general service.

(2) The course of training shall include instruction in infantry drill, small arms, swimming, boats, care of their outfit and of themselves on board ship.

E-5203. SELECTION OFFICERS AND INTERVIEWERS.—The organization of Naval Training Stations shall provide for enough qualified officers and Specialists (C) Classification Interviewers as needed to classify all enlisted men and select them for service schools. Such personnel should not be relieved from this duty as long as performance is satisfactory, except for temporary periods as necessary to improve their ability to perform such duty. (Ch. No. 1)



(1) Training of apprentice seamen shall continue until the completion of 4 months' service. Commanding officers shall give special attention to the instruction of apprentice seamen. Apprentice seamen, if qualified at completion of 4 months' service, may be advanced to seamen, second class, or firemen, third class. Attention is invited to the Manual of the Medical Department for the physical examination required prior to advancement to fireman, third class.

(2) In case apprentice seamen are not qualified for advancement at the completion of 4 months' service, their instruction shall be continued and a special report of each case made to the Bureau with recommendation.



(1) On capital ships there shall be an organization charged with the instruction of apprentice seamen and other newly enlisted men arriving in drafts of 10 or more. It will be the function of this organization to fit such men for assignment to their regular ship's duties and to familiarize them with life and duties on board ship. While such men are undergoing instruction they may be temporarily detailed to other departments and assigned stations with other divisions in order that the individual's aptitude for certain kinds of duty may be determined and their eventual assignment to the regular organization be made with least interference with the ship's efficiency and readiness for war. Care should be taken not to duplicate completed instruction already given at training stations on shore. Instruction and supervision should be given on the assumption that the recruit's preliminary instruction has been finished and that it is necessary to give him only instruction that is peculiar to duty on a seagoing vessel. Ample time should be allowed for this instruction before assignment to the regular ship's organization.

(2) On other vessels where it is deemed impracticable to maintain a separate organization for recruit instruction, commanding officers shall make such provision for this instruction as may be feasible, taking into consideration the type of vessel and the service to which assigned and the instructions pertaining to capital ships.



(1) Service schools are designed to assist the forces afloat by giving instruction and training which, because of the time allowed and facilities available, can be more advantageously given ashore. The Service Schools are divided into four (4) classes:

(a) Class "P" Schools—These schools are designed to conduct training in a preparatory or basic training level. This class is divided into two types of schools.

(1) Preparatory Schools for Class "A" Schools.

(2) Short Course Operators Schools which qualify men in elementary skills but do not cover all technical requirements for a third class petty officer rating.

The length of course for Class "P" Schools will vary from three (3) to eight (8) weeks.

(b) Class "A" Schools—These schools are designed to cover the ground work for general service ratings as third class petty officers. The curriculum includes all technical qualifications required by BuPers Manual. The length of course of a Class "A" School will vary from twelve (12) to twenty (20) weeks except in cases where the input is received from Class "P" Schools, in which case the length of course may be less than twelve (12) weeks.

(c) Class "B" Schools—These schools are designed to prepare men for the higher petty officer ratings. The curriculum for these schools includes all technical qualifications required by BuPers Manual for a first class Petty Officer with the exception of those included in the curriculum of a Class "A" School. Only rated men are assigned for training in Class "B" Schools, the curriculum being divided into two (2) phases, one covering second class petty officer qualifications and the other covering first class petty officer qualifications. It is not necessary for all trainees to cover the entire curriculum if able to pass an entrance examination covering the first phase. The length of course for a Class "B" School shall not be less than eight (8) weeks.


(d) Class "C" Schools—These schools are designed to train men in a particular qualification or skill which does not cover the full requirements for a general service rate, or in qualifications required for an advancement to a Chief Petty Officer. The curriculum for these schools is designed around the special skill or qualification which is desired. Class "C" Schools are further divided into C-1 and C-2.

C-1 Classification includes all Class "C" Schools in Naval establishments.

C-2 Classification includes all Bureau recognized special schools operated in manufacturing plants and factories. (Ch. No. 1.)

E-5402. SEMIANNUAL INFORMATION LETTER.—Semiannually the Bureau will issue a circular letter giving a list of the schools, their locations, allocations, ratings, eligible, etc. The pamphlet, "Instructions for Enlisted Training," gives detailed information on the same subject.

E-5403. HANDLING OF RECRUITS UPON REPORTING TO CLASS P AND CLASS A SCHOOLS.—The same principles as outlined in paragraph E-5302 will be observed when recruits are transferred to service schools. They should be so handled as to further their interest in successful completion of the work at schools bearing in mind that these men are in a new environment and have not yet settled down. Care should be taken to maintain their interest and to utilize any available time prior to the starting of their classes for the purpose of arousing their ambition giving them as definite an idea as possible of the exact nature of the work and duties they will be expected to perform, presenting to them the necessary qualifications for a petty officer in the Navy, the difficulties that have been encountered by men in similar situations in the past, and how to avoid these difficulties. This period may be organized along the following lines.

(a) The importance of the rating for which they are studying, aboard ship and in the Navy:

The duties, watches, and responsibilities of the rating aboard ship.

(b) Qualities of a man-of-war's man and special technical qualifications necessary for the rate.

How these qualifications are developed in the service schools; what training is given and why.

(c) Why the petty officer must be a leader of men; the qualities required for leadership; service discipline; the pitfalls most common for men starting out in the Navy and how to avoid them.

(d) Such preliminary instruction in the actual work of the school as there is time for before the commencement of the regular service instruction.

(e) Suitable slide films and training courses may be usefully employed during this period.


(1) When the Bureau decides to maintain a service school in commission during any period, it also determines the number of men that can be allocated to that school for instruction. To maintain that number of men under instruction it directs the transfer of men thereto on certain dates, at intervals, by one or more of the following methods:

(a) Assignment of quotas to be sent from various commands afloat.

(b) Assignments of quotas of newly enlisted men to be sent upon completion of the full course of training at training stations.

(c) Assignments by name by the Bureau upon individual requests.

(2) When quotas have been assigned as in (a) and (b) above, individual requests should not be forwarded to the Bureau. When the number of men to be under instruction is small, it is usual to assign no quotas and transfer only men who have indicated their desire to attend the school by submitting requests.


(3) Commanders of units of the fleet and commanding officers of vessels operating independently may utilize such service schools as are made available in the Bureau's semiannual letter without reference to the Bureau after arrangements have been made with the officer in charge of such schools, and it has been determined that the additional men can be accommodated and given instruction without interference with the regular conduct of the schools. In such cases men may be transferred temporarily for special courses of instruction. They should be reported from their own commands as attached thereto but absent on temporary duty and they are not to be reported to the Bureau from the schools. It may be necessary for additional instructors to be sent to the school from the commands sending men for instruction.

(4) In general, men sent to class B schools from vessels of the fleet will be returned to their individual ships upon completion of the course or upon being dropped for any cause.

(5) Officers in charge of class B schools will promptly notify the commanding officer of the ships from which a man has been received as soon as it is determined that the man's return to his own command will not be effected, together with the reasons therefor.


(1) Commanding officers will give careful attention to the selection of men for attendance at these schools in order that time may not be lost and expense incurred in the transfer and training of unsuitable men. All commanding officers should assure themselves that these qualifications, as well as those given in E-5406 if applicable, are met and proper notation entered in the man's service record prior to transferring men to a school.

(2) The general requirements for entry in any service school are:

He must have aptitude for the school, the course, and the Navy duty for which it prepares.

Such aptitude is judged from physical characteristics, scores on the Navy tests, civilian occupation training and experience, hobbies, and interests. (Ch. No. 1.)


(1) Stenographers' schools.—Candidate should have completed the first 21 units of the Bureau of Naval Personnel course in shorthand or demonstrated equivalent ability. Knowledge of speed writing will not be acceptable as equivalent ability.

(2) Optical schools.—(a) Candidates should, for the short course, be able to understand elementary diagrams and sketches; be able to read scales, dials, gauges, and verniers; have normal eyesight (20/20) or more, be free of astigmatism, and have approximately equal acuity in each eye. For the long course, the candidate should have the same qualifications as for the short course and in addition have an elementary knowledge of geometry (desirable but not mandatory), be able to read working drawings and prints, be an excellent mechanic with machine and hand tools, be able to use precision measuring instruments, and be able to use the surface plate. (5) All candidates for the optical school shall be sent to repair ships or to the submarine bases, New London, Coco Solo, or Pearl Harbor, for observation and examination before being assigned to these schools.

(3) Radio material school.—Candidates shall be examined by repairship or tender officer personnel or other qualified officer as to their fitness for the proposed course of instruction and a report made to the candidate's commanding officer with regard to qualifications. This examination should include the following subjects.



Common and decimal fractions.

Ratio and proportion.

Powers and roots.

Square root.


Positive and negative numbers.

Addition and subtraction.

Multiplication and division.


Ratio and proportion.

Simple equations with one unknown.

Exponents powers and roots.

Simultaneous linear equations.

Quadratic equations.




Trigonometric functions.

Solution of the right triangle.

Elementary theory of electricity:

Electromotive force.


Resistance and conductance.

Ohms and Kirchoff's laws and their application.

Magnetism and electromagnetic induction.

D. C. motors and generators.

Commanding officers having within their command enlisted men who are candidates for the Radio Material School should write to the Director, Naval Research Laboratory, Anacostia Station, Washington, D. C., for a pamphlet entitled "Radio Material School—Preparation Required for Candidates." This pamphlet covers a course of study embracing the subjects on which men are examined to determine their eligibility for the school, and in addition to being an aid in preparing for the examination will give the men a groundwork which will be of benefit while at the school.

(4) Sound school.—Candidates with defective hearing shall not be ordered to this school.

(5) Electrical interior communication school.—Candidates shall be examined by repairship or tender officer personnel, or other qualified officer, as to their fitness for the proposed course of instruction, and a report made to the candidate's commanding officer with regard to qualifications. This examination should include the following subjects:


Common and decimal fractions.

Ratio and proportion.

Powers and roots.


Positive and negative numbers.

Addition and subtraction.

Multiplication and division.


Ratio and proportion.

Simple equations with one unknown.

Exponents, powers, and roots.


desired. It is therefore a direct obligation of the Navy to provide for the maintenance of these buildings and the care and operation of this equipment used by the Government.

E-7503. SALVAGING OF BUILDINGS.—When any welfare building is deemed to be of no further use for the purpose for which it was originally intended or has otherwise outlived its usefulness, the right to salvage or otherwise remove the building rests with the organization which originally erected the same. The proper procedure in such cases is for the commandant or commanding officer of the station concerned to communicate with the organization holding title to the building and inform it that the building, being of no further use, may be salvaged or removed, informing the Bureau of his action. The organization concerned should then request the Bureau of Naval Personnel for the necessary permit to proceed with the removal of the building.

E-7504. HOME SERVICE.—The man who joins the Navy cannot be expected to sever his home connections nor to forget his home responsibilities. It would seem best to have every helpful influence back of him during his service and to make sure that unnecessary worries about his home do not interfere with his efficiency and good morale. The American Red Cross, as the authorized medium of communication between the people of the United States of America and their Army and Navy, is prepared to reach any home in any community and to render any necessary service for the man and for his family; to maintain representatives at all hospitals and stations where it seems advisable and in the principal ports, to render a helpful service to the enlisted personnel in conformance with the wishes of commanding officers. This program of helpfulness has been designated "home service" and embraces assistance in untangling personal difficulties and the establishment of a tangible connecting link between the service man and his home so that the man may be relieved of worry and may be brought to appreciate the interest to his home people, and so that the family may secure needed relief and may be kept in touch with their member in the service. The Red Cross will furnish assistance to commanding or executive officers in investigating and reporting on home conditions of individuals with a view to rendering any needed form of home service. When requested, the Red Cross will handle applications for information by despatch.

E-7505. CONTACT WITH RED CROSS.—Contact with home service representative of the Red Cross may be made as follows:

(a) Commanding officers may consult the Red Cross field director at the naval station or a home-service worker of the local Red Cross chapter.

(b) Men may consult the Red Cross field director at the naval station or a home-service worker of the local Red Cross chapter.

E-7506. DATA TO BE INCLUDED IN INDIVIDUAL REQUESTS FOR HOME SERVICE.—In each case where an individual submits a request to the Red Cross involving home service, he should be sure to state:

(a) His full name, rate, and station.

(b) The full name and address of wife, mother, father, or whoever it is that he wishes the Red Cross to see.

(c) Concise details of the case desired to be investigated, remedied, or relieved.



(1) Ships and stations may maintain newspapers as a positive factor in promoting the efficiency, welfare and contentment of personnel in building "ship's spirit". On or after 15 March 1944, the approval of the Secretary of the Navy is necessary before new publications may be issued.


(2) Requests for approval will be forwarded through official channels via the Bureau of Naval Personnel and will furnish the following information separately for each publication:

(a) Name of publication.

(b) Frequency of issue (monthly, weekly, irregularly, etc.).

(c) Purpose of publication (morale building, spread of technical information, etc., giving full and complete statement).

(d) Method of production (printed, mimeographed, etc.).

(e) Source of supply (where produced).

(f) Total number of copies each issue.

(g) Cost of publication (if purchased from a commercial printer, give full cost; if produced in field plant, give separately the cost of materials, labor and overhead if such figures are available. If not available, explain such figures as may be given).

E-7602. CONTENT.—Style, editorials and all content shall be consistent with the purpose expressed in article E-7601. Commanding officers should assure themselves that material appearing in station newspapers conforms to the generally accepted standards of good taste. Advertising matter of any description must not appear in any ship or station paper.

E-7603. COST.—The cost of the material necessary to produce the paper may be met by regular allotments under the appropriation "Welfare and Recreation, Navy" or "Ships' Store Profits," provided no issue contains more than four sheets and the size of each sheet does not exceed 9" x 12". If publication of papers exceeding the above restrictions is authorized, the total cost must be met from unofficial funds.

E-7604. DISTRIBUTION.—Only sufficient copies shall be printed to meet the needs of the personnel of the ship or station and for exchanges. Exchanges are encouraged. Newspapers will not be mailed in penalty envelopes to other than Government agencies. Two copies of each issue will be mailed immediately upon publication to both the Joint Committee on Printing and the Chief of Naval Personnel. (Ch. No. 1.)


E-7701. INFORMATION, WHERE FOUND.—Detailed information concerning United States Government life insurance is contained in chapter 22, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual, and in Veterans' Administration pamphlet, insurance form 752, as revised, obtainable from Veterans' Administration, Washington, D. C.


(a) United States Government life insurance may be taken out by any person who served in the military or naval forces during the World War who is in good health. In addition, those who enter or reenter the active naval service may take out this insurance but a valid application and tender of premium for the insurance desired must be made out and forwarded within 120 days after entry or reentry into active duty.

(b) Except in cases of men who served in the military or naval forces during the World War the effective date of United States Government life insurance is the date on which valid application and tender of premium are made and forwarded to the Veterans' Administration. If the first premium is paid by allotment the effective date is the date of first payment of premium by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Allotment Division) and this date may not be later than the first day of the month following the expiration of the 120-day period.


E-7703. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON INSURANCE.—The Bureau desires that information concerning Government life insurance be disseminated amongst naval personnel as widely as practicable by commanding officers of ships and stations. The Bureau believes that naval personnel should take full advantage of this insurance, particularly of its disability features, toward laying the foundation for savings and for the protection of dependents.

E-7704. TRAINING STATIONS, DUTY TOWARD RECRUITS.—It is the duty of the training stations:

(a.) To place before the recruit the information concerning Government insurance.

(b) To maintain a follow-up system to insure that the recruit thoroughly understands and realizes the advantages of taking out Government insurance.


10. Extension of enlistment.—Fill out Form NavPers 604 in duplicate,

forward original to the Bureau of Naval Personnel on effective date of extension and file copy in service record.

11. Discharge, death, advancement to commissioned or warrant rank or grade.—Close out NavPers 952 and forward to the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

Retirements.—When transferred members of the Fleet Reserve have been placed on the retired list, or other members of the Naval Reserve have been placed on the honorary retired list, enter on page 9 the date of retirement, reason for retirement, whether for physical disability or the completion of 30 years' service, and the latest address. Enter final average of all marks on page 10 and forward copy to the Bureau of Naval Personnel.


Service number.—Enter service number in places designated.

Service records.—See subparagraphs 1 to 5 at beginning of this article.

Shipkeeper.—Enter on page 9 upon recall to active duty as shipkeeper, date of recall, date and place of reporting, and record of service while assigned as shipkeeper. Enter marks on page 10. Make an extra copy of the orders to report for active duty and forward to the Bureau of Naval Personnel on date of reporting. Forward a second copy on date of release from active duty.

Signature of Reservist.—Have signatures entered with Christian name to the left, middle names, if any, and surname to the right.

Signature required in service record.—The signature of recruiting officer is required on page 2 at date of enlistment.

Signature of commanding officer is required on page 9 quarterly, and for each entry regarding change of rating, courts martial, commendatory action, offenses committed, and punishments awarded, when record is transferred to another district.

Signature of commanding officer is required on pages 11-12 when record is closed out on account of cancellation, discharge, desertion, death, appointment to commissioned or warrant rank or grade or retirement.

Signature of the commanding officer is required on page 6 for entries regarding absence from duty.

Signature or initials of commanding officer are required on page 10 for entries regarding marks, special qualifications, or detail.

Signature of executive officer is required on page 5 for entries regarding authorized leave.

Signature of medical officer is required on page 4 at time of enlistment.

Signature of disbursing officer is required on page 2 when Reservist first reports for active duty.

Signature of Reservist is required on page 4 at date of enlistment.

Subsistence allowance.—Enter on page 9 date subsistence allowance began, authority, amount, date discontinued, and reason.

Surrender.—Enter on page 9 date and place of surrender and number of days absent. Forward copy of NavPers 641 to the Bureau of Naval Personnel.


Training duty.—See "Duty."

Transfers.—Enter on page 9 record of all transfers between vessels or stations and from one district to another; also record of transfer between classes of the Naval Reserve. (See par. 6 under Reports.)


Transportation or travel allowance.—Enter on page 9 a record of all transportation or travel allowance furnished. Enter on page 11 record of transportation or travel allowance furnished on discharge if discharged while on active duty.


Undesirable discharge.—In addition to all information specified under "discharge" in these instructions, state the nature of the undesirability or unfitness on page 9 and file copy of the statement of the man in pocket of service record.

Uniform allowance.—The amount of uniform allowance credited upon reporting for active duty in time of war will be entered at bottom of page 2 by the disbursing officer over his signature.

Uniform, bedding, and equipment.—Enter value of issue (except when paid for in cash) on page 9. (Temporary issue of bedding and equipment need not be entered.) File copy of requisition showing issue in detail in pocket of service record. Upon discharge or transfer to class V-6, enter on page 9 condition and disposition of articles of uniform, bedding, and equipment returned.


Waiver.—Enter full information on page 4, giving authority for, reason and nature of waiver upon enlistment. Enter waivers of transportation on page 9, giving reason, file signed agreement in pocket of service record.

H-1808. MARKS FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION.—Marks for professional qualifications shall include proficiency in rating and other qualifications for the various branches as specified in part D.


(1) Service and health records of men and health records of officers attached to or associated with organizations of the Organized Reserve and Naval Reserve aviation bases will be carried at the organization headquarters; service and health records of other officers and men shall be carried by the Commandant.

(2) When a reservist who is not on active duty changes his official residence from one district to another, his service and health records and all other papers shall be forwarded to the Commandant of the district to which he has transferred, together with a report of his address in that district.

(3) Except as indicated in articles H-1404 (4), (5), and (6) and H-9803, when a Reserve officer is granted permission to leave the United States or its possessions for an indefinite length of time, his records shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Naval Personnel via the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Director of Naval Intelligence); and the records of enlisted men of the Organized, Volunteer, and Merchant Marine Reserves, granted such permission shall be retained at the district headquarters until such time as the man's term of service expires and he is discharged. At that time his service and health records shall be closed out and forwarded to the Bureau of Naval Personnel and Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, respectively.

(4) When a Naval Reserve officer enters upon active duty or training duty, his health record shall accompany him. The file jackets of Naval Reserve officers ordered to active duty during war or national emergency shall be handled in accordance with paragraph (9) of this article. When an enlisted man enters upon active duty or training duty his service record and health record shall be forwarded to the ship or station where duty is to be performed. When an officer or enlisted man is transferred while on active duty or training duty, the above record or records shall be forwarded to the ship or station to which transferred. Upon release from active duty status the records shall be


returned to the commanding officer of the organization to which attached, or if not attached to an organization, to the Commandant of the naval district in which he has his official residence. Upon discharge, desertion, or death, tie records shall be returned to the Commandant of the naval district on whose rolls the reservist is carried. The Commandant shall forward the service record in the case of an enlisted man to the Bureau of Naval Personnel and the health record of an officer or. enlisted man to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. The Bureau of Naval Personnel is authorized to direct other disposition of records in special cases as deemed desirable.

(5) Copies of correspondence concerning officers on active duty and copies of their fitness reports, shall be forwarded to the Commandant of the naval district in which their records are carried and to the activity controlling their mobilization assignments, if such activity is different from the district in which their records are carried.1

(6) The records of members of the Merchant Marine Reserve will be carried in the districts from whose ports the vessels on which they are employed usually operate. Generally, the home port as listed in the Department of Commerce publication, American Documented Sea-Going Vessels of 500 Gross Tons and Over, will determine the district in which the records will be carried. In cases where the vessels regularly operate from ports in two or more districts, the records shall be carried in that district in which is located the owner's or operator's main office. The records of members who have been unemployed on any vessel for a period of 6 months shall be forwarded to the district of official residence.

(7) When the activity controlling mobilization assignment is other than the Commandant of the naval district in which an officer resides, or other than the bureau or office of the Navy Department having cognizance of the specialty, copies of the following shall be furnished such activity by the Commandant of the naval district in which the officer resides.1

(a) Extract from or copy of application.

(b) Copy of change of official residence as required by article H-4301, Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual.

(c) Copy of all fitness reports.

(d) Copy of last quadrennial physical examination.

(e) Copy of oath and acceptance of office, Form NavPers 962.

(f) Correspondence relating to promotion, active or training duty, separation from Naval Reserve, resignation or recommendation for discharge or transfer to Honorary Retired List.

(g) Copy of accomplishment of separation from the service.

(8) Records of officers and enlisted men on the Honorary Retired List and of fleet reservists transferred to the retired list of the Regular Navy shall be maintained in the same manner as are the records of naval reservists in inactive duty status, except that health records of personnel transferred to the retired lists shall be properly terminated and forwarded to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

(9) During war or national emergency the records of all Naval Reserve officers shall be handled as follows:

(a) When ordered to active duty the health record shall accompany the officer.

(b) The file jacket shall remain dormant in the custody of the Commandant or activity having cognizance of the file jacket at the time the officer is ordered to active duty.

1 Suspended for duration of war.


(c) Upon returning to an inactive status, the officer concerned shall notify the Commandant or activity having cognizance of his file jacket, of his address and when appropriate, request a transfer of the file jacket to the district or activity to which assigned. (Ch. No. 1.)


(1) An officer's records are a vital part of his examination for promotion or transfer and the Naval Examining Board is within its legal rights in disqualifying an officer whose record is incomplete.

(2) Fitness reports, complete in all respects are required as follows:

(a) Officers on active duty, semiannually on March 31, and September 30; upon detachment; and upon change in reporting senior, on Bureau of Naval Personnel Forms NavPers 310 or NavPers 311, as prescribed for officers of the Regular Navy. Copies of such fitness reports shall be forwarded to the Commandant of the naval district in which the Reserve officer's records are carried, and to the activity controlling mobilization assignment, if such activity is different from the District in which his records are carried.1

(b) Training duty, with or without pay, other than short periods of group training, on Bureau of Naval Personnel Form NavPers 961 for Naval Reserve Aviators and NavPers 960 for all other officers, in accordance with articles H-5306 (10) and H-5307 ( 5).

(c) All officers except those who have been performing active duty for the whole year, shall submit as of June 30, of each year, an annual fitness report; on Bureau of Naval Personnel Form NavPers 937 for officers of the Organized Reserve and Volunteer Reserve, and on Bureau of Naval Personnel Form NavPers 976 for Merchant Marine Reserve officers and Midshipmen of the Merchant Marine Reserve (other than those undergoing training at State nautical schools and U. S. Merchant Marine Cadet Corps Schools). The reporting senior for officers of the Organized Reserve shall be the officer's immediate commanding officer or next senior in the chain of command; and for officers of the Volunteer Reserve who are associated with or attached to organizations of the Organized or Volunteer Reserve the commanding officer of such organization. The District Commandant shall be the reporting senior for all other officers of the Volunteer Reserve and for officers of the Merchant Marine Reserve and Midshipmen, Merchant Marine Reserve, Commandants may, however, designate senior officers on duty at district headquarters as the reporting officers for Reserve officers of appropriate classes and corps.1

(d) All fitness reports shall be forwarded by the reporting officer direct to the Bureau of Naval Personnel with distribution of copies as indicated on the form, except that the annual report Form NavPers 937 or Form NavPers 976 shall be forwarded via official channels. Forwarding officers shall comment as fully as practicable except that Commandants may use a stamped endorsement signed by direction in forwarding fitness reports whenever an officer of his staff is the reporting senior. In the cases of officers of the Volunteer Reserve (Special Service) who are assigned to another naval activity for mobilization, copies of all fitness reports shall be forwarded to such activity.1

(3) When an officer who is attached to one district performs training duty in another district, the Commandant of the district in which the duty is per-

1 Suspended for duration of war.


formed shall forward a fitness report in duplicate to the Commandant of the district in which the Reserve officer's records are carried. If the officer is a naval aviator, the amount of syllabus flying carried out shall be reported to the Commandant of the district to which the Reserve officer is regularly attached.1

(4) If any fitness report referred to in this article contains entries of an unsatisfactory or unfavorable nature, it shall be referred by the reporting senior to the officer reported on, for statement, before the report is forwarded for filing with his record. Such entries as marks below 2.5 or otherwise unsatisfactorily low, "prefer not to have him under my command," "not recommended for retention," or adverse comments, are considered as unfavorable. Failure to recommend the officer for promotion is not of itself unfavorable. Reporting seniors are encouraged to refer reports to officers for their inspection even though not considered unsatisfactory or unfavorable, whenever knowledge of such remarks based on lack of experience, etc., would be helpful to the officer in improving his fitness.

(5) Recommendations as to any action desired, such as discharge, transfer, or retirement, will not be included in the forwarding endorsements on annual

1 Suspended for duration of war.





(1) Except as provided in chapters 11 and 12 hereof, only male citizens of the United States and of the insular possessions of the United States who have attained the age of 17 years and who, by appointment or enlistment therein, or by transfer thereto, obligate themselves to serve in the Navy in time of war or when in the opinion of the President a national emergency exists, are eligible for membership in the Naval Reserve.

(2) In time of peace, no person who is drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States, shall be appointed, enlisted, or reenlisted in the Naval Reserve. In time of war or national emergency, when the services of a person who is drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay are desired, he may be appointed or enlisted in the Naval Reserve if physically and otherwise qualified, provided, that before being ordered to active duty, he shall be required to execute a notice to the Veterans' Administration of re-entrance into active service as provided in Article H-7305 hereof. Such persons shall be released from active duty and discharged from the Naval Reserve when their services are no longer required and in any event, not later than six months after the end of the war or national emergency. (Ch. No. 1.)

(3) All statements made in applications for appointment or enlistment are held to be material facts and any misstatement or omission of such material facts will be considered as grounds for discharge.


(1) A basic requisite of the Naval Reserve is its immediate availability for mobilization, and its members are under a continuous liability therefor. The vital importance of the civilian effort in modern warfare is also recognized. Consequently an individual whose civilian occupation, either personally or as one of a group, is such that his immediate separation from his civilian occupation on mobilization will not be to the best interests of the national defense should not be admitted to the Naval Reserve. The foregoing principles should constantly be borne in mind by those responsible for the procurement of officers and men. Applicants should understand that upon accepting any Reserve status it is continuously assumed thereafter that they are immediately available for any naval service on mobilization.

(2) Persons whose availability for mobilization is considered by the Bureau of Naval Personnel to be incompatible with the availability requirements in paragraph (1) hereof, or who are civilian employees of the Navy shall not be appointed or enlisted in or transferred to the Organized Reserve.

(3) The provisions of paragraph (2) hereof shall likewise apply to the Fleet Reserve and Volunteer Reserve except as follows:

(a) Especially desirable applicants may be commissioned in the Volunteer Reserve even if not immediately available for mobilization provided they will be so available within 30 days thereafter.


(b) A civilian employee of the Navy may be commissioned in the Volunteer Reserve provided that his services are required to fill a mobilization billet in the organization in which he is employed, and that he cannot satisfactorily perform such duty in civilian status.

(c) Persons whose special qualifications and services the Chief of Naval Personnel deems to be of outstanding value to the Navy, may be commissioned in the Volunteer Reserve even though their civilian status may preclude their being ordered to active duty on mobilization. Before such a person shall be appointed, a mobilization billet shall be specifically approved by the Bureau of Naval Personnel. The procurement and mobilization quotas and the charges against these because of such appointments, shall conform to the requirements of article H-1406.

(4) Availability for mobilization of persons employed in merchant ships will not be a factor in determining eligibility for commission or enlistment in the Merchant Marine Reserve. It is considered that the mobilization of Merchant Marine Reservists other than those serving in ships taken over by the Navy would unduly interfere with the normal operation of the Merchant Marine. Insofar as practicable, it is therefore proposed to man merchant ships placed in commission with their own licensed and unlicensed personnel.


(1) The commissioning of an officer in the Naval Reserve makes him a part of the Naval Establishment, the standards of which must not be jeopardized through failure to insure that his character, ability, and loyalty conform thereto and will be maintained throughout his commissioned status. The Bureau of Naval Personnel considers the approval or disapproval of applications for appointment in the Naval Reserve and recommendations for waivers, of such importance as to warrant the personal attention of the District Commandants, whenever practicable. When it is impracticable for the Commandant to interview a candidate personally, the forwarding endorsement shall so state. In addition to the interview by the Commandant, each candidate shall be personally interviewed by not less than two suitable officers, one of whom, when practicable (Medical Board excluded) shall be of the corps or branch to which the candidate aspires. Each shall record his opinion as to the candidate's fitness for appointment, especially as to his officer-like qualities, as part of the forwarding report. Where it is impracticable for a candidate to apply at district headquarters or to the Chief of Staff of a district for interview, the Commandant may designate two suitable officers for interview who reside nearest the vicinity of the candidate. Retired officers of the Navy and Marine Corps and Naval Reserve officers of suitable rank and proven judgment may be designated for this duty, subject to their own consent. Action on applications for appointment, unaccompanied by reports of the foregoing interviews, will be deferred until such reports are received.

(2) As a matter of policy, the Bureau of Naval Personnel will not approve appointments in the Naval Reserve of foreign-born persons who have been naturalized less than 10 years, and who have not resided continuously during the 10-year period in the United States.

(3) Before an application is forwarded to the Department, an investigation of the candidate will be made. The investigation must be sufficiently thorough to permit positive recommendation and to satisfy the Commandant of the candidate's wholehearted loyalty and of his moral and professional qualifications for appointment as an officer in the Naval Reserve. The following checks, insofar as necessary to satisfy this requirement, should be made:


(a) Personal interview, telephone contact, or other means for verification of the letters of recommendation submitted by the candidate. Verification of letters includes questions of authenticity, degree of positiveness, and character of the signer.

(b) Check of candidate's statements in general with respect to his employment, previous service or work, interviews, or other contacts with employers.

(c) Check of candidate's moral standing, standing in community, background, integrity, and racial extraction.


(q) Shipments.—

(1) Preparing, marketing, and routing.

(2) Bills of lading.

(3) Drayage and demurrage.

(r) Surveys and sales.—

(1) General method of conducting.

(s) Navy disbursing.—

(1) General laws and regulations.

(2) Duties of disbursing officer.

(3) Method of obtaining and handling cash and funds on deposit.

(4) Bills of exchange.

(5) Custody and preparation of checks.

(6) Preparation and payment of public vouchers.

(7) Method of keeping pay rolls.

(8) Payment of naval personnel.

(9) Savings and safe-keeping deposits.

(10) Allotments of pay.

(11) Preparation and submission of financial reports and returns.

(12) Forms of Government insurance.

(13) Suspensions and disallowances.

(14) Pay and allowances authorized for naval personnel.


Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual.

Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Correspondence Course for Supply Officers.

(t) General instructions—Chaplains.

(1) Navy Regulations.

(2) Manual for Chaplains.

(u) Professional knowledge—Chaplains.—

(1) Sermons for young men.

(2) Lectures for Recruits.

(3) Naval Traditions.

(4) Practical Applied Psychology as dealing with youth.

(5) Sociology—The married enlisted man and his family.

(6) Book review.

(7) Current events.


Navy Regulations.

Manual for Chaplains.

Naval Customs and Traditions—Lovette.

History, U. S. Navy—Clark, etc.

History, U. S. Navy—Knox.

History, U. S. Navy—Pratt.

Morale and its Enemies—Hocking.

Management of Men—Munson.


What Men Live By—Cabot.

Art of Ministering to Sick—Cabot &Dicks.

Social Service and Art of Healing—Cabot.

The Art of Helping People out of Trouble—De Schweinitz.


(6) In time of peace chief warrant and warrant officers. Examinations of candidates for appointment as warrant officer shall be conducted in accordance with articles H-2209 and H-2320. Warrant officers may be promoted to chief warrant officer upon their own application and qualification in accordance with the requirements for the corresponding grades in the Regular Navy. Unless warrant officers meet the 6-year active service requirement for promotion in the Regular Navy they shall be required to have served as warrant officers in the Naval Reserve for at least 10 years and shall have performed during that time a total of at least 1 year of active service.

When mobilized in time of war or national emergency, appointments and promotions to warrant grades and to chief warrant grades may be made in the same manner and under the same conditions as apply to the Regular Navy or as may be directed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel to meet the needs of the Service. (Ch. No. 1.)

(7) The Chief of Naval Personnel may amend the scope of examinations for Naval Reserve officers as prescribed in this article, upon the recommendation of the Naval Examining Board, with the concurrence of the bureaus and offices concerned.

H-3605. SCOPE OF EXAMINATION FOR OFFICERS OF VOLUNTEER RESERVE (SPECIAL SERVICE).—The professional examination of officers, Volunteer Reserve (Special Service) will consist of an examination of their records and progress In professional attainments as indicated in increases in earning capacity, authority, and responsibility, and in the discretion of the naval examining board of a written examination in such subjects as the board may specify.

H-3606. SCOPE OF EXAMINATION FOR OFFICERS OF THE MERCHANT MARINE RESERVE FOE PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN AND COMMANDER.—For promotion to the ranks of captain and commander, officers of the Merchant Marine Reserve will be examined in the subjects prescribed for officers of the Organized Reserve and Volunteer Reserve (General Service), as deck officers, engineering officers, or staff officers, according to their classification.



(1) Enlisted men in classes O-1 and O-2 below the rating of petty officer, first class, may be advanced in pay grade to fill vacancies in the quotas in ratings and pay grades prescribed for the organizations to which attached, in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) Except in rating of apprentice seaman, must have served 1 year in present pay grade.

(b) For rating of apprentice seaman, must have served 9 mouths in that grade.

(c) Must have performed at least 14 days' active or training duty in present pay grade.

(d) Must have performed a minimum of 36 drills or periods of equivalent instruction or duty during the year immediately preceding.

(e) Must be recommended for advancement by his commanding officer.

(f) Must pass the required professional examination as prescribed for enlisted men of the Navy of similar grade; except that apprentice seamen may be advanced to the ratings of seaman second class or fireman third class without professional examination.

1 Advancements under this section suspended for duration of the war.


(g) Must satisfactorily complete the Bureau of Naval Personnel Training Course for the higher rating before being examined for advancement, except where there are no courses available in the organization for the rating for which the man is being examined. In the latter case, a certification to the effect that the course is not


for active service as the result of any physical examination conducted or reviewed by a board of medical officers, shall, within the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be honorably discharged or placed on the honorary retired list, except where transfer to the retired list with retirement pay in accordance with article H-7501 is indicated. (Ch. No. 1.)

H-6303. SERVICE ELIGIBILITY FOR TRANSFER TO HONORARY RETIRED LIST.—In determining whether an officer shall be discharged or transferred to the honorary retired list on account of physical disabilities, or on account of age-in-grade for ages below 64 years, the following will be eligible for transfer to the honorary retired list:

(a) Those who have had honorable service on active duty as commissioned or warrant officers, cadets, midshipmen, or in enlisted status, in any of the services enumerated in article H-6305 hereof, at any time between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, inclusive, or during any other war or national emergency declared by the President of the United States.

(b) Those whose physical disqualifications are due to injuries or diseases incurred in line of duty while performing active military or naval service as defined in article H-7301 (1) hereof, except officers transferred to the Retired List with retirement pay in accordance with article H-7501 hereof. (Ch. No. 1.)

(c) Those who have had a total of 15 years' meritorious service, commissioned or otherwise, in any of the services enumerated in article H-6305 hereof.

An officer may be discharged instead of being placed on the Honorary Retired List even though he meets one or more of the above requirements, should his separation from the Naval Reserve be determined to be desirable and warranted as a result of consideration of his record of service. Each case will be decided on its merits by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

H-6304. RETIREMENT FOR AGE-IN-GRADE.—Officers of the Organized Reserve (who have not been transferred to the Volunteer Reserve in accordance with article H-4103 (1), Volunteer Reserve and Merchant Marine Reserve shall be transferred to the honorary retired list or discharged when they arrive at the years of age in grade indicated in the following table, unless the retention of the officer in question is deemed essential through inability to find a suitable replacement, or there are other compelling reasons to the contrary:


Class of Reserve and age-in-grade


Volunteer general

Volunteer special

Merchant Marine





Lieutenant commander










Lieutenant (Jr. gr.)










H-6305. COMPULSORY TRANSFER OF OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN TO HONORARY RETIRED LIST.—Officers and enlisted men of the Organized Reserve, Volunteer Reserve, and Merchant Marine Reserve, shall be placed on the honorary retired list without pay or allowances, except as provided in article H-7401 hereof, for the following reasons:

(a) Upon reaching the age of 64 years.


(b) Upon their own request, after 20 years' service in the Naval Reserve. Service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Naval Auxiliary Service, Naval Reserve Force, Naval Militia, National Naval Volunteers, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve Force, and Marine Corps Reserve shall be counted as service in the Naval Reserve under the provisions of this article.

H-6306. ADVANCEMENT ON RETIRED LIST OF NAVAL RESERVISTS WHO HAVE BEEN SPECIALLY COMMENDED.—Naval Reservists who have been specially commended for their performance of duty in actual combat with the enemy by the head of the executive department under whose jurisdiction such duty was performed, shall, when placed on the honorary retired list, be advanced to the next higher grade.

H-6307. MEMBERS OF THE HONORARY RETIRED LIST—PAY OF.—Except as provided in article H-7401 hereof, members of the honorary retired list will not be entitled to any pay or allowances while in an inactive-duty status.


(1) Transfers of officers to the honorary retired list will be effected by the Secretary of the Navy or by the Bureau of Naval Personnel with the prior approval of the Secretary of the Navy.

(2) Transfers of enlisted men to the honorary retired list will be effected by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.






Commissioned officers, exclusive of chief warrant officers of the Naval Reserve, including those on the honorary retired list or who may have been retired, when employed on active duty or on training duty with pay or when employed in authorized travel to and from such duty, shall be deemed to have been confirmed in grade and qualified for all general service. They shall receive the pay and allowances, including longevity pay, as provided by law for the reserve forces of the United States. For the purpose of computing increases in pay of commissioned officers on account of length of service, active service under an appointment, as distinguished from an enlistment, in the grade of aviation cadet shall be considered as commissioned service.

H-7102. ACTIVE AND TRAINING DUTY PAY AND ALLOWANCES—MIDSHIPMEN, CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERS, WARRANT OFFICERS, NURSES, AND ENLISTED MEN.— (1) Midshipmen, chief warrant officers, warrant officers, nurses, and enlisted men of the Naval Reserve, including those on the honorary retired list, or who may have been retired, when employed on active duty or on training duty with pay, or when employed in authorized travel to and from such duty, shall receive the same pay and allowances as received by midshipmen, chief warrant officers, warrant officers, nurses, and enlisted men of the Regular Navy of the same rank, grade, or rating, and of the same length of service, which shall include service in the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve Force, Naval Militia, National Naval Volunteers, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve Force, or Marine Corps Reserve.

(2) No chief warrant officer promoted to other commissioned grade or warrant officer promoted to chief warrant officer or other commissioned grade shall suffer any reduction of pay by reason of such promotion.

(3) All periods during which chief warrant officers have held commissions in the Naval Reserve shall be included in computing their pay as provided in the Act of February 16, 1929 (45 Stat. 1186).


Members of the Naval Reserve who may become entitled to Federal pay for a continuous period of less than one month at rates fixed for the Regular Service shall receive such pay for each day of such period, and the 31st day of a calendar month shall be included in the computation.

H-7104. RESERVISTS IN TRAVEL STATUS ENTITLED TO PAY.—Members of the Naval Reserve, when traveling under competent orders, to and from active duty or training duty with pay, are considered as on active duty and are entitled to pay for necessary travel time by shortest usually traveled route, including travel to and from designated place of physical examination if the orders place the individual in an active duty status prior to commencement of travel.

H-7105. FLIGHT PAY.—Commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of-the Naval Reserve, while employed on active duty or on training duty


with pay which involves actual flying in aircraft, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, shall receive the same increase of pay of their grades, ranks, or ratings as may be received by commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men in similar grades, ranks, or ratings in the Regular Navy for the performance of similar duty.

H-7106. MILEAGE, OFFICERS.— (1) When traveling under competent orders commissioned and warrant officers of the Naval Reserve are entitled to receive transportation in kind, mileage, or actual expenses, as provided by law for travel performed by officers of the Regular Navy.

(2) An officer of the Naval Reserve, upon release from active duty or training duty, with pay, is not entitled to mileage greater than that from his last duty station to the place from which ordered to active or training duty; i. e., the place to which their orders to such duty were addressed.

H-7107. TRANSPORTATION, MEN.— (1) When traveling under competent orders in a pay status, enlisted men of the Naval Reserve are entitled to receive transportation, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof, as provided for men of the Regular Navy under provisions of the Navy Travel Instructions.

(2) An enlisted man of the Naval Reserve, upon release from active duty or training duty, with pay, is not entitled to transportation greater than that from his last duty station to the place from which ordered to active or training duty; i. e., the place to which his orders to such duty were addressed.

Enlisted personnel of the Naval Reserve released from active duty or discharged and not re-enlisted are entitled to travel allowances of five cents per mile under conditions specified in Navy Travel Instructions (articles 2503-10, 2503-11, 2512), from the place of discharge or release from active duty to the place to which their initial orders to active duty were addressed. (Ch. No. 1.)


(1) When authorized by the Bureau of Naval Personnel officers and enlisted men of the Naval Reserve may be issued transportation in kind, including Pullman accommodations (where specified in the U. S. Navy Travel Instructions) and transfers en route to and from active or training duty without pay in accordance with written orders issued under the provisions of articles H-1701 (2), H-1702 (2) and H-5307.

(2) Officers and men of the Naval Reserve, upon release from active duty or training duty, without pay, are not entitled to transportation in accordance with paragraph (1) of this article greater than that from their last duty stations to the place from which ordered to active or training duty without pay; i. e., the place to which their orders to such duty were addressed.

H-7109. TRANSPORTATION OF DEPENDENTS.—Instructions providing for transportation of dependents of members of the Naval Reserve on being ordered to active duty or release therefrom and upon a permanent change of station, are contained in article 2505, United States Navy Travel Instructions.


(1) Enlisted men of the Naval Reserve are not entitled to the transportation of household effects when ordered to training duty. Officers of the Naval Reserve, ordered to training duty, are entitled to the transportation of household effects up to the weight allowance prescribed for officers of the Regular Navy upon temporary change of station.

(2) Naval Reserve personnel, when ordered to active duty or temporary active duty for purposes other than training, are entitled to the transportation of their household effects as for a permanent or temporary change of station, as the case


treatment for the injury is necessary, it may be secured in the same general manner.

(7) It is the duty of the reservist who incurs an injury, however slight, while on active duty, to give written notice (Form CA-1) to his official superior within 48 hours after the injury. In cases where the reservist's condition is such that he cannot give such notice, the report (Form CA-1) shall be rendered by the official superior of the injured reservist.

(8) It is the duty of the official superior (commanding officer) of a naval reservist who incurs an injury on active duty, however slight, to secure immediately a record of the cause, nature, and extent of the Injury and the name of any witness. He shall see that the injured reservist submits the notice of injury (Form CA-1), as indicated above. When a reservist is injured while on active duty the official superior shall submit a report (Form CA-2), together with Form CA-1, as soon as practicable after the injury, to the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, Washington, D. C. If the injury results in death, Form CA-3 also is required. The reports should not be delayed more than 3 days, if not at sea. Complete instructions on forms and procedure are contained in Commission's Rules and Regulations, which shall be obtained from the Employees' Compensation Commission.

(9) The commanding officer or other person in authority having immediate knowledge thereof, shall immediately make a written report in duplicate to the Commandant of the naval district in which the injured reservist resides, setting forth the circumstances under which injured, the nature and extent of the injury, so far as known, and what action, if any, has been taken to provide treatment, as well as any other information that may be of value in establishing the injured person's right or the right of his beneficiaries to compensation or hospital or medical service. The Commandant of the injured reservist's naval district should promptly transmit a copy of the report to the United States Employees' Compensation Commission.

(10) Under the terms of the Compensation Act, all original claims for compensation for disability shall be made within 60 days after the injury. For any reasonable cause shown, the Commission may allow original claims for compensation for disability to be made at any time within 1 year. In order to facilitate payment, claim for compensation on Form CA-4 should be submitted 18 days after the pay stops, if the injury seems likely to result in prolonged disability. If the disability lasts for less than 18 days, Form CA-4 should be submitted upon termination of such disability. All original claims for compensation for death must be made within 1 year after the death.


(1) For disability resulting from personal injury or disease contracted in line of duty or for aggravation of a pre-existing injury or disease contracted or suffered in line of duty when such disability was incurred in or aggravated by active military or naval service other than a period of war service as provided in Part I of the Veterans Regulations, the United States shall pay to any person thus disabled and who was honorably discharged from such period of service in which said injury or disease was incurred, or pre-existing injury or disease aggravated, a pension, but no pension shall be paid if the disability is the result of the person's own misconduct: Provided, That active service, including service for training purposes, performed by a Reserve officer or member of the Enlisted Reserves of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, shall be considered as active military or naval service for the purpose of granting benefits under Part II of the Veterans Regulations, and it shall not be required that such Reserve officer or enlisted man


shall have been discharged from the service. Pension under this paragraph shall not be paid concurrently with active duty pay or employees' compensation. Where a person who is eligible for pension hereunder is also eligible for the benefits of the Employees Compensation Act, he shall elect which benefits he shall receive.

(2) Members of the Naval Reserve are considered to be in active naval service for the purpose of receiving the foregoing benefits while performing active duty or training duty with or without pay, under orders issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter I, Section 7 hereof.

(3) Claims for pension must be filed by the claimant on the prescribed Veterans' Administration form.

H-7303. MEDICAL TREATMENT AND HOSPITALIZATION FOR SICKNESS AND DISEASE.—Any member of the Organized Reserve, Volunteer Reserve, or Merchant Marine Reserve who becomes ill or contracts a disease in line of duty during the performance of active duty br training duty with or without pay shall be entitled, at Government expense, to such medical, hospital, or other treatment as is necessary for the appropriate treatment of such illness or disease until the disability resulting from such illness or disease cannot be materially improved by further hospitalization or treatment, and to the necessary transportation and subsistence incident to such medical and hospital treatment and return to their homes when discharged therefrom. Treatment or hospitalization for such illness or disease shall not be continued for more than 10 weeks following discharge from active or training duty except on the approved recommendation of a Board of Medical Survey, consisting of one or more medical officers of the Navy or on authorization of the Surgeon General of the Navy based on the certificate of a reputable physician that the illness or disease is a continuation of the illness or disease which was sustained or contracted during the period of active or training duty and that further benefit will result from continued treatment.


(1) No officer or enlisted man of the Naval Reserve who may be drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States (and "retired pay" as here used shall not include pay of members of the Fleet Reserve, Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, or members of the Honorary Retired List), or who has a claim pending therefor, shall be placed on or continued on active or training duty with pay or allowances, Or permitted to perform drills, equivalent instruction or duty, appropriate duties, or administrative functions with pay except that he may be, in time of war or national emergency, ordered to active duty, provided, that upon entering active service he shall notify the Veterans' Administration in the manner prescribed in Article H-7305. This prohibition shall apply from the date of submission of a claim for pension or other disability allowance until payment thereunder ceases or the claim is disallowed. (Ch. No. 1.)

(2) The immediate commanding officer of the reservist concerned shall be promptly informed regarding the submission of any such claim, who in turn shall inform the district commandant, the Bureau of Naval Personnel, and the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Retainer Pay Division).


(1) Except as provided in paragraph 3 hereof no member of the Naval Reserve shall be certified for payment of any compensation or allowance for active or training duty, drills, equivalent instruction or duty, appropriate duties, administrative functions, or uniform allowances unless and until he has submitted


to the Commandant of his Naval District or his Commanding Officer an affidavit in the following form:

The above affidavit may be sworn to before any notary public, any naval officer authorized to administer oaths for purposes of naval administration, or commanding officers of squadrons, battalions, or divisions, such commanding officers being hereby authorized to administer oaths for this purpose.


(2) Except as provided in paragraph 3 hereof a certificate shall be typed or stamped on orders or authorizations for active or training duty involving pay, allowances, or traveling or other expenses to members of the Naval Reserve, to read as follows:

The above-named individual has executed the required affidavit stating that he is not drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States and that he does not have a claim pending therefor.

(3) No member of the Naval Reserve who has been awarded a pension, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States shall execute any portion of his orders to active duty which would entitle him to pay or allowances until he has executed a notice to the Veterans' Administration of re-entrance into active service in the following form:

Notice of Re-entrance Into Active Service of Person Receiving Pension or Retirement Pay

1 Retired pay does not include pay of members of the Fleet Reserve or members of the Honorary Retired List.

The above certificate shall be executed in triplicate and delivered to the Disbursing Officer who first takes up the pay account of the individual concerned. The disbursing officer shall execute the Endorsement, forward the original to the Veterans' Administration and a copy to the Bureau of Naval Personnel. The Disbursing Officer will file a copy of the certificate with his returns. (Ch. No. 1.)



(1) Officers and men of the Honorary Retired List who have performed a total of not less than 30 years' active service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Naval Auxiliary Service, Naval Reserve Force, Naval Militia in Federal status, National Naval Volunteers, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve Force, and Marine Corps Reserve, or who have had not less than 20 years' such active service, the last 10 years of which shall have been performed during the 11 years immediately preceding their transfer to the Honorary Retired List shall, except while on active duty, be entitled to pay at the rate of 50 per centum of their active duty rate of pay.

(2) Members of the Honorary Retired List who are entitled to remuneration in accordance with the foregoing provisions of law will he so certified by the Bureau of Naval Personnel to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Individual claims for such remuneration are not necessary.



(1) All officers, nurses, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Naval Reserve (including members of the Honorary Retired List of the Naval Reserve), who, if called into active naval or military service for extended periods in excess of 30 days, suffer disability or death in line of duty from disease or injury while so employed shall be deemed to have been in the active naval service during such period, and they or their beneficiaries shall be in all respects entitled to receive the same pensions, compensation, retirement pay, and hospital benefits as are now or may hereafter be provided by law or regulation for officers, warrant officers, nurses, and enlisted men of corresponding grades and length of service of the Regular Navy. Members of the Naval Reserve who suffer disability or death in line of duty while performing active duty under orders of competent authority, which by their terms do not limit the period of duty thereunder to less than 31 days or which are indefinite as to duration, come within the provisions of this article regardless of the date of the disability or death.

(2) If a person who is eligible for the benefits prescribed in this section be also eligible for pension under the provisions of article H-7302, compensation from the United States Employees' Compensation Commission under article


H-7301, or retired pay as a member of the Honorary Retired List as provided in article H-7401, he shall elect which benefit he shall receive.

(3) The benefits referred to in this article include payment of the gratuity as referred to in article 1841, Navy Regulations.

(4) Members of the Naval Reserve should designate beneficiaries in accordance with article C-1002.


hand and number allowed. In the event the items desired are not chargeable against the Naval Reserve Appropriation, the letter should be forwarded with the Commandant's recommendation to the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Items chargeable against the Naval Reserve Appropriations should he covered on stub requisition, where thus procurable, or open purchase requisition, chargeable against the District's allotment of funds under the subhead concerned. Requests for ammunition should indicate the make and type of arm in which it is to be fired.

(3) The standard allowance list herein prescribed may be amended from time to time by the Chief of Naval Personnel


(1) From time to time the Bureau of Naval Personnel will prescribe allowances of Navy training courses for use in instructing the Naval Reserve. These allowances will prescribe the number of each course apportioned each naval district as a whole. Distribution within any district will be a function of the Commandant.

(2) On March 31 each year an inventory shall be taken in each naval district of the number of usable copies of each course on hand, including those in use. As soon thereafter as practicable each District Commandant shall submit a report to the Bureau of Naval Personnel showing for each course, the District allowance, number on hand, and number required to fill allowance.

(3) The Bureau of Naval Personnel will then take the necessary action to fill allowances, insofar as courses for this purpose are available, or at such time as they may become available. Requests from the Naval Districts to the Bureau of Naval Personnel for courses will not be necessary. Requests from organizations for courses should be addressed to the District Commandant.

(4) Additional copies of any course will not become available for filling allowances oftener than once every six years, when the course is reprinted.

H-8606. EQUIPMENT LOANED TO STATES FOR USE OF NAVAL MILITIA. Such vessels, material, armament, equipment, and other facilities of the Navy as are or may be made available for the Naval Reserve shall be available in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy for issue or loan to the several States, Territories, or the District of Columbia, for the use of the Naval Militia, but no such facilities of the Navy shall be furnished for use by any portion or unit of the Naval Militia unless at least 95 per centum of its personnel belongs to the Naval Reserve and is attached to or associated with an organization of the Organized Reserve and unless its organization, administration, and training conform to the standards prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy for such units.

Section 7. UNIFORMS

H-8701. UNIFORMS PRESCRIBED.—Officers and men of the Naval Reserve shall wear the uniforms prescribed for officers and men of corresponding ranks or ratings in the Regular Navy.


(1) Except as noted in paragraph (2), and in article H-8703 (3) and (4) hereof, commissioned and warrant officers of the Naval Reserve are required to possess the following: Service dress blue, service dress white, overcoat or raincoat, working uniform, undress belt, leggings. All other items of uniform prescribed for officers of the United States Navy are optional for officers of the Naval Reserve but such uniforms must be of regulation pattern. (Ch. No. 1.)


(2) Chaplains shall not wear the cocked hat, epaulets, swords, sword belts, nor full dress trousers. They may wear the vestments of the church to which they belong on occasions requiring it.

(3) Aviation cadets shall wear the uniform prescribed for them by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.


(1) Except as noted in paragraphs (2), (8), and (4) hereof, members of the Naval Reserve shall wear the uniforms of their ranks or ratings when at drills and when performing authorized training duty with or without pay. They may wear such uniforms at ceremonies and memorial services. They shall not wear them at unauthorized times.

(2) Civilian clothes may be worn when in an active duty status in conformity with the customs of the regular service.

(3) Officers of the Merchant Marine Reserve employed on vessels requiring its officers to wear uniforms, may be permitted to wear such uniforms while performing active or training duty. Merchant Marine Reserve officers so equipped are not required to possess the Naval Reserve uniforms listed in article H-8702 (1) except when ordered to active duty in time of war or a national emergency.

(4) Officers of class I-V (S) shall not be required to provide themselves with uniforms unless upon reporting for active or training duty their commanding officer orders them to do so. Such orders shall be in letter form, addressed to each individual concerned, three copies of which shall accompany each voucher for reimbursement, submitted under the provisions of article H-8704 ( 4).


(1) In time of Peace.

(a) In time of peace, upon first reporting for active or training duty with pay, at a location where uniforms are required to be worn, or after the authorized performance of 14 drills, an officer of the Naval Reserve shall be paid a sum not to exceed $100 as reimbursement for the purchase of the required uniforms, and thereafter he shall be paid an additional sum of $50 for the same purpose upon the completion of each period of not less than 4 years in the Naval Reserve. This latter amount of $50 shall not become due any officer until he has completed at least 150 drills or periods of other equivalent instruction or duty or appropriate duties, and 56 days' active or training duty, or 75 drills and 84 days' active or training duty, or 112 days' active or training duty. No officer shall be entitled to either of the above mentioned sums until the expiration of four years from the date of the receipt of the last previous gratuity.

(b) Active duty performed under his commission as an officer of Class A-V (N), in time of peace, may be counted in computing the required 112 days' active or training duty to entitle such officer to the additional payment of $50 four years after receipt of the $150 uniform gratuity as an officer of Class A-V (N).

(c) The word "drills" as used herein is to be interpreted as the regular drills of the various units authorized and performed in accordance with article H-5302.

(d) Reimbursement in the above amounts for uniforms purchased and in the possession of the officer will be made by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Master Accounts Division) upon certification by the Reserve Officer and the Bureau of Naval Personnel that the prescribed conditions have been met. Form S&A 445 will be used for


$50 payments and S&A form 445A for $100 payments. In the cases of officers of the Volunteer Reserve and the Merchant Marine Reserve, three certified copies of the orders to active or training duty entitling them to the uniform gratuity, with all endorsements, shall accompany this form,

(2) In Time of War or National Emergency.

(a) Except as provided in Article H-8703 (4), upon first reporting for active duty with pay in time of war or national emergency, at a location where uniforms are required to be worn (regularly or occasionally), officers of the Naval Reserve who have in their possession the required uniforms, and who have not theretofore received any uniform gratuity, are entitled to the peacetime allowance of $100; and in addition, the further sum of $150 for the purchase of the required uniforms, without regard to whether uniforms are required to be worn at the place of reporting for duty or whether they have the required uniforms in their possession.

(b) Claims for the $100 gratuity will be submitted to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Master Accounts Division) direct, using form S&A 445A, which must be accompanied only by three certified copies of the officer's orders in active duty, bearing the endorsement required by subparagraph (d). Certified copies of the oath of office are not required for this purpose.

(c) All officers, including officers of class A-V(N), may be paid an additional sum of fifty dollars for the purpose of required uniforms upon the completion of each period of at least four years of service in the Naval Reserve subsequent to payment of last previous gratuity, provided they have, during that period, fulfilled the requirements of article H-8704 (1) (a) above. Claims for payment of the additional $50 gratuity will be submitted to the Bureau of Naval Personnel on form S&A 445.

(d) Upon first reporting for active duty (other than duty for physical examination) in time of war or national emergency, Naval Reserve officers will be paid a uniform gratuity of $150 by the disbursing officers first opening their pay accounts. The disbursing officers will endorse the original and all copies of each Reserve Officer's orders to show the activity, date and amount of credit, the statement "Oath executed at (place) on (date) copies filed (pay number)", name and symbol number of the disbursing officer. An officer who received the $150 gratuity under a prior commission is not entitled to another $150 gratuity under new orders to active duty.

(e) An officer on the honorary retired list of the Naval Reserve without pay, who reports or has reported for active duty (other than for physical examination), in time of war or national emergency pursuant to orders of competent authority, on or after 8 September 1939, is entitled to a uniform allowance of $250 for the purchase of required uniforms, less the amount of any uniform gratuity paid such officer within the four years immediately preceding his recall to active duty. This uniform allowance shall be in lieu of any other uniform gratuity allowed by law. (Oh. No. 1.)

(f) Officers of class A-V(N) are not entitled to an initial $150 uniform gratuity in addition to the $150 gratuity as provided in Article H-10404. (Ch. No. 1.)



(1) The issues of clothing to enlisted men of the Naval Reserve or the granting of cash allowance in lieu of clothing issues, will be governed by the provisions of the Executive Orders issued by the President for the fiscal year concerned. (Ch. No. 1.)

H-8706. MEN REQUIRED TO REPLACE LOST OR DAMAGED ARTICLES OF UNIFORM.—Members of the Naval Reserve receiving a gratuitous issue of uniforms are required to replace at their own expense any lost or damaged article thereof. For this purpose, cash requisitions should be submitted in the manner prescribed in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual.

H-8707. STOWAGE OF UNIFORMS IN ARMORIES.—In order to maintain proper supervision of uniforms and to give instruction in the marking, care, and stowage of them, as well as to insure that they shall not be worn at unauthorized times, men of the Naval Reserve shall he required to keep their uniforms at armories, or drill halls, if suitable locker facilities are available.

H-8708. ISSUE OF BEDDING, CLOTHES BAGS, AND BUCKETS.—Clothes bags, mattresses, pillows, mattress covers, pillow covers, blankets, buckets, and hammocks with clews and lashings, when required in connection with the training on shipboard of enlisted members of the Naval Reserve, are obtainable on requisition chargeable against the naval district's allotment of funds under the Construction and Repair subhead of the Naval Reserve Appropriation, in the manner' prescribed in the Bureau of Ships Manual. They will be issued, cleaned, and accounted for in the manner prescribed in the Bureau of Ships Manual. These items, except bags and hammocks, when issued to organizations of the Naval Reserve will be marked as follows: "U. S. Naval Reserve"; this will be in stencil black letters, in the center and lengthwise of the blanket, mattress, etc.; 2-inch letters will be used for blankets, mattresses, and mattress covers, and 1-inch letters for the other items.


pay under orders or authorization of competent authority or training duty for periods not to exceed fifteen days in any one calendar year.

H-9603. RELEASE OF MEN OF CLASSES F-2, F-4, AND F-5 TO INACTIVE DUTY.—In order that Commandants of districts may make suitable arrangements for the use of men of classes F-2, F-4, and F-5 at mobilization, it is essential that the following measures be taken by commanding officers who release such men to inactive duty immediately following their assignment or transfer to the Reserve:

(a) The reservist will be instructed in writing by his commanding officer of his obligation to respond to orders to active duty in time of war or national emergency, and of the necessity of keeping himself in readiness and physically fit for service therefor, that he must at all times keep the Commandant of the naval district in which he resides informed of his home address; that he must answer promptly all letters addressed to him by proper authority; and that he must inform the Commandant of any change in his health which might prevent service at sea in time of war.

(b) The commanding officer will also instruct in writing all enlisted men transferred to the Fleet Reserve after 16 years' or more service in the Regular Navy that, in time of peace, they may be required to perform not more than 2 months' active duty in each. 4-year period and shall be examined physically at least once during each 4-year period.

(c) The commanding officer will inform the reservist as to the recruiting and other naval stations nearest his home and encourage him to maintain touch with these stations.

(d) The Regular Navy record, NavPers 601, will be closed out and for warded to the Bureau.

(e) The Naval Reserve record, NavPers 952, will be made out and for warded to the Commandant of the district in which the reservist intends to reside. The commanding officer will fill out and attach to the Naval Reserve record the form showing the character of his service and the duty for which he is best fitted.

(f) Health records will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Manual for the Medical Department.

(g) If accounts are complete, the continuous-service certificate should be closed out and returned to the man. If accounts are incomplete upon transfer and it is necessary for the Commandant to make adjustments, the continuous-service certificate will be forwarded to the Commandant of the naval district with his Naval Reserve record; when all adjustments have been made the continuous-service certificate will be returned to the man.


(1) All enlisted men in the Fleet Reserve who have been transferred from the Regular Navy after 16 or more years of service therein, shall be examined physically at least once during each 4-year period. As a result of this examination men will be classified physically as follows:

Class A Those fit for the duties of their ratings at sea, with due allowance for age and length of service.

Class B-1. Physically qualified for mobilization ashore only (including foreign shore).

Class B-2. Physically qualified for mobilization ashore only, limited to duty within the continental limits of the United States. (Ch. No. 1.)

Class C. Those unfit for any duty.


An appropriate entry shall be made in all service records and those men placed in Class C shall be transferred to the retired list of the Regular Navy.

(2) Commandants of naval districts will direct the necessary examinations and forward the medical examiners' reports, M. &S. Form Y, to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in duplicate. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery will forward a copy of the report bearing the Commandant's recommendation to the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Boards of Medical Survey are not required in order to effect retirement.

(3) Members of the Fleet Reserve will not, unless urgently required by particular circumstances, be ordered to active duty until examined by a medical officer of the Navy or Naval Reserve and approval of the report of examination by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.



Enlisted men of the Fleet Reserve, including enlisted men who may have heretofore been transferred to the retired list of the Naval Reserve Force or the Naval Reserve or the honorary retired list with pay or may hereafter be so transferred, shall at all times be subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Navy, and shall not be discharged therefrom prior to the expiration of their term of service, without their consent, except by sentence of a court martial, or, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, when sentenced by civil authorities to confinement in a State or Federal penitentiary as a result of a conviction for a felony.


(1) Discharges for disciplinary reasons of officers of the Fleet Reserve who are not on active duty must be for full and sufficient cause in the discretion of such administrative authority as the Secretary of the Navy may designate.

(2) The discharge of officers for cause shall be accomplished in accordance with article H-6202.



(1) An officer of the Fleet Reserve may be discharged under the following conditions:

(a) For cause as provided for in articles H-6202 and H-9702.

(b) For routine administrative reasons as provided in article H-6203.

(c) Upon his own request.

(d). Upon reaching the ages in grade specified in article H-6304 for officers of the Volunteer Reserve (Special Service).

(2) Enlisted men of the Fleet Reserve shall be discharged only upon the expiration of their terms of service or at their own request, except as provided in articles H-9701 and H-9702.

H-9802. RETIREMENT OF ENLISTED MEN TRANSFERRED TO NAVAL RESERVE FORCE PRIOR TO JULY 1, 1925.—Men of class F-3 who are not retired in accordance with article H-9604 shall, upon completion of 30 years' service, be transferred to the retired list of the Regular Navy with the pay they are then receiving, plus the allowances to which enlisted men of the Regular Navy are entitled on retirement after 30 years' service.


(1) Enlisted men of class F-4 who were transferred to the Fleet Reserve in accordance with article H-9405, and who are not retired in accordance with article H-9604, shall upon completion of 30 years' service be transferred to the




(1) Civilian candidates.

The procurement from civilian sources of qualified applicants for enlistment as aviation cadets is the direct responsibility of Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards. Aviation cadets may not be enlisted by any other recruiting activity.

(2) Apprentice Seamen, V-5. Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards may enlist as apprentice seamen, V-5, in such numbers as may be prescribed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel, civilian applicants who meet all requirements specified in Article H-10302, below, except as to minimum education or minimum age or both, provided that each such applicant has graduated from or is currently enrolled in an accredited high school or secondary school with reasonable expectation of graduation by June 30 of the fiscal year in which enlisted, and has reached his seventeenth birthday at the time of enlistment. When such apprentice seaman, V-5, becomes fully qualified for transfer to aviation cadet, V-5, transfer shall be effected by the Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board carrying the service records. Apprentice seamen, V-5, enrolled in accredited high schools or secondary schools who drop out of school for any reason or fail to graduate by the end of the academic year current at the time of enlistment will be immediately transferred to Class V-6 and ordered to active duty in the Naval Service. (Ch. No. 1.)

(3) Candidates from personnel already in the Naval Service.

Officers and enlisted men of the Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, or the Marine Corps Reserve may be selected for flight training as aviation cadets in such numbers and under such instructions as may be prescribed from time to time by the Chief of Naval Personnel.


(1) An applicant for flight training as aviation cadet must meet the following requirements:

(a) Be a male citizen of the United States.

(b) Be between his 18th and 27th birthdays.

(c) Agree to remain on active duty for four years, including period undergoing training as aviation cadet, unless released sooner by the Navy Department.

(d) Be unmarried, and must agree to remain unmarried until appointed a commissioned officer, unless released sooner by the Navy Department.

(e) Be educationally, morally, physically, and psychologically qualified for training as an aviation cadet and commission in the Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve.

(f) Have a minimum education of graduation from an accredited high school or secondary school.

(2) Applicants who have previously failed in the Army flight training course are not eligible.

(3) In addition to the requirements prescribed in the foregoing paragraph, civilian applicants must pass such mental tests as may be prescribed by the Chief of Naval Personnel.

(4) Violations of agreements entered into at time of enlistment or selection, or falsifying material facts in applications for enlistment will result in transfer to Class V-6 for general service.


(1) Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards will come directly under the Bureau of Naval Personnel, and each board will be headed by an aviation line


officer of the Navy or Naval Reserve who will be designated as Officer-In-Charge. The boards will be composed of aviation line officers, assisted by medical officers (qualified as flight examiners), and other personnel, in such numbers as may be prescribed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Insofar as practicable the Bureau will assign naval aviators or ex-naval aviators to Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards.

(2) The Officer-In-Charge shall exercise the functions of a commanding officer with respect to the officers and enlisted men attached to his board and aviation cadets whose records are carried by his board, and may order summary courts martial upon petty officers and enlisted men in the naval service under his command.

(3) Upon receipt of appropriate recommendations from the Officer-In-Charge, the Bureau will issue repeated travel orders to officer personnel attached to the boards. Necessary travel orders to enlisted men in connection with procurement will be issued by the Officer-In-Charge.

(4) The Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards will be charged with:

(a) Procurement of aviation cadets and administration of aviation cadets< on active duty or inactive duty whose records are carried by the boards.

(b) Supervision of aviation cadets under their cognizance who are under going Civilian Pilot Training or other training prescribed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

(c) Procurement of A-V (T) officers.

(d) Procurement of A-V (P) officers who are candidates for naval aviator designations and further transfer to A-V (T).

(e) Supervision of A-V (P) officers under their cognizance who are undergoing Civilian Pilot Training or other training prescribed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

(f) Liaison with Civil Aeronautics Administration and other agencies conducting flight or other training prescribed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

(5) The Naval Recruiting Service will cooperate in the procurement of civilian candidates for flight training.


(1) Applicants qualified in all respects may be enlisted by Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards without prior reference to the Bureau. Doubtful cases shall be referred to the Bureau for approval before enlistment is accomplished.

(2) Applications from civilians shall be submitted on Form NavPers 973, together with required documentary data, and shall be forwarded to the Bureau immediately after the enlistment of an applicant in Class V-5, U. S. Naval Reserve, except as noted in the foregoing paragraph. The applications of rejected applicants will not be submitted to the Bureau.

(3) Application forms must be properly completed and accompanied by all required data in acceptable form, as prescribed by current instructions.


(1) Applications of personnel on inactive duty will be processed in the same manner as applications from civilians, that is, by Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards.

(2) Applications of personnel on active duty will be processed in accordance with instructions issued by the Bureau from time to time.



(1) Aviation cadets on active duty are subject to all laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Navy and are subject to the same disciplinary measures as members of the Regular Navy.

(2) Disposition of aviation cadets who fail in flight training shall be in accordance with instructions issued from time to time by the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

(3) Aviation cadets are student naval aviators. Designations or orders to duty involving flying are not required. Their pay includes extra pay for flying.

(4) Aviation cadets are student officers. Insofar as practicable they will be segregated from other enlisted men for housing, messing, and hospitalization, and other general purposes.

(5) Aviation cadets are entitled to issue in kind of uniforms, clothing, and equipment as may be prescribed for members of the Naval Reserve undergoing flight training leading to a commission.


(1) The pay of aviation cadets while on active duty is at the rate of $75 per month. When not subsisted at government expense, aviation cadets are entitled to a money allowance for subsistence of $1 per day except when in a travel status when they shall receive the same allowance for subsistence as other enlisted men. Aviation cadets shall not be entitled to receive additional pay for longevity.

(2) When traveling under orders, aviation cadets shall receive transportation and other necessary expenses incident to such travel, or cash in lieu thereof, as prescribed for enlisted men of the Navy. Unless prescribed by the Bureau of Naval Personnel, orders to aviation cadets will not be so worded as to authorize travel by privately owned automobiles.

(3) The Act of June 23, 1942, which provides for family allowances, applies to aviation cadets in the same manner as to enlisted men of the 4th pay grade.


(1) Upon reporting for active duty, aviation cadets who do not hold Government Insurance policies will be issued National Service Life Insurance in the amount of $10,000, the premiums on which shall be paid, during the period of their active duty as aviation cadets, from the current Naval Reserve appropriation. Aviation cadets who may hold U. S. Government Life Insurance or National Service Life Insurance upon reporting are covered in paragraph 5 below.

(2) Veterans' Administration Insurance Form 350 (application for National Service Life Insurance) will be executed in triplicate on the date the aviation cadet reports as such for active duty for training, and the original and both copies will be submitted to the Bureau of Supplies land Accounts (Allotment Division). The form of insurance to be applied for by aviation cadets shall be the 5-year level premium term policy. Except as provided in paragraph 5, below, the amount shall be $10,000, and the effective date of the policy will be the date of entry upon active duty as an aviation cadet.

(3) Upon release from active duty or termination of aviation cadet status the cognizant commanding officer will notify the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Allotment Division) by letter, in duplicate, stating the date of such termination and requesting that no further premiums be paid by the Government. Such aviation cadets not commissioned as ensigns, A-V(N), or second lieutenants, (NAVC), will be informed that they may continue the insurance in force by the payment of premiums from their own personal funds either by allotment of pay or by direct remittance of premiums to the Veterans' Administration.

(4) (a) When the aviation cadet so insured has been commissioned an ensign in Class A-V (N), U. S. N. R., the insurance shall be continued in force as


required by law. The allotment method shall be employed for payment of premiums upon all Government insurance by all Class A-V (N) U. S. N. R. officers. Upon being commissioned an ensign, Class A-V (N) U. S. N. R., this compulsory allotment shall be registered immediately to provide for continuity of premium payment. The premium due date is the monthly anniversary date of reporting for active duty as an aviation cadet.

(b) When commissioned prior to the due date of the premium, the allotment should be registered for first payment the month preceding that in which aviation-cadet status terminated.

(c) When commissioned after the due date of the premium, the allotment should be registered for first payment the month in which aviation-cadet status terminated.

(d) When the actual due date of the premium is not known, the allotment may be registered for first payment the month in which aviation-cadet status terminated. In the event an additional premium is due to adjust the account, payment may be made by direct remittance upon receipt of advice.

(5) (a) Section 5 of the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 provides in part that:

"Aviation cadets will be issued Government Life Insurance in the amount of $10,000, effective from the date of reporting for active duty, and premiums on such insurance shall be paid during the period of their active duty from current appropriations . . .".

Section 603 of the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, provides that no person may carry a combined amount of National Service Life Insurance and U. S. Government Life Insurance in excess of $10,000. Aviation cadets who may be holding U. S. Government Life Insurance or National Service Life Insurance upon reporting for active duty as aviation cadets have the option (1) of surrendering such policies as may be in force or (2) of continuing such policies at their own expense. In the latter event, premiums must be paid by allotment If the amount of the continued insurance is less than $10,000, there will be issued additional National Service Life Insurance at Government expense, the face value of which will be the difference between the face value of such policies as the individual may be carrying, and $10,000.

(b) An aviation cadet who elects to surrender his U. S. Government Life Insurance or National Service Life Insurance to obtain full coverage of $10,000 at Government expense may do so by executing application for National Service Life Insurance in the amount of $10,000. In such case he will be deemed to have surrendered such policy or policies as he may be holding as of the date of signing application for National Service Life Insurance in the amount of $10,000 at Government expense. If the insurance he is holding has a cash surrender value, and only in that event, the aviation cadet will execute and file "Application for Cash Surrender Value of U. S. Government Life Insurance (Veterans' Administration Form No. 849) at the time he applies for the $10,000 National Service Life Insurance at Government expense. (U. S. Government Life Insurance and National Service Life Insurance issued on the 5-year level premium term plan do not have a cash surrender value). Veterans' Administration Form 849 shall be forwarded direct to the Veterans' Administration; Veterans' Administration Form 350 shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Allotment Division).

(c) Aviation cadets who elect to retain their U. S. Government Life Insurance or National Service Life Insurance policies, may do so. If the amount retained is less than $10,000, such aviation cadets upon reporting for active duty for training will make application for National Service Life Insurance at Government expense, the face value of which will be the difference between the face value of the policy or policies which the aviation cadets may hold, and $10,000. The new


application, (Veterans' Administration Form 350), will contain an entry in Item 9 as follows:

"Insurance in amount of $______ will be carried at my own expense. An allotment has been authorized."

(d) Aviation cadets who, upon entering upon active duty for training, elected to continue their policy or policies at their own expense as provided in the foregoing paragraph, may surrender such policies at a later date during their training period, if they so desire. However, since there is an obligation on the part of the Government to insure that each aviation cadet will have full $10,000 insurance coverage, surrender of such policies may be made only upon filing application for a new policy of the same face value, the premiums on which will be paid by the Government. In such cases, the effective date of the surrender will be deemed to be the date of signature of the new application. (The original application for cash surrender will be forwarded direct to the Veterans' Administration.) Copy of Veterans' Administration Form 849 should accompany the new application (Veterans' Administration Form 350, in triplicate) when the application is forwarded to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Allotment Division) together with an explanatory letter.

(6) Aviation cadets and officers of Class A-V (N) will not be permitted to borrow against their Government insurance policies. Aviation cadets and officers of Class A-V (N) will not be permitted to stop their allotments to the Veterans' Administration except when it is necessary due to renewal, conversion or surrender to obtain an equal amount of National Service Life Insurance, in which event not one single month shall intervene between the last month paid under the old allotment and the commencing date of the new allotment.

(7) Insurance issued to aviation cadets may be converted at any time after the policy has been in force for one year and within the 5-year period, except that conversion will not be permitted while the premiums are being paid by the Government. (Ch. No. 1)

Section 4. OFFICERS, CLASS A-V (N)


(1) Aviation cadets who fulfill the requirements of law for designation or appointment as naval aviators may be commissioned ensigns, A-V (N), U. S. Naval Reserve, or second lieutenants, (NAVC), Marine Corps Reserve. Only those aviation cadets so commissioned and so designated or appointed shall be deemed to have been commissioned pursuant to the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942.

(2) Aviation cadets completing training at approximately the same time shall be deemed to have commenced their commissioned service from the same date The decision of the Secretary of the Navy in this regard shall be conclusive for all purposes.

(3) Ensigns or second lieutenants commissioned pursuant to the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 or to the Naval Aviation Reserve Act of 1989 may, after three years of active duty, as such, and if found qualified after such examinations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, be commissioned lieutenants (junior grade) in the Naval Reserve or first lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserve respectively.

(4) The designation A-V (N) is intended to identify officers commissioned and serving on continuous active duty pursuant to the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 and the Naval Aviation Reserve Act of 1939. Officers may not be trans-


(e) Must be physically and psychologically qualified for flight training.

(2) Enlisted men of the Naval Reserve who qualify and are selected for aviation pilot training will be transferred to Class V-8 of the Naval Reserve upon reporting for such training. Those who fail in flight training will be retransferred to the rating and class previously held, if otherwise qualified.

(3) Applications for aviation pilot training will not be submitted directly to the Bureau of Naval Personnel but to such Commandants and Force Commanders as may be designated.


(1) Upon successful completion of flight training and designation as aviation pilot, student aviation pilots who hold ratings up to and including the third pay grade, will be rated as aviation pilot, second class, U. S. N. R. Those in the first and second pay grades will be rated in the corresponding aviation pilot rating. No enlisted man shall suffer a reduction in rating under these provisions. Thereafter, they will be eligible for advancement in rating under the regulations prescribed for other enlisted men of the Naval Reserve.

(2) Aviation pilots of the Naval Reserve may, if qualified, be considered for commissions in the Naval Reserve, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe. When so commissioned, they will be carried in Class A-V (T) of the Naval Reserve.


(1) Upon reporting for active duty undergoing training, enlisted men of Class V-8 will be issued National Service Life Insurance in the amount of $10,000, or in an amount equal to the difference between existing Government life insurance policies and the sum of $10,000, in the same manner as provided in Article H-10308, the premiums on which shall be paid during the period of their active duty as student aviation pilots and aviation pilots, from the current Naval Reserve appropriations. If discharged, released from active duty or if transferred from Class V-8 for any reason, such enlisted men will have the option of continuing these policies at their own expense. (Ch. No. 1.)

(2) Upon discharge, release from active duty, or transfer from Class V-8, the cognizant commanding officer will notify the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts by letter requesting that no further premiums be paid. The individuals will be informed that they have the option of continuing to pay the premiums from their personal funds or of converting to some higher form of insurance after the insurance has been in effect for one year, or of permitting the insurance to lapse.

(3) Insurance policies issued to enlisted men of Class V-8 will continue In force, and the premiums will be paid by the Government, during the period of training, the two-year obligated period of active duty thereafter, and during an additional period the enlisted man may agree to serve, provided such service is continuous.


(1) Each enlisted man of Class V-8 must, before commencement of training, sign an agreement to serve for a continuous period of two years on active duty in the Naval Reserve following successful completion of flight training, unless sooner released. In time of peace such aviation pilot may, with his own consent, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, serve on active duty for an additional period of not more than two years.

(2) Any student aviation pilot or aviation pilot in the Naval Reserve may be discharged or released from active duty at any time under such instructions as the Bureau of Naval Personnel may prescribe.



(1) Qualified civilian pilots may be enlisted in pilot ratings in Class V-8 when authorized by the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Similarly, enlisted personnel of the Naval Reserve with required pilot and other qualifications may be ordered to refresher flight training. Upon successful completion of such training, they will be transferred to appropriate pilot ratings in Class V-8 of the Naval Reserve.

(2) General requirements for aviation pilots, Class V-6.

(a) Pilot qualifications: Must hold an effective commercial certificate. In lieu thereof must hold a private pilot's certificate and must have at least three hundred hours' flying time in aircraft of one hundred horsepower or higher classification.

(b) Must be between eighteen and thirty-nine years of age (inclusive).

(c) Must be physically and psychologically qualified for flight training.

(3) Selected individuals will be ordered to refresher flight training leading to designation as aviation pilots. The duration of this training will depend largely upon the previous pilot experience of the individual. Sufficient ground school and flight training will be given to qualify the individual as an aviation pilot.

(4) Documentary data.—Each application for enlistment for or transfer to refresher flight training must be accompanied by a certified statement of flight time showing:

(a) Total pilot time with types of aircraft;

(b) Total pilot time during preceding twelve months with types of aircraft;

(c) Type of certificate of competency held, including number and date of expiration.

A resumé of aviation experience must also be attached to the application. Where the applicant's pilot qualifications are extensive (has a total flying time of one thousand hours or more) the Bureau of Naval Personnel will give consideration to recommendations for waivers of a minor nature.

(5) Applications from civilian pilots for enlistment in pilot ratings in Class V-6 will be processed by Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Boards, in the same manner as prescribed for applicants for appointment in Class A-V (T). If authorized, enlistments will be made only by the Naval Recruiting Service, and then only upon receipt of specific authority from the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

(6) Student aviation pilots and aviation pilots in Class V-6 are not eligible for transfer to Class V-8. The service requirements, insurance benefits, etc., provided for enlisted pilots in Class V-8 do not apply to enlisted pilots of Class V-6.



Section 1. PURPOSE

H-12101. PURPOSE.—The purpose of the Women's Reserve, which has been established by law as a branch of the Naval Reserve, is to expedite the war effort by releasing officers and men for duty at sea and their replacement by women in the shore establishment of the Navy within the continental United States.



(1) The Women's Reserve shall be composed of women accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service and shall be referred to by the brief title "WAVES."

(2) Female citizens of the United States who accept appointment or who enlist in the Naval Reserve shall obligate themselves to serve in the shore establishment of the Navy within the continental United States for the duration of the present war and for six months thereafter unless sooner discharged.

(3) The Women's Reserve shall be composed of women trained and qualified for duty in the shore establishment of the Navy to release male officers and men of the Naval Service for duty at sea. They may be commissioned in ranks not above captain and enlisted in such appropriate ratings, corresponding to those of the Regular Navy, as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. (Ch. No. 1.)

H-12202. ADMINISTRATION.—The Women's Reserve shall be administered by the Chief of Naval Personnel, who may order to duty in the Bureau of Naval Personnel an officer of the Women's Reserve as Director and such other officers as may be required as Assistants to the Director. Assistant Directors may be ordered as required in the shore establishment of the Navy within the continental United States in each Naval District and in the District of Columbia.

H-12203. SUBJECT TO LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND ORDERS GOVERNING THE NAVAL RESERVE.—Except as hereinafter provided, the Women's Reserve shall be subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the government of the Volunteer Reserve insofar as applicable.

H-12204. MILITARY AUTHORITY OF OFFICERS.—Military authority of officers of the Women's Reserve may be exercised over women in the Women's Reserve only and is limited to the administration of the Women's Reserve.

H-12205. COMPENSATION FOR DISABILITY OR DEATH IN LINE OF DUTY; DEPENDENT ALLOWANCES, ETC.—Members of the Women's Reserve or their dependents, shall be entitled to all allowances or benefits provided by law for male officers and enlisted men with dependents. The husbands of such members shall not be considered dependents and the children of such members shall not be considered dependents unless their father is dead or they are in fact dependent on their mother for their chief support (Ch. No. 1.)



(1) Uniform allowances shall be paid to officers of the Women's Reserve in the same manner and in the same amounts as authorized for officers of the Volunteer Reserve upon their first reporting for active duty in time of war or national emergency.

(2) The Secretary of the Navy will fix the money value of the articles of uniform and equipment which enlisted members of the Women's Reserve are required to have upon their first reporting for active duty and will authorise such articles of uniform and equipment, or parts thereof, to be issued in kind, or, in lieu thereof, payment in cash of the money value fixed in accordance with the foregoing, not to exceed $200, will be made to enlisted members so ordered to active duty, for the purchase of such articles of uniform and equipment.



(1) Commissioned officers shall be appointed to serve during the pleasure of the President, but not to exceed six months after the termination of the war. There shall be allowed not more than one officer in the grade of captain. The class designation for officers and midshipmen shall be "W-V(S), USNR".

(2) The enlisted personnel shall be assigned such appropriate ratings corresponding to those of the Regular Navy as may be prescribed by the Chief of Naval Personnel. Minors may be enlisted only with the consent of the parent or guardian.

(3) The class designations for enlisted personnel shall be as follows:

(a) Class V-9.—Women enlisted as apprentice seamen for training preliminary to appointment as Midshipmen, W-V(S), U. S. Naval Reserve, and further training for commission in the U. S. Naval Reserve.

(b) Class V-10.—Women enlisted for service in the naval establishment ashore.

(4) The quotas of officers and enlisted personnel to be procured shall be prescribed by the Chief of Naval Personnel.

H-12302. DUTIES.

(1) Members of the Women's Reserve shall be restricted to the performance of shore duty only within the Continental limits of the United States and shall not be assigned to duty on board vessels of the Navy or in combat aircraft.

(2) Officers and enlisted personnel will be trained for the following duties and such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time:

(a) Communications: Various communication duties including coding, cryptanalysis, and operation of communication service.

(b) Administration: Various administrative duties including those of a confidential nature.

(c) Technical Duties: Various technical duties, including those performed by laboratory and other technicians, and research and analytical duties.

(3) The members of the Women's Reserve shall not be used to replace Civil Service personnel employed in the naval establishment.


(1) For appointment as an officer, the applicant must be a citizen of the United States or its insular possessions, between the ages of 20 and 50 years.


(2) Candidates must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university or college, or in lieu thereof, must have completed successfully two years' work in an accredited university or college normally leading to a degree, and in addition, have not had less than two years' professional or business experience.

(3) Applicants must be of good moral character and be able to pass such physical examination as may be prescribed by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.


In addition to the foregoing, women who meet the qualifications set forth in Article H-2311, H-2312, H-2313 and H-2316 hereof may be appointed to commissioned grades in the Medical Corps, Dental Corps, Supply Corps and Civil Engineer Corps, respectively. Appointments to warrant and commissioned grades and ranks in the Hospital Corps for temporary service may be made from among personnel of the Hospital Corps in accordance with instructions issued by the Chief of Naval Personnel. Officers of each of the several grades shall have rank therein corresponding to the rank of officers of the same grade of the regular Navy insofar as provided for the Women's Reserve. (Ch. No. 1.)


(1) For enlistment an applicant must be a citizen of the United States or its insular possessions, not less than 20 years of age. The upper age limit shall be as prescribed by the Chief of Naval Personnel from time to time.

(2) Applicant must be a graduate of high school or business school, or have technical training or experience appropriate to rating.

(3) Applicants must be of good moral character and be able to pass such physical examination as may be prescribed by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.


(1) The Chief of Naval Personnel may prescribe such additional requirements from time to time as he may deem appropriate for the procurement, training, and administration of the Women's Reserve.


H-12401. DISCHARGES.—Enlisted members of the Women's Reserve discharged under unsatisfactory conditions or for inaptitude or unsuitability, as provided in Article D-9103, shall not be provided with an outfit of civilian clothes in accordance with Article D-9115(4). Such members shall be allowed to retain articles of uniform in their possession, except havelocks, ties and white or seersucker hat covers, after removal of distinctive Navy buttons, insignia or marks, from suits, overcoats, and navy blue hats. Such items of clothing may be worn by them in place of the civilian outfit furnished to an enlisted man discharged under similar conditions. The civilian clothing purchased under the authority of Article D-9115(4), Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual, and Article 1431-6, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Manual, in such cases will be limited to the plain buttons necessary for replacement of distinctive Navy uniform buttons. (Ch. No. 1.)





Accountability, for Government property


Accountability for funds


Active Duty:

Administration while performing


Aviation cadets and ensigns, class A-V(N)


Nurses, assignment to


Orders to, in time of peace


Orders to, in time of war


Pay of commissioned officers while on


Pay of midshipmen, warrant officers, nurses, and enlisted men


Pay for 31st day of month


Release from, in time of peace


Release from, in time of war





Enlisted men

H-1802, H-1803



Supply officers, report of, to Judge Advocate General


Administration while performing active duty


Administration while on inactive duty


Administration, Fleet Reserve


Administration, Nurse Corps


Administrative duties, commanding officer of organization


Administrative duties, Commandants of naval districts


Administrative duties, Bureau of Naval Personnel



Class O-1 and O-2


Class V-1 and V-2


Class V-3, V-4, V-5, and V-6

H-3703, H-3704, H-3705 H-3706

Class M-1


On retired list


Reports of examination for


Age for original appointment as officers


Age for original enlistment


Age in grade retirement


Allotments for Naval Reserve aviation bases


Allowed ranks, grades, and ratings in Naval Reserve


Allowance list of equipment for armories


Annual fitness reports, officers


Annual training duty


Application for aviation training


Appointment of midshipmen from enlisted men


Appointment of officers, cadets, and midshipmen

