The Reconquest of Burma
Volume I: June 1942-June 1944

S.N. Prasad, Ph.D.
K.D.Bhargava, M.A.
P.N. Khera, M.A.

Official History of the Indian Armed Forces
In the Second World War

General Editor
Bisheshwar Prasad, D. Litt.

Combined Inter-Services Historical Section
(India & Pakistan)


  Preface ix
  The Background--Physical and Strategic 1
II. Counter-Offensive Plans--March 1942 to December 1943 11
III. Japanese Activity in the Chindwin--1942-43 44
IV. Chin Hills Operations 62
V. The Chindits 85
VI. Wingate's Early Operations 98
VII. The Irrawaddy and Beyond 114
VIII. Withdrawal of the Chindits 124
IX. Clearing the Decks for Offensive Action 138
X. Preliminary Operations: 15 November 1943 to 7 March 1944 149
XI. The Storm Breaks 174
XII. The Struggle for Imphal 215
XIII. The Struggle for Imphas (Contd.) 241
XIV. The Siege and Relief of Kohima 268
XV. The Siege and Relief of Kohima (Contd.) 286
XVI. The Special Forces Operations--Planning 313
XVII. Special Force Enters Burma 328
XVIII. Operations Around Indaw 342
XIX. Special Force Moves North 372
XX. The End of Special Force Operations 393
1. Organisation of a Chindits Column 407
2. The Chindits--Proclamation to Headmen of Villages Where the Wounded Were Deposited 408
3. IV Corps Operation Order No. 7--3 March 1944 409
4. Order of Battle, Kohima Garrison on 4 April 1944 416
5. Specail Order of the Day by Commander, Kohima Garrison, Dated 13 April 1944 417
6. Appreciation of the Situation by G.O.C. IV Corps on 30 April 1944 418
7. Special Order by Major-General Tanaka Nobuo--2 June 1944 426
8. The Stronghold (Special Force) 427
9. Order of Battle, the 3rd Indian Division--1 March 1944 437
10. Casualties of the 3rd Indian Division 439
11. Aircraft Scores (Special Force) 440
12. Extract from "Report on Operations of Special Force" 441
13. Some Types of Japanese Artillery 443
Bibliography 449
Index 452

Transcribed and formatted by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation