Appendix XXVIII
Summary of Operations against the United Kingdom
by the Italian Air Force,
October, 1940-April, 1941

(Compiled from German and Italian sources)

Date Aircraft
Targets Remarks
  Bombers Fighters    

October 25 (night) 16 -- Harwich One aircraft crashed on take-off; two crews forced by fuel shortage to abandon aircraft on return flight.
October 29 (day) 15 73 Ramsgate A.A. fire slightly damaged many aircraft.
November 5 8 -- Harwich --
November 11 (day) 10 40 Harwich Three bombers and three fighters shot down by defences; ten fighters slightly damaged by forced landings. Pilots claimed at least nine British fighters destroyed.
November 17 (night) 6 -- Harwich --
November 20 (night) 12 -- Harwich, Ipswich --
November 29 (night) 9 -- Ipswich, Lowestoft, Yarmouth --
December 14 (night) 11 -- Harwich --
December 21 (night) 6 -- Harwich --
December 22 (night) 4 -- Harwich --
January 2 (night) 5 -- Ipswich --
Totals 102 113   Bomb Tonnages
Day 9.4, Night 44.9


Between October, 1940, and January, 1941, Italian fighters based in Belgium flew 454 offensive and 480 defensive sorties (including 113 offensive sorties detailed in the foregoing table). Thereafter until April, 1941. two squadrons remaining in Belgium flew a further 662 sorties, all defensive. Apart from the action over Harwich on November 11th the only fulh authenticated encounter between British and Italian fighters occurred 01 the 23rd of that month, when 29 Italian fighters making an offensive sweep were engaged near the South Foreland and lost two aircraft. Pilots concerned claimed the destruction of at least five British fighters.


Operational Casualties
Sorties Bombers Fighters Personnel
Bombers Fighters Recon-
(Destroyed) Killed
Offensive Operations:            
      Day 25 454 5 3 5 20
      Night 77 -- --     --
      Abortive 35 -- -- -- -- --
Defensive Operations:            
      Day -- 1,142 -- -- -- --
Totals 137 1,596 5 3 5 20

-- 499/500 --

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