[Annotated: "US Navy 1942" eds.]

Anchor (adj) — lowest, as "anchor" man, "anchor" section.

Bear a hand — admonition to hurry up.

Batt., (n) — Battalion.

Belay that— as you were.

Bilge (v) — To flunk, fail.

Blou., (n) — Blouse

Bone (v) — Study

Brace (n) — Correct military posture.

Breeze, shooting the. — Swapping lies, idle talk.

Bulkhead (n) — Wall.

Bust (v) — To sound, as "formations' busted" — also to fail.

Buzzard (n) — the eagle on a rating badge.

Caulk or Caulk off (v) — to take a nap.

Ceiling Zero — clouds right down on ground — no visibility.

Charlie Noble — Galley smoke stack.

Chow — Food, a meal of any sort.

Chinese Landing — Nose up (minor landing accident ending upon nose and wheels.

Crabtown (n) — Annapolis.

Crack (v) — to open, as to "crack a port".

Cutthroat (n) — One eager to oil the wheels of his own progress.

Davy Jones Locker — Where things go when given the deep six, the bottom of the sea.

Deck (n) — Floor.

D.O. (n) — Duty Officer.

Dope (n) — The inside secret on anything; one unsatisfactory in common sense; (v) dope off, forget.

Dropped in — excessively hard landing.

Exec. — Executive Officer.

Eyes in the boat — Admonition to keep head and eyes front.

First Luff — First Lieutenant.

Give it the Gun — open the throttle.

Give the deep six — to throw overboard.

Gouge (n) — Solution to problem, keep to exam; (v) to cheat.

Grease (n) — Pull or influence.

Greasy (a) — Over regulation.

Grease Mark (n) — aptitude for service mark.

Gripe (n) or (v) — Expression of disapproval.

Gundeck (v) — To put on, feign intoxication.

GYRENE (n) — Marine.

Holy Joe (n) — The Chaplain.

Jomeke, Java. Joe (n) — Coffee.

Jimmy legs (n) — Yard police; master—at—arms.

KIYI — Small brush.

Knock off (v) — to stop whatever you are doing.

Ladder (n) — Stairway.

Mustang (n) — A commissioned officer who has risen from the ranks.

Nav (n) — Navigation.

Non-Reg (a) — Non-Regulation.

Number jumper (n) — Same as cutthroat.

On the Beam — Right on the course as determined by "radio .on course signal" when flying by instrument.

P-Poor (n) — Pretty poor - an expression of scorn.

Pipe down (n) — Warning to keep quiet.

Port (n) — Window.

P-rade —(n) Parade.

Prop — Propeller.

P-work (n) — Practical work, quizz.

Rate (n) — A privilege by virtue of rank; (v) to give an opinion of.

Ratey (a) — applies to those who take advantage of the rates of others.

R.H.I.P. — Rank hath its privileges.

Ring it out — Stunt violently.

Sack (n) — Official responsibility.

Savior (n) — One who is intellectually brilliant.

Scuttlebutt (n) — A drinking fountain; rumors, usually unfounded.

Secure (v) — Blessed word while laboring. Literally to stop work, knock off.

Shove off (v) — Leave, depart

Skivvy (n) — underclothes.

Soup — Fog

Swabs (n) — Zero.

Take to the silk, or Bail out — jump out in a parachute.

Tea fight (n) — Afternoon tea.

Trou (n) — Trousers.

Wash out landing gear — Wreck or demolish landing gear.

Wind it up — Start the engine.

Yehudi Box — Automatic pilot.