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Photo # NH 59142-A:  Capture of USS Harriet Lane, off Galveston, Texas, 1 January 1863.

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Harriet Lane (1861-1863) --
Capture of Ship, 1 January 1863

This page features all the views we have related to the capture of USS Harriet Lane on 1 January 1863.

For addtional pictures related to USS Harriet Lane, see:

  • USS Harriet Lane (1861-1863).

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    Photo #: NH 42911

    Capture of USS Harriet Lane, 1 January 1863

    Engraving published in Harper's "History of the Great Rebellion", page 421, depicting Confederates boarding the Harriet Lane from the C.S. gunboats Neptune and Bayou City.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 124KB; 740 x 470 pixels

    Photo #: NH 59142

    "Surprise and Capture of the United States Steamer 'Harriet Lane', by the Confederates, under General Magruder, and the Destruction of the Flagship 'Westfield' in Galveston Harbor, Texas, January 1st, 1863."

    Line engraving published in "The Soldier in our Civil War", Volume II. USS Harriet Lane is shown in the center, under attack by the Confederate gunboats Neptune and Bayou City. USS Westfield is at the far left, being blown up to prevent her capture.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 130KB; 740 x 610 pixels

    Photo #: NH 59142-A

    Capture of USS Harriet Lane, off Galveston, Texas, 1 January 1863

    Engraving, published in "History of the Confederate States Navy", page 505, depicting Confederate troops boarding Harriet Lane from C.S. gunboats Neptune and Bayou City.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 154KB; 740 x 530 pixels

    Photo #: NH 59141

    "Attack of the Rebels upon our Gun-boat Flotilla at Galveston, Texas, January 1, 1863."

    Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", 1863. USS Harriet Lane is shown in the left distance, under attack by the Confederate gunboats Neptune and Bayou City. The grounded USS Westfield is at right, being blown up to prevent capture. USS Owasco is in the center of the view.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 142KB; 740 x 565 pixels

    Photo #: NH 59140

    "Chart of the Harbor of Galveston, Texas, where the 'Harriet Lane' was Taken."

    Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", June 1863. Its features include the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, which took place on 21 April 1836, and the cities of Galveston and Houston. USS Harriet Lane was captured at Galveston on 1 January 1863.

    U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

    Online Image: 179KB; 615 x 675 pixels


    For addtional pictures related to USS Harriet Lane, see:

  • USS Harriet Lane (1861-1863).

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Return to Naval Historical Center home page.

    Page made 13 October 2001