
Chapter Two

1. In 1938, 398,000 acres were under cultivation. In 1934 the harvest of--
Wheat was valued at 31,284,000 frs.
Rye     "     10,675,000    "
Oats     "     36,442,000    "
Beetroot     "     24,720,000    "
Potatoes     "     59,000,000    "
Fruit     "     15,000,000    "

There are also large harvests of many other vegetables and plants and a wine production of some importance.

Luxembourg is able to produce three-quarters of her needs and absorbs nine-tenths of her own agricultural produce.

2. The following table shows production and value during five years:
  Iron Ore Pig Iron Steel
1934   3,833,847 tons 2,000,193 tons 1,932,387 tons
1935   3,133,808    " 1,872,328    " 1,836,836    "
1936   4,895,992    " 1,986,605    " 1,981,054    "
1937   7,766,254    " 2,512,507    " 2,510,234    "
1938   5,140,632    " 1,550,703    " 1,436,506    "

The number of blast furnaces in 1938 was thirty-five. There were seven steelworks. The three big companies, "Abred-Terres Rouges," "Hadir," and "Rodange-Ougrée," represent the bulk of Luxembourg steel industry. In December, 1938, the number of workers in the different industries of the Grand-Duchy was 33,470, of which the mining and metallurgic industries alone employed 20,000.

There is also an extensive industry of tanning, faience, and earthenware goods (founded in 175), and of textile and alimentary products.

In 1937 industrial exports from Luxembourg were valued at 1,875,000,000 francs, of which Belgium took 25 per cent, Germany 20 per cent, Asia and South America together 20 per cent, Great Britain 7 per cent.

Chapter Three

1. In 1936-7 the primary schools had 1,100 teachers. There were twenty-two higher elementary schools, three classical schools, two commercial and industrial colleges, two girls' colleges, four technical schools, two teachers' training colleges, a mining school, a college of agriculture, and an academy of music.

The primary schools, although run by the communes, were all under State control, and the State paid two-thirds of the costs. Approximately 15 pr cent of the entire State budget was destined for educational purposes.

Chapter Six

1. Information has since reached the Luxembourg Government that in April, 1941, on the occasion of a solemn Nazi parade in Esch-sur-Alzette, a number of more than four hundred individuals, residing in Luxembourg, were allowed to wear the uniforms of the National Socialist Party troops as a reward for their participation in the preparation and the execution of the German invasion. Amongst these people were only a few Luxembourgers, whilst most of them were either Germans established iun the Grand-Duchy or people of German origin.

2. The American Chargé d'Affaires, Mr. George Platt Waller, had been the impartial witness and unfailing helpful friend of the Luxembourgers from this night of May 9th, 1940, until his departure in July, 1941, during this most crucial trial of their history. The spontaneous manifestation of gratitude of the Luxembourg population in favour of the envoy of the United States are proof to what extent the Grand-Duchy appreciates the active friendship of America and her representative.

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation