Publication Number 3



JUNE, 1920


Publication Number 3


JUNE, 1920

Published under the direction of
The Hon. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Secretary of the Navy




This paper was compiled in the Historical Section of the Navy Department by Ensign Sargeant Prentiss Knut, United States Naval Reserve Force. It is intended as an aid in finding the laws themselves in the Statutes At Large.

W. D. MacDougall,
Captain, U. S. N., Officer in Charge,
Historical Section, Navy Department.


[NOTE.—This is Publication No. 3, of the Historical Section, and is the only one on legal matters. Publications No. 1 and No. 2 are historical. They are not yet in print. Nov. 1, 1920.]




P. 8,1. 26, strike out "Mar. 4, 1910" and insert Mar. 4, 1911; 1. 38, insert quotation marks before the word "shall" and at end of paragraph.

P. 11, 1. 16, strike out "Mar. 4, 1919" and insert Mar 4, 1917.

P. 14, 1. 18, strike out "Submarine boats" and insert submarines in next line above after the word "for", and strike out the colon in said line; also, in line 34 on same page, add 0 to the numeral that it may read $100,000.

P. 17, 1. 38, make line 39 a part of line 38.

P. 22, 1. 14, strike out "breeches" and insert breaches.

P. 35, 1. 8, strike out "St. Helena."

P. 37, 1. 35. strike out commas following "men" and "female" and insert semicolons instead, and in 1. 36 strike out all commas and insert semicolons instead.

P. 43, 1. 21, strike out "Formerly Bureau of Steam Engineering."

P. 51, 1. 32. strike out "present."

P. 52, 1. 7. strike out comma and insert semicolon.

P. 60, 1. 19, insert comma after word "men"; 1. 23, strike out "rented" and insert refused.


P. 3, 1. 8, add 10 and before the numeral "II."

P. 4, after 1. 47, insert Departmental interchange of service and material_____57.

P. 11, 1. 6, add (41 Stat. L., 814); after first paragraph insert June 5, 1920—Act provides the Army is to control aerial operations from land bases and Navy those attached to a -fleet (41 Stat. L., 954); after line 37 insert June 4, 1920. The Same. (41 Stat. L., 814.)

P. 13, after 1. 8, insert Feb. 25, 1920.—Act to promote the mining of coal, oil, etc., on public lands. (41 Stat. L., 437.)

P. 17, at bottom of page, insert June 4, 192015,000. (41 Stat. L., 814-)

P. 19, after 1. 15, insert of which only one-half may be expended during the first two quarters and one-fourth in each of other two quarters; to 1. 23 add (41 Stat. L., 537.)

P. 21, at bottom of page, insert Dec. 17, 1920.—Act to authorize President to arrange international conference on international communications. (41 Stat. Z., 367.)

P. 22, after 1. 11, insert June 4, 1920.—Act authorizing retention on active duty of three Reserve officers in Hist. Sec. (41 Stat. L., 834.)

P. 26, after 1. 20, insert June 5,1920.—Act appropriating $530,000 for care of hospital patients. (41 Stat. L., 1030.)

P. 31, after 1. 10 insert June 5, 1920.— (41 Stat. L., 971.)

P. 33, after 1. 21 insert July 1, 1918.—Act repealing naval militia laws. (40 Stat. L., 708.)

P. 34, 1. 21, after "$50,000" strike out comma, insert semicolon and "enlisted men" shall embrace women enrolled in the naval service.

P. 38, after 1. 31 insert June 5, 1920.Act granting rate of 1 cent a mile to sick or disabled sailors and marines under treatment traveling to and from home on furlough. (41 Stat. L., 975.)

P. 45, after 1. 2 insert (41 Stat. L., 828.)

P. 47, 1. 37, insert (41 Stat. L., 1025) ; after 1. 40 insert June 5, 1920.Act provides honorably discharged officers and men while being cared for by Public Health Service may purchase subsistence stores, etc., from Government supplies at same prices charged those still in service. (41 Stat. L., 976.)

P. 51, after 1. 28 insert May 8, 1920.Act directs payment of $128,260.60 to San Francisco Bridge Co. to liquidate claim for cost of building Pearl Harbor dry dock (41 Stat. L., 591); after 1. 37 insert June 5, 1920.Act appropriates $15,825 as contingent for public works at yards and stations, and $127,584.59 for additional public works at hospitals, quay walls, and coal depots. (41 Stat. L., 1029.)

P. 54, at end of 1. 7 insert (41 Stat. L. 284); at end of 1. 8 insert (41 Stat. L., 272) ; after 1. 8 insert Feb. 10, 1920.—Act provides for loaning Army rifles to posts of the American Legion (41 Stat. L., 403); 1. 29 insert (39 Stat. L., 1201).

P. 55, 1. 36, insert (41 Stat. L., 618); after 1, 36 insert May 29, 1920.—Act provides employees of executive departments may be detailed for temporary work in office of President. (41 Stat. L., 640.)

At bottom of page insert:

Dec. 31, 1919.—Act for relief of Arundel Sand & Gravel Co. (41 Stat. L., 9.) Mar. 27, 1920.—Act for relief of New Jersey Shipbuilding & Dredging Co. (41 Stat. L., 13.)

Mar. 30, 1920.—Act for relief of Eastern Transportation Co. (41 Stat. L., 13.) Apr. 14. 1920.—Act for relief of Clara Kane, parent W. A. Yenser. (41 Stat. L., 18.)

Apr. 16, 1920.—Act for relief of King Coal Co. (41 Stat. L., 19.)

Apr. 16, 1920.—Act for relief of Lawrence Bendich and A. Vezich. (41 Stat L., 19.)

May 6, 1902.—Act for relief of Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co. (41 Stat. L. 21.)

June 5, 1920.—Act for relief of Caroline W. Kobbe. (41 Stat. L., 23.)

June 5, 1920.—Act for relief of steamer Matoa. (41 Stat. L., 73.)

June 5, 1920.—Act for relief of schooner Henry O. Barrett. (41 Stat. L., 73.)


P. 56, after 1.38 insert May 29, 1920.—(41 Stat. L., 683.)

P. 57, after 1.19 insert: Departmental Interchange of Service and Materials.
May 21, 1920.—Act provides interchangeability of service and material between one bureau or department and another with reciprocal exchange of funds which shall be available for two years after such allocation. (41 Stat. L., 613.)

P. 58, 1.13, insert (40 Stat. L., 1355.)

P. 61, 1.36, insert (41 Stat. L., 891.)

P. 62, after 1.16 insert June 5. 1920.—Act provides for sale to District of Columbia of supplies, etc., by various departments. (41 Stat. L., 873) ; after 1.38 insert (41 Stat. L., 371) ; also: June 5,1920.—Act appropriates $46,000,000 for Medical and Hospital Service, medical examinations, funerals, etc., on account of War Risk Insurance, with allocation to War and Navy Departments of proper portion. (41 Stat. L., 881.)

P. 63, after 1.39 insert June 5, 1920.—Act to pension survivors of war with Spain. Philippine Insurrectos, and China. (41 Stat. L., 982.)

(Note.—In preparing the Monograph it was impossible to obtain all the paging of the statutory references, the Statutes passed at the second session of the Sixty-sixth Congress not having been printed in book form. The paging being later supplied, the references are completed by noting the page of the Monograph whereon the paging is missing, together with the reference page to the Statutes. For example: “P.12—813” means the statutory page number where the law of June 4, 1920, referred to on page 12 of Monograph is page 813 of Vol. 41 of the Statutes at Large.)


P. 12—813, 1056; p. 13—813; p. 17—814; p. 18—813; p. 19—941, 525. 814; p. 20—663, 813;p. 21—835; p. 22—1061, 1029. 510, 664, 977. 664; P. 24—50, 667, 827; p. 25—1029; p. 26—823, 1060, 667; p. 28 —434, 434, 815; p. 29—815, 665; p. 30—816, 1028; p. 32—828, 818; p. 33—817, 666; p. 35—817, 818; p. 36—1029; p. 38—834, 815, 818; p. 39—134, 815, 664, 1029, 1029; p. 40—836; p. 43—667, 819; p. 44—666; p. 45—828; p. 47—384, 511, 601, 667, 825, 1025; p. 51—819, 511, 668; p. 52—385, 593, 664, 981; p. 53—772; p. 54—831, 1062, 45; p. 57—886, 552; p. 58— 988; p. 59—536; p. 61—42; p. 63—378, 627, 399; p. 64—328.




Secretary of the Navy


Declarations of war




General account of advances


Repeal of appropriations




National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics


Claims (see also Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, and Miscellaneous)




Emergency deficiencies and contracts


Foreign Service




Fuel oil


Increase of the Navy


Lepers, Isle of Guam


Naval Consulting Board


Naval emergency fund


Pay, miscellaneous


Pearl Harbor




Salvage and death on high seas, suits for, in admiralty


State marine schools


Temporary clerks and employees


Virgin Islands


Chief of Naval Operations


Coast Guard


Lighthouse Service




Historical Section


Neutrality, aliens, espionage, etc


Temporary employees


Bureau of Construction and Repair


Bureau of Engineering


Bureau of Equipment


Bureau of Medicine and Surgery


Public Health Service


Contagious and infectious diseases


Temporary employees


Bureau of Navigation




Civil rights of war personnel




Fleet commanders


Gunnery and engineering exercises


Gun pointers


Honor medals


Hydrographic Office




Bureau of Navigation—Continued.


Instruments and supplies




National trophies


Naval Academy


Naval Auxiliaries


Naval Home


Naval Militia


Naval Observatory


Naval Reserves and Naval Reserve Force


Naval training stations


Naval War College


New ratings


Officers ordered to active list


Outfit on first enlistment


Personnel, acts relating to


Receiving barracks






Service records








Warrant officers, retired


Bureau of Ordnance


Bureau of Steam Engineering


Bureau of Supplies and Accounts


Claims (see also Secretary of Navy and Miscellaneous)




Bureau of Yards and Docks


Temporary office buildings


Judge Advocate General


Marine Corps




American Legion


Arlington Memorial Amphitheater


Bonds (United States)


Bureau of Efficiency


Citizens (United States) in Europe


Civil employees


Claims (see also Secretary of Navy and Bureau of Supplies and Accounts)




Commerce Department, Bureau of Standards


Council of National Defense


Co-work of departments, bureaus, etc


Deceased soldiers, sailors and marines buried in national cemeteries


Eight-hour law


Food control


Fraudulent claims


Gerry’s (Senator) yacht Owera


Housing for war needs


Merchant marine


Panama Canal


Repeal of tolls.









Penitentiary (United States) made supplies


Red Cross


Screws, threads standardized


Shipping Board


Shipping Fund, Emergency


Thanks of Congress


War material


War Risk


Insurance, material


Allotment and insurance, personnel


Soldiers’ and sailors’ homes


Vocational rehabilitation


Waterways Commission


Waterways near artillery fire


Zones of temperance





Apr. 6, 1917.—Joint resolution declaring that a state of war exists between the Imperial German Government and the Government and the people of the United States, and making provision to to prosecute the same. (40 Stat. L., 1.)

Dec. 7, 1917.—Joint resolution declaring that a state of war exists between the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government and the Government and the people of the United States, and making provision to prosecute the same. (40 Stat. L., 429.)


Prior years.

Fiscal year.



Salaries and expenses



Naval Establishment




Public works








Permanent appropriations








Salaries and expenses




Naval Establishment




Public works








Permanent appropriations








Salaries and expenses



Naval Establishment




Public works







Permanent appropriations








Salaries and expenses




Naval Establishment



303,295,702. 74

Public works







Permanent appropriations








Salaries and expenses



Naval Establishment




Public works








Permanent appropriations








Prior years.

Fiscal year.



Salaries and expenses




Naval Establishment




Public works







Permanent appropriations








Salaries and expenses




Naval Establishment




Public works





307,602. 70


Permanent appropriations







(Digest of appropriations.)


[move below table] July 1, 1918.—Appropriations for the Navy for the fiscal year 1918 are continued and made available for the year 1919 and all appropriations in the act of July 1, 1918, are made immediately available. (40 Stat. L., 739.)

July 31, 1919.—Joint resolution ratifies and confirms, from and including July 1, 1919, obligations incurred pursuant to the terms of certain appropriations for the fiscal year 1920. (41 Stat. L., 272.)


Mar. 4, 1910.—Act abolishing the permanent naval supply fund created by the act of March 3, 1893, as modified by the acts of June 10, 1896, March 3, 1897, and further increased by the acts of January 5, 1899, and February 14, 1902, and of the sum remaining on the books of the Treasury to the credit of the said fund after the adjustment of all liabilities, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to cause the sum of $1,500,000 transferred to the credit of said fund from the general account of advances to be returned to general account of advances, and the remainder to be covered into the Treasury; and hereafter the naval supply account for the Naval Establishment, as created by the act of June 25, 1910, under the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, shall govern the charging, crediting, receipt, purchase, transfer, manufacture, repair, use, and consumption of all stores for the Naval Establishment, excepting the materials named in that act and such other materials as the secretary of the Navy may designate: Provided, That the amount expended under general account of advance for the purchase and manufacture of stores and materials for the Naval Establishment shall not exceed the amount available for said purpose. (36 Stat. L., 1279.)


Mar. 4, 1915.—Act appropriating for general account of advances, $20,368.16. (39 Stat. L., 1146.)

Sept. 8, 1916.—Act appropriating for general account of advances, $9,055.06. (39 Stat. L., 816.)

Apr. 17, 1917.—Act appropriating for general account of advances, $116,896.17. (40 Stat. L., 16.)

July 8, 1918.—Act appropriating for general account of advances, $268,289.60. (40 Stat. L., 832.)


Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing appropriations for the current fiscal year following (40 Stat. L., 1169):

Office of Secretary of Navy


Bureau of Navigation


Bureau of Ordnance


Bureau Yards and Docks, Public Works


Bureau of Supplies and Accounts


Bureau of Steam Engineering


Marine Corps




Total appropriations covered into Treasury, Naval Establishment


Total authorizations repealed, Naval Establishment



Mar. 3, 1915.—Act takes $1,000,000 of unobligated appropriations for "Construction and repair of vessels and steam machinery, and devotes it for procuring, producing, constructing, operating, preserving, storing, and handling aircraft, etc.; creates an Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, two from War Department, two from Navy, and rest elsewhere to supervise and direct study of flight, problems of experimentation and bring them to practical questions, and appropriates $5,000 a year for five years for the work; grants plus 35 per cent of pay and allowances to Navy student aviators, and for qualified officers 50 per cent, and 50 per cent to enlisted men so engaged (repealed by act of July 1, 1918); the number so engaged to be not over 48 officers a year and 96 men, and 12 officers and 24 men for Marine Corps; but such increase of pay and allowances not for those over rank of commander or major, respectively; granting one year’s extra pay for death and for injury, pension to be doubled. (38 Stat L., 930.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Appropriating $85,000 for the Advisory Committee and $3,500,000 for aviation to be spent under direction of the Secretary; the Naval Flying Corps to be 150 officers and 350 men, to be in addition to number then in service; 15 ensigns or


second lieutenants to be assigned annually for aeronautic duty and 30 taken from civil life. (39 Stat. L., 559.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $5,133,000 for aviators and $1,000,000 for purchase of patents on basic principles of aircraft, under limitations; also $107,000 for use of Advisory Committee. (39 Stat. L., 1769.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $11,000,000 for aviation with limit on sum to be spent on purchasing land for stations. (40 Stat. L., 203.)

July 24, 1917.—Act authorizing the President to take over North Island, San Diego Harbor, Calif., for aviation. (40 Stat. L., 247.)

Oct. 1, 1917.—Act creating Aircraft Board for expanding and coordinating industrial activities relating to aircraft and developing air service, including three Army officers, three officers of Navy, and three civilians, with power to supervise and direct purchase, production, and manufacture of aircraft, engines, ordnance, and instruments used in aircraft, and appropriating $100,000 for use of board, but not to duplicate existing agencies. (40 Stat. L., 296.)

Oct. 6, 1917—Act for acquisition of air-station sites by purchase or condemnation at Cape May, N. J., $150,000. (40 Stat. L., 344.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act authorizing President to sell aircraft material to those engaged against our enemies. (40 Stat. L., 356.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating $45,000,000 for aviation. (40 Stat. L. 369.)

July 1, 1918.—Act amending act of October 6, 1917, supra, and authorizing condemnation of said site; also, appropriating $220,383,119 for aviation, $300,000 being limit for classified force, and authorizing the Secretary to pay amounts due for damages to private property growing out of operations of naval aircraft. (40 Stat. L., 706; 720.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing unexpended balances for aviation and patents, respectively, $97,000,000 and $1,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 1173.)

Feb. 28, 1919.—Acts authorizing Postmaster General to purchase aviation equipment, supplies, etc., from Navy, for the Post Office Department’s use, the proceeds to be covered into the Treasury. (40 Stat. L., 1195, 1200, 1202.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $25,000,000 for aviation, $300,000 being limit for classified force, and authorizing the Secretary to settle claims for damages not running over $500 each; only six heavier-than-air stations permitted on the coasts of the United States; no factory to be erected. (41 Stat. L., 132.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $20,000,000 for aviation, of which $3,883,400 for aircraft; equipment of same, $300,000; rigid air ship, $1,500,000; new construction at stations, $4,962,000.


equipment for training, $100,000; maintenance and operation of factory, plants, etc., $6,044,600; experiment work, $2,935,000; pay of classified force, $275,000; to pay claims of not over $500 each; limitation of six heavier-than-air stations on coasts of Continental United States; no part to be used for construction of air-plane factory.


Mar. 4, 1917.—Act consolidating into a single fund appropriations made in act of August 29, 1916 for purposes named in act of March 3, 1915 re National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and appropriating $107,000 for expenses of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. (39 Stat. L., 1170.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act increasing amount for rent of office for National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to $2,332. (40 Stat. L., 462).

July 1, 1918.—Act increasing the sum total to $200,000 for similar objects as provided for in the act of Mar. 4, 1919, supra, with broadening limitations. (40 Stat. L. 649.)

July 9, 1918.—Act providing for the allotment to the Aircraft Board from the sums appropriated for the use of said board, the sum of $100,000 for the payment of clerk hire, experts, office equipment, supplies, etc. (40 Stat. L., 850.)

July 9, 1918.—Act providing for forming of corporation for production and sale of aircraft and equipment, and to build railroads in connection therewith, with stock limited to $100,000,000, of which the United States may take not less than a majority; within a year after signing the peace treaty said corporation to be dissolved; enlisted men or commissioned officers authorized to serve under said corporation; that interests of the United States heretofore acquired in aircraft production may be assigned to said corporation. (40 Stat. L., 888.)

July 19, 1919.—Act appropriating $175,000 for use and expenses of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. (41 Stat. L., 180.)


July 1, 1918.—Act providing for paying claims for loss or damage to property in European countries by Navy. (40 Stat. L., 705.)

July 11, 1919.—Act providing for paying claims for damage by Navy in amounts not over $500.    (41 Stat. L., 132.)




June 30, 1914.

Act appropriating $150,000.00.

(38 Stat. L., 393.)

July 29, 1914

Act appropriating $64,229.55.

(38 Stat. L., 569.)

Mar. 3, 1915.

Act appropriating $46,000.00.

(38 Stat. L., 929.)

Aug. 29, 1916.

Act appropriating $46,000.00.

(39 Stat. L., 558.)

Mar. 4, 1917.

Act appropriating $46,000.00.

(39 Stat. L., 1169.)

Mar. 28, 1918.

Act appropriating $50,000.00.

(40 Stat. L., 485.)


June 4, 1918.

Act appropriating $200,000.00.

(40 Stat. L., 599.)

July 1, 1918.

Act appropriating $150,000.00.

(40 Stat. L., 705.)

Nov. 4, 1918.

Act appropriating $300,000.00.

(40 Stat. L., 1033.)

July 11, 1919.

Act appropriating $200,000.00.

(41 Stat. L., 49.)

July 11, 1919.

Act appropriating $150,000.00.

(41 Stat. L., 133.)

June 4, 1920

Act appropriating $75,000. (41

Stat. L., —.)


Oct. 6, 1917.—Act making deficiency appropriations available for payment of obligations on account of existing emergencies incurred prior thereto; and Secretary authorized to advance to contractors amounts equal to 30 per cent of contract. (40 Stat. L., 383.)


June 12, 1916.—Act authorizing enlisted and commissioned personnel of Navy and Marine Corps to serve under the Government of Haiti; that such service in Haiti to be credited for longevity, retirement, foreign service, pay, etc., as if serving with Navy or Marine Corps; increase of personnel of Marine Corps. (39 Stat. L., 223.)

Feb. 11, 1918.—Act authorizing enlisted and commissioned personnel of Navy and Marine Corps to serve under Government of Dominican Republic. (40 Stat. L., 437.)

June 5, 1920.—Act authorizing officers of the naval service to accept offices with compensation and emoluments from Governments of the Republics of South America. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 12, 1914.—Act authorizing the President to locate, construct and operate railroads in Alaska with the right of developing the country and getting out coal for the Pacific coast, limiting the cost to $35,000,000, and appropriating $1,000,000 to begin with. (38 Stat. L., 305.)

Appropriations made for carrying out the purposes of the act of March 12, 1914:



Mar. 12, 1914

$1, 000, 000.

(38 Stat. L., 305.)

Mar. 3, 1915

2, 000, 000.

(38 Stat. L., 861.)

Feb. 28, 1916

2, 000, 000.

(39 Stat. L., 23.)

July 1, 1916

6, 247, 620.

(39 Stat. L., 306.)

Mar. 4, 1917

3, 000, 000.

(39 Stat. L., 1202.)

June 12, 1917

7, 500, 000.

(40 Stat. L., 150.)

Oct. 6, 1917

4, 000, 000.

(40 Stat. L., 372.)

July 1, 1918

5, 250, 000.

(40 Stat. L., 676.)

July 11, 1919


(41 Stat. L., 51)

July 19, 1919

2, 038, 029.

(41 Stat. L., 202.)


35, 000, 600.

Oct. 18, 1919.—Act authorizing additional sum of $17,000,000 to complete the railroad in Alaska. (41 Stat. L., 293.)

Oct. 20, 1914.—Act to provide for the leasing of coal lands of Alaska. (38 Stat. L., 741.)

July 1, 1918.—Act providing that $1,000,000 of the sum appropriated for fuel for the navy may he used in mining coal and contracting for same in Alaska, for transportation, and for hunkers and docks. (40 Stat. L., 730.)


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act providing for investigation of fuel oil and gasoline for naval purposes, its supply, storage, and availability and for this $60,000 is appropriated. (39 Stat. L., 558.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—The same. (39 Stat. L., 1169.)

July 1, 1918.—The same. (40 Stat. L., 706.)

July 11, 1919.—The same, except the amount appropriated is lessened to $30,000. (41 Stat. L., 133.)

June 4, 1920.—Act, same as above, additionally directs Secretary of the Navy to take possession of properties within naval petroleum reserves when there are no claims; royalties received made available for this purpose not exceeding $500,000, said amount to be reimbursed from appropriations for values received by the United States from said properties. (Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 4, 1913.—Act authorizing construction of one first-class battleship, heavy armor, powerful armament as any vessel, highest speed and greatest desirable radius of action, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $7,425,000 and to be built at a Government navy yard; six torpedo boat destroyers, highest speed, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $950,000 each; four submarine torpedo boats not to exceed $2,478,936, whereof $1,425,000 is herewith appropriated; one transport, cost not to exceed $1,850,000; one supply ship, cost not to exceed $1,425,000; any such vessels may be built in Government navy yards if appearances indicate that bidders have combined against the Government; U. S. S. Portsmouth is transferred to the State of California as gift. For construction and material heretofore and herein authorized, $19,818,228; for submarine torpedo boats heretofore authorized, $2,058,363; for equipment heretofore and herein authorized, $430,000; for armor and armament heretofore and herein authorized, $11,724,192; total increase of Navy heretofore and herein authorized $35,325,695. Purchases of material, etc., forbidden from any forming combinations against the Government nor at prices exceeding a reasonable profit to owners.


June 30, 1914.—Act authorizing construction of two first-class battleships, armor and armament as heavy as any of same class, highest speed and radius of action, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $7,800,000 each, and one to be built in Government navy yard; six torpedo boat destroyers of highest speed and to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $925,000 each; eight or more submarines, one to be seagoing type of surface speed 20 knots, and seven or more of coast and harbor defense type, to cost, not to exceed in aggregate $4,460,000, whereof $1,825,000 is herewith appropriated; three of the submarines to be built on Pacific coast, cost not exceeding cost at Atlantic coast plus transportation to Pacific; any vessels herein authorized to be built in such navy yards as Secretary may direct if it appears that combinations unfair to Government have been formed.

For construction and machinery: Hulls, outfits and machinery heretofore and herein authorized, $17,647,617; for torpedo boats: Submarine boats heretofore authorized, $1,685,617; for equipment vessels heretofore and herein authorized, $421,000; for armor and armament heretofore and herein authorized $14,877,500. Appointment of committee to investigate cost of erection of armor plant for United States and $5,000 appropriated for costs. Total increase of Navy, $36,456,734.

Of sums appropriated none to be used to buy vessels, armament, materials, etc., which Government works might furnish, unless under contract heretofore made, when a saving may be so made, and none when combinations found inimical to the United States.

Authorizing sale of U. S. S. Idaho and Mississippi and from the proceeds to build one first-class battleship, heavy armor and powerful armament, highest speed and greatest radius of action, cost not to exceed $7,800,000, and from said fund $2,000,000 to go to construction and machinery, $2,535,000 to armor and armament, and $100,00 to equipment. (38 Stat. L., 413.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act authorizing construction of two first-class battleships, as heavy armor and armament as any vessel of same class, highest speed and radius of action, and to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, $7,800,000 each; six torpedo-boat destroyers of 30 knots, cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $925,000 each, of which three to be built on Pacific coast on usual conditions as to plus cost of transportation; two submarines of seagoing type with surface speed of 25 knots, or more if possible, but not less than 20 knots, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $1,500,000 each, and 16 submarines to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not exceeding $550,000 each, and $4,090,000 is


appropriated, five to be built on the Pacific coast on same condition, supra; one oil fuel ship to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $1,140,000; the Secretary to build any ships in navy yards, if it appears there are combinations among builders inimical to Government. For construction and machinery, hulls and outfits, and machinery heretofore and herein authorized, $20,664,459; for submarine torpedo boats heretofore authorized, $1,341,344; for armor and armament heretofore and herein authorized, $18,957,998; and provision is made for continuing the life of the Committee on Armor Plate Site, etc.; total increase of Navy heretofore and herein authorized, $45,053,801. Secretary is directed to report to Congress on building four warships of type, power, and speed which, from knowledge gained from observation in the World War, are best suited, and value and uses of aircraft and submarines. Same provision made as to protecting the using of these funds as supra. Also the stopwatch provision is inserted. (38 Stat. L., 951.)

June 27, 1916.—Act amending last above act as to two submarines, to have speed of 25 knots or more if possible, but not less than 19, and to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not over $1,500,000 each. (39 Stat. L., 237.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act authorizing construction of 10 first-class battleships, heavy armor and powerful armament, highest speed and greatest radius of action, of which 4, exclusive of armor and armament, to cost not to exceed $11,500,000 each. Six battlecruisers, suitable armor and powerful armament, of highest practicable speed and radius of action, 4 to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $16,500,000 each. Ten scout cruisers, suitable protection and armament suited to size and type, highest speed and radius of action, 4 to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $5,000,000 each. Fifty torpedo-boat destroyers, to have highest practicable speed and greatest desirable radius of action, 20 to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $1,200,000 each, not less than 4 to be built on the Pacific coast, on same conditions as to cost, supra. Fifty-eight coast submarines, of which 3 to have surface displacement 800 tons, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $1,200,000 each, and 27 best and most desirable and useful type that can be built at cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $700,000 each, and the sum of $8,217,000 is appropriated to build the same; not less than 12 of the submarines to be built on Pacific coast, on same conditions as to cost, supra. One submarine of Neff system, exclusive of armor and armament, $250,000, on restricted conditions; three fuel ships, of which one to cost not to exceed $1,500,000, one repair, one transport, one hospital ship, at $2,350,000; two destroyer


tenders, one fleet sub tender, two ammunition ships, one to cost, exclusive of armor and armament, not to exceed $2,350,000; two gunboats, one to cost not to exceed $860,000, exclusive of armor and armament. The usual condition as to combinations against the Government, etc., is provided.

For construction and machinery: Hulls, outfits, and machinery for ships heretofore and herein authorized is appropriated, $59,000,194; for submarine torpedo boats, $5,282,593; for armor and armament heretofore and herein authorized, $47,110,000; for ammunition, $19,485,500. Total increase of Navy heretofore and herein authorized, $139,345,287.

Owing to speed necessary in completion of above over-cost of 20 per cent is allowed; and the cost-plus contract is authorized in case of the battle cruisers; leave provided for employees; and Secretary is authorized to improve and equip the navy yards at Puget Sound, Philadelphia, Norfolk, New York, Boston, Charleston, and New Orleans for construction purposes, and $6,000,000 is appropriated for the purpose, the navy yards at Norfolk, Philadelphia, Boston, and Puget Sound to be equipped for building capital ships.

Authorizing the President to call a world congress for world arbitration at the end of the war, and $200,000 is appropriated for costs, and if the prospect for such a peaceful cause seems propitious he may suspend the building program herein provided for. The act carries the usual scheme for protection against combinations, extra costs, etc., as supra. The Secretary is directed to submit plans for the largest possible battleship that can be built, considering depths of harbors and canals. (39 Stat. L., 616.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act increasing cost price of vessels authorized under act of August 29, 1916, and appropriating for construction and machinery: Hulls, outfits, and machinery of 1 battleship, 3 scout cruisers, 15 destroyers, 1 submarine tender, 1 destroyer tender, and other vessels heretofore authorized, $93,123,000; submarines, $22,931,280; armor and armament, $44,180,000; ammunition, $14,528,043; total increase of Navy, $174,762,323. Eight hour law suspended in case of national emergency with time and one-half pay for overtime work. (39 Stat. L,, 1191.)

June 15, 1917.—Act increasing cost on 46 submarines by $10,000 each, appropriation to be continuing and retroactive. (40 Stat. L., 216, 217.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating and to authorize expending $225,000,000 by President to hurry construction of torpedo-boat destroyers, but not to go beyond $350,000,000; to commandeer construction establishments, etc. (40 Stat. L., 371.)


July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $125,000,000 on account of torpedo-boat destroyers heretofore authorized; $32,397,000 for submarines, increasing the limit by $25,000 each; for armor and armament for vessels heretofore authorized, $20,000,000; for ammunition, $7,000,000; for total increase of Navy heretofore authorized, $184,397,000. (40 Stat. L., 738.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing appropriations for armor and armament, $1,714,750. (For other repeals see Ordnance.) (40 Stat. L., 1169.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for hulls, outfits, and machinery for vessels heretofore authorized, $80,000,000; submarines, $17,000,000; armor and armament, $26,000,000; ammunition, $10,000,000. Total increase heretofore authorized, $133,000,000. Provision of limitation as to time in act of July 1, 1918, is repealed, and increased cost allowed for battleships, cruisers, etc., heretofore authorized.

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for hulls and outfits, and machinery, $48,000,000; torpedo boats (submarines), $11,000,000; armor and armament, $45,000,000; a total of $104,000,000, heretofore authorized; limits of costs heretofore authorized increased as follows: Battleships 43 and 44, from $11,250,000 to $12,750,000; hospital ship to $4,355,000; ammunition ship to $3,550,000; gunboat 21 to $1,250,000; submarine S-1 to $1,750,000; submarines R-21, R-22, R-23, R-24, R-25, R-26, R-27, to $975,000 each; the stop-watch provision on Government work is continued. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Acts making appropriations for the maintenance and care of lepers at the hospital at Guam, with the sums appropriated:

June 30, 1914


(38 Stat. L., 394.)

Mar. 3, 1915


(38 Stat. L., 931.)

Aug. 29, 1916


(39 Stat. L., 559.)

Mar. 4, 1917


(39 Stat. L., 1170.)

July 1, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 706.)

July 11, 1919


(41 Stat. L., 134.)

June 4, 1920


(41 Stat. L.,—.)


Dec. 1, 1915.—Order creating Naval Consulting Board; their duties and personnel.

(Annual Report of Secretary of Navy.)

Acts appropriating for Naval Consulting Board:

Aug. 29, 1916


(39 Stat. L., 558.)

Mar. 4, 1917


(39 Stat. L., 1169.)

Oct. 6, 1917


(40 Stat. L., 369.)

July 1, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 706.)

July 11, 1919


(41: Stat. L., 133.)



Mar. 4, 1917.—Act to enable the President to secure the more economical and expeditious delivery of material, equipment, and munitions, and secure the more expeditious construction of ships authorized, and for the purchase or construction of such additional torpedo-boat destroyers, submarine chasers, and such other naval small craft, including aircraft, guns and ammunition for all of said vessels and aircraft and for each and every purpose connected therewith, in the discretion of the President, $115,000,000; appropriations for 20 additional coast submarines, not to exceed $1,300,000 each, exclusive of armor and armament, and to be built on Pacific Coast, with usual conditions as to transportation costs, etc.; authority to place the building of ships or making of war material, and to commandeer; to enable the Secretary to equip the navy yards properly, $12,000,000; the cost-plus contract authorized; provides against trespassing and increases pay of employees; provisos. (39 Stat. L., 1192, 1201.)

Dec. 15, 1917.—Act continuing the act of April 17, 1917, and appropriating $100,000,000 for national security and defense. (40 Stat. L., 429.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $50,000,000 for national security and defense, to be expended at discretion of the President. (40 Stat. L., 635.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $100,000,000 for expeditious delivery of material, etc., for ships, etc., as President may direct. (40 Stat. L., 738.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act appropriating $33,000,000 in addition to further carry out the above act of March 4, 1917. (40 Stat. L., 1166.)

July 11, 1919.—Act to enable Secretary to restore to owners, etc., vessels, land, or other property donated, commandeered, chartered, or leased, in condition as required under agreement, $15,000,000, to be expended in the United States except in emergency. (41 Stat. L., 156.)


Appropriations, by years, for pay, miscellaneous, follow:

June 30, 1914.

Act appropriating $1,000,000.

(38 Stat. L., 393.)

Mar. 3, 1915.

Act appropriating $1,000,000.

(38 Stat. L., 929.)

Aug. 29, 1916.

Act appropriating $915,000.

(39 Stat. L., 557.)

Mar. 4, 1917.

Act appropriating $1,134,000.

(39 Stat. L., 1168.)

Apr. 17, 1917.

Act appropriating $124,508.62.

(40 Stat. L., 14.)

June 15, 1917.

Act appropriating $1,801,500.

(40 Stat. L., 203.)

June 4, 1918.

Act appropriating $1,250,000.

(40 Stat. L., 599.)

July 1, 1918.

Act appropriating $4,350,000.

(40 Stat. L., 704.)

July 11, 1919.

Act appropriating $5,100,000.

(41 Stat. L., 131.)

June 4, 1920.

Act appropriating $3,550^000.

(41 Stat. L., —.)



Aug. 29, 1916.—Act transferring 322 acres at Pearl Harbor from War Department to Navy Department. (39 Stat. L., 642.)


Aug. 1, 1914.

Act appropriating $145,000.

(38 Stat. L., 672.)

Mar. 3, 1915.

Act appropriating $145,000.

(38 Stat. L., 880.)

July 1, 1916.

Act appropriating $157,000.

(39 Stat. L., 330.)

June 12, 1917.

Act appropriating $160,000.

(40 Stat. L., 174.)

Mar. 28, 1918.

Act appropriating $50,000.

(40 Stat. L., 498.)

June 4, 1918.

Act appropriating $100,000.

(40 Stat. L., 601.)

July 1, 1918.

Act appropriating $300,000.

(40 Stat. L., 700.)

Nov. 4, 1918.

Act appropriating $100,000.

(40 Stat. L., 1038.)

Feb. 25, 1919.

Act appropriating $100,000.

(40 Stat. L., 1169.)

July 19, 1919.

Act appropriating $300,000.

(41 Stat. L., 228.)

June 5, 1920.

Act appropriating $250,000.

(41 Stat. L., .—.)


July 1, 1918.—Act authorizing Secretary of the Navy to collect salvage. (40 Stat. L., 705.)

Mar. 9, 1920.—Act authorizing suits against United States in Admiralty for salvage in certain cases and sales of vessels in foreign ports, etc. (41 Stat. L.,-.)

Mar. 30, 1920.—Act relating to maintenance of action for death on the high seas or other navigable waters.


Mar. 4, 1911.—Act for the establishment of marine schools. (36 Stat. L., 1353.)

Acts to reimburse States for expenses incurred in maintaining marine schools:

Aug. 29, 1916.—New York- State and City, Massachusetts, each, $125,000, $250,000.    (39 Stat. L., 559.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—New York and Massachusetts, each $25,000, $50,000. (39 Stat. L., 1170.)

July 1, 1918.—New York, Massachusetts, and Washington, each $25,000, $75,000. (40 Stat. L., 706.)

July 11, 1919.—New York, Massachusetts, and Washington, each $25,000, $75,000. (41 Stat. L., 134.)

June 4, 1920.—New York, Massachusetts, and Washington, each $25,000, $75,000. (41 Stat. L.,.—.)



Acts for employment of additional temporary force of clerks in Navy Department:

June 15, 1917.—(40 Stat. L., 202.)

June 4, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 599.)

July 3, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 787.)

Nov 4, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 1032.)

Mar 28, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 484.)

Mar. 1, 1919.—(40 Stat. L., 1242.)


May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $56,600 for temporary employees, limiting pay to not more than $1,800 per annum each, except one at $4,000, one at $3,000, two at $2,400 each, and two at $2,000 each, and $25,000 for temporary employees in the Solicitor’s Office, same limitation as to $1,800 each, excepting one at $3,000, two at $2,400 each, and one at $2,250. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) provides for two additional positions in the office of the Secretary of the Navy at $2,400 each.


Mar. 3, 1917.—Act to provide temporary Government for the West Indian Islands acquired by the United States from Denmark by the convention entered into August 4, 1916, and ratified Sept. 7, 1916. (39 Stat. L., 1132.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating for expenses incident to occupation of the Virgin Islands and to execution of the act of March 3, 1917, $200,000. (See 40 Stat. L., 282, 292, 308, 325, 1049, 1142.) (40 Stat. L., 706.)

July 11, 1919.—Act for same purposes, $200,000.    (41 Stat. L., 133.)

June 4, 1920.—Act for same purposes, $343,440.    (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 3, 1915.—Act creating Chief of Naval Operations, not to be below grade of captain, but to have rank and emoluments of rear admiral and to be next in succession after Secretary and Assistant Secretary. Charged with operations of fleet, plans for operations in war. (Details in Naval Regulations 126.)(38 Stat. L., 929.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act placing Chief of Naval Operations next "The Admiral of the Navy," and to have rank and title of admiral, pay, $10,000 and no allowance; 15 officers of or above rank of lieutenant commander to assist; retired with rank held in line as though not advanced as Chief of Naval Operations. (39 Stat. L., 558.)


July 1, 1918.—Act granting allowances to Chief of Naval Operations, to be same as to General in Army. (See Nav.) (40 Stat. L., 716.)


June 28, 1915.—Act to create the Coast Guard by combining therein the existing Life-Saving Service and Revenue-Cutter Service. (38 Stat. L., 800.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act making Coast Guard in time of war part of Navy; authorizing Secretary of the Treasury to construct and equip two cutters for service in Alaskan waters at cost not to exceed $700,1)00; one for New York Harbor, at $125,000; two or more for harbor and shoal waters, $50,000; three for Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, $240,000; for which $400,000 is appropriated. (39 Stat. L., 600.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act increasing cost of two cutters to $900,000, one cutter to $185,000, and three more, $1,350,000, appropriating $675,000.    (39 Stat. L., 1185.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act fixing limit of Coast Guard cutters at $3,500,000 and authorizing the cost-plus system of construction. (40 Stat. L., 48S.)

July 1, 1918.—Act giving Coast Guard cadets same pay and allowances as midshipmen. (40 Stat. L., 640.)

July 1, 1918.—Act in re personnel. (40 Stat. L., 731.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $2,850,000 for completion of five Coast Guard cutters. (41 Stat. L., 150.)

June 4, 1920.—Act provides officers of Coast Guard who served in Navy in World War may be appointed to a permanent rank in Navy, if found qualified by a board, not above that of lieutenant commander, with precedence fixed by Secretary of the Navy; . all services in Coast Guard or Revenue Cutter Service to be counted for longevity pay and retirement. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act authorizing the President in national emergency to transfer Lighthouse Service to Navy Department, to be reestablished separately again under Department of Commerce when such emergency passes. (39 Stat. L., 602.)


June 30, 1916.—Act appropriating $1,000 as share of the United States for expenses of international radio telegraphic convention at Berne. (39 Stat. L., 258.)

July 1, 1916.—Act appropriating $2,250 for same purposes, supra. (39 Stat. L., 1054.)

July 16, 1918.—Joint resolution authorizing President to take over telegraph, telephone, cable, or radio systems in time of war. (40 Stat. L., 904.)


June 5, 1920.—Act to authorize the operation of Government-owned radio stations for the use of the general public. (41 Stat. L., —).

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) authorizes publication and sale at cost of a shipping bulletin. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 1, 1919.—Act creating Historical Section and appropriating $20,000 therefor. (40 Stat. L., 1242.)

Mar. 6, 1920.—Act making appropriations available to purchase books, maps, pictures, etc. (41 Stat. L., —.)   

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $20,000 for the expenses of the Historical Section. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 4, 1915.—Act to enforce neutrality. (38 Stat. L., 1226.)

June 15, 1917.—Act to punish breeches of neutrality, espionage, interference with commerce, and enforce criminal laws, authorizing use of land and naval forces therefor. (40 Stat. L., 217.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with enemy; "ally of enemy," "the beginning of war," and "end of the war" defined—Courts of jurisdiction. (40 Stat. L., 411.)

May 16, 1918.—Act amendatory of act of June 15, 1917, supra. (40 Stat. L., 553.)

May 22, 1918.—Act to prevent departure or entry into the United States during war. (40 Stat. L., 559).

July 11, 1919.—Act amendatory of act of October 6, 1917, supra.

Oct. 29, 1919.—Act to regulate further the entry of aliens into the United States. (41 Stat. L., 353.)

June 5, 1920.—Act to amend section 9 of act of Oct. 6, 1917, entitled “An act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy." (41 Stat. L., —.)


May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $56,700 for temporary employees in Office of Chief of Naval Operations, limiting pay to $1,800 each, except four at $2,000 each; $160,000, same, in Office of Director Naval Communications, limiting pay to $1,800 each, except one at $4,000, two at $3,000 each, one at $2,500, and three at $1,900 each; $35,480, same, in Office of Naval Intelligence, limiting compensation to $1,800 each, except two at $2,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)



(See also under Secretary of the Navy: "Increase of the Navy.")

Mar. 4, 1913.—Act appropriating $8,250,000 for construction and repair: Provided, That no part shall be spent on any wooden ship when estimated cost shall exceed 10 per cent of the cost of a new ship, nor any on any other ship when the cost shall exceed 20 per cent of the cost of a new ship; not to apply to ships in foreign waters; for pontoons, $300,000; improvement of construction plants, $115,000. (37 Stat. L., 904.)

June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating $9,788,000 for construction and repair; same limitations on repairing wooden and other vessels; authorizing the renting of a dry dock at San Francisco at rate of $50,000 a year; for repairs and improvements to plants, $110,000. (38 Stat. L., 405.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating $9,106,127 for construction and repair; same limitations on repairing wooden and other vessels; authorized to spend $100,000 on repairs and changes on a sub. marine of E type; for repairs and improvements to plants, $100,000; that officers of not less than three years of service who had a post-graduate course in naval architecture shall be eligible as assistant naval constructors, but not more than five a year and total increase of naval constructors .and. assistants shall not exceed 24. (38 Stat. L., 945.)

Feb. 28, 1916.—Act appropriates $48,950 for construction and repair on battleships 43 and 44; prior authorizations for construction and repair are increased $29,070.40. (39 Stat. L., 22.)

Mar. 31, 1916.—Act appropriating $680,000 for construction and repair. (39 Stat. L., 42:)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating $10,071,069.16; same limitations on wooden and other vessels; statutory limit on capital ships is increased $100,000; all auxiliary ships, as colliers, transports, tenders, supply ships, special types, and hospital ships authorized to be sold when over 18 years old and unsuited for present Navy; improvements in construction plants, $200,000. (39 Stat. L., 604.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act provides that an officer of the Corps of Naval Constructors may be detailed as assistant to the Chief of Bureau of Construction and Repair. (39 Stat. L., 604.)

Sept. 8, 1916.—Act increasing limitations to be spent on draftsmen and other technicists. (39 Stat. L., 813.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $12,850,000 for construction and repair; same limitations as to wooden and other vessels. (39 Stat. L., 1184.)


Apr. 17, 1917.—Act appropriating $1,715,000 for construction and repair. (40 Stat. L., 16.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $57,327,340 for construction and repair; limitations imposed by existing law relative to repairs of vessels of the Navy shall not apply. (40 Stat. L., 211.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $60,000,000 for construction and repair, $3,000,000 being limit for classified force; limitations imposed by existing law relative to repairs of vessels of the Navy shall not apply; for repairs and improvements at construction plants, $200,000.    (40 Stat. L., 730.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act appropriating $15,000,000 for preservation and completion of vessels on stocks and in ordinary; limitations imposed by existing law relative to repairs of vessels of the Navy shall not apply. (40 Stat. L., 1168.)

July 11, 1919.—Act increasing limitation placed on expenditures for draftsmen and other technicists by act of July 1, 1918, increased by $1,000,000.    (41 Stat. L., —.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $31,000,000 for construction and repair; limitations imposed by existing law relative to repairs of vessels of the Navy shall not apply; with limitations to $3,750,000 for civil force paid out of this appropriation; for improvements and repairs at construction plants, $200,000. (41 Stat. L., 148.)

Nov. 4, 1919.—Act increasing amount appropriated for pay of classified employees is increased by $250,000. (41 Stat. L., 334.)

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $85,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each, except one at $2,250, and two at $2,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for construction and repair, $31,000,000; authority to make repairs and changes on Kearsarge or Kentucky in amount not to exceed $2,000,000; to accept from city of Erie the brig Niagara and to restore, preserve, and maintain same, etc., not to cost over $5,000; for repairs and improvements at Portsmouth, $8,000; Boston, $20,000; New York, $28,000; Philadelphia, $20,000; Norfolk, $28,000, Charleston, $8,000; Mare Island, $35,000; Puget Sound, $25,000. (41 Stat. L. —.)


June 30, 1914.—Act abolishing Bureau of Equipment, and duties assigned by law to that bureau shall be distributed among the other bureaus and offices of the Navy Department. (38 Stat. L., 408.)



June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating for medicine and surgery, including transportation of remains, necessaries, etc., and temporary hospitals at Mare Island and Puget Sound, $667,000. (38 Stat. L., 402.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating for medicine and surgery, including necessaries and contingencies, $682,000. (38 Stat. L., 938.)

July 1, 1916.—Act appropriating for necessaries and contingencies, $55,000. (39 Stat. L., 339.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating for medicine and surgery, $1,187,728; increasing the Hospital Corps to 3 1/2 per cent of authorized enlisted strength of the Navy and Marine Corps; the Secretary is empowered to limit and fix the numbers in the various ratings; pay, the same; dental surgeons authorized at rate of 1 to each 1,000 of authorized enlisted strength; original appointment to be probationary for two years, and ratings by recommendations of an examining board and service record and professional attainments; a Navy Dental Reserve Corps is authorized; in all, $1,987,725. (39 Stat. L., 571.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for surgeons’ necessaries, etc., $1,121,740; contingencies, $291,081; transportation of remains, $32,658. (39 Stat. L., 1180.)

Apr. 17, 1917.—Act appropriating for necessaries, etc., $42,698.19. (40 Stat. L., 15.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating for reserve supplies, $3,000,000; contingent, $1,000,000; transportation of remains, $300,000; expenses for the care, maintenance, and treatment of patients in naval and in other than naval hospitals, and for the rental of land, $3,000,000.    (40 Stat. L., 208.)

Mar. 29, 1918.—Act providing for disposition of effects of deceased persons in the naval service. (See Navigation.) (40 Stat. L., 499.)

June 4, 1918.—Act appropriating for necessaries, etc., $1,500,000; contingencies, $300,000; bringing home remains, $300,000.(40 Stat. L., 600.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating for surgeons’ necessaries, etc., $5,000,000; contingencies, $1,500,000; transportation of remains, $350,000; care of hospital patients, for rental and purchase of land at Key West and Great Lakes, $4,000,000; for hospital at Fort Lyon, Colo., $19,600.    (40 Stat. L., 727.)

June 5, 1920.—Act appropriating for additional temporary hospital construction and repairs at Newport, $50,000; Brooklyn, $35,000; unexpended balance for purchase of land at Fort Lyon, Colo., is continued and made available for further use for said purposes. (41 Stat. L., —)


July 8, 1918.—Act appropriating for surgeons’ necessaries, etc., $2,000,000; for contingencies, creating the interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board, $200,000; for combatting domestic diseases and caring for those in detention, $1,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 832, 886.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act appropriating for surgeons’ necessaries, etc., $722,286.40; transportation of remains, $350,000; hospital patients, $596,321; care of patients in Naval and other than Naval hospitals, $500,000. (40 State. L., 1167.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for surgeons’ necessaries, etc., accumulating of reserve store, $7,500,000; contingencies, $1,000,000; transportation of remains, $700,000. (41 Stat. L., 145.)

July 11, 1919.—Act (deficiency bill) appropriating for surgeon’s necessaries, etc., $3,000,000; for contingencies, $750,000; care, maintenance, and treatment of patients in naval and other hospitals, $4,500,000.    (41 Stat. L., 49.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for surgeon’s necessaries, etc., $2,500,000; contingent, $500,000; bringing home remains, $300,000; care, etc., of hospital patients, $100,000. (41 Stat. L., —.)


July 9, 1917.—Joint resolution to fix status and rights of officers of the Public Health Service when serving with the Coast Guard, the Army, or Navy. (40 Stat. L., 242).

June 5, 1920.—Act authorizing purchase of property known as "National School of Domestic Art and Science," Washington, D. C., for use of the Public Health Service for soldiers, sailors, and marines, etc., and authorizing expenditure of $550,000 therefor and for improvements thereto, hereby amending the act of Mar. 3, 1919, entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide hospital and sanitorium facilities for discharged sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines." (41 Stat. L., —.)


Oct. 1, 1918.—Joint resolution appropriating $1,000,000 to combat Spanish influenza. (40 Stat. L., 1008.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating $500,000 for combatting contagious and infectious diseases, and for sanitation. (40 State. L., 1025.)


May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $75,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each, except two at $2,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)




June 30, 1914.—Act creating grade of acting chaplain, preparatory for commissioning. (38 Stat. L., 403.)


June 30, 1914.—Act permitting aliens who have served one enlistment to become citizens without previous declaration. (38 Stat. L., 395.)

July 17, 1917.—Joint resolution to relieve the owners of mining claims from performing assessment work during term of service when mustered in the military or naval service of the United States in time of war. (40 Stat. L., 243.)

July 28, 1917.—Act for relief of homestead entrymen or settlers who enter the military service of the United States in time of war. (40 Stat. L., 248.)

Aug. 7, 1917.—Act for protection of desert-land entrymen who enter the military or naval service of the United States in time of war. (40 Stat. L., 250.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act to reimburse officers and enlisted men and others in service for property lost or destroyed in service. (See Bureau of Supplies and Accounts where in part executed.) (40 Stat. L'., 389.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act amending section 2293, Revised Statutes, allowing in homestead and other public land entries, affidavits to be taken before the military commander by any one engaged in the military or naval service of the United States. (40 Stat. L., 391.)

Sept. 3, 1919.—Act relating to affidavits filed under act of October 6, 1917.

Sept. 29, 1919.—Act authorizing absence by homestead settlers and entrymen.

Mar. 8, 1918.—Act to extend protection to the civil rights of the members of the Military and Naval Establishments of the United States engaged in the present war; to prevent prejudice or injury to their civil rights during their terms of service and to enable them to devote their entire energy to the military needs of the Nation; temporary suspension of legal proceedings and transactions which may prejudice their interests. (40 Stat. L., 440.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act to extend provisions of the homestead laws touching credit for period of enlistment to the soldiers, nurses, and officers of the Army and the seamen, marines, nurses, and officers of the Navy and Marine Corps of the United States, who have served or will have served with the Mexican border operations or during the World War. (40 Stat. L., 1161.)


Feb. 25, 1919.—Act providing that drafted or enlisted Government employees shall be reinstated on application to former position if they have honorable discharge and are qualified. (40 Stat. L., 1164.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act authorizing absence by homestead settlers and entrymen. (40 Stat. L., 1164.)

Mar. 1, 1919.—Act saving civil service status of those entering the military service who are on the eligible list of the Civil Service Commission. (40 Stat. L., 1224.)

July 11, 1919.—Act provides that all former Government employees who .have enlisted in the military or naval service of the United States in the World War shall be reinstated if honorably discharged and are qualified. (41 Stat. L., 142.)

Feb. 14, 1920.—Joint resolution giving to discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines a preferred right of homestead entry. (41 Stat.

L., —.)

Mar. 29, 1918.—Act providing for disposal of effects of deceased persons in naval service. (40 Stat. L., 499.)

Feb. 14, 1920.—Joint resolution giving to discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines a preferred right of homestead entry. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Appropriations for certificates, medals, etc.:

June 30, 1914


(38 Stat. L., 395.)

Mar. 3,1915


(38 Stat. L., 931.)

Aug. 29, 1916


(39 Stat. L., 560.)

Mar. 4,1917


(39 Stat. L., 1171.)

June 5,1917


(40 Stat. L., 204.)

July 1, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 707.)

July 11, 1919


(41 Stat. L., 135.)

June 4, 1920


(41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 3, 1915.—Act directing that commanders of the three fleets shall have the rank and pay of an admiral; officers second in command shall have rank and pay of vice admiral; grades of admiral and vice admiral are established; respective pay shall be $10,000 and $9,000; in peace to be selected from among rear admirals of active list; when detached from said advanced command to return to original status and pay and allowances. (38 Stat. L., 941.)



Appropriations for prizes, trophies, etc., won in competition:

June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating $121,500. (38 Stat. L., 396.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating $99,800. (38 Stat. L., 932.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating $135,000. (39 Stat. L., 560.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $205,000. (39 Stat. L., 1171.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $20,000. (40 Stat. L., 204.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $425,000. (40 Stat. L., 407.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating $200,000. (40 Stat. L., 1033.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $350,000. (41 Stat. L., 135.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $100,000. (41 Stat. L., .)


Mar. 29, 1918.—Act to authorize payment of gun pointers and captains while temporarily absent. (40 Stat. L., 500.)


Mar. 3, 1915.—Act authorizing President to prepare medals of honor for officers of Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard for distinguished service. (38 Stat. L., 931.)

Apr. 27, 1916.—Act to establish in the Navy Department a roll, designated as Medal of Honor Roll. (39 Stat. L., 53.)

Feb. 4, 1919.—Act to provide for the award of medals of honor, distinguished service medals, and Navy crosses. (40 Stat. L., 1056.)


There is appropriated for ocean and lake surveys, the Secretary being authorized to assign not more than four naval officers for this special duty:


June 30, 1914


(38 Stat. L., 396.

Mar. 3, 1915


(38 Stat. L., 932.

Aug. 29,1916


(39 Stat. L., 561.

Mar. 4, 1917


(39 Stat. L., 1172.

With authorization to assign as many officers to this special duty as may be necessary:


July 1, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 70S.)

July 11, 1919


(41 Stat. L., 135.)

June 4, 1920


(41 Stat. L., —.)


May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $100,000 for temporary employees limiting pay to $1,800 each, except one at $2,750, one at $2,400, three at $2,200 each, eight at $2,000 each, and one at $1,900. (41 Stat. L., .)



Appropriations for instruments and supplies:

June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating $305,000. (38 Stat L., 397.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating $270,000. (38 Stat. L., 932.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating $350,000. (39 Stat. L., 561.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $450,000. (39 Stat. L., 1172.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $5,743,440. (40 Stat. L., 205.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $3,469,800. (40 Stat. L., 707.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $1,500,000. (41 Stat. L., 135.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $850,000. (41 Stat. L., —.)


July 9, 1913.—Act providing for increase in number of midshipmen after June 13, 1913, to 2 for each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, 1 from Porto Rico, 2 from District of Columbia, and 10 at large. (38 Stat. L, 103.)

June 30, 1914.—Act allows Secretary of Navy 15 appointments to Naval Academy from enlisted men, on their merits. (38 Stat. L., 410.)

Feb. 15, 1916.—Act to increase the number of midshipmen to 3 for each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, 1 from Porto Rico, 2 from District of Columbia, and 10 at large, and 15 appointed annually from enlisted men. (39 Stat. L., 9.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act allowing the President 15 appointments instead of 10, and the Secretary 25 instead of 15, the latter to come from enlisted men not over 25 years of age and on competition; 4 Filipinos allowed. (39 Stat. L., 576.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act allowing Secretary 100 appointments annually, to be from enlisted men by competition. (39 Stat. L., 1182.)

Apr. 25, 1917.—Act to increase the number of midshipmen by increasing above allowance to Senators, Representatives, and Delegates by 1 from April 25, 1917, to September 1, 1918. (40

Stat. L., 38.)

Dec. 20, 1917.—Act to increase the number of midshipmen, allowing 5 for each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, 1 from Porto Rico, 2 from District of Columbia, 15 at large, and 100 annually from enlisted men on competition. (40 Stat. L., 430.)

Mar. 14, 1918.—Act fixing limits of age of candidates for admission to Naval Academy at 16 to 20 years, both inclusive. (40 Stat. L., 540.)

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) provides that midshipmen found deficient at close of last and succeeding academic terms may continue at Academy for reexamination in subjects wherein deficient at beginning of the next term, in the meanwhile receiving special instruction. (41 Stat. L., —.)



Acts appropriating annually $10,000 for furnishing national trophies and medals and other prizes contested for by Army, Navy, and Marine Corps.:

Apr. 27, 1914.—(38 Stat. L., 370.)

Mar. 4, 1915.—(38 Stat. L., 1083.)

Aug. 31, 1916.—(39 Stat. L., 643.)

May 12, 1917.—(40 Stat. L., 63.)

July 9, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 870.)

July 11, 1919.—(41 Stat. L., 125.)

June 3, 1916.—Act encouraging rifle practice on indoor and outdoor ranges for troops in all branches of the military or naval service. (39 Stat. L., 211.)


June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating for the Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, materials, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, and repairs, $498,650; the Secretary is authorized 15 additional appointments annually from the enlisted force selected through mental competition. (38 Stat. L., 408.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating for the Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, materials, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, and repairs, $498,650. (38 Stat. L., 946.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating for the Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, materials, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, and repairs, $703,946.92. (39 Stat. L., 607.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for the Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, materials, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, and repairs, $909,049.20, exclusive of public works; authorizing the President to reduce the course of instruction from four to three years for a period of two years. (39 Stat. L., 1182, 1186.)

Apr. 2, 1918.—Act authorizing the President to reduce till August 1, 1921, the course of instruction at the Naval Academy from four to three years and to graduate classes which have completed such reduced courses of instruction. (40 Stat. L., 501.)

May 14, 1918.—Act fixing age limits of candidates for admission to the Naval Academy at 16 to 20 years, both inclusive. (40 Stat. L., 540.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating for maintenance and repairs at Naval Academy, $50,000. (40 Stat. L., 1034.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating for the Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, materials, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, and repair, $1,252,849.20, exclusive of public works. (40 Stat. L., 733.)


July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for the Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, materials, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance, and repair, $2,007,646.60, exclusive of public works. (41 Stat. L., 150.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for Naval Academy, including pay of personnel, department of ordnance and gunnery, electrical engineering and physics, seamanship, marine engineering and naval construction, commissary, building and grounds, current and miscellaneous expenses, maintenance and repairs, and rent of buildings, $2,420,407.52. (41 Stat. L., —.)

July 11, 1919.—Act providing for completion of the extension to Bancroft Hall, $325,000. (41 Stat. L., 49.)


June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating $800,000. (38 Stat. L., 396.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating $800,000. (38 Stat. L., 932.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating $1,069,460. (39 Stat. L., 561.

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $1,144,390. (39 Stat. L., 1172.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act provides expenses of, may be payable for "fuel and transportation" if appropriations for "Maintenance" insufficient. (38 Stat. L., 944.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act provides for service of auxiliary officers on naval courts. (40 Stat. L., 393.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act making members of Naval Reserve Force eligible for Naval Auxiliary Reserve; duties, qualifications, and retainer pay. (39 Stat. L., 591.)


Appropriations for the Naval Home, Philadelphia, to be paid out of the naval pension fund:

June 30r 1914

$77, 117. 00

(38 Stat. L., 397.)

July 29, 1914

20. 00

(38 Stat. L., 577.)

Mar. 3, 1915.

77, 117. 00

(38 Stat. L., 934.)

Aug. 29, 1916

77, 117. 00

(39 Stat. L., 562.)

Mar. 4, 1917

87, 805. 00

(39 Stat. L., 1174.)

Apr. 17, 1917

5, 000. 00

(40 Stat. L., 14.)

Oct. 6, 1917

30. 33

(40 Stat. L„, 380.)

Mar. 28, 1918

25, 000. 00

(40 Stat. L., 486.)

July 1, 1918

115, 645. 00

(40 Stat. L., 713.)

July 11, 1919

144, 906. 00

(41 Stat. L., 137.)

June 4, 1920

157, 646. 00 i

(41 Stat. L., —.)



Feb. 16, 1914.—Act to promote the efficiency of the Naval Militia. (38 Stat. L., 283.)

June 30, 1914.—Act providing for arming and equipping the Naval Militia and appropriating $125,000. (38 Stat. L., 399.)

July 16, 1914.—Act appropriating for Naval Militia, $8,100. (38 Stat. L., 487.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating for arming and equipping the Naval Militia, $250,000.    (38 Stat, L., 930.)

June 3, 1916.—Act (Sec. 59) exempting certain officials from militia duty not applicable (Sec. 117) to Naval Militia. (39 Stat. L., 197.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating for arming and equipping the Naval Militia, $1,270,737.73; and for Naval Militia practice ships for Illinois and Minnesota, $2,900; and for purchase of ship for Illinois, $125,000; Minnesota, $165,000. (39 Stat, L., 559.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for arming and equipping Naval Militia, $1,527,617.70. (39 Stat. L., 1172.)

June 15, 1917.—Act increasing appropriation of $125,000 for Illinois Naval Militia under act of August 29, 1916, by $50,000. (40 Stat. L., 205.)

June 4, 1920.—Act reestablishing Naval Militia. (41 Stat. L., —.)


May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $5,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,200 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 3, 1915.—Act establishing a naval reserve. (38 Stat. L., 940.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act establishing a naval reserve force. (39 Stat. L., 587.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for expenses of organizing, administering, and recruiting the Naval Reserve Force, $130,000; for schools and camps, $30,000. (39 Stat. L., 1174.)

Apr. 25, 1917.—Acts providing for minority enlistments and placing limit of age for Naval Reserve officers. (40 Stat. L., 38.)

May 22, 1917.—Act amending Naval Reserve Force act relative to enrollment. (40 Stat. L., 84.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating for expenses of organizing, administering, and recruiting the Naval Reserve Force, $200,000; for schools and camps of instructions for recruits and Naval Reserve Forces, $2,655,360. (40 Stat. L., 206.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act appropriating for expenses of organizing, administering and recruiting Naval Reserve Force, $100,000. (40 Stat. L., 486.)


July 1, 1918.—Act repealing all laws in re Naval Militia and the National Naval Volunteers and transferring as a class national naval volunteers to Naval Reserves, the Naval Reserve Flying Corps, or the Marine Corps Reserves; repealing laws relating to Medical Reserve Corps and Dental Reserve Corps; but members of such corps may be enrolled in Naval Reserve Corps in same grades and rank, while new dental officers in the Navy are authorized as part of the Medical Department of the Navy. (40 Stat. L., 708.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating for organizing, administering, and recruiting the Naval Reserve Force, $200,000; schools for instruction, etc., $2,655,360. (40 Stat. L., 713.)

Feb. 28, 1919.—Act granting mileage home to reservists relieved from active duty. (40 Stat. L., 1203.)

July 11, 1919.—Act authorizing the unexpended and unobligated balance of the $500,000 appropriated for schools or camps of instruction, Naval Reserve Force, assembling, training, etc., is re appropriated for purpose of paying obligations or claims incurred in carrying out the provisions of said acts, and expenses incident to closing schools, etc.; and appropriating for expense of organizing, etc., $50,000. (See Personnel law of 1919, infra.) (41 Stat. L., 135.)

June 4, 1920.—Act provides: Not more than 20,000 enlisted men may be employed on active duty, but, along with enlisted men of Regular Navy, they shall not exceed strength at present allowed; shall serve not less than 12 nor more than 18 months; no one shall hereafter be enrolled except for general sendee; commissioned line officers shall not exceed 4 per cent of total authorized strength and number of staff shall be in proportions now authorized; that 500 Reserve officers are also authorized for aviation and auxiliary service; within the limitations herein prescribed, officers of Naval Reserve Force maybe continued on active duty ashore and afloat, including three on shore duty in the Historical Section of the Office of Naval Intelligence, who may be retained on active duty beyond the age of disenrollment but not beyond June 30, 1922; all officers who have or may incur physical disability in line of duty shall be eligible for retirement under same conditions as now provided by law for officers of the Regular Navy; officers holding commissioned and warrant rank shall be eligible for transfer to permanent grades or ranks in the Navy, if qualified, but not to exceed a total of 1,200 commissioned officers in the line, of which number 500 may be appointed from Class 5, Naval Reserve Flying Corps; officers so appointed take precedence among themselves after the temporary officers appointed as herein; any part of. retainer, pay may be withheld when members fail to perform duty as may be prescribed for mainte-


nance of the efficiency of the Naval Reserve Force and be applied for efficiency of the Naval Reserve Force. (41 Stat. L.,—.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $50,000 for the expenses of organizing, administering, and recruiting the Naval Reserve Force and Naval Militia. (41 Stat. L.,—)


Acts of appropriation, with the sums, for the different naval training stations.




St. Helena,
Hampton Roads.

June 30, 1914 (38 Stat. L., 396)





Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stat. L., 932)


85,000. 00



Aue. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. L., 563)


85,000. 00



Mar. 4, 1917 (39 Stat. L., 1173)





Apr. 17, 1917 (40 Stat. L., 16)


June 15,1917 (40 Stat. L., 205)





July 1, 1918 (40 Stat. L., 712)




310,000. 00

July 8, 1918 (40 Stat. L., 832)


Nov. 4, 1918 (40 Stat. L., 1034)


July 11, 1919 (40 Stat. L.)





June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. L., 136)





June 4, 1920.—Act authorizing Secretary of the Navy to establish at two of the naval training stations experimental summer schools for boys from 16 to 20 years old; to loan them uniforms; they shall enroll as of Naval Reserve Force, and $200,000 is appropriated for object in view.


Acts of appropriation, with the sums, for the Naval War College:



Appropriations made as follows:

June 30, 1914


(38 Stat. L., 396.)

Mar. 3, 1915


(38 Stat. L., 932.)

Aug. 29, 1916


(39 Stat. L., 560.)

Mar. 4, 1917


(39 Stat. L., 1172.)

June 15, 1917


(40 Stat. L., 204.)

Mar. 28, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 486.)

July 1, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 707.)

Nov. 4, 1918


(40 Stat. L., ,1033.)

July 11, 1919


(41 Stat. L., 135.)


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act authorizing the President to restore to the active list of the Navy certain officers theretofore placed upon the retired list; also providing for the transfer to the active list officers of the Marine Corps or Navy Pay Corps under 50 years of age who have been retired by the board for physical disabilities. (39 Stat. L., 602.)

Apr. 2, 1918.—Act authorizing President to drop officers absent without leave for three months. (40 Stat. L., 501.)

June 4, 1920.—Act directing small stores fund be charged for outfits, limited to $100, and to $15 on discharge, each. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) appropriating for deficiencies of 1916 and 1919, $857,040.80. (Stat. L., .)


Mar. 3, 1899.—Act to reorganize and increase the efficiency of the personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps, carrying in the light of amendments the personnel parts of the acts of March 3, 1899 (30 Stat. L., 1004), June 7, 1900 (31 Stat. L., 684), March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. L., 1086), July 1, 1902 (32 Stat. L., 662), March 3, 1903 (32 Stat. L., 1177), April 27, 1904 (33 Stat. L., 324), June 22, 1906 (34 Stat. L., 451), June 29, 1906 (34 Stat. L., 553), May 13, 1908 (35 Stat. L., 126), March 3, 1909 (35 Stat. L., 753), June 24, 1910 (36 Stat. L., 605), March 4, 1911 (36 Stat. L., 1265), August 22, 1912 (37 Stat. L., 328), March 4, 1913 (37 Stat. L., 891), June 30, 1914 (38 Stat. L., 392), March 3, 1915 (38 Stat. L., 928), August 29, 1916 (39 Stat. L., 556), March 4, 1917 (39 Stat. L., 1168), July 1, 1918 (40 Stat. L., 704). (Navy Year Book, 1917-18, p. 577; see Personnel law of July 11, 1919, infra.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act authorizing the Secretary in time of war to call retired enlisted men to active duty. (38 Stat. L., 941.)

June 3, 1916.—Act prohibiting enlisted, men to engage in civil employment. (39 Stat. L., 188.)


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act designating the number of commissioned officers of the line, exclusive of warrant officers, of the active list to be 4 per cent of enlisted strength of active list, exclusive of Hospital Corps, prisoners, and men detailed with Naval Militia and Flying Corps. (39 Stat. L., 576.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act authorizing ordering of boards on foreign stations in re appointments, promotions, and retirements; laws relating to examination for promotion also applicable to staff officers. (39 Stat. L., 1171.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act requiring that all laws relating to the examination of officers for promotion shall be construed as applying to regular advancement of staff officers to higher ranks on active list same as if such advancements in rank were promotions to higher grades, but not to apply to original appointments to Dental Corps. (39 Stat. L., 1182.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act to punish forging or counterfeiting discharge certificates. (39 Stat. L., 1182.)

May 22, 1917.—Act temporarily increasing the commissioned, warrant, and enlisted strength of the Navy and Marine Corps. (40 Stat. L., 84.)

July 1, 1918.—Act limiting authorized enlisted strength of the Navy to 131,485; amending act of May 22, 1917, temporarily increasing the commissioned, warrant, and enlisted strength of the Navy and Marine Corps, and providing for calling to the active list commissioned or warrant officers. (40 Stat. L., 714, 717.)

Apr. 2, 1918.—Act authorizing dropping of officers from rolls when absent three months without leave or when sentenced to a penitentiary. (40 Stat. L., 501.)

Mar. 3, 1919.—Act granting Navy Nurse Corps pay and allowances during captivity. (See Supplies and Accounts.) (40 Stat. L., 1321.)

July 11, 1919.—Act further adding to the personnel laws of the Navy and Marine Corps; establishing authorized strength of officers and men, re reserve strength, male and female, transfer to civil list, promotions, transfers of temporary officers to permanent, etc. (See act of Mar. 3, 1899, Navy Year Book, 1917-18.) (41 Stat. L., 138.)

June 4, 1920.—Act further adds to the personnel laws of the Navy and Marine Corps, including the Naval Reserve Force and Coast Guard; providing for continuing or employing 20,000 enlisted men of the Naval Reserve Force in active duty; conditions of enrollment; percentage of commissioned officers of line allowed; Naval Reserve officers retained or allowed on active duty; re temporary officers; retirement of temporary-and reserve officers; transfer of temporary and reserve officers to permanent grades


and ranks; re Medical, Dental, and Supply Corps, Coast Guard; age limits for certain officers; Marine Corps personnel; protection of the uniform. (41 St at. L., —.)

July 11, 1919.—Act providing that the words "enlisted men," as contained in prior appropriation acts, shall not be construed to deprive women, enlisted or enrolled in the naval service, of the pay, allowances, gratuities, and other benefits granted by law to the enlisted personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps.

May 18, 1917.—Act authorizing the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States. (Draft Act.) (40 Stat. L., 76.)

July 9, 1918.—Section 13 in above act of May 18, 1917 is amended, infra. (40 Stat. L., 8S4.)

June 15, 1917.—Act making time for enlistment under draft shall be for the period of the war and cease four months after the declaration of peace. (40 Stat. L., 217.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act making “Army” to include “Navy,” “article of war” to‘include “articles for the Government of the Navy,” “camps, stations, cantonment, camp, fort, officers or enlisted men, club, etc.,” to include naval places of like character in construing sections 12 and 13 of the act of May 18, 1917, supra. (40 Stat. L., 393.)

May 20, 1918.—Joint resolution requiring registration of citizens for the draft. (40 Stat. L., 557.)

Aug. 31, 1918.—Act amending the act of May 18, 1917, supra. (40 Stat. L., 955.)

Sept. 29, 1919.—Act to provide travel allowances for certain retired enlisted men and Regular Army reservists.

Nov. 4, 1918.—Allotments, etc., continued in case of missing man until actual status is known. (See Supplies and Accounts.) (40 Stat. L., 1024.)


Appropriations for recreation, amusement, comfort, and contentment of enlisted men:

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating $150,000. (40 Stat. L.,    369.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $150,000. (40 Stat. L.,    707.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating $400,000. (40 Stat. L., 1033.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $400,000. (41 Stat. L.,    134.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $800,000. (41 Stat. L., —.)


July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $100,000 for receiving barracks for period not exceeding six months. (41 Stat. L., 137.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $100,000 for receiving barracks. (Stat. L., —.)



Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating $130,000 for recruiting, giving conditions to be complied with by applicant. (38 Stat. L., 931.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating $244,228.84 for recruiting, giving conditions to be complied with by applicant. (39 Stat. L., 560.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $419,228.84 for recruiting. (39 Stat. L., 1170.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $1,000,000 for recruiting. (40 Stat. L., 204.)

July 2, 1918.—Act repealing grant to postmaster of $5 for each recruit secured. (40 Stat. L., 754.)

July 11, 1919.—Act authorizing enlistments till Juno 30, 1920, for terms of two, three, and four years. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) appropriating for deficiencies, $61.30.


June 4, 1920.—Act directing service records of all who served in World War be furnished their respective States. (41 Stat. L., —.)


May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $404,140 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each except to four at $2,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Appropriations for transportation:

Aug. 29, 1916


(39 Stat. L., 560.)

Mar. 4, 1917


(39 Stat. L., 1170.)

June 15, 1917


(40 Stat. L., 204.)

Oct. 6, 1917


(40 Stat. L., 369.)

Mar. 28, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 486.)

June 4, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 599.)

July 1, 1918


(40 Stat. L., 707.)

Feb. 25, 1919


(40 Stat. L„ 1166.)

July 11, 1919


(41 Stat. L., 134.)

June 5, 1920


(41 Stat. L., —.)

June 5, 1920


(41 Stat. L., —.)


June 3, 1916.—Act provides for the protection of the uniform of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. (39 Stat. L., 216.)

July 8, 1918.—Act provides for the protection of the uniform of friendly nations. (40 Stat. L., 821.)

Jan. 12, 1919.—Act providing for the purchase of uniforms, accoutrements, and equipment by officers of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard and midshipmen from the Government at cost. (40 Stat. L., 1054.)


Feb. 28, 1919.—Act permitting any person who served in the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps in the present war to retain his uniform and personal equipment, and to wear the same under certain conditions. (40 Stat. L., 1202.)

June 4, 1920.—Act provides, section 125 of act of June 3, 1916, shall hereafter be in full force and effect as originally enacted notwithstanding anything in the act approved February 28, 1919, and words “Secretary of the Navy” shall be inserted after the words “the Secretary of War” wherever they appear in said section 125 (41 Stat. L., —.)


Apr. 25, 1914.—Act providing for raising the volunteer forces of the United States in time of actual or threatened war. (See act of July 1,1918.)    (38 Stat. L., 347.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Navy Department to sell lubricating oil and gasoline to volunteer naval patrol. (39 Stat. L., 600.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act of August 29, 1916, amended by substituting “fuel” for “gasoline.” (39 Stat. L., 1172.)


Apr. 10, 1918.—Act regulating pay of retired warrant officers. (40 Stat, L., 516.)


(See also under Secretary of the Navy: “Increase of the Navy.”)

June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating 85,800,000 for ordnance in general; the Secretary authorized to purchase war material abroad; 81,150,000 for smokeless powder, with limitation of price to 53 cents per pound for small-arms powder, condition Indianhead factory is operated to maximum capacity. For Naval Gun Factory, Washington, 875,000; for modifying breech mechanism of 3-inch, 4-inch, 5-inch, and 6-inch guns, 875,000; for replacing Mark VI 6-inch guns with Mark VIII and modernizing Mark VI guns for issue, 8150,000; for liners for eroded guns, 8100,000; for modifying 5-inch 50-caliber Mark V guns, 865,000. Ammunition for issue to ships, 83,178,890; torpedoes, 81,000,000, torpedo station at Newport, 880,000; and new tools, 815,000. For experimental work of armor-piercing and torpedo shell and other projectiles, fuses, explosives, 8150,000; repairs, 830,000; contingent, 89,500. (38 Stat. L., 398.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating for ordnance in general, 85,795,420. Smokeless powder, same conditions (supra) about small-arms powder and Indianhead, 81,150,000; gun factory, Washington, 875,000; Indianhead, 8141,620; liners for eroded guns, $100,000; procuring, producing, preserving, and handling ammunition for


issue to ships, $3,000,000; torpedoes, $1,000,000; torpedo station, Newport, $80,000; storage building, $20,000; machinery and tools, $30,000; experimental work, $100,000; repairs, $30,000; contingent, $9,500. (38 Stat. L., 934.)

Mar. 31, 1916.—Act appropriating for ordnance, $995,000. (39 Stat. L, 42.)

June 3, 1916.—Act authorizing President to make investigation of best way for obtaining nitrates for war and fertilizing purposes; to select site for the production of; to erect dams, locks, houses, etc.; to lease, buy, or receive sites, etc., or commandeer same, produce for military use, and balance sold, for which $20,000,000 is appropriated. Also, Secretary of War shall examine and report on manufacturing arms, munitions, and equipment plants, and cost of make. (39 Stat. L., 214, 215.)

July 6, 1916.—Act to buy John Hays Hammond patent for the control by radio dynamic energy of moving vessels, under conditions. (39 Stat. L., 347.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating for ordnance in general, $6,402,485; smokeless powder, with same conditions as above, $1,800,000; Washington Gun Factory, $150,000; projectile plant, $705,611; armor plant, $11,000,000; liners for eroded guns, $100,000; batteries for merchant auxiliaries, $1,650,000; ammunition, $13,720,000; torpedoes, $800,000; air compressors, $195,000; torpedo nets for ships, $480,000; reserve ordnance supplies, $4,503,524; torpedo station, Newport, $100,000; new machinery, $100,000; experiments, $100,000; contingent building fund, $10,000; repairs, $30,000; contingent, $9,500. (39 Stat. L., 563.)

Sept. 8, 1916.—Act appropriating for ammunition, $180,873.50; torpedoes, $13,993.82. (39 Stat. L., 815.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for ordnance in general, $8,488,333, and for smokeless powder, as above, $1,800,000; Washington Gun Factory, $307,036; machinery for existing shops, repairs, and betterments, $395,200; machinery and equipment for new shop, $1,798,500; projectile plant, $1,375,345; liners for eroded guns, $100,000; one 12-inch 45-caliber gun, $60,000; antiaircraft guns and mounts, $629,000; machine guns, $1,250,000; one-pounder boat guns, $162,000; batteries for merchant auxiliaries, $4,731,174; ammunition for same, $7,731,941; antiaircraft guns for naval stations, $3,800,000; ammunition for ships, $3,500,000; armament and ammunition for Coast Guard cutters, $159,590; torpedoes, $1,049,280; reserve ordnance, $4,657,460; torpedo station, Newport, $100,000; machinery and tools, $100,000; experiments, $100,000; contingent building fund, $10,000; repairs, $30,000; contingent, $9,500. (39 Stat. L., 1175.)


Apr. 17, 1917.—Act appropriating for ordnance, $315,000. (40 Stat. L., 15.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating for ordnance in general, $16,905,366; ammunition, $68,6.64,858; same conditions as above; new batteries for ships, $22,333,000; same for auxiliaries and merchantmen, $29,672,0.00; ammunition for same, $19,988,800; torpedoes, $11,242,000; reserve ordnance supplies, $29,260,000. (40 Stat. L., 206.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating for ordnance in general, $12,446,480; ammunition, $40,146,120 and to contract for $15,146,120 in addition; batteries and outfits for vessels, etc., $50,059,523.50 and to contract for $28,059,523.50 in addition; reserve ordnance supplies, $47,500,000 and to contract for $17,500,000 in addition; Washington Gun Factory, $2,500,000. For investigating and acquisition of option on gas and oil lands in West Virginia, $25,000. (40 Stat. L., 370.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act to prohibit manufacture, distribution, storage, use, and possession in time of war of explosives; providing regulations for the safe manufacture, distribution, storage, use, and possession of same, and appropriating $300,000 to carry act into effect. (40 Stat. L., 385.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act appropriating $10,000,000 for ordnance in general; for Washington Gun Factory, $5,499,737; authorizing outfits for naval vessels, aircraft, naval stations, and merchantmen, $13,200,000; ammunition, $8,064,000; reserve ordnance supplies, $13,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 486.)

Apr. 26, 1918.—Act to authorize the Secretary to increase facilities for the proof and test of ordnance material, and appropriating $1,000,000 for that end. (40 Stat. L., 537.)

June 4, 1918.—Act appropriating for ordnance and ordnance stores, $4,500,000; contingent, $40,000. (40 Stat. L., 599.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $30,522,279 for ordnance in general, and that ordnance materials procured under the various ordnance appropriations shall hereafter be available for issue, to meet the general needs of the naval service, under the appropriation from which procured; smokeless powder, $2,400,000; new batteries and outfits for vessels, aircraft, stations, and merchantmen, $85,014,110.50, and to contract for $20,000,000 in addition; ammunition, $73,289,530, and to contract for $11,000,000 in addition; torpedoes, $10,000,000; reserve ordnance supplies, $63,000,000; torpedo station, Newport, and tools, etc., $200,000; experiments, $385,000; contingent, $50,000; mine depot, $3,000,000; nitrate plant, $9,150,000. (40 Stat. L., 721.)

July 8, 1918.—Act authorizing transfer of ordnance and ordnance supplies from Navy to War Department. (40 Stat. L., 817.)


Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating $11,185,301 for ordnance in general; new batteries for vessels, aircraft, stations, and new ships, $20,529,464; ammunition, $9,230,000; reserve ordnance supplies, $1,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 1033.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing appropriations and authorizations for ordnance amounting to $195,833,843.69, whereof $164,833,843.69 to be covered into the Treasury. (40 Stat. L., 1171.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $25,000,000 for ordnance in general; smokeless powder, $2,500,000; Washington Gun Factory, $500,000; torpedoes, $1,000,000; torpedo station, Newport, $200,000; new machinery and tools, $200,000; experiments, $200,000; contingent, $25,000. (41 Stat. L., 142.)

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $50,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each except one at $2,200 and one at $2,000. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for ordnance in general $17,500,000; smokeless powder, $200,000; experiments, $200,000; contingent, $25,000; for armor and armament, $45,000,000, for vessels heretofore authorized, to be available until expended. (41 Stat. L., —.)


(Formerly Bureau of Steam Engineering. See also under Secretary of the Navy Increase of the Navy.”)

June 30, 1914.—Act appropriating for engineering, $8,080,000; toward sites, towers, and buildings, machinery of high-power radio stations (cost not to exceed $1,000,000), one at Canal Zone, one on California coast, one on Hawaiian Islands, one at Samoa, one at Guam, and one in Philippine Islands, $400,000; appropriations for steam machinery heretofore made and unexpended, continued available; engineering experimental and research work at Engineering Experiment Station at Naval Academy, $60,000; equipment, $20,000. (38 Stat. L., 407.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act appropriating for engineering $7,742,973; toward sites and buildings, etc., for high-power radio stations (cost not to exceed $1,500,000), same places as above, $400,000; engineering experimental and research work at Engineering Experiment Station at Naval Academy, $60,000; equipment, $20,000; officers assigned to engineering duty ashore only and officers of Construction Corps to be eligible for any shore duty compatible with their rank and grade. (38 Stat. L., 930, 946.)

Feb. 28, 1916.—Act appropriating $38,620.40 on account of battleships 43 and 44 and increasing prior appropriations further by $9,370.40. (39 Stat. L., 23.)

Mar. 31, 1916.—Act appropriating for engineering, $900,000. (39 Stat. L., 42.).


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating for engineering 19,056,376.28; that land now owned by the United States and suitable for radio sites may be so used; $5,000 may be used for radio laboratory; for completing the radio stations named above, $300,000; for engines on North Dakota, Salem, Mayrant, and Henley, $1,000,000; experimental and research work at Engineering Experiment Station at Naval Academy, $85,000; equipment, $20,000; machinery plants at Portsmouth, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Charleston, Mare Island, and Puget Sound, $200,000. (39 Stat. L., 606.)

Sept. 8, 1916.—Act increasing limitation for draftsmen and technicists by $19,210. (39 Stat. L., 815.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for engineering, $12,270,000, of which $350 is for a native, pony and two wheel rig for the commanding officer of high-power radio station, Sangley Point, Philippine Islands; high-power radio station at Porto Rico, $400,000; experimental and research work at Engineering Experiment Station at Naval Academy, $85,000; equipment, $20,000; machinery plants at aforesaid yards, $190,000. (39 Stat. L., 1185.)

Apr. 17, 1917.—Act appropriating for engineering $1,668,840, and increasing limitation on pay of office personnel by $56,210. (40 Stat. L., 16.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $34,960,500 for engineering in general, available for Coast Guard and Lighthouse Service while connected with Naval Establishment. (40 Stat. L., 212.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating for engineering, $10,000,000, and $200,000 in addition for radio station at Porto Rico. (40 Stat, L., 371.)

June 4, 1918.—Appropriation for experiment station at Annapolis, $8,000. (40 Stat. L., 600.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating for engineering, $50,000,000, $3,035,000 being limit for classified force; experimental research work at Engineering Experiment Station at Naval Academy, $160,000; appropriation available for Coast Guard and Lighthouse Service while connected with naval establishment. (40 Stat. L., 731.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act appropriating $30,882.14 for repairs, preservation, and renewal of machinery, etc., also repealing appropriations made for machinery and plants, New York Navy Yard, $1,420.33. (40 Stat. L., 1168.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for engineering, $30,000,000; experimental and research work at Engineering Experiment Station at Naval Academy, $200,000. (41 Stat. L., 149.)

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $100,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each except two at $2,100 each and two, at $2,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —).


June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating $29,050,000 for engineering in general; Engineering Experiment Station at Annapolis, $225,000.


The Bureau of Steam Engineering hereafter shall be designated as the " Bureau of Engineering." (41 Stat. L., .)


Apr. 6, 1914.—Act providing subsistence while traveling outside of District of Columbia shall not cost over $5 per diem, and for actual cost only. (38 Stat. L., 318.)

Apr. 27, 1914.—Act providing that officers and men of the Navy and Marine Corps may purchase subsistence supplies at same prices charged those of Army, and vice versa. (38 Stat. L., 361.)

June 30, 1914.—Act forbidding mileage to be paid officers when transportation is furnished. (38 Stat. L., 391.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act changing title "paymaster’s clerk" to "pay clerk" and pay clerks shall be warranted from acting pay clerks to be appointed from enlisted men holding place of chief petty officers, etc. (38 Stat. L., 938.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating $3,000,000 for purchasing reserve material as war reserve. (39 Stat. L., 1183.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act providing for reimbursement of officers and men for property lost or destroyed in the service. (Executed in part by Bureau of Navigation.) (40 Stat. L., 389.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act providing for payment of six months gratuity to the widow, children, or other previously designated dependent relative of retired officers and men on active duty. (Made inoperative by War Risk act of same date. (40 Stat. L., 392.)

Feb. 24, 1919.—Act providing for payment of $60 each to persons in active armed service during the World War and separated therefrom under honorable conditions. (40 Stat. L., 1151.)

May 10, 1918.—Act authorizing sale of supplies, etc. (See Miscellaneous.) (40 Stat. L., 548.)

July 1, 1918.—Act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to consider, adjust, and pay claims for damage or loss of property of foreign citizens in Europe when amount is not over $1,000. (See Secretary of Navy.) (40 Stat. L., 705.)

July 1, 1918.—Act providing pay for 24,000 apprentice seamen under training at training stations and on board training ships, $8,019,600; pay of Nurse Corps, $670,800; rent of quarters for nurses, $55,800; retainer pay and active-service pay of members of Naval Reserve Force, $55,001,982; for quarters for officers attached to submarines when required to be ashore. (40 Stat. L., 728.)


Appropriations made direct for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts.





Pay of the Navy:

Naval act


38 Stat. L., 938.


39 Stat. L., 575.


39 Stat. L., 1181.


40 Stat. L., 728.

Deficiency act

40 Stat. L., 210.



39 Stat. L., 815.


40 Stat. L., 15.


40 Stat. L., 728.

Pay of the Navy, claims (deficiency act).


38 Stat. L., 1156, 1160.


39 Stat. L., 825 828, 29, 33.


40 Stat. L., 31, 34, 380, 382.

Organization Naval Reserve Force (naval act.)


38 Stat. L., 941.


39 Stat. L., 593.

School camps, Naval Reserve Force (naval act).


39 Stat. L., 589.


Naval act


38 Stat. L., 943.


39 Stat. L., 603.


39 Stat. L., 1183.


40 Stat. L., 728.

Deficiency act


39 Stat. L., 1146.


39 Stat. L., 815.

31,740,992. 45

40 Stat. L., 210.



40 Stat. L., 15.

Provisions, claims (deficiency act)


38 Stat. L., 1156,


156. 66

39 Stat. L., 30.


40 Stat. L., 380.


Naval act


38 Stat. L., 943.


39 Stat. L., 603.


39 Stat. L., 1183; 40 Stat. L., 211, 371.


40 Stat. L., 729.

Deficiency act


40 Stat. L., 488, 600.

Maintenance, claims (deficiency act)


40 Stat. L., 31, 382.


40 Stat. L., 839.


Naval act


38 Stat. L., 944.


39 Stat. L., 604.


39 Stat. L., 1183; 40 Stat. L., 211.


40 Stat. L., 729.

Deficiency act


38 Stat. L., 1146.


39 Stat. L., 815, 825, 828.


40 Stat. L., 15, 31, 34.

Freight, claims (deficiency act)


38 Stat. L., 1156, 1160.


39 Stat. L., 825, 828.


40 Stat. L., 31, 360, 382.


40 Stat. L., 1020.

Fuel and transportation:

Naval act


38 Stat. L., 944.


39 Stat. L., 604.


40 Stat. L., 211, 395, 1183.


40 Stat. L., 730.


38 Stat. L., 1146.


39 Stat. L., 815.


40 Stat. L., 15.

Fuel and transportation, claims (deficiency act).


39 Stat. L., 825, 828.


40 Stat. L., 31.

Clothing and small stores


39 Stat. L., 1183; 40 Stat. L., 210.


40 Stat. L., 729.

Reserve material (naval and deficiency acts).


39 Stat. L., 1183; 40 Stat. L., 211.



Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing appropriations for supplies and accounts, and fuel transportation, $23,096,000. (40 Stat. L., 1173.)

Mar. 3, 1919.—Act granting Navy Nurse Corps pay and allowances during captivity. (40 Stat. L., 1321.)

July 11, 1919.—Act relieving disbursing officers on account of loss of funds, vouchers, records, or papers in his charge when without fault or negligence of such officer. (41 Stat. L., 132.)

July 11, 1919.—Act authorizing allowance of disbursing officers’ accounts arising during the war for credits incurred through military necessity, or accident, or conditions they could not control, not covering cases of contract. (41 Stat. L., 153.)

Nov. 4, 1919.—Act increasing amount appropriated for "Maintenance" for fiscal year 1920 by $500,000. (41 Stat. L., 334.)

Dec. 24, 1919.—Joint resolution continuing temporarily certain allowances to officers of the Navy and Marine Corps. (41 Stat. L., .)

Mar. 6, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) making appropriation "Pay of the Navy, 1918," available to pay claims of officers accruing prior to July 1, 1918, which have been or may be presented pursuant to the act of April 16, 1918, allowing commutation for quarters, heat, and light, to officers on duty in the field or beyond territorial jurisdiction of the United States, who maintain a place of abode for a family. (41 Stat. L., —.)

May 18, 1920.—Act increasing the pay of commissioned and enlisted personnel. (41 Stat. L., —.)

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $350,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each except two at $3,000 each, one at $2,500, and six at $2,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for pay of the Navy, etc., $120,876,537; six months’ pay to heirs, etc., on death of officer, enlisted man, or nurse, of Navy or Marine Corps, permanently fixed, as intended in the Act of October 6, 1917 (40 Stat. L., 392); provisions and commuted rations, $26,000,000; maintenance, $10,500,000; freight, $2,000,000; fuel and transportation, $10,000,000, of which $1,000,000 may be used for obtaining coal in Alaska. (Stat. L., .)

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) provides for one additional position at $4,000.

June 5, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) provides $5,302.14 for paying allowed collision claims. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 4,1913.—Act appropriating $1,500,000 for maintenance of Yards and Docks; contingent, $30,000; public works—navy yards, naval stations, proving grounds, and magazine, Naval Academy, Naval Observatory, and Marine Corps, $4,348,945. (37 Stat. L., 899.)


June 30,1914.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $1,600,000; contingent, $50,000; public works—navy yards, naval stations, proving grounds, and magazines, Naval Academy, Naval Observatory, and Marine Corps, $3,475,500. (39 Stat. L., 400.)

Mar. 3,1915.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $1,595,496; contingent, $50,000; public works—navy yards, naval stations, naval proving grounds, and magazines, naval training station, San Francisco, naval hospital, New York depots for coal and other fuel, $2,642,816. (38 Stat. L., 935.)

Feb. 15, 1916.—Joint resolution making part of the appropriation, “Construction and machinery, increase of Navy,” in naval act of March 3, 1915, available for extension of building ways'and equipment, $100,000, navy yard, New York, and $500,000, Mare Island, Calif. (39 Stat. L., 10.)

Mar. 31, 1916.—Act appropriating for general maintenance of yards and docks, $52,000. (39 Stat. L., 42.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act detailing officer of Civil Engineer Corps to assist Chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks. (39 Stat. L., 558.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks in general, $1,774,000; contingent, $50,000; public works, $8,350,875, including additional gun shop at Washington and authorizes acquiring additional land for navy yard and make railroad connections, to have storage facilities at Norfolk yard, to obtain title to 232 acres on San Diego Bay, provided city of San Diego donates 500 acres for establishing a Navy base; also $1,000,000 for experiment and research laboratory on gun erosion, torpedo, motive power, gyroscope, submarine guns, protection against submarines, torpedo and mine attack; directing the President to appoint a commission to report necessity, desirability", and advisability of establishing an additional navy yard on the Pacific coast, same commission to report on yards on Atlantic coasts south of Cape Hatteras and on submarine bases for Atlantic and Pacific coasts, $10,000 for expenses. (39 Stat. L., 564.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act directing Secretaries of War and Navy to report on plans for improvement of harbors and canals and connecting channels best to provide adequate facilities for operations of fleet for defense of harbors on Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, United States, and costs. (39 Stat. L., 618.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act transferring land at Pearl Harbor, (Puuloa Military Reservation), to jurisdiction of Navy Department. (See Secretary of Navy.) (39 Stat. L., 642.)

Sept. 8, 1916.—Act appropriating $670.64 for maintenance, Yards and Docks; limitation in act, March 3, 1915 for skilled draftsmen and technicists increased by $62,730. (39 Stat. L., 815.)


Sept. 8, 1916.—Joint resolution authorizing transfer of Government exhibit at Exposition at San Diego, to the Mississippi Centennial Exposition at Gulfport. (39 Stat. L., 854.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $2,709,000; contingent, $75,000; public works, $16,976,255. Authorized to lease dry dock at Boston at $50,000 per annum. (39 Stat. L., 1177.)

Apr. 17, 1917.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $432,000; repairs and preservation at navy yards and stations, $314,000. (40 Stat L., 15.)

June 12, 1917.—Act appropriating for dredging base and channel and other work at Coco Solo Point, $750,000 to be expended under direction of the governor of Panama; for constructing, etc., aero station on coast zone, $250,000. (40 Stat. L., 179.)

June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $2,060,000; contingent, $750,000; public works—marine quarters, submarine facilities, power plants, depots for fuel, storage for ordnance, operating base at Hampton Roads (including purchase of Jamestown Exposition site and improving same), hospital construction, magazine at St. Julians Creek, Puget Sound additions, $11,963,500; repairs and preservation at navy yards and stations, $900,000. (40 Stat. L., 207.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $1,500,000; contingent, $1,000,000; Public Works, hospital, etc., $2,000,000; New London Submarine Base, additional land, $90,000. (40 Stat L., 370.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $2,500,000; contingent, $2,000,000;'public works—hospitals, $2,750,000; training camps, $12,000,000; power plants, $3,500,000; ordnance stations, $2,500,000; temporary storage, $500,000; at navy yards, $1,570,000; Hampton Roads base, $55,072.25; naval prisons, $200,000; warehouse, New York, $560,000; repairs and preservation at navy yards, plants, and stations, $1,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 487.)

June 4, 1918.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $1,644,000; contingent, $265,000; public works—training camps, $11,000,000; repairs at navy yards, depots, plants, and stations, $2,100,000. (40 Stat. L., 599.)

July 1,1918.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $10,500,000, $2,000,000 being limit for classified force; contingent, $250,000; emergency, $4,750,000; public works, $46,694,375, for hospitals, storage, additions to navy yard, plants, bases, suppl}r depots, marine barracks, docks, including one at Charleston (limit of cost, $4,000,000), $1,150,000, Naval Academy, recruiting stations, navy stations, aero stations, naval magazines, proving grounds, railroads, dredging, torpedo stations, coal depots,


training stations, and operating base; also conditions on leased property. (40 Stat. L., 722.)

July 8, 1918.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $3,875,000; public works—training camps, $1,250,000; repairs and preservation at yards and stations; depots and plants, $250,000; land for warehouses, $99,085.90. (40 Stat. L., 832.)

Oct. 17, 1918.—Act to authorize Secretary of Navy to purchase from Massachusetts a dry dock and land. (40 Stat. L., 1013.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating for public works: Water front, Boston; operating base at Hampton Roads; navy yards at Norfolk and Mare Island; training station, California; ordnance station; fuel depots; hospitals; and storage, $39,311,372.98. (40 Stat. L., 1034.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks in general, $6,000,000; contingent, $100,000; public works—submarine base, navy yards, naval stations, Naval Academy, repairs and preservation, $2,552,407.64. (40 Stat. L., 1166.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing appropriations for Yards and Docks of $2,713,627, to be covered into the Treasury. (40 Stat. L., 1174.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $7,500,000; contingent, $150,000; public works, $12,632,140. The appropriations Maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks” and “Repairs and preservation” shall be available for the maintenance of naval station where regular appropriations are found insufficient; the Secretary is authorized to accept 135 acres of land on San Diego Bay for naval training stations, the city to give tidal lands and site for naval hospital. (41 Stat. L., 142.)

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for maintenance of Yards and Docks, $6,500,000, but no part of which shall be used for purchasing passenger automobiles; contingent, $150,000; public works, Portsmouth, $15,000; New York, $397,000 (the expenditure of $750,000 appropriated for waterworks is suspended;) Philadelphia, $1,200,000; Washington, $7,500; Naval Academy, $160,000; Norfolk, $520,000; Charleston, $40,000; Key West, $75,000; New Orleans, $30,000; a committee of five members each of the House and Senate shall investigate and report by December 20,1920, on a naval base at San Francisco, Sand Point, Wash., and San Pedro, for which $50,000 is appropriated; the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to make an exchange of ten and four hundred and twenty-seven thousandths acres, a part of South San Francisco radio station, for an equal amount of land with the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co., and $6,000 is appropriated for expenses; he is also authorized to accept from city of San Diego 127 acres of land for a naval


station, together with certain riparian rights; Mare Island, $175,000; Puget Sound, $320,000; Pearl Harbor, $890,000, and to exchange some 81 acres of land being a part of the Puuloa Rifle Range, also a part of the naval station property at Honolulu; Cavite, $25,000; hospital at Olongapo, $75,000 from the proceeds of the sale of the U. S. S. Repose; naval magazine, Puget Sound, $25,000; ammunition depot, Pearl Harbor, $80,000; naval training station, Great Lakes, $500,000; depots for coal and care petroleum reserves, $85,000; Hampton Roads base, $171,000; Norfolk hospital, $450; same, Philadelphia, $30,000; marine barracks, San Diego, $500,000; fuel depot, San Diego, $1,150,000; New London Submarine Base, $50,000; Columbia River Submarine and Destroyer Base, $250,000; San Diego Training Station, $1,000,000; repairs and preservations at navy yards, $3,000,000. Total public works, $10,751,950, available till expended, except for repairs and preservation of navy yards and stations. (41 Stat. L., —.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for completion of extension, Bancroft Hall, Naval Academy, $325,000 (deficiency bill). (41 Stat. L., 49.)

Mar. 6, 1920.—Act (deficiency bill) appropriating for general maintenance, etc., $800,000; sum appropriated for expenditures for pay of classified employees in Bureau of Yards and Docks, is increased by $400,000; same for draftsmen and other technicists, $123,000; for dry dock and accessories at Norfolk Navy Yard, $451,047.30; Pearl Harbor, $163,914.89 for naval station, $128,260.60 for dry dock; Port Royal, $117,940 for recruiting station. (41 Stat. L., —.)

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $75,000 for temporary employees, limiting pay to $1,800 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act appropriating $5,775,000 for erection, etc., of present Navy Department Building .in Potomac Park. (40 Stat. L., 483.)

June 4, 1918.—Act providing for maintenance and protection of temporary office buildings. (40 Stat. L., 598.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating for completion of Navy Department Building, $1,490,000. (40 Stat. L., 1032.)


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act provides that an officer of the line of Navy or Marine Corps may be detailed to assist Judge Advocate General, who shall under similar conditions perform the duties of the Judge Advocate General. (39 Stat. L., 558.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act declaring who may order deck courts, summary courts, and punishments. (39 Stat. L., 586)


Mar. 4, 1917.—Act amending act of January 25, 1895, as amended by act of March 3, 1901, declaring who may administer the oaths for purpose of administering naval justice. (39 Stat. L., 1171.)

June 15, 1917.—Act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States and for other purposes. (40 Stat. L., 217.)

June 15, 1917.—Act (sec. 7, title 1) provides nothing therein shall limit jurisdiction in courts-martial, military commissions, or naval courts under section 1342, 1343 and 1624 of Revised Statutes as amended. (40 Stat. L., 219.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act to define, regulate and punish trading with the enemy and for other purposes. (40 Stat. L., 411.)

July 11, 1919.—Act amending last above (deficiency bill). (41 Stat. L., 35.)

May 9, 1918.—Act to amend the naturalization laws and repeal certain sections of the Revised Statutes of the United States and other laws relating to naturalization. (40 Stat. L., 542.)

May 22, 1918.—Act to prevent in time of war, departure from or entry into the United States contrary to the public safety. (40 Stat. L., 559.)

July 8, 1918.—Act providing for the protection of the uniform of friendly nations and for other purposes. (40 Stat. L., 821.)

Dec. 24, 1919.—Joint resolution making immediately available the appropriation for the expenses of regulating further the entry of aliens into the United States, but not more than $450,000 to be spent during balance of fiscal year 1920. (41 Stat. L., —.)

May 10, 1920.—Act to deport certain undesirable aliens and to deny readmission to those deported. (41 Stat. L., —.)

May 29, 1920.—Act appropriating $6,000 for two temporary employees at $3,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)

June 5, 1920.—Act to admit aliens under certain conditions who have served in military or naval forces of United States. (41 Stat. L., —.)


(See also personnel laws of the Navy.)

Dec. 19, 1913.—Act to make the tenure of the office of the Major General Commandant of the Marine Corps for a term of four years; shall be appointed from the active list of officers not below grade of field officer; shall have rank, pay and allowance of a major general of Army; if retired as result of incident of the service, or for age or length of service, then with rank and retired pay of major general; should retirement arise other than


for reasons stated herein, he shall be placed on list of officers of grade he otherwise would have had; he shall he carried as an additional member in his grade. (38 Stat. L., 241.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act making number of commissioned officers of active list of the line and staff of the Marine Corps to be 4 per cent of the total active strength, regulating their rank; amending act of December 19, 1913, by requiring the major general commanding shall be taken from officers not below the rank of colonel, etc.; Marine Corps training camps of instruction may be established, but for six weeks each fiscal year, only in times of peace, and $31,000 is appropriated therefor, but requiring entrants to pay expenses to and from these camps, and their subsistence therein; authorizing employment of. advertising agencies in recruiting. (39 Stat. L., 609).

July 1, 1918.—Act changing title of clerk to assistant paymaster to pay clerk. (40 Stat. L., 734.)

Jan. 12, 1919.—Act providing for temporary promotion of commissioned officers of Marine Corps serving in the Army. (40 Stat. L., 1054.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act repealing appropriations for the Marine Corps, and to be covered into the Treasury, amounting to $41,216,975.96. (40 Stat. L., 1169.)

July 11, 1919.—Act declaring the number of enlisted men on the active list of the Marine Corps during fiscal year, 1920, shall not exceed 27,400, and in making reductions, officers holding temporary appointments may be given temporary appointments to take precedence from date of original appointment, regulating promotion of those on retired list. (41 Stat. L., 138.)

June 4, 1920.—Act providing (sec. 24a) that commissioned service in the Marine Corps when detached for service with the Army shall be included in the Promotions List and the active service with the Army shall be counted; officers and men of Marine Corps so serving shall be subject to military law; said officers may serve on court-martials. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Digest of appropriations (Treasury Department) for Marine Corps, by fiscal years.

1914 (38 Stat. L., 410.)

1915 (38 Stat. L., 948.)

1916 (39 Stat. L., 609.)

1917 (40 Stat. L., 213.)

1918 (40 Stat. L., 734.)

1919 (40 Stat. L.)







$56,136,755 68











Reserve supplies


For 1920. pay 819,321,323.44, maintenance $23,434,108.20.

Act of February 25,1919 (40 Stat. L., 1169).—Appropriations repealed and to be covered into Treasury, $41,216,975.96.

June 4, 1920.—Act appropriating for the Marine Corps, $26,724,289.48, for provisions, clothing, fuel, military stores, transportation, and recruiting, repairs of barracks, forage, commutation of quarters, and contingent. (41 Stat. L., —.)



Sept. 16, 1919.—Act to incorporate the American Legion.

July 26, 1919.—Act to loan tents to veterans of World War.

June 5, 1920.—Act to loan cots to American Legion Post at Indiana State encampment. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Mar. 4, 191$.—Act creating Arlington Memorial Commission and authorizing construction of the memorial amphitheater; limit ,of cost, $750,000. (37 Stat. L., 882.)

Aug. 14, 1914.—Act making appropriation in behalf of same object, $250,000. (38 Stat. L., 636.)

Mar. 3, 1915.—Act making further appropriation in behalf of same object, $400,000. (38 Stat. L., 848.)

July 1, 1916.—Act making further appropriation in Dehalf of same object, $100,000. (39 Stat. L., 292.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating $75,000 to complete the construction of the Arlington memorial amphitheater, increasing cost limit to $825,000. (41 Stat. L., 36.)

July 19, 1919.—Act appropriating $2,000 for expenses in dedicating the memorial amphitheater and chapel. (41 Stat. L., 176.)


Mar. 4, 1917.—Joint resolution authorizing issue of bonds to $150,000,000 to expedite delivery of material, equipment, and munitions and to secure more expeditious construction of ships.

Apr. 24, 1917.—Act to authorize issue of bonds to meet expenditures for the national security and defense, for the purpose of assisting in the prosecution of the war and to extend credit to foreign countries. (40 Stat. L., 35.)

July 11. 1919.—Act to duplicate bonds lost on sinking of U. S. S. San Diego. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Acts creating Bureau of Efficiency, amending same, and appropriations:

Feb. 28, 1916.—(39 Stat. L., 15.)

May 10, 1916.—(39 Stat. L., 76.)

Mar. 3, 1917.—(39 Stat. L., 1080.)

Apr. 17, 1917.—(40 Stat. L., 3.)

June 15, 1917— (40 Stat. L., 184.)


Mar. 28, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 460.)

July 3, 1918—(40 Stat. L., 768.)

Mar. 1, 1919.—(40 Stat. L., 1223.)

July 11, 1919.—(41 Stat. L., 36, 343.)


Aug. 3, 1914.—Joint resolution for relief, protection, and transportation of American citizens in Europe, and appropriating $250,000 for that purpose. (38 Stat. L., 776.)

Aug. 5, 1914.—Joint resolution amending foregoing; increasing the amount by $2,500,000.    (38 Stat. L., 776.)

Oct. 5, 1917.—Act defining status of citizens of the United States who have entered the military or naval service of certain countries during the existing war. (40 Stat. L., 340.)


May 10, 1916.—Act limiting employment of any one with more than one salary if total is over $2,000 per annum. (39 Stat. L., 120.)

June 3, 1916.—Act authorizing utilization by the President of employees of departments in organizing the Army. (39 Stat. L., 188.)

June 3, 1916.—Act giving members of National Guard employed in the departments leave when on duty for training purposes. (39 Stat. L., 203.)

Sept. 7, 1916.—Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties. (39 Stat. L., 742.)

Mar. 3, 1917.—Act giving civil employees a bonus over their annual . pay. (39 Stat. L., 1121.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $500,000 for employees' compensation fund. (40 Stat. L., 647.)

July 3, 1918.—Act giving civil employees a bonus over their annual pay. (40 Stat. L., 814.)

Jan. 7, 1919.—Act for transportation home of Government employees when services are no longer needed. (40 Stat. L., 1052.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act to reinstate enlisted or drafted employees in their former positions. (40 Stat. L., 1164.)

May 22, 1920.—Act for retirement of employees in the civil service.


Oct. 23, 1918.—Act to prevent and punish, in re fraudulent claims against the United States. (40 Stat. L., 1015.)

July. 11, 1919.—Act authorizing settlement of claims of not over $500, for losses arising from acts of Navy or Marine Corps. (See Secretary of Navy.) (41 Stat. L., 132.)

July 11, 1919.—Act (Army bill) to regulate practice in collecting claims. (41 Stat. L., 131.)



June 3, 1916.—Act for procuring military supplies in time of imminent war. (39 Stat. L., 213.)

Aug. 29, 1916.—Act authorizing President to take over any system of transportation for war purposes. (39 Stat. L., 604, 645.)

Apr. 11, 1918.—Act to amend act of July 2, 1917, to authorize condemnation proceedings in re lands for military purposes by broadening same to extend over plants or lands for nitrate production and manufacturing explosives, munitions of war, etc. (40 Stat. L., 518.)

July 1, 1918.—Act authorizing and empowering the President to place an order with any person for such ships or war material for the Navy as necessities of Government may require; compliance obligatory; compliance refused, property may be commandeered; he may cancel or modify any contract in process of completion by such parties and take over property, and operate a factory or plant; he may fix price of damage and if not accepted, shall pay 75 per cent of same and claimant may sue in Court of Claims for balance. (See Shipping Board ai*d emergency shipping fund.) (40 Stat. L., 719.)

July 9, 1918.—Act amending the act of April 11, 1918, supra, to include timber and timber lands for obtaining material for aircraft or shipping purposes, with authority to sell produce from same to Allies. (40 Stat. L., 888.)

July 16, 1918.—Joint resolution to authorize the President in times of war to supervise or take possession and assume control of any telegraph, telephone, marine cable, or radio system, and operate same, and to provide for just compensation therefor. (See Communications, Operations.) (40 Stat. L., 904.)

July 11, 1919.—Act repealing the act of July 16, 1918, last above. (41 Stat. L., 157.)


Acts making appropriations to enable the Bureau of Standards to make researches and to cooperate with the Navy Department:'

Oct. 6, 1917.—(40 Stat. L., 375.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 495.)

Nov. 4,1918.—(40 Stat. L., 1037.)

Mar. 1,1919.—(40 Stat. L., 1260.)


Aug. 29, 1916.—Act establishing a Council of National Defense, its duties defined, and $200,000 appropriated to carry out the law. (39 Stat. L., 649.)

May 12, 1917.—Act appropriating $200,000 to further carry out the purposes of the council. (40 Stat. L., 70.)


June 15, 1917.—Act appropriating $500,000 for same purpose. (40 Stat. L., 182.)

Mar. 28, 1918.—Act appropriating $250,000 for same purpose. (40 Stat. L., 461.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $400,000 for same purpose. (40 Stat. L., 646.)

July 19, 1919.—Act reappropriating unexpended balance for fiscal year, 1919, for expenses of the council, etc. (41 Stat. L., 177.)

Nov. 4, 1919.—Act giving authority to director of council to expend $32,000 for expenses in closing accounts. (41 Stat. L., 327.)

June 5, 1920.—Act limiting any salary paid to employees to $6,000 and reappropriating the unexpended balance of $32,000 for liquidating the affairs of the Committee on Public Information. (41 Stat. L., —.)


May 20, 1918.—Act authorizing the President to coordinate or consolidate executive bureaus, agencies, and offices in interest of economy and more efficient work of government. (40 Stat. L., 556.)


Apr. 15, 1920.—Act permitting deceased sailors and marines who served in the World War to be buried in any national cemetery, including any who served in the navy of allies. (41 Stat. L., —.)


June 19, 1912.—Act limiting hours of daily service of laborers and mechanical employees upon work done for the United States or for any Territory, or for the District of Columbia. (37 Stat. L., 137.)

Mar. 3, 1913.—Act relating to limitation of the hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon a public work of the United States and those employed in constructing, maintaining, or improving rivers or harbors. (37 Stat. L., 728.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act suspending eight-hour law in case of national emergency, with time and one-half pay for overtime work. (39 Stat. L., 1192.)

July 1, 1916.—Act concerning use of the stop watch on Government work. (39 Stat. L., 336.)

Mar. 4, 1917.—Act suspending 8-hour law in case of national emergency with time and one-half pay for overtime work. (39 Stat. L., 1192.)


Aug. 10, 1917.—Act to provide further for the national security and defense by (stimulating agriculture and facilitating the distribution of agricultural products. (40 Stat. L., 273.)


Aug. 10, 1917.—Act to provide further for the national security and defense by encouraging the production, conserving the supply, and controlling the distribution of food products and fuel. (40 Stat. L., 276.).

Oct. 22, 1919.—Act amendatory of act of August 10, 1917, last above. (41 Stat. L., 397.)


Oct. 23, 1918.—Act to punish and prevent defrauding the United States in claims. (40 Stat. L., 1015.)


May 12, 1917.—Act to authorize Peter Goelet Gerry to enter into a contract with the Secretary of the Navy in behalf of the United States for use of steam yacht Owera.


Acts to authorize the President to provide housing for war needs, for which $60,000,000 is appropriated.

May 16, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 550.)

June 4, 1918.—(40 Stat. L., 595.)

July 8, 1918.—Act increasing authorization for housing for war needs to $100,000,000 and appropriating $40,000,000 therefor. (40 Stat. L., 821.)   

July 11, 1919.—Act covering into Treasury $32,500,000 of the appropriation for housing for war needs unexpended; also revenues arising therefrom. (41 Stat. L., 55.)


Mar. 4, 1915.—Act to promote the welfare of American seamen in the merchant marine of the United States; to abolish arrest and imprisonment as a penalty for desertion, and to secure the abrogation of treaty provisions in relation thereto; to promote safety at sea. (38 Stat. L., 1164.)

June 5, 1920.—Act to provide for the promotion and maintenance of the American merchant marine, to repeal certain emergency legislation, effecting the emergency shipping fund, Shipping Board, shipping and Merchant Marine acts, and to provide for the disposition, regulation, and use of property acquired thereunder, and for other purposes. (41 Stat. L., —.)


June 23, 1913.—Act authorizing construction of two colliers for Panama Canal, to cost not over $1,000,000 each. (38 Stat. L., 71.)

July 1, 1916.—Act appropriating toward construction of the colliers for Panama Canal $1,300,000; one dock at Cristobal $1,500,000, authorized to cost $9,700,000. (39 Stat. L., 332.)


Sept. 8, 1916.—Act of July 1, 1916, authorizing construction of two colliers to cost not over $1,300,000 each, increased to $1,500,000 each. (39 Stat. L., 811.)

June 12, 1917.—Act repealing act of September 8, 1916, and authorizing construction of two coal barges instead, for $2,755,000. (40 Stat. L., 176.)

June 15, 1914.—Act repealing Panama Canal tolls. (38 Stat. L., 385.)


Oct. 6, 1917; Nov. 4, 1918.—Acts to prevent publication of inventions by grant of patents that might be detrimental to the public safety or convey useful information to the enemy, to stimulate invention and provide adequate protection to owners of patents. (40 Stat. L., 394, 422, 1020.)

July 1, 1918.—Act to amend “An act to provide additional protection for the owners of patents of the United States, and for other purposes,” approved June 25, 1910. (40 Stat. L., 705.)


July 10, 1918.—Act to equip the United States penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga., for manufacture of supplies for use of Government, and for compensation of prisoners for labor. (40 Stat. L., 896.)


May 8, 1914.—Act authorizing loan of Navy sanitary equipment to Red Cross, return, etc. (38 Stat. L., 771.)

Aug. 20, 1914.—Joint resolution granting authority to the American Red .Cross to charter a ship or ships of foreign register for the transportation of nurses and supplies and for all uses in connection with the work of that society. (38 Stat. L., 777.)

May 18, 1916.—Joint resolution to permit issuance of medical and other supplies to the American National Red Cross for a temporary period. (39 Stat. L., 164.)

Aug. 29, 1917.—Act authorizing surgeons of Navy for duty with Red Cross. (39 Stat. L., 581.)


July 18, 1918.—Act to provide for the appointment of a commission to standardize screws and threads. (40 Stat. L., 912.)

Mar. 3, 1919.—Act to amend the act of July 18, 1918. (40 Stat. L., 1291.)

Mar. 23, 1920.—Joint resolution extending term of National Screw Thread Commission. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Aug. 18, 1914.—Act to provide for the admission of foreign-built ships to American register for the foreign trade. (38 Stat. L., 698.)


Oct. 14, 1919.—Act extending provisions for regulation of steam vessels to vessels owned or operated by the United States Shipping Board. (41 Stat. L., 305.)

Sept. 7, 1916.—Act to establish a United States Shipping Board for the purpose of encouraging, developing, and creating a naval auxiliary and naval reserve and a merchant marine to meet the requirements of the United States with its territories and possessions and with foreign countries; to regulate carriers by water engaged in the foreign and interstate commerce of the United States; and for other purposes. (39 Stat. L., 728.)

May 12, 1917.—Joint resolution authorizing the President to take over for the United States the possession and title of any vessel within its jurisdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States might be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other purposes. (40 Stat. L., 75.)

June 15, 1917.—Act authorizing the President: (a) To place order (commandeer) with builders and material men for ships and material; (b) to take over existing contracts, modify, suspend, or cancel; (c) to commandeer the output of any plant; (d) to commandeer a part of such plant only; (e) to commandeer any ship built or building; compliance required, but if rented, the President may take and proffer compensation, which, if declined, to pay over 75 per cent and claimant may sue in Court of Claims for balance claimed; authority herein granted to cease six months after peace; cost of purchase, requisition, or otherwise acquiring plants, material, charters, constructions, and the expediting of construction of ships under construction shall not exceed the sum of $250,000,000, exclusive of the costs of ships turned over to the Army and Navy, the expenditures of which is authorized and there is now appropriated for said purpose $150,000,000, said sums to be reimbursed from available funds under the War and Navy Departments for vessels turned over for the exclusive use of those departments. (40 Stat. L., 182.)

Cost of construction of ships authorized herein shall not exceed the sum of $500,000,000, the expenditures of which is now authorized, and there is now appropriated for said purposes $250,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 182.)

For the operations of ships herein authorized or acquired, exclusive of those for the Army or Navy, $5,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 182.)

Oct. 6, 1917.—Act giving the United States Shipping Board power to suspend present provisions of law and permit vessels of foreign registry and foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry under the Act of August 18, 1914, to engage in the coastwise trade during War of 1917 and after for 120 days, except in Alaska. (40 Stat. 392.)


Apr. 22, 1918.—Act to amend the emergency shipping fund provision of the urgent deficiency appropriation act of June 15, 1917, so as to empower the President to take over certain transportation systems for the transportation of shipyard and plant employees, and for other purposes. (40 Stat. L., 535.)


Oct. 6, 1917.—Act appropriating 8200,000,000, as cost for purchasing and acquiring plants, materials, ships, and ships under construction, and increases the authorization from $250,000,000 to $515,000,000; appropriating $250,000,000 for the construction of ships under said act of June 15, 1917, and increasing authorization from $500,000,000 to $1,234,000,000; for purchasing ships other than heretofore or herein authorized, $150,000,000; for establishing plants, $35,000,000.    (40 Stat. L., 345.)

July 1, 1918.—Act appropriating $65,000,000 to carry out the acts of July 15, and October 6, 1917, and increasing the authorization for construction of ships from $1,234,000,000 to $2,884,000,000. (40 Stat. L., 650.)

July 11, 1919.—Act appropriating for recruiting, instructing, and training officers, engineers, and crews for American vessels and all expenditures relating thereto, $500,000.    (41 Stat. L., —.)

July 19, 1919.—Act reducing amount appropriated for construction of ships by $120,000,000; appropriating $356,000,000 for purchase, requisition of ships, plants etc., and amounts heretofore made, now reappropriated and made available. (41 Stat. L., 180.)

June 5, 1920.—Act reducing authorization of $2,764,000,000 for the construction of ships to $2,614,000,000; that expenses during fiscal year 1921 shall be paid: From amount on hand and received from operation of ships, from deferred payments on ships hereto sold up to $15,000,000, from plant and material sold up to $25,000,000, and from ships sold during the fiscal year 1921, not to exceed $30,000,000, and hereafter no contract shall be made for the construction of any additional vessels; no funds shall be paid for rent of building in the District of Columbia, nor for propaganda.


Sept. 29, 1919.—Joint resolution tendering thanks of American people and Congress to Gen. J. J. Pershing and to officers and men of American Expeditionary Force. (41 Stat. L., 391.)


Apr. 20, 1918.—Act to punish willful injury or destruction of war material, or of war premises or utilities, used in connection with war material. (40 Stat. L., 533.)


May 10, 1918.—Act authorizing the President during the existing emergency to" sell supplies, materials, equipment, or other property, heretofore or hereafter purchased, acquired or manufactured by the United States, in connection with or incidental to the prosecution of the war. (40 Stat. L., 548.)

July 9, 1918.—Act extending act of May 10, 1918, and limiting sales of guns and ammunitions to other departments and to allied foreign Governments, moneys received from such sales to be deposited to credit of appropriation from which such property originated. (40 Stat. L., 850.)

Feb. 25, 1919.—Act appropriating $100,000 for costs of transference of material, supplies, and equipment from one department to another under Executive order of December 3, 1918. (40 Stat.

L., 1163.)

July 11, 1919.—Act authorizing exchange of property of every kind between War and Navy Departments. (41 Stat. L., 132.)



Sept. 2, 1914.—Act to authorize establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department in regard vessels and cargo, for which $5,000,000 is appropriated for losses and $100,000 for expenses. (38 Stat. L., 711.)

Aug. 11, 1916.—Act to amend act of September 2, 1914, to cause it to cease functioning within three years from date of approval of said act; that moneys received from premiums and salvage shall be covered into Treasury in special fund for payment of losses. (39 Stat. L., 514.)

Mar. 3, 1917.—Act to amend act of September 2, 1914, making last above mentioned time four years instead of three; appropriating to pay losses, $15,000,000. (39 Stat. L., 1131.)

June 12, 1917.—Act to amend act of September 2, 1914, among other things, by insuring the personnel against loss; to reinsure vessels of foreign friendly flags; appropriating $50,000,000 to pay losses, and $250,000 for expenses; operation of this act to end whenever President so judges, but anyhow, in four years from date of this act; former acts are repealed, as merged in this act. (40 Stat. L., 102.)

Dec. 24, 1919.—Act to amend and modify the war risk insurance act.


Oct. 6, 1917.—Act to amend the act of September 2, 1914, by providing for allotments and family allowances, compensations for death or disability, and insurance. (40 Stat. L., 398.)

Feb. 12, 1918.—Joint resolution granting extension of time for application for insurance. (40 Stat. L., 438.)


Apr. 2, 1918.—Joint resolution giving power to “nearest friend” to apply for insurance for beneficiary. (40 Stat. L., 502.)

May 20, 1918.—Act amending the war risk insurance acts, supra, in re attorneys and claim agents. (40 Stat. L., 555.)

June 25, 1918.—Act further amending the war risk insurance acts, supra, in re allotments and insurance. (40 Stat. L., 609.)

Feb. 12, 1918.—Joint resolution granting to every person in active war service where time would expire April 12, 191S, extension of time within which application for insurance may be made, but not to extend the time where there is automatic insurance. (40 Stat. L., 438.)

Apr. 2, 1918.—Joint resolution authorizing the granting of insurance on application of any person within the permitted class of beneficiaries. (40 Stat. L., 502.)

Nov. 4, 1918.—Act appropriating $70,000,000 for allowances; allowances to be paid in case of "missing” man until actual status known. (40 Stat. L., 1024.)

June 30, 1919.—Act making appropriations for war risk insurance and office expenses, $42,044,500. (41 Stat. L., 1.)

July 19, 1919.—Act appropriating for expenses: Family allowances, $48,000,000; military and naval compensation, $50,000,000; rent, $10,000. (41 Stat. L., 173.)

Aug. 6, 1919.—Act to amend the act of September 2, 1914, increasing allowances in certain cases. (41 Stat. L., 274.)

Nov. 4, 1919.—Appropriation for the expenses of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. (41 Stat. L., 331.)

Dec. 24, 1919.—Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the Bureau of War Risk Insurance for fiscal year June 30, 1920, $30,000,000. (41 Stat. L., —.)

Dec. 24, 1919.—Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for Bureau of War Risk Insurance for fiscal year 1920, $30,000,000. (41 Stat. L., —.)

May 26, 1920.—Joint Resolution authorizing and directing the accounting officers of the Treasury to allow credit to the disbursing clerk of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance for all payments of insurance installments heretofore or hereafter made under provision of Article IV of the War Risk Insurance Act in advance of the verification of the deduction on the pay rolls, or of the payment otherwise of all premiums. (41 Stat. L., -.)


Jan. 27, 1920.—Act to amend an act entitled “ An Act to provide aid to State and Territorial homes for the support of disabled soldiers and sailors of the United States, approved August 27, 1888, as amended March 2, 1889. (41 Stat. L., —)



June 27, 1918.—Act to provide for vocational rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled persons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United States. (40 Stat. L., 617.)

July 11, 1919.—Act amendatory of the act of June 27, 1918, and appropriating $6,000,000 for vocational rehabilitation, with limitations for compensation for services of personnel. (41 Stat. L., 158.)

Nov. 4, 1919.—Act appropriating in addition, $5,000,000 for carrying out provisions of the act of June 27, 1918 (41 Stat. L., 328.)

June 5, 1920.—Act appropriating $90,000,000 for continuation of vocational rehabilitation with authorization for additional employees, one at $6,500, one at $5,000, two at $4,000 each, ten at $3,500 each, ten at $3,250 each, and ten at $3,000 each. (41 Stat. L., —.)


Aug. S, 1917.—Act appropriating for construction, repairs, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors. (40 Stat. L., 262.)


Aug. 8, 1917.—Act providing for regulation of passage on waterways near proving grounds, mines, cables, and carrying of explosives. (40 Stat. L., 266.)


Sept. 12, 1918.—Joint resolution establishing zones of temperance about Government stations, yards, plants, etc. (40 Stat. L., 958.)
