References to Unpublished Sources


Note: Unless otherwise indicated all documents listed are in Cabinet Office Archives.

Admty   Admiralty.
A.L   Archivist's and Librarian's (General Series).
A.M   Air Ministry.
A.M., A.H.B.   Air Ministry, Air Historical Branch.
B.R.   Admiralty (B.R. Series).
Cab.   Cabinet Conclusions.
C.B.C   CROSSBOW Committee.
C.I.D   Committee of Imperial Defence.
C.O.S   Chiefs of Staff's Committee.
C.P.   Cabinet Memoranda.
D.O.   Defence Committee (Operations).
E.D.S.   Enemy Document Section, Historical Branch Cabinet Office.
G.T.   Cabinet Memoranda.
H.D.C.   Home Defence Sub-Committee.
J.C.C.   Joint Consultative Committee on Captured Enemy Archives.
J.I.C.   Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee.
J.P.   Joint Planning Sub-Committee.
L.G.   London Gazette.
N.D.   National and Imperial Defence Sub-Committee.
N.S.C.   Capital Ship Sub-Committee.
W.O   War Office.
W.M   War Cabinet Conclusions.

Chapter 1

1. In conversation with the historian, Lord Beaverbrook stated, in 1955, that in 1939 he was in Mr. Chamberlain's confidence and that the Prime Minister did not hide his belief that a major war was likely to be disastrous for the British Commonwealth, irrespective of its military outcome.

2. A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/30.

3. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force.

4. In addition to published statements see C.I.D. 1047-B.

5. C.I.D. 1st-132nd mtgs.

6. Ibid., C.I.D. 18-A, 44-A, 62-A.

7. C.I.D. 147th mtg.

8. C.I.D. 1046-B.

9. C.I.D. 135-C.

10. C.I.D. 134th mtg.

11. N.S.C. Proceedings, 1920-21.

12. Ibid., C.I.D. 134th and 135th mtgs.

13. C.I.D. 147th mtg.

14. G.T. 1658.

15. N.D. 13th mtg.

16. See reference 11, above.

17. C.I.D. 135-C.

18. C.I.D. 136-C.

19. C.I.D. 139-C; N.D. 40, p. 3.

20. C.I.D. 108-A.

21. C.I.D. 106-A.

22. Cab.(22) 18, Concl. 1; C.I.D. 162nd mtg.(1), 163rd mtg.(2).

23. C.I.D. 365-B.

24. C.I.D. 118-A.

25. C.I.D. 463-B.

26. Cab.(23) 32, Concl. 1.

27. C.I.D. 120-A.

28. C.I.D. 118-A.

29. H.D.C. 89.

30. R.A.F, monograph, The Royal Observer Corps (A.M., A.H.B.).

31. Reports on annual Air Defence Exercises (A.M., A.H.B. II H/88A-D).

32. C.P.(25) 498.

33. Cab.(25) 57, Concl. 1.

34. Cab.(29) 52.

35. C.I.D. 238th mtg., Minute 11.

36. Reports on annual Air Defence Exercises (A.M., A.H.B. II H/88A-D).


R.A.F. Narratives, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, 1934-39, and The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I (A.M., A.H.B.).

Chapter 2

1. C.I.D. 463-B.

2. C.I.D. 714-B.

3. C.I.D. 1046-B.

4. C.I.D. 1047-B.

5. C.I.D. 1047-B, 370-C.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.: R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime Defence, Vol. I (A.M., A.H.B.-1).

8. C.I.D. 659-B, 866-B.

9. Ibid.

10. R.A.F. Narrative, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, 1934-39 (A.M., A.H.B.-1).

11. Ibid.

12. C.I.D. 193rd mtg., Minute 2.

13. Ibid.

14. C.I.D. 1046-B.

15. C.I.D. 253rd mtg, Minute 1.

16. C.I.D. 1082-B.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Cab.(32) 19, Concl. 2; (33) 27, Concl. 5; C.I.D. 258th mtg.; C.I.D. 1087-B.

20. C.I.D. 1046-B.

21. C.I.D. 261st mtg., Minute 1; C.I.D. 1112-B, 1113-B.

22. Cab.(33) 62; C.I.D. 261st mtg., Minute 1

23. C.P.(34) 64.

24. Ibid.

25. C.I.D. 261st mtg., Minute 1.

26. C.P.(34) 205.

27. C.P.(34) 64.

28. C.I.D. 1150-B, 1159-B.

29. A.M., A.H.B.-6, German Air Ministry File E1761.

30. See reference 10, above.

31. Ibid.

32. A.M., A.H.B.

33. C.I.D. 1159-B.

34. C.P.(34) 64.

35. C.I.D. 1180-B.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid.

38. C.I.D. 1195-B.

39. C.I.D. 1180-B.

40. C.I.D. 1179-B.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Ibid. Compare C.I.D. 1148-B, Appx. 2, 1150-B, 1159-B.

44. See reference 10, above.

45. A.M., A.H.B.

46. C.I.D. 1179-B.

47. H.D.C. 164.

48. H.D.C. 166.

49. C.I.D. 26gth mtg., Minute 6.

50. Cab. (35) 4.0, Concl. 5.

51. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 25 (A.M., A.H.B.-1).

52. A.M. Pamphlet No. 249 (an official monograph).

53. C.I.D. 1193-B.

54. See reference 10, above.

55. R.A.F, monograph, Balloon Defences, 1914-1945 (A.M., A.H.B.).

56. C.I.D. 281st mtg., Minute 8; 283rd mtg., Minute 1.

57. H.D.C. 191st mtg.; H.D.C. 166, 168.

58. C.I.D. 230-A.

59. C.I.D. 279th mtg., Minute 2.

60. C.I.D. 1264-B, 1265-B.

61. CP. (34) 205.

62. C.I.D. 1265-B.

63. C.I.D. 255-A.

64. C.I.D. 294th mtg., Minute 8.

65. See reference 10, above.

Chapter 3

1. C.I.D. 1st-129th mtgs.; C.I.D. 18-A, 44-A, 62-A.

2. C.I.D. 44-A.

3. C.I.D. 169-C.

4. C.I.D. 171-C.

5. C.I.D. 170th mtg., Minute 3; C.I.D. 187-C.

6. C.I.D. 175th mtg., Minute 3.

7. C.I.D. 179th mtg., Minute 4; C.I.D. 212-C, 214-C.

8. Ibid.

9. C.I.D. 157-A.

10. C.I.D. 158-A.

11. C.I.D. 235th mtg., Minute 14.

12. C.I.D. 370-C.

13. Ibid.

14. CP.(34) 64.

15. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. I, p. 12 (A.M., A.H.B.).

16. Ibid., p. 24.

17. Ibid., p. 27.

18. Cab.(37) 33.

19. The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. I, p. 35 (A.M., A.H.B.).

20. Ibid., p. 85.

21. Ibid., p. 8g.

22. Ibid., pp. 54 and 92.

23. Ibid., p. 89.

24. Ibid., p. 92.

25. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 44.

26. Ibid., Vol. I, p. 128.

27. C.I.D. 1518-B.

28. C.I.D. 363rd mtg., Minute 1.

29. C.P.(34) 64.

30. C.I.D. 1148-B.

31. Record of Home Defence Measures (1939), Sect. VI (H.D.S. 3, Cabinet Records).

Chapter 4

1. R.A.F. Narrative, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, Appx. 1 (A.M., A.H.B.).

2. Ibid., p. 57.

3. C.I.D. 280th mtg., Minute 5.

4. C.I.D. 314th mtg., Minute 2.

5. R.A.F. Narrative, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, p. 56 (A.M., A.H.B.).

6. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, pp. 65-70 (A.M., A.H.B.).

7. R.A.F. monograph, Balloon Defences, 1914-1945 (A.M., A.H.B.).

8. The figures in C.I.D. 301-A have been compared with a detailed statement prepared later by A.A. Command. On the whole, agreement is fairly close; but there seems to be some confusion in C.I.D. 301-A between two-pounders and naval 3-1nch guns.

9. C.I.D. 301-A.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (Files of Quartermaster General, German Air Ministry).

14. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I (A.M., A.H.B.).

15. Ibid.

16. R.A.F. Narrative, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, pp. 61-3 (A.M., A.H.B.).

17. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 77 (A.M., A.H.B.).

18. In conversation with the historian, Major T. H. O'Brien (Civil Historian) confirmed that the appointment of Sir John Anderson was a most important factor.

19. C.I.D. 334th mtg., Minute 6.

20. C.I.D. 373rd mtg., Minute 9; H.D.C 332.

21. C.I.D. 358th mtg.; C.I.D. 319-A; H.D.C. 311.

22. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, Part I (A.M., A.H.B.).

23. Ibid.

24. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 99 (A.M., A.H.B.).

25. C.P.(39) 84; (39)91.

26. A.M. Pamphlet No. 249 (an official monograph).

27. R.A.F. Narrative, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, p. 67 (A.M., A.H.B.).

28. Information from Admty. confirmed by Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N. (Military Historian).

29. Record of Home Defence Measures (1939), Sect. VI (H.D.S. 3, Cabinet Records).

30. Ibid.

Chapter 5

1. Air Staff Appreciation dated 3 April 1939 (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 1, Cabinet Office).

2. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (Files of Quartermaster General, German Air Ministry). (See A.L. 3009A.)

3. R.A.F. Narrative, The Expansion of the Royal Air Force, p. 67 (A.M., A.H.B.).

4. See reference 1 above.

5. A.M., A.H.B. II N/99, End. 3A.

6. A.M., A.H.B.-6.

7. Ibid. See also Fuhrer Directives (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

8. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, pp. 96-7 (an official monograph).

9. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (Files of Quartermaster General, German Air Ministry).

10. Figures from Admty. confirmed by Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N. (Military Historian).

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 68 (A.M., A.H.B.).

14. Ibid., Chapter I.

15. Survey of the A.A. Defence of the United Kingdom, Vol. II, p. 154, and supporting documents there cited (A.A. Command). (Confirmed by published sources.)

16. Letters A.H.B.-6--Collier, and A.H.B.-5--Collier, dated 30 March and 25 May, 1951 (A.L. 3009A).

17. Survey of the A.A. Defences of the United Kingdom, pp. 154-7. (Confirmed by published sources.)

18. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, pp. 104-5 (A.M., A.H.B.).

19. Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N. (verbal).

20. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in the Bombing Offensive against Germany, Vol. II, pp. 55-61 (A.M., A.H.B.).

21. W.M.(39) 53rd mtg.

22. C.O.S.(39) 125.

23. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 4. Narrative by Captain G. C. Wynne (Cabinet Office).

24. Ibid.

25. Op. cit. (reference 20), p. 61.

26. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, pp. 210-7 (A.M., A.H.B.).

27. OLD. 300th mtg., Minute 5.

28. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, pp. 25-6 (Cabinet Office).

29. Ibid., p. 26.

30. Ibid., Appx. 4.

31. Ibid., p. 26.

32. Facts confirmed by Captain S.W. Roskill, R.N.

33. Figures from Admty. confirmed by Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

34. Letters A.H.B.-6--Collier, dated 3 May 1950 and 5 June 1950, with enclosures (A.L. 30ogA).

35. Figures are given in General Pile's despatch (including the published version) (L.G. 38149, 18 December 1947).

36. R.A.F. monograph, Balloon Defences, 1914-1945, pp. 195-203 (A.M., A.H.B.).

37. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, pp. 89, 112-3 (A.M., A.H.B.).

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid., p. 115.

40. A.M. file CS. 2433.

41. A.M. file S. 2110, Pt. 1, encl. 19A.

42. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, pp. 107-9 (A.M., A.H.B.).

43. Ibid., Part II, para. 6.

44. A.M. file S. 3553, encl. iA.

45. A.M. A.I.i(K) Report No. 5/1940 (A.H.B. II G/29).

46. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 128 (A.M., A.H.B.); A.M., A.H.B.-6 (Q.M.G's files, German Air Ministry).

47. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 130 (A.M., A.H.B.).

48. Ibid.

49. See Chapters I and II and documents there cited.

50. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 123 (A.M., A.H.B.).

51. Ibid.

52. Ibid., p. 132.

53. Ibid., p. 133.

Chapter 6

1. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 3 (Cabinet Office).

2. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 126 (A.M., A.H.B.).

3. The facts given in this paragraph and the next have been checked with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N. (Military Historian).

4. Wording agreed with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

5. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 129 (A.M., A.H.B.).

6. A.M. Pamphlet No. 249, p. 60 (an official monograph).

7. Ibid., p. 69.

8. Wording agreed with Major L. F. Ellis (Military Historian).

9. A.M. Signal dated 10 May 1940.

10. C.O.S.(40) 119th mtg.

11. Confirmed by Major T. H. O'Brien (Civil Historian).

12. Ibid.

13. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, PP- 29, 31 (Cabinet Office).

14. C.O.S.(40) 390.

15. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 31 (Cabinet Office).

16. Admty. B.R. 1878, p. 21.

17. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 3 (Cabinet Office).

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid., p. 28.

20. Admty. B.R. 1878, pp. 61-76.

21. Ibid., pp. 52-3.

22. Ibid., pp. 23-5.

23. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 28 (Cabinet Office); wording agreed with Home Office.

24. Ibid., p. 29.

25. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, pp. 33-185 (A.M., A.H.B.).

26. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 137 (A.M., A.H.B.).

27. Ibid., p. 138.

28. W.M.(40) 122nd mtg. (1).

29. Ibid.

30. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 114 (A.M., A.H.B.).

31. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, pp. 176-85 (A.M., A.H.B.).

32. A.M. file S. 46368, Pt. I, encl. 56A.

33. W.M.(40) 123rd mtg. (2) (Conf. Annex). Statements made to the historian by Air Chief Marshal Dowding and Lord Beaverbrook confirm that a number of observations attributed in this document to Sir Cyril Newall were in fact made by Air Chief Marshal Dowding.

34. Ibid.

35. W.M.(40) 124th mtg. (1) (Conf. Annex).

36. W.M.(40) 125th mtg.

37. Ibid.

38. Ibid.

39. A.M. file S. 4752, encl. 1A.

40. Note by P.M. on W.P.(40) 159.

41. W.M.(40) 131st mtg. (10) (Conf. Annex).

42. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, p. 281 (A.M., A.H.B.).

43. C.O.S.(40) 390.

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid.

46. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248.

47. Ibid.

48. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, p. 319 (A.M., A.H.B.).

49. Ibid., p. 320.

50. A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/83; A.L. 3009A.

51. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, p. 323 (A.M., A.H.B.).

52. A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/83; A.L. 3009A.

53. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, p. 326 (A.M., A.H.B.).

54. Ibid.

55. A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/83; A.L. 3009A.

56. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. I, p. 145 (footnote) (A.M., A.H.B.).

57. A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/83; A.L. 3009A.


All figures cited for German losses were discussed in detail by the historian with A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S. Ldr. Jackets). See A.L. 3009A.

Chapter 7

1. C.O.S.(40) 390.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. J.P.(40) 418.

5. C.O.S.(40) 390.

6. Production figures from Ministry of Aircraft Production (A.L. 3009A) and checked with those adopted by Professor M. M. Postan (Civil Historian). Forecasts from C.O.S.(40) 390.

7. C.O.S.(40) 390.

8. Ibid.

9. Checked with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N. (Military Historian).

10. Wording agreed with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

11. C.O.S.(40) 390.

12. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P-31 (Cabinet Office).

13. Ibid.

14. Admty. B.R. 1878, pp. 21, 24, 35.

15. G.H.Q. Home Forces C.R.H.F. 1/1074/5 (G) (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, Appx. 5A) (Cabinet Office).

16. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 33 (Cabinet Office).

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid., p. 30.

19. Ibid., p. 33.

20. Ibid.

21. G.H.Q. Home Forces C.R.H.F. 1/1074/5 (G) (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, Appx. 5A) (Cabinet Office).

22. Ibid.

23. File H.S. 47, Annex VII, enclosure dated 9 February 1955 and table attached to it (Cabinet Office, Brig. Latham).

24. G.H.Q. Home Forces C.R.H.F. 1/1074/5 (G) (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 33 (footnote)) (Cabinet Office).

25. C.O.S.(40) 390.

Chapter 8

1. C.O.S.(40) 419.

2. Figures confirmed by Major L. F. Ellis (Military Historian).

3. Figures from Professor M. M. Postan (Civil Historian).

4. G.H.Q. Operation Instruction No. 3 (15 June 1940), para. 13 (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, Appx. 5B) (Cabinet Office).

5. Ibid., paras. 10-13.

6. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 34 (Cabinet Office).

7. G.H.Q,. Home Forces Operation Instruction No. 3, para. 13 (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, Appx. 5B) (Cabinet Office) and historian's 'Ironside' file (A.L. 3009A).

8. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 35 (Cabinet Office).

9. Ibid., p. 35.

10. G.H.Q,. Home Forces Operation Instruction No. 1 (5 June 1940), para. 20 (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, Appx. 5B) (Cabinet Office).

11. Admty. B.R. 1878, p. 65.

12. Ibid., pp. 65-6.

13. Ibid., p. 68; checked with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N. (Military Historian).

14. Sources as for reference 13, above.

15. A.L. 243.

16. Admty. B.R. 1878, p. 68.

17. Ibid., pp. 68-9.

18. Ibid., Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 48 (Cabinet Office).

19. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 48 (Cabinet Office).

20. Admty. B.R. 1878, Chap. VI and Appendices G, K, L.

21. Ibid., and Appendices M, N.

22. Ibid.. Appx. T.

23. Ibid.

24. 'Petroleum Warfare' file (A.L. 3009A).

25. Admty. B.R. 1878, Appx. I.

26. All statements made in this paragraph were checked with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

27. C.O.S.(40) 515, encl. I.

28. Ibid., Annex I, para. 4.

29. Ibid., paras. 5-6.

30. Ibid., para. 8.

31. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 43 (Cabinet Office); total of 700 checked with Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

32. Admty. B.R. 1878, Appx. C; Appx. D, para. 32.

33. Ibid., Appx. D, paras. 31-2.

34. Ibid., para. 21.

35. Admty. Signal dated 7 June 1940.

36. Ibid.

37. Admty. B.R. 1878, Appx. D, paras. 22-6.

38. Ibid., p. 47; confirmed by Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N., and in general terms by Admiral Forbes in conversation with the historian.

39. Ibid.

40. Admty. B.R. 1878, p. 47.

41. Confirmed by Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

42. Admty. B.R. 1878, Appx. E.

43. Admty. B.R. 1878, Chapter V.

44. Ibid.

45. C.O.S.(40) 550, Annex II.

46. Ibid.

47. Admty. B.R. 1878, p. 47.

48. C.O.S.(40) 593, para. 4.

49. R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, p. 474 (A.M., A.H.B.).

50. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I, Pt. Ill (A.M., A.H.B.).

51. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, Chapter V (A.M., A.H.B.).

52. C.O.S.(40) 593, para. 6.

53. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I, Appx. XXXII (A.M., A.H.B.).

54. Ibid., p. 191.

55. Ibid., pp. 217.20.

56. R.A.F. Narrative, The R.A.F. in the Bombing Offensive against Germany, Vol. II, p. 113 (A.M., A.H.B.).

57. Ibid., p. 115.

58. Ibid., pp. 123-37.

59. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 35 (Cabinet Office).

60. Ibid.

61. Ibid.

62. Ibid.; see 'Ironside' file (A.L. 3009A).

63. C.O.S.(40) 195th mtg.

64. Ibid.

65. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45. P- 48 (Cabinet Office).

66. Ibid., p. 32.

67. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45. p. 32 (Cabinet Office).

68. Ibid.

69. Ibid.

70. C.O.S.(40) 498, 604.

71. 'Ironside' file (A.L. 3009A).

72. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 36 (Cabinet Office).

73. Ibid.

74. Ibid., p. 51.

75. Confirmed by Major T. H. O'Brien (Civil Historian).

76. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 49 (Cabinet Office), confirmed by Major O'Brien.

77. Sources as for reference 76, above.

78. C.O.S.(40) 522.

Chapter 9

1. J.I.O.(46) 33 (Final), para. 35; E.D.S./Apprec./6.

2. J.I.O.(46) 33 (Final), para. 34.

3. O.K.W. F.H.Q.. Directive 2 July 1940; F.H.Q.. Directive 16 July 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

4. J.I.C.(46) 33 (Final), para. 37.

5. Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.; R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 406 (A.M., A.H.B.).

6. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 407 (A.M., A.H.B.).

7. Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.

8. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 407 (A.M., A.H.B.), confirmed by Captain Roskill.

9. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, p. 410 (A.M., A.H.B.).

10. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part I (A.M., A.H.B.).

11. A.M. Pamphlet No. 249, Chapter 9 (an official monograph).

12. Ibid.

13. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part I (A.M., A.H.B.).

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 6.

17. Ibid., p. 7.

18. Ibid., pp. 8, 9.

19. Ibid., p. 9.

20. R.A.F. monograph, Balloon Defences, 1914-1945, pp. 203-4 (A.M., A.H.B.).

21. Ibid., pp. 257-74.

22. Ibid., p. 198.

23. Ibid., p. 206.

24. Ibid., pp. 201, 206.

25. C.O.S.(40) 589.

26. Ibid.

27. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 18 (A.M., A.H.B.); Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 39 (Cabinet Office).

28. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. Ill, p. 33 (A.M., A.H.B.).

29. The account is based on The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. Ill, pp. 26-8, and on the report of a lecture given by Dr. R. V. Jones at the Royal United Service Institution in 1947 (Journal of the R.U.S.I., August 1947).

30. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. Ill, p. 33 (A.M., A.H.B.).

31. Compare R.A.F. Narrative, The Campaign in France and the Low Countries, 1939-40, p. 385 (A.M., A.H.B.).

32. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. Ill, p. 32 (A.M., A.H.B.).

33. A.M. letter C.502 dated 1 April 1952, A.H.B.-6--Collier (A.L. 3009A).

34. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. Ill, p. 34, Vol. II, p. 27 (A.M., A.H.B.).

35. O.K.W. F.H.Q.. Directive, 2 July 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

36. Chief W.F.A. Directive, 12 July 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

37. F.H.Q.. Directive, 16 July 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

38. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, pp. 75, 79 (A.M., A.H.B. II Gi/70).

39. Ibid., p. 79.

40. Ibid., p. 76; E.D.S./Apprec./6, p. 71.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

44. Survey by Luftwaffe Operations Staff I.C. dated 16 July 1940. (Translation attached to A.M. letter 01181 dated 23 June 1952 in A.L. 3009A.)

45. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 21 (A.M., A.H.B.).

46. See reference 44, above.

47. Ibid.

48. Ibid.; A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).


Facts and figures taken from A.M. Pamphlet No. 248 have been confirmed by A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets). See also A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/107.

Chapter 10

1. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 29 (A.M A.H.B.).

2. Ibid., p. 30.

3. Ibid., p. 31.

4. Ibid., p. 33.

5. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 43-4; Luftwaffe Situation Report for 10 July 1940, (A.M., A.H.B.-6) (translation in historian's file 'German Sitreps') (A.L. 3009A).

6. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 45; Luftwaffe Situation Report for 10 July 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

7. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 45.

8. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 48; Luftwaffe Casualty Returns held by A.M., A.H.B.-6. (See also A.L. 3009A.)

9. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 50.

10. Ibid., Vol. II, pp. 43-50; Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6). The figure given in The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 4, for 11 July, does not agree with the text or with the sources cited.

11. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 53; Lord Dowding in conversation with the historian.

12. Ibid., Vol. II, p. 55.

13. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, p. 80 (A.M., A.H.B. II G1/70); document cited in Chapter IX, reference 44.

14. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, pp. 77 and 82-126 (A.M., A.H.B.).

15. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

16. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 71 (A.M., A.H.B.).

17. Ibid., p. 75.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid., p. 76.

Chapter 11

1. E.D.S./Apprec./7, p. 4.

2. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), p. 9. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.)

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid., p. 11.

5. Ibid., pp. 11 and 13.

6. Ibid., pp. 11-12.

7. Ibid.

8. O.K.W. Directive No. 17 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

9. E.D.S./Apprec./7, p. 6, Appx. 1 and Map 1.

10. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), pp. 22-3. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.)

11. Ibid., p. 23.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid.

14. E.D.S./Apprec./7, p. 18.

15. Ibid., Appx. 7.

16. Ibid., p. 18 and Map 2.

17. Ibid., pp. 14-15.

18. German War Office, General Staff Q..M.G. Nr. 3000/40 (E.D.S. 14/607).

19. Ibid.

20. 'SEALION 1940' (E.D.S./Apprec./6), quoting General Halder's diary.

21. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), p. 30. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.)

22. E.D.S./Apprec./7, Appx. 9.

23. 'SEALION 1940' (E.D.S./Apprec./6). (See reference 20, above.)

Chapter 12

1. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/26.

2. Ibid.

3. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 125 (A.M., A.H.B.).

4. Compare A.H.B. Translation No. VII/26.

5. The chief sources for the rest of the chapter are:

  1. The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, and supporting documents.
  2. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (translations by A.M., A.H.B.-6 in historian's file marked 'German Sitreps'). (A.L. 3009A.)
  3. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).
  4. Various German maps and other documents held by A.M., A.H.B.-6. (See also A.L. 3009A.)

6. Chart appended to The Air Defence of Great Britain. Vol. II (A.M.. A.H.B.).

7. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

8. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/39, item I.

9. According to the German 'bombing calendar' (held by A.H.B.-6) the number of sorties was either 63 or 65. On 10 August 1940 KG 26 had 66 serviceable aircraft (plus some obsolescent He. 111 Ps). On the same date I/ZG 76 had 37 aircraft of which 34 were serviceable. The rest of ZG 76 were with Luftflotte 3. (Files of Q..M.G. German Air Ministry.)

10. 'Wideforth' according to the bombing calendar; but other evidence shows that Dishforth was meant. There is evidence in the casualty returns and situation reports that Linton-upon-Ouse and Dishforth were to be attacked by KG 26, not KG 30 as one might expect.

11. There is no evidence that Luftflotte 5 had the use of any long-range fighters besides those of I/ZG 76. British reports of 36 aircraft 'in each wave' probably reflect confusion between the number in each wave and the total.

12. Except that there were at least 38 sorties, the evidence of the bombing calendar is inconclusive. But all three Gruppen of KG 30 took part, and could muster 65 serviceable aircraft on 10 August 1940. Hence the estimate of 'about fifty' Junkers 88s is not likely to be far wrong.

13. No. 264 Squadron's claim to the destruction of a minelaying aircraft over the Humber cannot be confirmed, though German reports attest the presence of night fighters (one 'with searchlight') in that neighbourhood.

14. Luftwaffe Situation Report No. 345 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

15. Adolf Galland, in reply to questionnaire from A.M., A.H.B.-1 (Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 37) (A.M.. A.H.B.).

16. R.A.F. Narrative. The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 221 (A.M., A.H.B.).

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid., p. 222.

19. Report by O.C. R.A.F., Kenley (Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 8(H)) (A.M., A.H.B.).

20. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 222 (A.M., A.H.B.).

21. Ibid., p. 223.

22. History of Fighter Operational Training Units (precis). (H.Q,. No. 12 Group, September 1944.) (Copy in A.L. 3009A.)

23. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 225 (A.M., A.H.B.).

24. Ibid., p. 221.

Chapter 13

1. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/39, item II and addendum.

2. R.A.F. Narrative. The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 6 (A.M., A.H.B.).

3. Ibid., p. 390.

4. Ibid., Appx. 37.

5. Ibid., pp. 390-1

6. Ibid., Appx. 9.

7. The main sources for the rest of the chapter are those listed in Chapter XII, reference 5.

8. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 219 (A.M., A.H.B.).

9. Ibid., p. 222, confirmed by Lord Dowding.

10. See especially German maps endorsed 26806, 736/25 and 26 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

11. See especially German map endorsed 26806, 736/27 and Luftflotte 3's report (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

12. See especially German maps endorsed 26806, 736/29 and 30 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

13. See especially German maps endorsed 26806, 736/31 and Luftflotte 3's report (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

14. The raids discussed in this section are exceptionally well documented in the German records held by A.M., A.H.B.-6. For three of the four raids schematic charts which purport to show where every aircraft of Luftflotte 3 delivered its bombload are available. Where small discrepancies exist between the figures given in the charts and those reported by both the German Air Ministry and Luftflotte 3, the authority of the typed reports has been preferred.

15. Luftflotte 3's report (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

16. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, p. 104, para. 65.

17. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 368 (A.M., A.H.B.).

18. Ibid., p. 369.

19. Luftflotte 3's bombing chart (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

20. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 376; Vol. III, p. 46 (A.M., A.H.B.).

21. Ibid., Vol. III, p. 46.

22. Ibid., Vol. II, pp. 397-8.

23. Ibid., p. 392.

24. Ibid., p. 393.

25. A.V.M. Sir Keith Park's Report 1 iG/S. 493 (A.M., A.H.B. II H/243/69A).


Correspondence with A.V.M. Sir Keith Park (A.L. 3009A).

Chapter 14

1. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 46 (Cabinet Office).

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid., p. 47.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid., p. 44.

8. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), p. 23. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.)

9. Ibid., pp. 24, 28.

10. Ibid., p. 32.

11. Ibid.

12. O.K.W. Directive dated 14 September 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

13. Luftwaffe orders in A.M., A.H.B.-6 Doc. 8A 2402 and files of Q..M.G., German Air Ministry.

14. C.O.S.(40) 550; Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 9 (Cabinet Office).

15. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I, p. 226 (A.M., A.H.B.).

16. Ibid.

17. C.I.C. Report No. 100 (N.I.D. Admty.).

18. C.O.S.(40) 721 (J.I.C.).

19. Ibid.

20. Ibid.

21. C.O.S. (40) 300th mtg.

22. G.H.Q.., H.F. Diary, 7 September 1940 (Cabinet Office).

23. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 17 (Cabinet Office).

24. Ibid.

25. Admty., TSD/HS, Vol. I, p. 135.

26. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, Chapter V (A.M., A.H.B.).

27. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in the Bombing Offensive against Germany, Vol. II, Part IV (A.M., A.H.B.).

28. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

29. Source cited in reference 27, above.

30. 'SEALION', E.D.S./Apprec./6.

31. Admty., TSD/HS, Vol. I, p. 161.

32. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, p. 85 (A.M., A.H.B. II G1/70); Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), p. 29. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.)

33. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), p. 33. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.)

34. Ibid., p. 31.

35. Ibid.

36. O.K.W. Directive dated 17 September 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

37. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I, Part III; C.I.C. Reports (A.M., A.H.B.).

38. O.K.W. Directive dated 12 October 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

39. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann), p. 35. (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947, Admty.); O.K.W. Directive dated 10 January 1941 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

40. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I, Part III (A.M., A.H.B.).

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 53 (Cabinet Office).

46. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. I, Part III (A.M., A.H.B.).

47. Admty., B.R. 1878, p. 47.

48. D.O.(40) 44th mtg.

49. Ibid.

50. C.O.S.(41) 161.

51. Ibid.

52. Ibid.

53. D.O.(40) 39th mtg.

54. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P-60 (Cabinet Office).

55. Ibid., p. 61.

56. Ibid.

57. Ibid., p. 62.

58. Ibid., p. 60. See also The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II, pp. 425-39 (A.M., A.H.B.).

59. C.O.S.(41) 161.

60. Ibid.

61. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/107.

62. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

63. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, pp. 120-30 (A.M., A.H.B. II G 1/70), confirmed by A.M. A.H.B.-6.

64. C.O.S.(41) 161.

65. Ibid.


See also correspondence with Lord Alanbrooke (A.L. 3009A).

Chapter 15

1. A.M., A.H.B. Translation VII/26; also list of Luftwaffe Orders in A.H.B.-6 Doc. 8A 2402.

2. Ibid.

3. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, pp. 230 and 380-2 (A.M., A.H.B.).

4. Ibid., p. 402.

5. Ibid., pp. 403-4.

6. The main sources for the rest of the chapter are those listed in Chapter XII, reference 5.

7. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, pp. 406-419 (A.M., A.H.B.).

8. Ibid., pp. 399-400, 419.

9. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 8. (Cabinet Office).

10. Gen. Pile's statement that 'the fixed-azimuth system broke down completely' was published in his despatch. (L.G. 38149, 18 December 1947.)

11. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M. A.H.B.-6).

12. The Duxford Wing claimed to have inflicted big losses on the enemy, but A.V.M. Park objected strongly to its failure to stay near his aerodromes north of the Thames Estuary.

13. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 448 (A.M., A.H.B.); Luftwaffe Situation Report (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

14. Operation 'SEALION' (Assmann). (Supp. to M.I.R., March 1947. Admty.)

15. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, p. 86.

16. Ibid.

17. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, p. 528 (A.M., A.H.B.).

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid., p. 536.

20. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

21. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, pp. 550-1 (A.M., A.H.B).

22. Ibid., p. 553.

23. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

Chapter 16

1. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

2. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, pp. 60-1 (A.M., A.H.B.).

3. Ibid., p. 59.

4. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

5. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 62 (A.M., A.H.B.).

6. Ibid., p. 57-8, and documents cited.

7. Ibid., p. 52, and documents cited.

8. Ibid., file marked 'Lord Douglas of K.' in A.L. 3009A.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid., Vol. IV, Chapter I, Section III.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid., Vol. III, p. 63.

13. Ibid., p. 59.

14. Ibid., p. 66 (footnote).

15. A.M. A.D.I.(K) Report No. 12/1946 (A.M., A.H.B. II G/29).

16. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

17. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 64, and documents cited (A.M., A.H.B.).

18. Ministry of Home Security Key Points Intelligence Survey, 1940 (A.L. 189).

19. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 65 (A.M. A.H.B.).

20. C.O.S.(40) 390.


A.L. 684 (for effects of German air attacks).

Chapter 17

1. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

2. A.M. Pamphlet No. 248, p. 93; A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

3. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

4. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 79 (A.M., A.H.B.).

5. Historian's personal knowledge.

6. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 79 (A.M., A.H.B.).

7. A.W.A. Report No. B.C./G/4 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/4).

8. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 80 (A.M., A.H.B.); Historian's personal knowledge.

9. Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 15 November 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

10. Ibid.

11. A.W.A. Report No. B.C./G/2 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/4); Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 15 November 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

12. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 87 (A.M., A.H.B.); A.L. 684, pp. 64-5.

13. A.L. 684, p. 65.

14. Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 15 November 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6.).

15. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 87 (A.M., A.H.B.); A.L. 684, p. 64.

16. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 87 (A.M., A.H.B.).

17. Ibid., p. 88.

18. Ibid.

19. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

20. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in the Bombing Offensive against Germany, Vol. II, pp. 143-5 (A.M., A.H.B.).

21. File marked 'Lord Portal' in A.L. 3009A (enclosure dated 6 December 1954, item 9, and enclosure dated 14 December 1954).

22. Fighter Command file F.C./S 21441, enclosure 10A (A.M.. A.H.B. II H/240/4/118).

23. Fighter Command file F C./S 22180, minutes 2 and 3 (A.M., A.H.B. II H/240/4/111).

24. Ministry of Home Security Report on Smoke Screens, reference Gen. 1100/30 (Home Office, no date).

25. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

26. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 89 (A.M.. A.H.B.).

27. Ibid., (footnote).

28. Ibid., p. 90.

29. A.M. S.D. 564, Part I, Appx. C (A.M., A.H.B. II Hi/72).

30. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 91 (A.M., A.H.B.).

31. Ibid., p. 92.

32. A.M. Douglas, despatch (L.G. 38404 14 September 1948); conversation with the historian, 1948. See also file marked 'Lord Douglas of K.' in A. L. 3009A.

33. R.A.F. monograph, Balloon Defences, 1914-1945, p. 399 (A.M., A.H.B.). See also file marked 'Sir Federick Bowhill' in A.L. 3009A.

34. Ibid., p. 400.

35. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

36. Luftwaffe Operation Orders and Situation Report dated 30 December 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

37. A.W.A. Report No. B.C./5 (London Diary) (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/3).

38. A.W.A. Reports Nos. B.C./G/2, B.C./G/6 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/4). The basis of the statement about the target in Col. 3 of the table appended to B. C./G/2 is obscure.

39. Ibid.

40. Luftwaffe Operation Orders (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

41. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 94 (A.M., A.H.B.).

42. Ibid.; discussion with Major T. H. O'Brien (Civil Historian).

43. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

44. R.A.F. monograph, Balloon Defences, 1914-1945, p. 401 (A.M., A.H.B.).

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Ibid.

48. Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 30 December 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

49. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part VI (A.M., A.H.B.).

50. Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 22 December 1940 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

51. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (files of Q..M.G., German Air Ministry).

52. Ibid.

53. A.W.A. Report No. B.C./G/4 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/4).

54. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, Appx. 12. Sec also A.W.A. Report No. B.C./G/3 and Addendum (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/4).

55. Luftwaffe Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

56. Gen. Pile's despatch (L.G. 38149, 18 December 1947).

57. C.O.S.(40) 632.

58. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 106 (A.M., A.H.B.).

59. Ibid.

60. Gen. Pile's despatch (L.G. 38149, 18 December 1947).

61. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. HI, Appx. 13 (A.M., A.H.B.).

62. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns and Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

63. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns and Situation Report dated 11 May 1941 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

64. A.M. Douglas, despatch (L.G. 38404, 14 September 1948).

65. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, Appx. 1 (A.M., A.H.B.).

66. Ibid.

67. Ibid.

68. A.W.A. Report No. B.C./G/7 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/4).


A.L. 684 (for effect of German air attacks).

Chapter 18

1. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part II, para. 13 (A.M., A.H.B.).

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid., paras 15-21.

4. Ibid., para. 27.

5. Ibid., Part I, para. 71.

6. R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Chapter VIII (A.M., A.H.B.).

7. Ibid., p. 452.

8. C.O.S.(41) 75th mtg.

9. P.M.'s 'Battle of the Atlantic' directive dated 6 March 1941 (P.M. 408/10. Cabinet Records).

10. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part II, para. 54 (A.M., A.H.B.).

11. Ibid., para. 56.

12. Ibid., para. 55.

13. Ibid., para 59, and documents cited. The planned strength at the Mersey was 104 guns, not 96 (C.O.S.(40) 632 and C.I.D. 3ig-A).

14. C.O.S.(41) 99th and 119th mtgs.; C.O.S.(41) 216 (Annex.).

15. C.O.S.(41) 130.

16. Ibid.

17. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part II, paras. 69-71 (A.M., A.H.B.); Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 4 August 1941 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

18. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part I, para. 60 (A.M., A.H.B.)

19. A.M. Signal X.264 dated 9 June 1940.

20. A.M. file S.2587/XV.

21. F.C. file FC/S.21552, encl. 11A (A.M., A.H.B. II H/240/4/116).

22. Ibid., encl. 6A.

23. No. 11 Group Instructions dated 21 December 1940 and 24 December 1940 (references 11 G/S.500/39/OPS. and 11 G/S.500/13/OPS.) (A.M., A.H.B.).

24. Personal knowledge; R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part IV, paras. 68, p. 93-4 (A.M., A.H.B.).

25. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VI, Appx. IV(C) (A.M., A.H.B.).

26. Ibid., Part IV, para. 51; Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

27. Ibid., Appcs. IV(C) to IV(G).

28. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

29. Historian's personal knowledge.

Chapter 19

1. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (files of Q..M.G., German Air Ministry).

2. Ibid.

3. F.C. file FC/S.24752, encl. 7A (A.M., A.H.B. II H/240/4/112).

4. Ibid., encl. 5B.

5. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part V and Appendices (A.M., A.H.B.); Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

6. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part V, paras. 27-8, 30-4, 37-41, 48-51 (A.M., A.H.B.).

7. Ibid., paras. 38-42. For Bomber Command's attitude see para. 33.

8. Ibid., paras. 43-4, 49, 51.

9. Ibid., para. 47; Luftwaffe Casualty Returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

10. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, p. 63 (Cabinet Office); discussion with Cabinet Office E.D.S. (Mr. Brian Melland).

11. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (files of Q.M.G., German Air Ministry).

12. J.I.C.(41) 317 (O).

13. C.O.S.(41) 276th mtg.

14. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 66 (Cabinet Office).

15. C.O.S.(41) 161.

16. Appreciation dated 1 August 1941 (Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, Appx. 19) (Cabinet Office).

17. Ibid.

18. C.O.S.(41) 283 (O).

19. C.O.S.(42) 84 (O); Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, pp. 81-2 (Cabinet Office).

20. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 82 (Cabinet Office).

21. Ibid., p. 72.

22. Ibid.; see also file marked 'Sir Bernard Paget' in A.L. 3009A (especially encl. dated 8 June 1954).

23. Ibid.

24. C.O.S.(42) 81; C.O.S.(42) 31st mtg. (O).

25. C.O.S.(42) 183rd mtg.

26. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, p. 89 (Cabinet Office).

27. Ibid.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid.

31. C.O.S.(42)439 (0).

32. Ibid.

33. C.O.S.(43) 254; C.O.S.(43) 609 (O).

34. Ibid.

35. W.O. R.A. ic. Brigadier F. W. Rice (A.L. 3009A).

36. Ibid.

37. Luftwaffe Situation Report dated 28 July 1941 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

38. Luftwaffe Casualty Returns and Situation Reports (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

39. A.M. Douglas, despatch (L.G. 38404, 14 September 1948).

40. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV, Part III. para. 55 (A.M., A.H.B.).

41. A.M. Douglas, despatch (L.G. 38404, 14 September 1948).

Chapter 20

1. Milch Documents, Vol. 62: minutes of conference held 21 March 1942 (A.M., A.H.B.-6). (See extract in A.L. 3009A.)

2. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV. Appx. (V) G (A.M., A.H.B.); (A.M., A.H.B.-6) (S/Ldr. Jackets).

3. A.M., A.H.B. Translations No. VII/78, p. 5; VII/79, p. 2.

4. A.M., A.H.B.-6; memo, headed 'Fighter-Bomber Staffeln 1942' (A.L. 3009 A).

5. O.K.W. Signal No. 55 672/42 (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

6. Minute dated 'Berlin, 18 April 1942', from Naval Liaison Officer 'Robinson' to 'M' (translation in A.L. 3009A).

7. See reference 4, above.

8. The main sources for the rest of the section are:

  1. Luftwaffe Bombing and Casualty returns (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

  2. Reports of Naval Liaison Officer 'Robinson' (translation in A.L. 3009A). The figures are not always reliable.

  3. A.W.A. Reports, Series B.C. and B.C./G. The most reliable British figures are those in B.C./18A (A.M., A.H.B. II B 47/314).

  4. A.M., A.H.B.-1/H.Q.. F.C. A.H.S. Paper, 'An Account of Enemy Air Activity against the United Kingdom and Shipping in Home Waters, May 1941 to December 1943'. (Figures not always reliable, but includes a useful list of sources available in 1945.)

9. Memo, by Naval Liaison Officer 'Robinson' dated 16 August 1942 (translation in A.L. 3009A).

10. A.W.A. Reports Nos. B.C./14, 15, 18 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/3).

11. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/78, p. 6.

12. Confirmed by S/Ldr. Jackets (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

13. Ibid.

14. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/85, p. 1.

15. Ibid.; Translation No. VII/45, item 2, p. 2.

16. The main sources for the rest of the Section are substantially those listed under 8 above, but include reports by Angriffsführer England (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

17. A.M., A.H.B. Translation No. VII/45, item 1, pp. 5, 7, 8.

18. Ibid., item 3, p. 4.

19. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (files of Q.M.G., German Air Ministry).

20. Lecture given by Major Leythaeuser on 14 February 1944. (Text with A.M., A.H.B.-6, Doc. 8A. 2588; extract in A.L. 3009A.)

21. Contemporary reports confirmed in November 1953 by A.M. A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

22. A.M., A.H.B.-6 Translation No. VII/45.

23. Letter, Kessler-Jeschonnek, dated 5 September 1943 (A.H.B. Translation VII(37)).

Chapter 21

1. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 91 (Cabinet Office).

2. W.O., R.A. ic, Brigadier Rice (A.L. 3009A).

3. Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, 1939-45, P- 93 (Cabinet Office).

4. Ibid; also Gen. Pile's despatch (L.G. 38149, 18 December 1947).

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Gen. Pile's despatch (L.G. 38149, 18 December 1947).

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid.

10. A.M. Hill's despatch (L.G. 38404, 19 October 1948), and historian's personal knowledge.

11. Historian's personal knowledge. The writer was in 1943-44 responsible at H.Q,., Air Defence of Great Britain, for preparing and discussing with the Air Ministry estimates of German capacity.

12. German document, Ablauf des Krieges von 1 November 1944-31 March 1944 (Chef Genst. 8 Abteilung Az. Nr. 409/33: text with A.M., A.H.B.-6; translated extracts in A.L. 3009A).

13. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (Table in A.L. 3009A).

14. The navigational aids used are mentioned in the document cited in reference 12, above.

15. According to the German report 447 aircraft were despatched out of 462 serviceable, but the intention seems to have been to despatch all serviceable aircraft.

16. Ablauf des Krieges (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

17. Ibid.

18. A.M. Hill's despatch (L.G. 38404, 19 October 1948).

19. Ablauf des Krieges; A.W.A. Report No. B.C./30 (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/3).

20. Ibid.

21. A.W.A. Report No. B.C./30, fig. 5A (A.M., A.H.B. II B/47/3).

22. The author of the Ablauf des Krieges alleges that ground-crews were inefficient.

23. Ablauf des Krieges (A.M., A.H.B.-6).


A.W.A. Reports Nos. B.C./29-33 (A.M., A.H.B.).

Chapter 22

1. C.O.S.(43) 592 (O). See also the published source cited in the second footnote on p. 332.

2. Ibid.

3. C.O.S.(43) 184 (O), 342 (O), 592 (O).

4. The main sources for this section are:

  1. 'The German Long-Range Rocket Programme, 1930-1945' (W.O. M.I. 4/14, dated 30 October 1945, with Supplement dated 27 December 1945).
  2. W.O. file marked 'Collated file of V-2 aspects, 812(A)'.
  3. The two published books cited in footnotes on p. 333.

5. Report of meeting on 17 December 1930 (W.O. file cited in 4(A)).

6. Ibid.

7. Report of meeting on 30 January 1932 (W.O. file cited in 4(A)).

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid.

10. See Chapter XXIII for sources of statements made about the FZG. 76.

11. See translation in A.L. 3009A.

12. 'They were well entertained'--Dr. Gosslau in conversation with the historian and representatives of A.M., A.H.B.

13. C.O.S.(43) 342 (O), 592 (O).

14. C.O.S.(43) 592 (O); R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 3. The reference is to General von Thoma (in conversation with General Cruewell) (A.M., A.H.B.).

15. C.O.S.(43) 342 (O).

16. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 3 (footnote 2) (A.M., A.H.B.).

17. C.O.S.(43) 184 (O).

18. C.O.S.(43) 90th mtg.

19. C.O.S.(43) 189 (O).

20. Historian's personal knowledge.

21. Mr. Sandys in conversation with Professor Butler and the historian.

22. C.O.S.(43) 259 (O).

23. C.O.S.(43) 469 (O).

24. C.O.S.(43) 342 (O).

25. C.O.S.(43) 349 (O).

26. D.O.(43) 5th mtg.

27. C.O.S.(43) 493 (O).

28. Report by Metz dated 8 April 1943 (W.O. file cited in 4(6)).

29. C.O.S.(43) 493 (O); C.O.S.(43) 580 (O).

30. D.O.(43) 10th mtg.

31. C.O.S.(43) 652 (O).

32. Ibid.

33. D.O.(43) 10th mtg.; Lord Cherwell in conversation with Professor Butler and the historian.

34. Ibid.

35. D.O.(43) 27.

36. Historian's personal knowledge.

37. C.O.S.(43) 278th mtg.

Chapter 23

1. Communicated by Dr. Fritz Gosslau, former Technical Director of Argus Motorenwerke. Dr. Gosslau volunteered to give information to British authorities. He was interviewed at the Air Ministry, Cadogan Gardens, by the historian and representatives of the Air Historical Branch; later S/Ldr. L. Jackets of the Air Ministry, A.H.B.-6, visited him in Germany and inspected a number of documents in his possession. Accounts of the interview and copies of the more important of those documents are held in A.M., A.H.B.-6.

2. Ibid.

3. Copy of letter from Robert Lusser to Argus in possession of A.M., A.H.B.-6.

4. Milch Documents (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. War Diary of Flakregiment 155 (W) (A.M., A.H.B.-6).

8. Conference on 12 November 1943 at Battle Headquarters Flakregiment 155 (W). (See translation in A.L. 3009A.)

9. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 15 (A.M., A.H.B.).

10. C.O.S.(43) 580 (O).

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 22 (A.M., A.H.B.).

14. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. II, p. 128 (A.M., A.H.B.).

15. Ibid., Miss Babington-Smith, formerly of Photographic Interpretation Unit, in conversation with the historian (A.M., A.H.B.).

16. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 23 (A.M., A.H.B.).

17. Ibid. (Zempin and Zinnowitz are roughly equidistant from the place in question.)

18. R.A.F. Narrative, Photographic Reconnaissance, Vol. II, p. 24 (A.M., A.H.B.).

19. Ibid., p. 33; A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/4.

20. War Diary of Flakregiment 155 (W) (A.M., A.H.B.-6). (See also translated extracts in A.L. 3009A.)

21. Ibid.

22. A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/4.

23. A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/5.

24. Historian's personal knowledge.

25. C.O.S.(44) 126th mtg., Annex. I.

26. C.O.S. (44) 158th mtg.

27. C.O.S.(44) 461 (O).

28. C.O.S.(43) 760 (O).

29. The facts recounted in the rest of the chapter have been published in A.M. Hill's despatch (L.G. 38437, 19 October 1948). See also A.M. Hill's personal files (A.M., A.H.B.) and R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain (A.M., A.H.B.).

Chapter 24

1. All statements made in this chapter about the activities and intentions of LXV Armee Korps, Flakregimen 155 and their commanders and staffs are based on comparison by S/Ldr. Jackets of A.M., A.H.B.-6, Mr. A. M. Sefi of the Cabinet Office E.D.S., and the historian, of the following sources:

  1. A.L. 1552 ('Heifer's Report').
  2. War Diary of Flakregiment 155 (W) (A.M., A.H.B.-6).
  3. Paper by Walter (United States Document M.S. No. B-689--A.L. 1572). There are manifest errors in the account given in A.L. 1552 of the events of 12/13 June 1944; accordingly in this matter the other sources have been followed. See also Addendum.

2. A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/2/.

3. C.O.S.(44) 513 (O).

4. Ibid.

5. C.O.S.(44) 517(0).

6. Ibid.

7. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 77 (A.M., A.H.B.).

8. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets); but see Addendum.

9. C.O.S.(44) 191st mtg. (O).

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. W.M.(44) 77th mtg.

13. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 85 (A.M., A.H.B.).

14. Figures from A.M., A.H.B.-6 (A.L. 3009A).

15. According to A.M., A.H.B.-6 these bombs, if, indeed, they were launched, would seem additional to those given in the source mentioned in reference 14, above.

16. C.O.S.(44) 196th mtg. (O); A.M. Hill in conversation with the historian.

17. C.O.S.(44) 196th mtg. (O).

18. C.O.S. (44) 197th mtg. (O).

19. Ibid.

20. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 91 (A.M., A.H.B.).

21. Ibid., p. 125.

22. Sources for footnote 2: Dr. Gosslau (see Chapter XXIII, reference 1)-A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

23. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p 89 (A

24. A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/11.

25. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 92 (A.M. A.H.B.).

26. A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/11.

27. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 117 (A.M., A.H.B.).

28. Ibid., p. 93.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid., Appx. 13.

31. Ibid., p. 92.

32. Ibid.

33. C.B.C.(44) 5th mtg.

34. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p . 94 (A.M., A.H.B.).

35. See reference 1, above.

36. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 94 (A.M., A.H.B.).

37. Ibid., p. 119.

38. Ibid., p. 134.

39. Ibid., p. 137 and Appx. 9.

40. A.M. file C.M.S. 599, encl. 9A

41. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 1466 (A.M., A.H.B.).

42. A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/12.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid.

46. See reference 1, above.

47. War Diary of Flakregiment 155 (W).

48. C.O.S.(44) 811 (O).

49. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

50. Historian's estimate based on figures (incomplete) in possession of a m A.H.B.-6.

51. Figures extracted from German records (A.L. 3009A).

52. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

53. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, pp. 287-8 (A.M., A.H.B.).

54. Ibid., p. 249.

55. Ibid., p. 226 and source there cited.

56. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

57. Fighter Command file RH/227, encl. 110A (A.M., A.H.B.) 58. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

58. A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets).

59. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII. p. 299 and sources there cited (A.M., A.H.B.).

60. C.O.S.(45) 51st mtg.

61. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 300 (AM., A.H.B.).

62. Ibid., p. 301.

63. Ibid., Appx. 16.

64. Ibid., p. 143.

65. Ibid., Appx. 10; A.L. 684, p. 165.


Additional light is thrown on the events of 12/13 June 1944 by Cabinet Office E.D.S. Document M.I. 14/843 (v), which had not been studied when Chapter XXIV was written. Especially from pp. 192-4 and 195-6 it appears that the co-operation of the long-range guns was planned, and that the circumstances in which orders were given for the opening of the offensive on the 12th deserve further study.

Chapter 25

1. Statements in this chapter about German organisation, intentions, scale of effort and the like are based on comparison by the historian and the Cabinet Office Enemy Documents Section of the following documents:

  1. Cabinet Office E.D.S. M.I. 14/802 (v) and Supplement ('Pryor Report').
  2. A.L. 1552 (Heifer's Report', viewed with some reserve).
  3. Cabinet Office E.D.S. 808 (v) (A).
  4. Correspondence, Melland-Collier in A.L. 3009A and historian's discussion of points arising therefrom with Mr. Sefi of the Cabinet Office E.D.S.

2. Pryor Report (see reference 1 (a)) and historian's personal knowledge.

3. R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 190 (A.M., A.H.B.).

4. C.B.C.(44) 24.

5. C.B.C.(44) 7th mtg.

6. C.B.C.(44) 32 (O).

7. C.B.C.(44) 9th mtg.

8. A.D.I. (Science) Report dated 27 August 1944 (A.M., A.H.B.). The paper was withdrawn on 29 August. See C.O.S.(44) 290th mtg.

9. For an account of the scheme see R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, pp. 205-25 (A.M., A.H.B.).

10. J.C.C. 6th mtg. 26 August 1944 (A.M. file C.M.S. 599).

11. J.C.C. 7th mtg. (A.M. file C.M.S. 599).

12. C.O.S.(44) 811 (O).

13. Historian's personal knowledge. See also Air Defence of Great Britain Intelligence Review dated 6 September 1944 (A.M., A.H.B.).

14. Historian's personal knowledge.

15. Details of fall of shot and consequent casualties given in the rest of the chapter are based on The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, pp. 228-end, A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/3, and A.L. 684.

16. Historian's estimate.

17. It is within the historian's personal knowledge that some of the supposed points of origin were under water.

18. Historian's personal knowledge.

19. C.O.S.(44) 317th mtg.

20. C.O.S.(44) 323rd mtg.

21. Fighter Command file RH/227, encl. 110A (A.M., A.H.B.).

22. Translated extracts from German reports, in A.L. 3009A.

23. A.M. file C.M.S. 621, end. 38A.

24. Fighter Command file S. 39039, end. 46A (A.M., A.H.B.).

25. Document cited in reference 22, above.

26. C.O.S.(44) 1046 (O).

27. C.O.S.(44) 410th mtg.

28. According to A.H.B. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VII, p. 277, the squadrons added were Nos. 124 and 603. As far as the historian has been able to discover, the explanation of this discrepancy is that arrangements may have been made to use No. 603 Squadron but that No. 451 Squadron was substituted for it. See A.M. Hill's published despatch (L.G. 38437 19 October 1948) and F.C. file RH/247, encl. 20A (A.M., A.H.B.).

29. Figures from A.M., A.H.B.-6 (S/Ldr. Jackets). The detailed reports in the document cited in reference 22, above, give only two dead but eleven wounded, three or four of them seriously.

30. Fighter Command file RH/247, encl. 10B (A.M., A.H.B.).

31. Ibid., encl. 14A.

32. C.B.C.(45) 1st mtg.

33. C.O.S.(45) 83rd mtg.


A.M., A.H.B. II G/133/2/1-13.

Chapter 26

No new confidential sources used.


I Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N., checked by Admty. in 1956.
II R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. I (A.M., A.H.B.).
III Record of Home Defence Measures (H.D.S. 3, Cabinet Records). Author's personal knowledge.
IV Captain S. W. Roskill, R.N.
V See reference Appx. I.
VI R.A.F. Narratives and author's personal knowledge.
VII A.M., A.H.B.
VIII R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 3 (A.M., A.H.B.). Names of Commanders from A.M., A.H.B.
IX Survey of the Anti-Aircraft Defences of Great Britain (A.A. Command). Names of Commanders checked by War Office.
X R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II. (A.M., A.H.B.). German Records in possession of A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XI Document marked Appx. XI in A.L. 3009A. (Figures on last line should read 50. 37.)
XII R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. V (A.M., A.H.B.).
XIII See reference Appx. X.
XIV See reference Appx. X.
XV A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XVI R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III, p. 43 (A.M., A.H.B.).
XVII Document in A.L. 3009A.
XVIII R.A.F. Narrative, The Royal Air Force in Maritime War, Vol. II (A.M., A.H.B.).
XIX Defence Plans for the United Kingdom, Appx. 3 (Cabinet Office).
XX R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 14 (A.M., A.H.B.).
XXI R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. II, Appx. 13 (A.M., A.H.B.). Names of Commanders from A.M., A.H.B.
XXII As for Appx. IX.
XXIII 6th A.A. Division (Report reproduced in Lord Dowding's published despatch) (L.G. 37719, 11 September 1946).
XXIV As for Appx. X.
XXV A.L. 3009A.
XXVI A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XXVII Air Ministry, Air Warfare Analysis Section (A.M., A.H.B.).
XXVIII A.M., A.H.B.-6. Document in A.L. 3009A.
XXIX R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. III (A.M., A.H.B.).
XXX A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XXXI A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XXXII As for Appx. XXVII.
XXXIII As for Appx. XXIX.
XXXIV As for Appx. IX.
XXXV R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. IV< (A.M., A.H.B.).
XXXVI A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XXXVII Air Ministry, Air Warfare Analysis Section (A.M., A.H.B.).
XXXIX As for Appx. XXXVII.
XL A.M., A.H.B.-6 (A.L. 3009A).
XLI A.M., A.H.B.-6.
XLII As for Appx. XXXVII.
XLIII As for Chapter XXIV, reference 13, and Dornberger's published book (cited on p. 333).
XLIV A.H.B. II G/133/2/1-13.
XLV As for Appx. XXXVII.
XLVI A.H.B. II G/133/2/1-13.
XLVII R.A.F. Narrative, The Air Defence of Great Britain, Vol. VI (A.M., A.H.B.).
XLVIII As for Appx. XLVII; A.L. 684.
XLIX A.L. 684; and as for Chapter XXIV, reference 1.
L Official History of Civil Defence by Major T. H. O'Brien.


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