Appendix 2
The 6th Division's Operation Order For the Capture of Bardia

Copy No. 21
1 Jan, 41.

Ref Maps: BARDIA North and South 1/50,000.
CIRENAICA 1/100,000 Sheets 29, 30 and 40.
CIRENAICA 1/1,000,000.

1. Enemy as per 6 Aust Div Int Summaries.
2. (a) Own Tps. Supporting action of Royal Navy, RAF, WDF, and 7 Armd Div is given in 6 Aust Div Op Instn No. 3, dated 31 Dec, 40.
    (b) Moves to assembly areas and groupings of units 6 Aust Div are given in 6 Aust Div Op Instn No. 4, dated 1 Jan, 41.

3. 6 Aust Div will attack and capture the Central and Southern sectors of the BARDIA defences on 3 Jan.

The attack will be carried out in two Phases.


4. 16 Aust Inf Bde, with one Coy 1 NF and A Sqn 6 Aust Cav under comd, and 7 R Tanks will carry out the attacks in this Phase.

5. Objectives; 16 Aust Inf Bde and A Sqn 6 Aust Cav are shown on TRACE A. 7 R Tanks are shown on TRACE B.

6. Arty: Arty plan is shown on TRACE C.

7. Engrs: Engr tasks are shown on TRACE D.

8. 2/1 Bn will cross the SL at 0530 hrs and will form a tank bridgehead by capturing the objectives shown on TRACE A and on arrival 4 Tp 7 R Tanks will capture their final objective.

9. 2/1 Fd Coy will follow 2/1 Bn and will build tank crossings as shown on TRACE D.

10. (a) 7 R Tanks will pass the inf SL at 0640 hrs, cross A Tk ditch at 0650 hrs, and send 4 Tp to assist 2/1 Bn in capturing their final objective. On completion of task, 4 Tp will come into res under comd 7 R Tanks.
(b) 7 R Tanks less 4 Tp, after crossing ditch, will attack with three Tps fwd as shown on TRACE B. Each fwd Tp will be followed by a Coy of 2/2 Bn.
(c) After capture of objective, 7 R Tanks will rally in area of Post No. 40.

11. 2/2 Bn will pass SL at 0629 hrs and as 7 R Tanks cross the ditch fwd Coys will take up their posns and follow their respective Tp of tanks. 2/2 Bn will assist tanks in mopping up and will capture objective shown on TRACE A.

12. 2/2 Fd Coy will follow 2/2 Bn into the perimeter and will move down the perimeter to carry out the tasks shown on TRACE D.

13. 2/3 Bn will pass SL at 0734 hrs and capture objective shown on TRACE A.

14. A Sqn 6 Aust Cav will follow 2/3 Bn and capture objective shown on TRACE A.

15. One Coy 2/7 Bn will move into the perimeter and occupy the sector shown on TRACE A after 7 R Tanks and 2/2 Bn have captured their objective.


16. 2/5 Bn will cross the perimeter by 0800 hrs and occupy a fwd assembly area as shown on TRACE A.

17. RESERVE: Until zero for Phase II, 2/5 Bn will be at call of Comd 16 Aust Inf Bde for a purely defensive role in the event of serious enemy penetratio n of his front.

18. Arty: Plan shown on TRACE C.
(a) Summary of Programme.

Time Target No. of Guns   Rate   
52-25 pdrs
12-25 pdrs
4-4.5 guns
Incl 8-6in hows to
0545 hrs
12-25 pdrs
4-4.5 guns
4-60 pdrs
At 0545 hrs 8-6in
hows lift on to
these Posts
Posts 42, 44, 46
and Posts to NE
and S
36-25 pdrs
3 to 2
3 to 2
2 to 1
Fd Arty
Med Arty
Box around tank
All arty 1 to 2
1 to 1 1/2
Fd Arty
Med Arty
Arty concentra-
tion moves South
on each post in
turn to Posts 25,
24, 26
12 guns on
each post
for 10 mins
Arty concentration
to move SE at rate
of 5 mph
Enemy Btys Selected
Med Btys

(b) From 0730 hrs to zero for Phase II arty will engage targets by observation.
F Bty RHA and 104 Regt RHA in support of 2/1 Bn.
2/1 Fd Regt in support of 2/2 Bn.
51 Fd Regt in support of 2/3 Bn.
2/2 Fd Regt in support of 17 Aust Inf Bde.

At 0530 hrs 2/6 Bn will stage a demonstration against the SW corner of the Southern sector of the perimeter. 2/2 Fd Regt will support this demonstration by engaging the following targets:--

Posts 4, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 13.
Concentrations of 6 guns on
each Post in turn.

Thereafter 2/2 Fd Regt will fire regtl bursts on enemy btys and Posts 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 until 0730 hrs.

16 Aust Inf Bde will be responsible for A Tk protection within the perimeter from incl Main Rd BARDIA-CAPUZZO to the LEFT of their objective.
P Bty RHA, less two Tps, will be responsible from excl Post 53 to the WEST.


21. AIR:
208 Sqn RAF under Corps control are providing the following sorties on 3 Jan:
Tac R--
(a) Three sorties at 0700, 0930 and 1200 hrs.
    Area--BARDIA perimeter.
    (i) Report posn of own fwd tps.
    (ii) Report dispositions of enemy forces within perimeter, with reference to enemy AFVs.
Reports by W/T and message dropping on HQs 6 Aust Div and 16 Aust Inf Bde.
    Arty R--
    (b) Two sorties at call of CRA 6 Aust Div from 0730 hrs.

ADM 22. Adm Instns will be issued separately.

23. HQ 6 Aust Div remains present location.
Adv H.Q. 16 Aust Inf Bde opens on track in assembly area 5090395 3 0500 hrs 3 Jan and will open a report centre at Post 45 after its capture.
After 2/2 and 2/3 Bns have captured their objectives, Adv Bde HQ will move to Post 40.
Rear HQ 16 Aust Inf Bde opens at Pt 206 50783833 at 0500 hrs.
HQ 17 Aust Inf Bde remains present location.
HQ 19 Aust Inf Bde opens 0500 hrs 3 Jan at Pt 208 50673842 (old HQ 16 Aust Inf Bde).

208 Sqn RAF will send one RAF tender to report to HQ 6 Aust Div by 1400 hrs 2 Jan.

FREQUENCY FOR Tac R-- 2750 kcs.

7 Armd Div XY 16 Aust Inf Bde SS
6 Aust Div SM Adv HQ WDF LO

WHITE CROSSES will be displayed at HQs of leading Coys 6 Aust Div when halted to indicate to air posn reached by fwd tps.

One Div LO and one LO 19 Aust Inf Bde will be at HQ 16 Aust Inf Bde from 1600 hrs 2 Jan. 16 and 17 Aust Inf Bdes will arrange LOs with each other.

Reps formations and units will synchronize watches at HQ 6 Aust Div at 2100 hrs 2 Jan.

Time of signature: 1600 hrs.

F. H. Berryman,
GS, 6 Aust Div.
Method of Issue: LOs and Sigs.

Distribution Copy No.
16 Aust Inf Bde 1
17 Aust Inf Bde 2
19 Aust Inf Bde 3


RAA 6 Must Div 4
RAE 6 Aust Div 5
Sigs 6 Aust Div 6
A Sqn 6 Aust Cav 7
7 RTR 8
7 Armd Div 10
GOC 11
G 12
A 13
Q 14
Med 16
Ord 17
1 Aust Corps 18
File 19-20
War Diary 21-22

NOTE.—-PHASE II will be issued separately.

Copy No. 24
1 Jan, 41.
6 AUST DIV OO No. 6 (Continued)


24. The attack will be resumed at 1130 hrs 3 Jan by 17 Aust Inf Ede, A Sqn 6 Aust Cav (less one VMG Tp), and 7 R Tanks supported by arty.

25. (a) Objectives & SL 2/5 Bn and A Sqn 6 Aust Cav (less one VMG Tp) shown on TRACE E.
(b) A Sqn will protect left of 2/5 Bn and exploit enemy btys from rear after tanks have passed.
(c) 2/5 Bn will send one coy fwd to exploit in rear of left fwd tp, 7 R Tanks.

26. 7 R Tanks. Objectives and SL shown on TRACE F. On completion of tasks 7 R Tanks will rally in area Post 34, 500 yds north of cross rds 5135923, and remain within the perimeter to deal with any tank counter attacks.

27. As attack of 2/5 Bn or 7 R Tanks progresses, 2/7 Bn will enter the perimeter and carry out the tasks shown on TRACE E.

28. Arty. (a) At 1130 hrs will open on Posts 24 and 25, and then move SE on each post in turn finishing on Posts 17, R 11 and enemy bty 51923898 at 1325 hrs.
12 guns for ten mins and 36 guns for last three mins will fire on each post in turn.
(b) Rate of Adv arty fire—100 yds/3mins.
(c) Enemy btys east of Posts 19 to 24 will be engaged by med arty from 1130 to 1325 hrs.
Fire of med btys will be co-ordinated to move SE with arty fire on Posts.
(d) From 1325 hrs onwards fire by observation.
    2/1 Fd Regt in support of 2/5 Bn.
    2/2 Fd Regt in support of 2/7 Bn.

29. Air Bombardment.
Enemy btys in centre of Southern sector will be subjected to intermittent air bombing from 0830 to 1130 hrs.

30. 2/2 Bn will support left of 2/5 Bn attack by fire by observation at 1130 his.

31. (a) At 1600 hrs an engr party of two sub-secs 2/8 Fd Coy with escort will be prepared to move into BARDIA to seize water and engr installations.


(b) Escort Comd—OC VMG Tp 6 Aust Cay.
Tps—One VMG Tp 6 Aust Cav
    One P1 2/2 Bn.

32. 17 Aust Inf Bde will be responsible for protection of Southern Sector, i.e. from excl main rd BARDIA-CAPUZZO.

33. Protection of 7 R Tanks in rallying area Post 34 during 3 Jan and night 3/4 Jan will be responsibility 16 Aust Inf Bde.

Time of Signature: 1900 hrs.
Method of Issue: LOs & Sigs.

F. H. Berryman,
GS 6 Aust Div.

Distribution Copy No.
16 Aust Inf Bde 1
17 Aust Inf Bde 2
19 Aust Inf Bde 3
RAA 6 Must Div 4
RAE 6 Aust Div 5
Sigs 6 Aust Div 6
A Sqn 6 Aust Cav 7
7 RTR 8
7 Armd Div 10
GOC 11
G 12
A 13
Q 14
Med 16
Ord 17
1 Aust Corps 18
File 19-20
War Diary 21-22

Copy No. 18
1 Jan, 41.


Ref: BARDIA North and South Sheet 1/50,000.

1. Allotment of Tps: The following will come under comd forthwith:--

16 Aust Inf Bde--
   A Sqn 6 Aust Cav until Z for Phase II.
   One Tp P Bty 3 RHA.
   One Coy 1 NF.
17 Aust Inf Bde--
   J Bty 3 RHA. One Tp to be kept in res.
   1 NF less one Coy.

2. 2/5 Bn on D-1 will move via TRIGH CAPUZZO to squares 508390 and 507390. It will leave TRIGH CAPUZZO at Pt 208 50733863 at 1700 hrs and will be clear of that Pt by 1730 hrs.

3. Marching personnel of 16 Aust Inf Bde moving along GEORGE ST on night D-1/D1 will keep off the track and leave it free for MT.

4. 7 RTR on night D-1/D1 will arrive GEORGE ST at 0220 hrs and will be clear of it by 0400 hrs.


5. Arty: TRIGH CAPUZZO and GEORGE ST will be available for Arty, including amn vehicles, on night D-1/D1, from 1800 to 0220 hrs and from 0400 hrs onwards. Small coins of inf MT will traverse GEORGE ST during these periods. Arty and gun amn vehicles will NOT use KING ST.

6. 16 Aust Inf Bde will be responsible for co-ordinating movement of inf bns and supporting tps, other than arty, North of SIDI AZEIZ Rd.

7. X Bn 19 Aust Inf Bde on day D-1 and night D-1/D1 will move across country and relieve 2/3 Bn. TRIGH CAPUZZO will be crossed about Pt 195 50973837 at 1730 hrs and cleared by 1800 hrs. Relief to be completed by 2100 hrs.

8. Y and Z Bns 19 Aust Inf Bde on D-1 and night D-1/D1 will move across country and occupy the areas vacated by 2/1 and 2/2 Bns respectively.
Bns NOT to pass fwd of 2/2 Bn area about HAGFED UAER 50553807 before 2200 hrs D-1.
Arrangements will be made to ensure that Z Bn does NOT interrupt traffic on TRIGH CAPUZZO and GEORGE ST.


R. King Maj
for Colonel,
GS, 6 Aust Div.
Time of Signature: 2200 hrs.
Method of Issue: Sigs.

Distribution Copy No.
16 Aust Inf Bde 1
17 Aust Inf Bde 2
19 Aust Inf Bde 3
RAA 6 Must Div 4
RAE 6 Aust Div 5
Sigs 6 Aust Div 6
A Sqn 6 Aust Cav 7
7 RTR 8
GOC 10
G 11
A 12
Q 13
Med 15
Ord 16
Pro 17
File 18-19
War Diary 20-21


Tank Flags Signals:

  1. (a) Red, White and Blue flags—-friendly tank coming out of action.
  2. (b) Green and White flags—-come on infantry.
  3. (c) Red and Yellow flags—-tank broken down.
  4. (d) Blue square flag—-Bn Comd tank.
  5. (e) Red flag and Red pennant—-Adjt's tank.
  6. (f) 2 Yellow pennants—-Sqn Comd.
  7. (g) 1 pennant (various colours)-—Tp Comd.
Inf Signals to Tanks:
  1. (a) Tin hat on bayonet-—Inf wants help.
  2. (b) Two or more tin hats on bayonets, pointed towards objective—-indicates point or linear target.
  3. (c) Individual placing himself in front of tank with hand to side of mouth—- indicates speech with tank comd required.


Table of Contents
Appendix 1 ** Appendix 2

Transcribed and formatted by Szymon Dabrowski for the HyperWar Foundation